001C98F6 ~ I ps Circulating in $1.00 per year. A Wee'z.y, .4'ews sa gael thy Digyict of West Vaftcouver--Ambleside, Mollyburn, Wefton, Dunclarave Cypress Parle, CauIf&ild, W'l&ytcc/iff, Etc. Newsstands 5c per copy No. 49ol. IV Council Notes C Chznezy v rote in refeience to a stream of water which is t!runnang over (his property on 'Clyde Avenue. Referred tolthe chairman of the board of works. The chairman of the board of works and the engineer were in- structed to send Raine and Jones to clear the trail in'Lighthouse Park at a cost not to exceed $50. The council granted Captain ,Glen'sirequest thatlhe be sup- ,tp]ied with water on semi-annual i rates quoted in the'by-lav. for ~vaterworks operation inllieu of meter ~ rates from '1st January and further that (to place him on terms of equality with all other water consumers), as soon as the lpipe could be proved in good condition, the same be re- purchased up to Captain G]en's boundary at the price quoted ir: Il the engineer's report of 10th April,'1928. '" In reference to the complaint of Magnus Ross against storm water on D. L. 783, EVQ& Block 15,:Lot 2,'the council ruled that , this was not a corporation duty and that he be so notified. ~An exye.-.(]".me avi,- e:-ee( fry $45 was authorized for repairs to'HaywopdsAvezzue East as ap- plied for by 3~Irs. V. Haslam. - In reference to the application of J. S. Yates, Hartley and other residents for repairs to Bellevue between 14th and 15th Streets, north of the P.G.E.'tracks at a cost of $ 52.50 for a gravel dress- ing they were advised'that the road svou]d:receive attention in its turn. The ayy]icatipn of the Misses Tristram for a one inch meter main connection tp their build- ing at EVest Bay divas granted. The matter of surface improve- ,ment on 19th and Duchess to 18th Street at a cost of $110.00 was referred to the chairman of the board of works and the eng- ineer with power to act. RELAY RACE The P.T.A. are sponsoring a relay race to be run on 24th May from Caulfei)d to the coz'ner of 14th and ihlarine Drive between 6 boy teams from the high, Pauline Johnsoa and Hollyburn schools. T. E. %. Russell has donated a very fine silver chal- lenge cup standing 15 inches high which will be held for the year by the school whose team wins the race- Si~ beautiful sil- ver individual cups have also been donated for the members of the ivianing team, which wi]1 be held by them in yerpetuity. Those who kindly donated these cups al'e; James Jeff'eries and G. J. Murch, Ambleside Tea Rooms lV. J. Turnbu)1 George Reid and J. Normand K Ray The iVenzbers of the West Van. Police Force There will be vaudeville in ad- dition to the usual movie yictur- es at the Hollyburn Theatre «ext Tuesday evening. SIX PAGES 4HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, FEB. 21st, 1930 Is ~ . i[I Io 3 E. A. CI.EVELAND GIVES/franSpurtatiun anl]~the LIOnS ~Ca«'Psri~ge Transportation matters on. the North Shore came in for On Tuesdayevening, February Thecouncil advised General V. ntl at the C]achan Hotel, when 18th, ilIr. E. A. Cleveland, chief 4V.'Od]um that an agreement ofcommissioner of the G~~~t~~ sale of Ithe members of the West Vancouver Board of Trade and a Vancouvei. ~vater Dist,ict, gave L. 430,-for the sum of $4,764.00 delegation from the Nozth Vancouver Board were the guests a vez~ interesting and instruc- would be approved by them on of Mr. V. Nightingale. I~itive talk, "The AVork pf the the terms of one-fourth cash; ested as a so]ution to 'reater Vancouver AVater Dis- balance six, twelve and eighteenThe North Vancouver delegates sugges e as o „ t ict." -- =- . -,months at the usual rate of int-North) Shore transportation difficulties that our ferries be i service on Marine This AVater District was creat- erest. An early reply was re- scrapped and a fleet of buses be placed in, service on arine Drive from Horseshoe Bay to North Vancouver to connect wi ed in 1924 d d 1925 T the North,Vancouver ferries, this fleet to be joint]y owned District in 1g26 consisted of The secretary of the Squamis m rove tzans- South Vancouver. to the council to attend the con- ]1 d b th three North Shore municipalities. 4Uhz]e .Vancouver, ppint Grey and Indian puncil sent an invitation ~. l a]ways,wz]]zng to get behind any sche e o p o r , I portation in our owrr and our sister, municipalities, the above The District purchased the appears to contain objections of- such alserious nature as'to,water supply systems of lthe render it unwise for us even to think of entering upon it. Such mern ei municipalities. a scheme would~undoubted]ylhe]p the slowly decreasing lev- - It was difficult to supply suf- special meeting that v enues of the North Vancouver ferries. It.wou]d mean', how- ficient water for the low,period ever, that we would be jointly with NorthiVancouver City and in August and SePtember, so it The app]icatipn of A H Phl] District issuing bonds for buses over which we . would I have; was decided that one of the ]Ips fpr a stre~t ]ight pn High only joint conti'ol to connect'with a ferry, system over which mountain lakes should be used lt]and Street was placed on the we wou]d have no control at all except in so far as. we could for storage. I~ light file. enter into an agreement of a few years as to rates, etc. Even 'Both Burwe]] Lake and Lpch suchIan agreement might" cause considerable friction in the Lomond could be used as resel'- L'tte~ were received frpm G event of a continuance of a decreasing revenue onlthe North) .voirs for. Seymour lCreek,and Vancouver ferries. -=-= . Palisade Lake 'or Cayilano ( F Or]an(]le supporting ~ -- Creek. Again,, admitting&the possibility of i such a system)being '- Ball at Horseshoe Bay. able to provide transportation at as cheap a rate as we enjoy 'A]]~these mountain lakes& are at present,with our own transportation system, whichlis ex- very |deep. Burwe]] 'being 240 Captain Snoddy's verba] app]i tremely doubtful, what about the scrapping of our fen'ies and f«t deep They are in rock cation for access was referred to buses".There is sti]]~a'large amount outstanding, on bonds bow]s,with one thin side. Below, the chairman of the board. of issued for them, and; both'buses and&boats having been built gthe surface of Burwell Lake 137 works and'the engineer for his egress]y'or'our needs,'hey~wou]d fetchI at'a sale nothing, «et a'«nnel 600 feet long was, report. .like a sufficient-sum-„-to meet- the; bonded -indebtedness put -" I']»ver-.. „The cpxltr".('-ter„-wras to'tandingagainst'them.' take'the tunnel to within 15 feet The Millard and Co]es'erba from the i Thirdly, and most important, we are)of-~thetopznzonl and The tunnel is lined with a co - and the engineer with powez. toVancouvel felries than our.town, becauselof tttheir gleatel =- Ib ]kh d S t b t taken from &the bottom~of this Our only wise plan wou]d appear to be tp continue our ferry .]"ket is thought to have tbeen, '. T. i%a]]inson asked for re-system,withrmore'boats, if necessary. l'So far,as the buses t]iere since the ~]acia] period It pairs to Inglewood Avenue, east are concelned,'he Pacifi Stages ale to submit a net schedule aliis vel.y Ifne grained, and quite of 11th Street. The mattel was )~of times and Prices within thirty. days of, the oPening'f the,highly co]ored. referred to the chairman of the new Capilano bridge. il Shou]dlthis schedule not appear satis- = Loch'Lomond was also tunnel- t~ board of works and the engineerfactory, we could'lthen consider, the question of extending oui 'ed in case of emergency,,with power to act. , present municipa] l bus system to & Horseshoe 'Bay to! connect ~ Seymour and Capilano are both„,with our ferr'es. " known as "flashy" streams'Cap- The question of roads guaran- All these Plans thowever, are leally only begging, the i]ano having giveri as low as 28 tlt~d maintenance was Irefemed t~ question of our. transPortation difficulties instead of solving it. cu ft per secpnd ~ If it were npt, to the chairman of the board of lWe can build more ferries and buy more buses, I but at best fpr the I ]ake stpz'ao'es the g a]ue . works and the engineer. They , they are only stop gays, FOR THE ONLY REAL'OLUTION of the creeks as sources of water were also instructed to consult A BRIDGE OVER THE FIRST NARROWS. That and that supp]y.wou]d be simply the ]ow wit =-.. alone will provide adequate transportation not only for YVest ~vuatez f]p v traffic by-law if necessary. ~ 'ancouver, butithe whole of the&North Shore.'0ne~g]ance pa]isade'Lake is Spp feet deepatlthe Imay wi]]limmediate]y revea]ithe strategical position d zzsed tp re u]ate Ca;]a„o The dance hall ilicense atwhich such a'bridge ~vpu]d hold as regards the North Shore. „I~~ f]o~v ca„„o,v be legu]ated tp Hpl'seshoe Bay as applied for byA 'Lions'i Gate abridge would fromm its position provide the ~l, pp ppp ppp galio„s da~&, Joseph Rogers was granted.shortest route to Vancouver for all those residents living be- tween Horseshoe Ray and Pemberton Heights. create~'a reservoir in Seymour BETTER ROAD ON The Second Narrows bridge would do the same for all those and~ another in t Capilaao by THE NORTH SHOREothers whp reside on the North Shore east of that section of means of&dams. The propose(1 North Vancouver. City. dam of Seymour will impound Fo]]owing a conference with It will be part of our fight for the Lions'iGate bi.idge tp 55,000 acre feet. Ald. Jack Loutet of North Van- convince the people of our sister municipalities of. the value of = Above Capilano the watershed cpuver, Hon. N. S. Lougheed, such a bridge to them. Meanwhile it can only be a mattel of has an alea of about 60 squale ministel. of pllblic wozks, has a- a few years before we get pur bridge, because trade and traas- jtl ' "d' 'm " 59 greed to include $25,000 in~ the pozCation always follow the shortest route. -- 'quare m']es T"e tot~] wat 'ublic works estimates for the shed area is 127 square miles, of construction of another link inJ'hich the AVater District now the road from Nprth VancpuverSCHOOL ESTIMATES ~ DUNDARAVE LADIES', c(ntrols 95%, having leased the to EVest Vancouver. The roa'DOWN $524.40 i(~CHOIR'N VICTORIA 'rown Lands and purchased which wi]] be between Forbes FESTIVAL practically 12,000 acres. Avenue and Keith Road, will in- The school estimates for 1930, ---- . The watershed has been so elude the diversion through the which were approved by the, The 'Dundarave Ladies'hoir cr.z efu]]y protected that there counci]i on. Monday evening, a I under the'leadership of EIrs. F., has been no need for chlorina- st aighten out the highway. mount to $53,789,60 as compared ~. Hodgson,intend representing,'l tion of the water with $54,314.00 l in 1929, a de- &Vest Vancouver at the Victoria Some interesting items re]o- croase pf $524.40. This reduction iI Musica]i Festival this year, an« tive to the water supply system mates is a]1 the more in ~dd~t~o~ to theiz con cro(litab]o to the board of school ore busy preparing for this event Greater Vancouver )Vater Ds- To questions 5Ir. Cleveland trustees in view of the fact that which takes place in May ti ict were also mentioned by ilIr. Said that Ho]]vburn Ridge was some 3 years',, insurance policies not in the Waferboard's area,hove to be renewed this year, GIRT. GUIDES Twointakesbuilt,oneln1908 "' f Eo le Lake wasm~~t~~g 19/0 ovoi loca] association 'f the l Gl'1 $ 1,000 abp that paid last year. Guides wi]] be held at St. Steph The pipet]aid in 1888 is still nec ssary to fi on s parish gall next wednesday, used at Stanley Park ros l'v '.'he water. ~~ Tl „plic co ission was re- 2Gth instant, at 7.30 p. m. A full The pressure on this old pipe is Reeve Leyland proposed a vote uestod to give special supelvls- attendance of yal.eats and those loweled «t Ilight when no wa el. hanks tp i'll. C]eie]and fpl- ioa to Horseshoe Boy during the interested in'uide work would is being used, summer months. be appreciated. Pipes in Seymour and Capilano a very. illuminating lecture. l