001C98FC ~ II I A We :4'eiVS, ia gael. '» Ct'rculatingin, th'e District of» H est ji $ ].OQ, pcz year. Cppress Par Vancouver--A m.bleside, '-Ho'(i@burn, Weston, Dundarave Caulfei ld, Whytecliff, Etc. -Ncw'ztnndz 5c ver Cm&y ol. IV, SIX PAGES AHOI.LYBURN 'P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., 'FRIDAY, MAY,, 9th, 1930 No. 50 ew'Capilano Bridge Officially Opened Alderman Miller Hopes to be Present at 'First Narrows Bridge Opening. A large crowd of people assemb)ed on the Marine Drive at Capilano on Saturday afternoon when.Premier S.'F. To)mie ! Itin the presence'of some of the most, prominent public men ia the province officially opened the mew Capilano 'bridge. I The bridge and highways io it were decorated with flags and bunting in honor of the occasion, and there was a very large number of,v'isitors'utos drawn up ontthe'roadway in the vicinity of the bridge. At 8 p. m. Reeve J. B. Ley]and mounted a temporaly: p)ai;- form on the eastern'ide of the bridge and~ we)qomed the Premier and Mrs. To)mie. Premier Tolmie complimented the citizens of West Vancou- ver and its officials for their efforts to make the bridge possible and paid tribute to the energy and skill of those in charge of its construction. He also enumerated the benefits which wou)c]ijI fo))ow'erectiontof the span and 'the inew era of municipal growth which it heralds. A'ibbon I across the roadway at t the i eastern end i of the bridge.was then cut by Mrs. To]mie andIthe last rite of the official ceremony ended. Mrs. I.eyland, and little Miss Doreen 'E)gar, presented Mrs. Tolmie with bouquets on behalf of the $ municipality. 'Following the ceremony the official guests proceeded a)oiig Marine. Drive in autos to,Whytec)ifflPark, a stop being made at the Memorial "Arch,'on which Mrs. To]mie placed a wreath. At the Park the reeve and council were the hosts at a reception followed by a luncheon,'t which a number of toasts were given. . Reeve J. B."Leyland in proposing the toast to the yrovinci: al government, statedlthat one day Vancouver would:,"extendfjl from the'Fraser River,'to Hollyburni Ridge. The fact of the completion of the new and peimanent bridge over the Capi)ano was one of the signg,that West.„Vancouver was growingtup, but we shou)d$aefer 'for et)the pioneers like John Law~n, John Kart, Go]oneLWhyte and others;,wmo had ]aid&the muni- cipa]& foundations wel]~ and truly. In view)of the fact. that 90% of the traffic'sing Marine Drive did not belong to West Vancouver, he hoped that before long it ~you]d be classified as &~a first class arterialfhighway ~by the government. He also hoped to see it extended to Powell River in one direction andlIi in another as far as Squamish and the Cariboo. Premier S. F.'To]mie in reply stated that lhe ~vas much 'mpressedwith ithe excellent management which lhad bee:i $ displayed in the conduct of the afternoon's proceedings. Everything had-beeii thought of even down to the decoration of the tables;,the beauty. of,whichtwas in keeping ~vith~the,wonder- fu]'vieiv of Howe Sound. He cou]dInot help comyaring condi- tions in the province now with what they were sixty years ago. Today, we had 22,000 miles of road, yWe were getting $82,000,- 000 a year from the salmon" industry; $78,000.000 from'agri- culture, '70,000,000 from our mines; $90,000,000 from the forest; and $78,000,000 from the tourists. 'He referred to the latter particularly, as good'oads were I the 'irst essentia]& in attracting tourists, and'his government,were doing all in their pow'er, in this direction.- He stated there were good prospects ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ,l of a'eryi)arge mineral development':,uy,coast,'but:he cou]dil say.nothing further ori this subject at present. I~. g4 ~ Hon. N. S.'Lougheed, minister of public works,"discussed the new. Cayi)aao bridge andi]ooked'for the Marine Drive to become port of a'highway to cxtendito Powell River in[one'll direction andi to Haze]ton in the otheridirection. iWe were 'deriving 7% from our expendituies in'highways,~the highest return of any provincial'undertakings. Coumci))or Jackman in yroposing the health of the guests said. that West Vancouver twas: to & be I congratu)ated] on'he many men prominent in many walks of life who had sacrificedi)l ., their time to be present on the occasion of the bridge opening. 'He ran into many people in the course of his business and in speaking of West Vancouver he ahvays quoted that portion of the scriptures which said",Come and see." Alderman Miller of Vancouvei, speaking on behalf of Mayor, Ma]kin, expressed the regrets of the latter at being unable tn be present. Vancouver needed the Capi)amo bridge more than,)1 West Vancouver and he hoped to come over again and officiate'atthe opening of a bridge over, the First Narrows. Mayor Morden state(1 how much'he had enjoyed the day' proceedings. and endorsed Reeve Leyland's wishy that the Marine Drive would be taken over entirely by the government. Ex-Reeve V. V. Vinson stated he had had much to do with,),'ngineersand contractors andi therefore he was very pleased'o propose the toast to them. The provincial engineers from the deputy minister down were al) Irishmen, honest men who Ijknew their job, but terribly hard boiled . He had been present at the opening of the previous Capi]ano bridge in j 1915; and just recently at that of the Longview bridge over the Columbia River. The toast was replied to brief]y by Pat Philip, deputy min- ister of public works, and by W. Ellis. Pat Maitlund, minister ,, without portfolio, proposed the health of Reeve Ley]anc] anc] , the. West Vancouver Council.'etweenthe toasts Reeve Ley]and presented Airs. Tolmie with a beautiful silver vase inihonor of, the occasion, andl'rs.F.'. Hodgson and Aubrey Clarke gave vocal selections, (Continuecl oii'age 6) 1 Notes Horseshoe Bay. Cost of installa- tion $70 and of monthly account S5 to be charged in equal sums to board of works, waterworks, and po)&ce department. The Engineer reported on: 1.'Bridge over Nelson Creek. oat $ 172.00. An expenditure not over this sum authorized. 2. Steam roller. Now permit: ted to operate on old steam pres- siue rating. Filed. 8. J. F]ett's ~]etter re corner 2Gth and Bellevue. Referred a- gain to engineer. Power to act. The Foreman reported on: l. A. Zie]ski. Culvert 1425 Inglewood, Cost $ 12. Approved. 2. H. Stoddart, ~ 6th Street. Cost of clearing away rubbish left by contractors $50. An ex- penditure not over $50 authoriz- ed.: 8. H. M. Jaggard. Improving Be]]evue West of 25th Street. Coat to 27th Street $200.00.'ost to 26th Street $ 100.00. An ex- penditure of $ 100 authorized. 4. O'laud Purchase 555-15-6 S: I'7. Cost of culvert $5. App]icant (I had already spent $25 .'Expendi- ture of $5 authorized. 5. P. Stubbert 480-48-8. Cost of culvert $10. Approved under , cu]vert resolution. Applicant to'e notified. 6. Mrs. F]ett's complaint a- II~gainst obstruction on Bellevue Avenue,:wi)] be complete]y re-.. moved when avenue is regraded. . Approved. t A donation of $25 was made to lt the Children's Aid 'Society of * Vancouver. The request was granted oi the town-planning commission for authorization to expend $10 . on incidenta]s re zoning by-laws. Aatexyenditure not over $40 was authorized on the Piccadilly work'applied for, by QiIrs. Her- sharv. " CHORAL SOCIETY BROADCAST ii Comments on the broadcast by the West Vancouver Choral So- 4ciety continue to be heard and 1 it is very evident that the pro- gram gaie the utmost enjoyment to a]l listeners.= The most frequent comment is a cluery as to why we cannot have similar programs more of- ten. =- It is plain that West Vancou- ver was advertised in a gratify- ing manner by the efforts of the Choral Society. ow ) e Considerable interest is being shown in the big relay race whichl takes place on 24th May.It has been c]ecided that the '. sta& tjng point will be at Caulfei]d anc] i the ~ finishing point at the corner of 14th Street. The com- petitors are well forward in their training anc] there should be lots of excitement anc] a large croivc] along i&Iai.ine Drive to boost the l 1 i ll liers. Support Hospital Sunday. Horseshoe Bay, Why tee]iE -.Showing-at the extreme right the starting place of the Bowen Island - Whytec]iff Ferry SUNDAY %'EEK TO BE a..CounciHOSPITAL SUNDAY W. B. Thomas and G. I. Clarke idea it is that it will become m ll on(of $25 was made for thisannual afI'air. The Horticu]tura] IIi Society have 'aken charge and organized a concert in this con- IItnection, which wi]] be he]d the A Petition was rece'ved from ~I,pre~ious evening,'aturday 17th Mrs. E. Foster aiid twenty-three instant, 'n Dundarave Ha]]..A]l other residents asking for an the artist.,t klngIpart wul be ten ion of the ferry bus semlce from West Vancouver and.wi]1 'o Caulfeild. They were advised give their services free, and no that the matter~of transyorta- & charge is t being made for the tion throughout the municipality ha]] by Ex Cpuncil]pr Ray 'Ad was at Present under considera- "niission,wi)] take the form of a s donation of flowers or, plants in- ) stead] pf nipney,These wi]] 'e taken'to'North Vancouver Gen- from the North Shore Baseball eral Hospita]'by voluntary help I.eague ito 'attend the oPening ,„cxt dn„,Hc„ th n~ ll game on Wednesday,'7th May, ospi~a] Sunday.'y The whole, at Mahon Park. Councillor El- idea is a good one and wi]1 un Iigar will represent the reeve and I'doubted]y meet with the hearty council on this occasion. 'upport! of 'all liest IVancouver residents.' John A. Burns and twelve Iit others petitioned the council ask- iiig that steps~beItaken to pre-j .. =, vent. the annual freeze-up of theELECT OFFICERS" water service in the area be- @ (p~blI)~ tween 14th and'6th Streets. They were advised that the mat: The iannua]l meeting. of ithe ter. is under consideration. ~West Vancouver Scottish Society , wasiheld atfthe Clachan on Fri- ~&E. P. Davis on behalf of C. F. , Il c]ay, 'April 25th,,when jthe elec: Fearnside sent a subdivision plan .Ation of officers took place. The of 768-540 acres-4. Referred ~to 'ollowing are the members of the ]Ithe solicitor for commeiit.=- new executive: 'Hnn; President--Mr. John Harte 'eferrecf.to l'oi'eman: 'President--Vtfr. John McEwan, -- 1. 'E. S." Gamage (verba]) Ito gVice Pres.=Mr. Duncan McDon- reyort estimated'ost of Path from Capi]ano River w'est. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Secretary--'Miss Philip,-- =2. Mrs. R. K Cripps. Grading Asst. Sec.:Mrs. J;.Allison, ~ 25th Street from Nelson to g~.casurer--Mr. Robert Kinloch Pa]merston; RePort cost. '.ibrarian--Mrs. 'Nightinga]e '. Opening Ottawa 'lso re- Rev.-E A Pianist--Miss Frame,= Auditors=Messrs.'hisholm and - N. J.'arson. Gravel for E]gar. Bay Street. Report.~ 5. G. Konings„,access'555-11- AFTERNOON BRIDGE 1"... Repo~. = BY I, 0 D, E 6. M. Bulkley, Street improve-ment and sidewa]k, 25th Street~ The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E.',~isIgiving an afternoon ridge next Thursday afternoon, 7.! S.'Heasman, corner Bay and '15th instant in the Le ion Mem Keith, brush and stones. RePort. oiia]'ha]] in~aid of the furnish- Referred to Engineer: ~ ~ ting fund~ofithe loca]Ibranch of . R. H rrison,'burst pipe,1.B.R Ha l~ the Legion P]ay.wi]ll st~% at Haywood between 25th and 26th West 426Y or Mrs. Mc ~~g~~, water meter Reyort In'tyre, West 462R Ad'mls's'ion ls 3 J. A. MCKay, building ]inc ,I during tea for non-y)ayers. 4; Mrs. Repmo]ds, fill 58=6-8. (CONCERT 'BY i GIRL GUIDES ~.ight of wc~y~'. H. Thorpe. To arrange forThe 2lld West Vancouvel Com- te)eyhone instalment at Thorpes,pany of the Girl Guides is giving a concert in St. Stephen's parish ha])~ next 'Friday, 1Gth instant, at 8 p. m. The program includes @y]ays, a pageant of the Empire,'ecitationsand music. Admission adults 25 cents, children 15 I',; ce»ts. THE RIG RELAY RACE ON 24th ilIAY