001C98FC THE ]WEST hVAN) NEWS G February 2S, 1980. . I S! ]t~pQe!ep )] "'i L. o. B. A: i io:.:, 'i:isuccesful )vhist drive at the home)I "t 't ') t jf'WORED" AND.'WHITE STORES II Street, last I Saturday,) evening.o' ,I DUNDARAVE HOLLYBURN Miss Waterfield, whi]e Mr. John-,I" Phone: ]voot ~4~99 )tth ood h]otioo" it)]]o'nt]em»en, Mrrss. zi'vs@as and zan. i'Ila EF'FE RIES 'UPERIO~ TheSe are paly a feW pf pnI gppd'te the cahrmds. 'Am th e I $Government'InsPect d'o Sn]r]yeptIpnS fpI tit 'I) present )were: Mrs. 'F.'ivers, Mrs. kW. Car]ey,i Mrs. J.; Duck- ~l )Two Stores for youi service), , &'Fridayo and Saturday, Feb. ZStlI March 1st I, wo'th ]]Irs ]]farrah, Mrs. Nicol, ',L b~, --,= i vea]Ilirs. Bri tton, ': Mrs.= Den)t]son',; -- IIpllybijm I Stprp tp +St-'3]I and a]] i &1 h'tta]ter, the'Misses B.'and M. )] Pork'i t) ]ted )'hito Poo)iikio, ver I t]o Too)otooo, 3«o i Duckworth, Mrs. Prowers] andtjtI Lt-- --, "~'"o'up ~"p'plVV)eSt 3032'b. tin'........................... 14c All I'or 48e,, Miss Waterfie]d j of &Vancouver, I ~ ]]on'o eh]choo soodw)oh, II.,)~iessrs. iiWhittaker, 'M. Britton'Pricot JanI,'abob, 4 lb. ~4c II Ha -i. PChateau. Cheese, per packet 22c '1(eft q„qvhite iqiatches, per " -- 'y P ke, Buud e Parker. Everything, for the Building.Domestic ShortenIng, per carton 2Sc pp+j+]~+1„$+nt]„]3 ~QQ„]„~~ iPickles, Sweet ihIixed or Sweet -t 2 lb. t .... "........--.....--.... 28 .IT]T 'E 1 9'ustard,,lotco 33 oz. ioto-- potty goo)i .......... 3 oakoollso jt t !LJSe~ll]t IAeCiP)eS] v-us 3 rolls 23c I, l hoicl purposes, 2~ lb. s~~l- $ 1.0 Lamatco -- i Gyproc: I P]aster Board IIl'eanut'ookies lI Beaver Board -- Shingles ~ o( ~ ~ I », ~ I i' egg . 'I W,.eSt '$90) '$680 ~Iarrire &DZrVe, /,teaspoon salt ~, 'It 4a~idence Phone: West 368L. 2 cups chopped peanuts)II &/3'up mi]k .=- =- I,, „= -- -- -- g ~ 'gnorance Is 8 iss 2 teaspoons lemon juice -- " i' = . = ~. ='~ . The]sweet gir]]graduate was~ !]Cream'butter and sugar, addi' (WhrmSICal f]ReVIew I t tSbeingtshowni through the'loco: ~ )Ibakipg,powder and'salt, addI,tp ~=- -- = = -~ ",What=-islL that enoimous Ik== first mixture alternate]y,with~ Heard Last Week = t thing?," she asked. milk, then-'dd'hopped yeanuts He: '-'That man has) a'ovely, "That," I exp]ainedl,the 'uide ancl'lemon juice.']Drop on reasedii saxaphone, hasn't he?"~ ~ = "is a locomotive boiler."%i--= o' e m ' = =-- -- . d-'9']i baking sheet by, the spoonful and Him: 'Yes, he paid four hund: --- "And.why do'heyl boil']loco-"SCCiRX Mtf RS i ~dip*]I )t]slo g, j) bake from 12 to 15 minutes. e,",]t . =-- motives?" she insisted.He: ',",Gee,j. that's 'a 'l']Pt tof "To make the engine tender.";.Page/ E~ggQQII „Per dPX „Qgg R k C k s4 'ALL NEW; L'AID) I )) „~~ 2 t -- „b k,. ---- -- ---d The;Vicar,was talking,very g teaspoon salt ~ - severely I to'one of the younger were swapping t lies. about, theirDelivered today from avis'"I'arm, 11th and Mathers, '+, " -- .,II members of his flock. "William,"i,'uP u er an 'r mixec I) ihe said,"I'have'been'hearing sto ~A .old &had been list- 0 / u ]IIgood tp eat."II „', ',I] Milk enough tomake very stig y--=-- - '. ' .-- . -- -, === ~'-,'Got a radio old man?" asked b tt -"-= ---~ =- P' ' - g.~ - pneof thedrumm,~ Sift into a'bowl, flour,'bakingt thii.d'inWDitt] .:=How? ea i ou&-' Yeah, replied the oldife]]ow.) TRANSPORTATION ll all public con eyances, eI;wi]1Il,yo,vder and, salt Rub in shorten--") "n = h,,thi q,', ~ " go ga little twp-tube"-affair.then receive regulation rates onp ing with itiys )of fingers.- Add -- .1]. -" . '" ' '-'.. - 'It's&a pretty good~one though."The Editor,. a satisfactory,,)mileage i)basis, ]]sugar'currents and,mi]k envougq I]„'W.. ']])gr)~ unea5)]y~ =. "Can you tune out these little West~Van News; . -. which should compare very. fav- tp make stig batter .Dro b the "y'pn - e ] e~ 'med statipnstwith it?" & y, giati- orab]y (with pui present fei'iv spoonful in buttei'ed, pans 'and' .ve gp a mp prcye e ~- ",Well, I was l~~te~~~g 'toj a fying, to'learn from your last fares. =' ]Ibake in moderate oven.=;-~ 7quartet ithel other night an 'I issue of the West Van News that = Our little. ferries have )giveni'. - ~ The,Me~&&&M]]k'ma]d]II ]]]did»'t]tike the itenor i so'tI just the North Shore Boards of Trade i)us ~wonderfu]] service, but»they II]Oatmeal'Cookies)II ~, tuned him out and" listened to the ai e getting together on tiansyor- 're holding back the i growth of claughtei,was coming up the lane. ~ ~ people wou]d, make their]homes III / cups oatmealI. It was'ather. disaypoin ing, . I She,was clad ini grimy. overalls, Two] sma]]lboys, staring 'in', however, t the,suggestion from ' here but dislike the ferries andI'j, cup brown sugar from the Pockets of which bulg- jtjbarber shop, window in I ondon' f h d 1 I th t after all how many of the faith- -' on-sa t ed huge buneheslof waste„and y ealnestly. ]Ookedllon as the bal=l r o f rri ' b,;, fu] users rea]ly re]ish'ravelling /. cuy sho tening d sundry wren hes and Pliers. In aber went over his customer's hair" 1 dIIl nn]],theme'during )tgeg~vrnter I(butter, or lard) p= "her hand was a dirty saehel ratt- with a singeing tore'West iVancouver to ]be rep]aced' l = = --. 1/&,teaspoon baking soda ~]ing,with an assortment of iron "anspprtatipn undei inonth s very few ~ i t- ontipl Thi wou]d-cer- -=Actually they, only serve the " .=- '- ' ir',„Wh = l -=- .-- -- =-- -- 'jiejacu]ated, "he's lookin'or,'em'ainly.'be]a'ove in k the wrong east end of the municipality al-'ift flour, soda'ndi salt, to- ' ~ e e a 'ou g g I y . wiva]ightf" tio i i li ow .,although the extreme west are re- gether, add& oatmea]~and/ sugar. Iiyretty maid.. I asked. ceiving no benefitslbutIhave tot Mixja]]tI together, make holetin . '-"I'm going a-milking, sir,", sheqship]very, rare]y,'spe]]s success,'II 'th ." h " I t h h centre and drop ]n me]ted short- isaid.',, --: Maybe in] 2027?0and) under'joint contro]=never. i]yay eir. s are o cos s,,w ie - ~'"But wh +he +oo]s~"is far from fair. = = )I) cuing, and] enough;warm] water „" w y " e "o 't]h „""The teacher was trying to giveWest ]Vancouver is facing a "You mentioniini your article, to make dough to roll;very thin. -"T ouble," she said, r ",with: her puyi]s an exp]anation of the&serious s]tuation) with their tn,, t;]],,] r „. t I l]C„t w]th cutte~ a„dibake abo„t;ithet darned old milking machine ItransPoitation," as the boats andII bonded indebtedness! outstand- 12 minutes.' -- ~age~]n ' "What is it," she asked,.'„'that ing, and I am ure the actual fi- = ~- -=:-- -- - = --: -- ~ I]carries us along rough roads andmaintenance cost is very heavy,, ure aslat December 31st 1929' "Queen)of Hearts" Tartsd yWhat's In a Name? smooth roads up hil]" and[downas a mattei. of fact the most of ' . would be of interest to many, of l',,3 Cups f]pur ~'Emp]oyer .You'e 'a~wonder "hill,'through jungles andswamps'ur.jbusesare ove.due for. th yeur readers =. - = ." -- 1 Cup lard --= How did" youj get rid'of al]]that 'and ragin~ torrents?" ~ Itbroadc]oth.we had?tt- -. ~= = There,was! silence, and then ~IC]erk: I tsold& it to'he fai, Tommy raised his hand.""Please, ,-i,woman. ~ =. ~teacher;" he said,'theie ain't no pano her fer y. bu con ent oui- we combine ljour transportation, Iij Cold xvater „Emp]oyer But how did you do such cai.." h t I and'a'irst class water system," the lard. Adcl stiffly beaten egg- "nanowcloth" instead of "broad- I think of a word-for two weeks."pPp ' " we'will certainly, get the popu- white and moisten with co]d wat cloth." -- = - = She: "How about fortnight?" I'acifie Stages at the yresent Vancouver nowv lealize the tata- Roll thin and cut with cookie It'tion is out of al]ProPortion.'== 'utter. 40n) one cookie place]a ~) 'l 'IGETI]OUR= The solution I is that we ay- --J. M. L. spoonful . of'a pberry jam. Moisteniedges with co]djwater,II I "i cover, with) another 'ookie'nd other financial 'rrangement JUVENILE 'LEAGUE could be made,'n( consideration pand Save Money~ ] ', I 1t Macaroon Tartsfor our traffic being divertecl Saturday, March ,We are in~business to serve you,'nd;~ve']] appreciate yourthat way. Division II Use Pasti'y as above 'nd I line This wou]d result in a reduced 3 p.m.--White Wings vs. West cup cake pans. Beat one egg un- ~PhOne 'WeSt 1.99commutation rate between North Vancouver Boulevarcl Parle, H. l, ti] it begins to thicken, then beat one q es Vancouver ant]i Vancouver to,'. Botham, referee. in one cup sugar,'one tablespoon "tlt for anything in Lumber. be enjoyed by all users of the 6]v]s)on III vinegar and one teaspoon vanil- ferries. 11 a.m.--St. Joh vs.'Capilano; la = = = )',gti t~ ' 'I'r' --- ' 'l~ Should the Bill that is before Boulevard Park; Ii. Smith, ref- Fill shells half full of thiamine- i 3I]I t' I i il]lk ~ 'I ) I ] ']v-our Government inIVictoria for cree. -- = ~ ture ancl bake until it has risen ' L,, ) sP, ~,ld'I'I? 4» I ~ 8 4 ] ~ I i 4 y ~ second readingpass, whereby the 1 p.m.--Noith Shore Wand- to the top and'browned. Do not li ag~, ~ ski- tho)r 't~~'L)~p IhLdk- Government w]]] take over all erers vs. North Shore Rangers; take them out of the pans until Marrne, DrIVe') at '16tll PIIpneppgept 199Ii'unicipalj'highways,, and regu- Mahon park; J. Wardlaw„ref- ii cold because ]]they are i easilv late the rates and effieieney of cree. I ) d 4f;" g kj;~