001C98FC 4 THE I WEST .VAN( NEWS 4 February 28 FIRST NARROWS perSOnaI&Iv & gl OrreSpollG~ellCe a iypScation &vith the projecte&l tunnel of who has been quit sick, is now == -- ON81VATER SYSTEM]8A Jar of our new HOi&IE - hIADE IIIARAIAI ADE the Greater Vancouver .,Water I] out and around- again. ":-- -- -- -- - =.- --.: ' Ve ave jus . o CDistrict beneath the Lions Gate -= ¹ ¹ ¹ The Editor,-~-~ I'} of Baby Scale»nd "also a A t ~ .I ~ 2456 Bellevue to a house at 25th of the 21st instant,a,a t f ~Iscales are for yoUr, convenlBoth very good. veil, defined altelnatlves, a tuel- and Mathers. = --:,, 1, ~, -... „'o]l are ]] nel 2000 feet long, and another . I-,v Chief v1 Commissioner of =,vt},e,',; „„&" f& „; Io remember",blEAT uud FRUIT pIEs,'t 8800 feet, lies before,C f]ef ]](r. Munce,,who'&has'been're I& Greater &Vancouver eWater Dis- lII u~ab»a &v~efght i~sthe index &o thuCAKES,.ROLLS, E&&. COn&n&ISSIOner E. A: CleVa and;] Siding. in the City, ihae~ mOVed~'r]et Mr C]e I d ' d [ ",I suey'uo]fthedistrict,'s board. back into his house&at Travers&'sy;»g&re']C;I „gV tBoring and testings i of t le and Marine Drive, The.watershed& has been so care-'tratathrough which the tunnel & -- =- - ¹ -* ¹iId I fu]ly «plotect doth t th h I']l4ADIO LICENSFS FOR Smust Pass to bring Cap'lanoq" The challenge cup and individ- been no need for chlorination'of247G ibiarille Drive water to, Vancouver have been ual cups for., the school relay, race ., t},e,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Pholle.&vest, 3GG =- carried on intel'niittently for on 24th May are no~v, on display Ml'.'Cleveland id th t if E 1 (& I '„'w" Cthree and a half years, as the de-'n the window of'&the& Lesage Lake &vas used it rob bl wo Id,l a&I, g Iyrllg]&Store~e]opment of the dist&]et's other D&ug,]St&»e 14th& a»d Mar]ne,bc found„ t 5]t bllslness ln West Van. 9 ~ears «i ' ~No& th Shore projects permitted.'rive. ~ ' ---- =~ h] -„.„.„, '. - . ' II, G. E.'EID,'uuuiuz I~I] tu]] I A ' to be sunk; but they willlbeiin& J The~-Pauline Johnson&&&senior ,', the nature of confirn&atory.evid-'ir]s'ddefeate&]«,the Ho]]yburnd 8 ."men &tests" gave 'Lag]el(' ~ ~~ ~ u nce.'The choice of route for the girls'at basketball on Thursda a e cwater a'lean~ certificate? & yyEST I 323]I"LB&',,tunne]'.w]]]& be determined]sub-. 1~ 20th instant, by]a score of 15 toI( 5 'I 'not'a'act&that&that Part ... =~ ~~,IIstantially from Present data. Mr. 12 i~ The Ho]]ybuzn»u„,~or '.I o &the district including iWhyte-~ rr Ii c '6" gets its'.watel', supply, from]4000 or $40,p00 yearly, in paving Both/possible routhes,would~ the scole b '2 to-10. ~ Eagle Lake.~In comparison with]I yart of one of the mainthorough-'i.;ve,thesame'&out]et, at a point = -- = u, v & v,~ 'apilano which has great logging f„res A]]&out of revenue and inliIcamps in its water-shed(with a]]$ face of a 10&ru'reduct]on in taxes" Ir &Prospect Point in Stanley Park'hich.'ny street light 'is )put,,-:: '~: -- in, an .was a ethe I contamination&-&that might in 1925,"and. was able to end each]"'huuu Ives& &35 fur uuvu]u&muu&-& r The shorter one would run from'hou]d not]fy 'the B IC Fl 't.. sposhy]b] vl arise not&vithstandin year with]a surplus'in the ban'a spot on the northern foreshore ]&off~i~ca at 17th and Ma ' e utmos igilence Eagle Lake rsuff]c]ent..in at least 4 years of th I Narrow---quitej close to~I. h th tt - . - 'ies'ln a district uneasy, of accessrII c,.rry on-the affairs of the muni-~„, AUTO'INSURANCE'~,„the,water's edge--directly south mediate attention = ~ = & and far removed from(the pos- 1cipality,until'.the, taxes began to G the LStanley Park outlet and I == -- =, * ] ¹4 ¹ sibleT contamination&of logging I come 5in,~ thus I saving all )banI) "& '"'- "- & ' n,] i. -- ' ' -- camps. Eagle Lake'has an'alti- -'Iinterest. ~=--:.:71p Do»»on Bank Building ", ].,the lOnger flOm 'aI pOint i200IIJ ~On TueSday an Old man parad- t d "Of ~b tW 1600' 0yards'orth (of the new steel edr DuchessI and'Esquimaltgbe- f te oI e ween an ',eWest &Vancouver in face of-;8IiLgheggej Sey, 8556 I'II]bridge over the Capilano at Mar- „tween) 14th and, 15thv Stieets eet. ' can&be'made ton&supP]y ]]bank'voverdraft'of $ 52 000'over-,ine Drive. = ==. ~;-=-=,,'" . ", . „, . the district from'anf altitude of,& spent its', income-)last year &by'The shortel tunnel'~vould pass .P~pes -Nobody,seemsi to)k ow- ""'t ~sea "evel $4;600. ~What~has it]cost(I]West-- - = NYLAND!S/UNCI Elr beneath the f]oor. of the NaITows,g„here he ca "f o h h &I 'During the driest season it cou]dd. Vancouver in bank interest alone Il at a dePth of about 400 feet, and ".V)ent to-"but natul ally, the child-'uPPlement BlothelsICreek:.and durinj; the Past 7.,- years? A sum= Miss Margaret Nyland, 'Alta the longer at a depth of 650 feet . ', th ld - 'ur.present water system.'That ~&that would] go a long,way in, themont, has just received word' y'or~ neither a]ternat]ve,wou]d,„h;„t . t d O . 11 "h.]d,] this& can&be vdovne as cheaply as&.,purchase of a new ferry.the( death/ of herc, uncle,'ev. any.pressure&device be needed, referredf to the,-musif th ]&the.placing ]of a newf main'o]& The pat Burns deal had'an al iriFather Honorius We]sh,",C P! 5 because'he "head'of,water" ~ a-. 8 ~q d; h t d th, il connect(up,with Cap]lane.withII most;dent]ca]f5 counterpart in= Borniin(Glasgow,'he was fo &&bove the Cap]]ano'Intake,wou]d]5;„no uncert ] Itef~, '~] its ]oggiiig,camp'watershed'andIIISouth]vancouver in whatis'now„a.'number..of years curate at St- provident;the force ~necessary to ~ ~ ¹~ ¹ ¹, its'limited~altitude,'is, I'-'believezii Langara Golf Links.'he propo-Mungo's; Glasgow., St. Anne' = send'he water through the con= Ms J Dodd A]]an ante(&a]ned(I a fact. &Were it to cost'wice as&]li sitionl received'vfrom'he](] PR.ton,(Lane.),'and St. Marys,'Har- II crete&lined tunnel. "The(tunnel& 1"st'Fr'd afternoon at the tea much. it swould&be che Per for involved ga fixed=assessment„,borne, Birming'ham, 'England.'t'self would have an inside diam hour'I at Ihel )home~on "Radcl 6 ~]this district'in,the long run.':-,ivater-,rights,",etc.=, w'as'consider-Hip health failing,'he]was trans- I~ eter of about eight feet. -~ "Avenue.'The tm table was beau: ']Chlorination'f, water. is&eon: ed by, the Council, a by-law draft-M~~~t Al.gus R~t~~~t, '- 'Declslon on which:route ~ ill be tifully-~decorated' th ~gold~~~ sldered to be the l~~~t exye s ve'I'd I and'submittedDublin„where he died."===--=-. used'ay~ take& severalimonths,~~ tuli s and moss.'= ~ - and, most &'effective «Preventiye'ayers and the.whole thing'.was.Among, the moulners'present since the advice of- other. engin- ~:--. =- --. ¹ ~ *k * against imPurities~an&d~ typhoid. I-finished",within 7 weeks, anvddhass may'be ~o~ght and that of .M; B H d '. APProximately. 80%~of: all~ city resulted~in a,wondelthe Irish&FreeI State,~who&had New yorkfexyerts, who have al- ' 1 h water;on~the. American contin= wentm-that distrlc4been a friend., of'Father Welsh readyjgivensadvisoiy assistance &h tal'th'afternoon. ~, 'llI ent'is;thus! treated and~the're- )South(Vancouver had itsltrans~for a number of years. = --;n planning the explolatlon work ~ ---- ~ ¹+ ¹ ¹ ~I suits are astounding. The mat- ]I tel of'about-)50P yer year,would Por a !onyyro ems, common, o4 Aetna]]work on the project will, Mzs McArthur,who has been]]'" hl;„ I- 11 th-" t ', z,ga]]&parts'of(Greater&Vancouver,'jStratton's Bakeiy has just had~ "howeve~, plobably begin 'about ill and;.a yatient in-thelVanaou-', the North Shore. --. ==~but what is calledlWest'lVancou-:installed,an electrical dough'mix- this5time next year.'. „-ver-General'Hospital'.has return= ' "Is~"it notitim: that th .e iQ'~gver's" &transportationf yroblemer of the latest type. It is a two Mr."Cleveland descr beslplans ed'to her home at 10th-and Qor': ~ t f IW t.V, h ldgjshould not be;considered a yrob-.arrel machine of one-horse pow- for the tunnell as'lone Iof &the don. ~ =- '. = '-'= get,-- 1 . -= d,-.-d d t '„. lcm at all,"but an opportunity ofI ents of I est -Vancouver should.&(I&a]'nd'Iw]]] save a good]deal&of major.units&of his;gigantic and ' u u = g.,: . t t .b I "ll developing)a revenue pr'educingmanua] ]abor in the bakery. i] extensive Program for suPPlying Arrangements are being niade be;„called upon to vote fbuzthez ii asset. 'ad'"I South uVancouver,"Military~Wh st D " funas towaras,water supply?,--J M Begg 19th] and'Marine for fifty. years,'I the outlines ']held in the'Clachan"on Saturday, - -- ' = "'ystem I am quite confident they,Drive,'sj moving tojVancouver. which) have been tentatively „, the'8th8March..pull particulars " -,, y =- -- -- ~would never-have given'an out-" ,.will appear in'next,week's issue R'. A".-BATCHELOR. side'firm:a franchise to compete.Ther are 7 805 629i miles) of:=----- .= -- - - =-=-- --:=-=- ~ os] "The'News;" .~ ~ . =: --.-- A -- „with them and-then to land their,, 'OUTH&VANCOUVER AS&'Lviippsvssengers in the lap.of-anotherpresent time. Canadian fimotor . "Hpllgllllkn/ ] l The!West]Vancouver 2nd'Div- )WEST &VAN.'S IDE'AL li(acompeting system. ~ ~ ~~ ~cai. owners wil] admit that every.,( -- == -' ~, &I is]on&soccerfteamI]ast'Saturday =~, == ~ -%Of)the'two Reeves&&to&whom~inchlof these'highways could be, 11515w w~ ~& vt5~ ~'l'f went down to defeat at the hands Dear 'Sir:--In& reply to 'M. much of the credit'of South&van-used on any Sunday afternoon in,' 'X'RREP%'~'P%~lli Ii of-;the'Shamrocks'in&the]Main= Bulldey's remarks in last week"uver'st&vonderfu]I recovery.,is)'r near any. large city that may,,) -=- ~- = --j 'land~Cup semi-finals]by a'score "Neivs" of 'keeping'West .Van- due J..W. Cornett is now M.L.A'. III be mentiOned. $ TIInrsday f Friday,]l Satllrday, ~ I '~ Of 4'tO 2." eUnfOrtunately the lOC- COuVer flOm 'bankruptCy Or &be. XOr the'diStriCt and TOmBrOOkS'ebrllary27, 28,'arch 1 i, 'lS,Were l'One man& ShOrt ~WhiCn I jl COming janOther SOuth &VaiiCOu= H C"a manI Of 'the] 1929%Greater, ~~-- ~ QORD()N& ROBSON = ' ~ ~. I I,".rgely accountedf for their &de: ver" I have no hesitation in as- &4" ncouver School Board]and in ~Eumiutuz + Soucitor ii~ I I,. &&RIOIIARD/DIX I]I feat ~Maaterman andi SteVen/ erting,that'iflWeSt&Van. Ceu]dfl the Op'n(en Of many a future OC- !each scored'one goal,'while Dow- 'ecome the South,Vancouver of II uP nt of the mayor"s chair two «ney, starred at full back. the].past,7,yearsi ol. &have) the further points fol.West'lVancou-;'Phone %est 403:~ Iilbenefit of her efficient business- y~'er's legislators to aim at..~ 'Surpr]se part]:~likeieconomic administratioii& of =; Yours sincerel,--, the same, period, it, o Idlb'~ .OVe & OdOr I if M-.. ~astings'" of "Bonnie'I most,wonderfu]&thing fo ~~ Doon," 'Dundarave, 3had ~a'isur= *,Van. ]andllthe best. thing thai I rI ' - y)]l ji prise party at her home on Sun- i]cou]d)f'happen. 'No]doubt there~i I II:--== AMBLESIDEg ,b, f,, „of pt,,d» F]] val ~ i ilI, day,,when 'severs] " 'f Scottish noses a]] &the &way(,to &Whytec]]8 „'- f 4,~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ v ~~ ~, ~8 IIzk 5(ouduz I Tuesday, Wednesday; 'r]ends from the city droPPed in at&the idea]of South IVancouver l(on]y (risen Used).'. 5I«vuh 3 ~ 4 5= -- = I cn her to celebrate the day. They I&be]ng an idealfor&Westfvancou- -- pHONE „'WEST f802Lfstfngs ofz. t ", = -' ' . u &vere: Mrs.fa.n.d™ss Anderson ver to:look&-up]to.'ut for„thai] 5 . ~ ~~'I E5II" &ANINGs/ Mrs 'Konnfston, Mr BruceMr «.benefit,'of a large number of your" I" 5 mmer! BungalOWSi i],I II =- =',, andi Mrs. Kelly, Mr., Mrs.&and ieaders and'especia]]y.the&o]der ~~gfmp~&5) i~"- ! M'ss Edwards; The latter played 'esidents; who by,virtue of their "1'tS ll~m &~pQg&8 an(i CRlllps; !' i ' III ' 1' t' th Pi ]I I d d j .. ',,' and'o]]owfng dmner the evening nothing of So'uth yvancouver,, ~3 ~a'was spent-in-song and:3 ory, an „where it begins or. where it] ends,listening to the radio. --:: o".anything&of'its problems"I will'ubstantiate my r'statement .THE CANADIAN'LEGION,,WEST VANCOUVER )by a few comparative facts.-- . 5IUNPAINTEO FURNITURE will give 'In,the last.two years of South]t]I l Night Tables .......--'.i](]Vancouver's corporate existence 'adio Tables .................... $3.95-- ~~~~pgi]I„~~ Irony'~ ~ the percentage of taxes co]]ectedfd] "&cofFee Tables ............. I35.45~II/ ~J«QRI"igE,vvas 88.58 and'5 iespectively.- dv t Tier 'ase .............. Q5'.35South,Vancouver, with all bol- 'Dmner Wagon~ .............. alp.7oy(Fourth of Seiies of.Six)i(i III rowing.,powersl expended I and I IGu&u fug Table, -- 35.75 ' .i crippled'by. a school'population) . Wood Baskets'................ $ 1.35&Iphone West 840" TOMORROW'(Saturday) MARCH'1st, at 8: 5 P.M I] lof 8,000 which took 57cents out ]I ', --',= -- -- ll~~ ~~ ~ Evenings, West 148 ' = ]@& the]Clachan &HHoot(el 5& of every dollar. of, taxation,&wasReal! Estate, F]nancia](II, Good ~prizes Refreshments iI I]]t able by efficient management to» I 'luu&ruutfuuu]Given. Free inAdmission 50 cents]]1, I gravel 20]'orf80i miles)of resi-';, = pule&lug II Ir t]& 7 I