001C98FC Bob Black of the Hobb Coal and Transfer has just received xvord of the death on 81st Janu- ary of his younger 'rother George Edward, in his 20th yeai., at their old home in Ba]lymoney, 'Ire]and. Rev. R. H. AVi]son con- ducted the service at the house, and Rev. T. H. Robinson oi 'I Cookstown, took charge at the loaveside. Interment was made in the family burying ground at, ICi]dress, the funeral being very largely attended. If you cannot get it at the stores, phone West 27 and it vrill be delivered. Phone %Vest 27 l STRATTON',S", Qi B&fU"RY AM BI,ESIDE . HOI,LYBURN SICIIERS DEFEAT GROUSE MTN. HOLLYBURN "Barber ShopiIl 15th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor PHoNE wEsT ttotIl FOR~ Coal angl Wootl Prompt Delivery. l "Jimmy,„"Thomson's " II " TRANSFER . Daily, Trips to andi from City. a. Moving I Baggage a Specialty. i itli,g 11 'VERNONet tl&FEED1 STORE~ '." C. SEARLE " Phone,%'est 9 Next door to Theatre lj tl Fuel and Building Supplies., ,'.O'I I- M Burrard I~ Sheet Metal tl t 2g9 Lonedate Ave, North Vancouver , Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and'1214Y '(riri z Q t,i',i,&.Ia...& ll ' We Re-charite'll Radio 1 and Auto Batteries H. Smejda of Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club won the five-mile cross- country ski race staged it on Grouse Mountain Sunday in con- nection, with the first half of the Pacific Coast Ski Championships. Smejda's time of 21:48 was good considering a heavy fall of snow made the going rather hard and the course was laid over a route that entailetl considerable climb ing. The Hol]yburn Club also took second and third places with Finn Fladmark who finished less than a minute behind the winner ,, in122:41„while H. 'Belsvik I took «I 28:21 to cover the course. -- K. Hulset was the first Grouse 'Mountain Ski Club man to finish. He avon fourth place.,with time ',, of 28:45. Axe]'Sneis of Holly- I&Iburn and'I'Halvard Petersen of Grouse Mountain Ski Club finish- ed . fifth 'nd'ixth, ~vith times It of 24:08 and 25:45 respectively. There were twenty & starters, teams of ten men being entered by eachI club. Points twon 'y Hollyburn total]et] 144, whi]e the Grouse Mountain Club scored 181. Miss Daisy Bourdon, of the Ho]lyburn club showed class to lI win, the &]adies'&/.) mile race froml a field'f ten. Her time lI was 11:52. Miss Doris Parkes of the same club finishedlsecond, just two seconds ahead of Miss Fvancis Cade of the Grouse Mountain Club,'heir times being 12:48 andi12:45. Miss Beverley Thompson, Mrs. Isa Hoskins aiid jMiss Fveeda Harrington, all of the Grouse Mountain &C]ub,,fin- ished next in the order named. 'IThe large crowdl gathered at the foot of theibig jump was disappointed when, it was 'an= nounced, after a few trial jumps, that owing to weather conditions the jumping competition had to be postponed for a week. A thick fog covered the plateau and snow II was falling fast, making it'l- most impossible for the jumpers i to see the take-off. The jumping,will therefore take place next Sunday after- noon at 2 o'lock on Grouse iMouiitaili, wlien la feature will be the contest for the long stand-'ng jump for the AVoods cup. i FRED FINCICENHAGEN ~ SECOND AT LEAVEN)VORTFI February 28, 1980. 5ew Amh.esice 'Hal.l.'For "Rent CORNER STORE on 14th (near Ferry) For Rent. ACRE BLOCKS at ALTAMONT, FOR SALE at $400, $500,and $600 each. CLYDE AVENUE LOT, FACING SOUTH (between 12th and 18th) FOR SALE at $200. WHITAICER 8: AVHITAKER 942 )Vest Pender Street Vancouver DEATH OF BOB "BLACK'S BROTHER'UY BREAD Made fn „l(,, West Vancouver 'rue WEST,VAN NEWS 0 N' L S Do You Know» the value of an Antiseptic Soap? Teach l the children to wash their hands with a Imilcl antiseptic soap and Ithus avoid many contagious diseases. Uinolia Carbolic Soap is excellent for the purpose. Phone your orders to us. WEST VAN I'HAR|IIACY The Store of Service. IVest 37 &YE DELIVER Surprise Party i iAIiss Pat Davidson's birthday was the occasion of a very enjoy- able surprise party on Saturday at her home, 22nd and Bellevue Avenue. Another very pleasant sur prise for the young hostess was the unexpected arrival of her mother from the North where she had 'een the past few months. The evening was spent in music. games and dancing and a dainty supper afforded a very enjoyable interlude. The guests were: 31rs. N. Bac- cash, jAIiss Nora Campbell, 3Iiss Eath]een Baccash, iAIiss Lulu kay, iAIiss Hattie Young, Miss 31urie] Dawson, Miss Annie Rid- ley, Miss Pat iAIcKenzie, Miss Mo]]y Morrison, Miss Betty Mor- rison, i&Iiss Ay]ma Donaldson; 3Iessrs. Stan Boshier, Eric Parker, Art Edwards, Ma]co]m Stevens, Tom Timbrell, Ross I orrester, Met Chapman, Gordon Stemson, Norman Davidson. GREASING, OILING ~fIRH REPAIRS-'t the ~ The-New GAS 'STATION 'ornerof 14th and Marine "IMPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time THE L iL .A..II. (.t LIMITED For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. +rest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L L. M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSONAdmission 85 cents. FOR S.",..II:."..II"S ..'". CS.I:'.tl r ~ ~ r ~ r I ~ i. 1...,.&., Stocl,broker~ and Ftnanc&al Agents STOCKS BONDS INVESTMENTS PERS = ~ = -- =-~ ~ -- -- ~ " * ~ ~ - .vvrT e~ The blackbirds have returned The convention of B. C. Par from the south, which is another ent-Teachers'ederation wil] indication among others of an take place on wednesday and ;, e rly spring here this year. Thursday of Easter week in the Kitsi]~no Junior High School Mr. Yuill has taken the Smith cottage at 15th and Be]levue. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin of Van- couver, have moved into the jqIrs. Morrison 2569 Marine Mayhev house at 18th and Belle- Drive, is confined to her home through sickness. "%'. J. Turnbu]l of the EVest Stee]head fishing has started at his office after an absence oin the CaPilano, several ang]ers a few days due to sicknesshaving caught fish around 2 lbs. iAIrs. H. Gleed is substituting jMrs. F. X. Hodgson is the 'his week at Dundarave School contralto soloist at the concert for iAIiss Nairn, who is away ow- to be put on tomorrow (Satur- ing to sickness. day) evening by the Philhar- monic Club in the Hote] Vancou- The clearing of the. land ad- ver. She will contribute a group jacent to the playground of theof five songs. Pauline Johnson School has now lI1 been completed The new]y Mrs. C. H. Cherry was a tea cleared portion, while not very 'tlhostess on Sunday at her home large, will be of some assistance at AVest Bay. in relieving the congestion in the , p]ayground. Mr. and ilIrs. J. Sweeny, have so]d their home at 11th and Es- A. Harvey Smith has been Iuima]t and expect to move to elected chairman of the Vancou- Vancouver shortly. ver group of "Red & )Vhite" merchants. Lieut. Colonel I&. KV. Savory, who has1been'sick at his home l E H. Burgess of Vancouve, fol a coup]e of,wveeks,lhas re- lI]las rented the Jaggard house a. covered and is now,back at his 25th and Bellevue, and expects to office. move in shortly. The )Vest Vancouver Ratepay- jAIr. and Mrs A. =.AV. Kruger evs'ssociation is ho]ding the ilhave moved from 11th and Es- unnua]: meeting,andi election of p]anade to the Perry house at officers at "the C]achan" next 14th and Esquimalt. Tuesday, 4th March, at 8:15 p. m. Latel'here svi]] be a discus- m H. L. SParrow of'Dundarave, sion on the p. R. System Of.vot- left last week for a short triP to ing. The pub]ic is invited to at- I Oak]and, California. tend ant] take, part in the dis- cussion. SCOTTISH SOCIETY Mrs. Claude Poisson Igave la The Rev. Andrew Roddan of delightful bridge tea at her home the First Church, - Vancouver,"The Path," Altamont,ron( the u gave an addiess on the "Scottish I21st instant. Among the invited&'ationa],AVar Memorial at Zdin- guests. were Mrs.'heo Korner, lihurgh" to a large and apprecia- Mrs. 'Frank Dorchester, Mrs. tive audience at the Clachan on Hobson, Mrs.'Reid, jMrs. Lestock Friday, the 21st instant. Reid, Mrs. Aubrey Clarke, jlIrs. The history of the site, plan- :I Russell,'rs. Hugh Lang, O'Irs. I~ning, completion, and pubbc l Pease, . Miss Linbaum, Mrs. Opening of the memorial was.'anderson, Mrs.'Crowther, Mrs. "graphically told and. the svmbolic Harry Sayer, Mrs. 'Birch, jars. and artistic beauty of the vari- Houghton,"Mrs. Chud]eigh, jars. ous sections described with'the Edelston and Mrs. Ravenor. Miss aid of an exceptionally fine set i Linbaum, won first prize and of lantern views. Mrs. Edelston the consolation. Appropriate music was render- ed, the outstanding feature of jlIrs.'Rack]yeft of the pauline,which was the playing on the pi- Johnson teaching staff, was a broch of the lament, "The Flow- ~vaylthis week from her duties ers 6'he forest." owing to sickness,and mrs. D. J. An appreciation and vote of O'Donnelllhas also been,substi- thanks1by the Rev. Dr. Henry tuting at the school this week in,was = enthusiastically tendered tttp]ace of Miss Jackman, who has Mr. Roddan at the close of the ",1 been sick. --:=- -== --:-- adclress. UNITED CHURCH, iVEST VANCOUVER TEAVELGGUE (I]]ustrated) 'rance,Somme Battlefields and parts of England - by DR. E. A. HENRY 'Under the auspices of the Young People's Association. 'MONDAY, bIARCH 3rd, 1980. HURRARD FUNERAL, CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, iMgr. Distinctive Funeral Servi o Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. F Phone North 626 Batteries for Rent PHONE MARINE MOTORS West 456 . Nels Ne]sen of Rove]stoke avon «ggvegate honors at the annual Leavenworth Ski Club tourna- ment Sunday, Fred Finckenhag- en of the Hol]ybuvn Pacific Ski Club, taking second place. Third place event to Sig. Hansen of the 1 Leavenworth club. Finckenhag- en had I tlie longest sttinding jump, making 108 feet, A record cvoivcl of 8500 people ivitnessed the events, a special „ train from Seattle bringing more th;in 200 people. Jumpers from many n o r t h e r n Washington pci»ts competed. ~ en 'S+' ' ~ 1-.& v v I "-1 ~,„..1,ttr'II'II~ . tt',&KIt .. il, 5 ... 4& ilk THE ALUMINVllk PACKAGE Keeps the FLAVOR IN and the 1M P UNITIES OUl (NON E BETTE]i) RicIEey Ice a+el;ilk West 456 Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given Phone: Trinity 1775 615-6l6 Bk. of Nova Scotia Bldg. Hastings 2 Seymour St~. V Incouver Simple Alice: "EVhy do they have knots on the ocean instead of miles '?" Skipper: "EVe]], you see, they couldn't have the ocean tide if there ivere'no knots."