001C98FC f t. ~- sLs Ci rcu'latin@in $1.00 per year. A Wee& y '.8'ewsv'aoei- .«the District of '"West UancoufJer--A mbleside, Hoilyburn, Weston, 'undarar e 'Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands 5c per Copy @Vol. IV 0 No. 50 COIIllC11 NOteS The application of P D Me Ekenzie for permission to con- struct auto camps on his Lots, 4 and 5,'Block 4, D.'L. 559, was referred to the tow+ planning commission. i4'frs. Julia Henshaw's verbal application for repairs to Picca- dilly, was referred to the chair- man of the board of works and the engineer for report. The requests of F. Alder for access to D.'L. 1087 SE&/i, 1-3, and ilI. M. Cook for access to D. I.. 1084 east on Ottawa and 15th were referred to the engineer. The application of D. 0. Lunn for gravehng repairs. on Hay- wood east of 13th, was referred Into the engineer for his report. The reeve 'and solicitor,were appointed to interview the dep- uty minister of public works re the proposed highway aet and to take what steps were deemed &fnecessary to protect the munici- pality's interests. The solicitor was instructed to prepare a one-way traffic by-law : on Nelson, RoyalIand Ghatham streets as recpminended by the , police eommi~on. " An expenditure i of ~not over t $10 was authorized on Jefferson~ Avenue near 22nd Street. „COUNCIL OPPOSED TO-- g COiiIPULSORY DIPROVE- MENT TAXATION'he council went on record at their meeting on.iAIonday night that, being of the opinion that &the present statutory authority given to municipalities to tax im- prpvemerits was sufficient for the purpose, they desired to re- cord their objection to the sug- gested legislation noiv under con- sideration by i'he i provincial house whereby taxing of im- provements is ~ to be rendered compu]solgr; and further ~ that copies of the above resolution be sent to the Hon. the Priemier, to Chairman'H. W. 'Avigg, M.L.A., arid to the member for this dis- trict. JOIN THE HORTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY == Membership tickets for the 9'est -Vancouver 'Horticultural and Agricultural Society i have been printed and are now in the hands of the directors for sale. Their cost is nominal and in vie&i of the ironderfu] work fof the society in the past in forwarding the best interests of AVest Van- couver and bringing before the pepp]e of Greater Vancouver the floriculture of the district, every one of our residents should join the society. If a membership of three or four hundred is obtained it ivi]] enable the society to put in an exhibit at this year's Van- couver exhibition. The directors, from whoni tick- ets may be obtained are: Reeve J, B. Leyland, kV. NCQuaker, 3IIiw. E. A. Ford, Mrs. G. D. E]- gar, Miss 3I. B. Almas, Ml&. Bar- ker, i~Irs. R. J. Eyte, J. Nyland, L'. S. Gamage, H. G]eed. S [x PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, IB.C., FRIDAY, FEB. 28st, 193 JREEVE iiiiTERVIEWS ~AmbleSlde Park DFPU~ 5IINISTER There are two problems common to every transportation re CAPILANO BRIDGE C.'Holden was advised that his system Plying between a'large city an "i s su u .. Reev Leyland recent]y wrote comPlaint re water damage on first is that of providing comfortabie traveiiing accomm~a- )i h d ' f bi'ot 11-22-555 had been investi- tiprl fpr a]]'its patrons during the rush'hours in the morning '. h l t gated and that the source of the and evening. This problem is an ever present one to eveiy ~ 'C I 'b d, water.was found to be in theworks concerning the comp e ion such system be it a railway, street ear, or ferry company, lfiof the new iCapi ano ri ge. ditch and not a leak in the main. and it is an indisputab]e fact that it has never yet been satis- '" . h d bt l . While not attempting to mini- factorily so]vec] any'vhere. It matters not to, gr f (]'ff't'hat Ihad had to be A ]etter of thanks divas sent toone goes, the rush hours al vays present the same fea u e o met and overcome in brid in, t]ie Roya] Financia] Corporation overcrowded conveyances and manyipasseng rs o p ch a turbulent stream as the 'for their. trouble in correspond-stand fol lack of seating accomodation. Any possi e sou ioii Capi]ano he ointed out the very ing with the inspector of muni-"has been nullified'y the persistent centralizationI of offices « 'ience and the loss cipa]ities on "the Dominion per- and~ factories in limited areas and&'the introduction of th of business which West Vancou- »petuals" matter, and stating that modern sky-scraper. It isiextremely doubtful whet er it e .e -h d ff r d r ]t of as soon as an, opportunity pre-evil will be entirely remedied unless transportation companies th el ' '6 Drive for sented 'itself to effect I an ex-can be run as a Public charity andi not for Profit or,to meet such'a long.period. change in this Particular secur-exyellses. ~ - " &i On Wednesday the l'eeve ha(] ity without loss 'o the 'unici-The second Problem, which in a way is connected 'vith the l tel with, the 'pa]ity, t]ie counci] wou]d be first, is that of filling the car or ferry with such a number of i m' r, who p'd that a p]eased to have it done.yassengers in the s]ack mid-day1hours as willi a]]pw of the minister, w o promise a a company providing sufficient vehicles to get its clients home vely special effort wvou]d be ma(]e tanding pl sitting Iin the rush Ihpurs. 'This prob]em, to fmish the bridge inc]uding the -. The,,solicitor wrote the coun- must an of dpin sp seven days at the latest after be-on '. I .'s 1 1 28, 1 149, and 1 150 Unlike maii, eo ]e we'be]ieve that'our municipa]&trans- ing laid down. =-- = for timber on D: L.'s 1147, 1148, pol-tation system up-to the present has given us a fallly com- LEGION-TO'GIVE."ortablemeans of going to and fro from Vancouver. Certainly ~FOURTH,WVHIST DRIVE of the first named lots and afte we are fart better ofT in I this respect than imany other places in Canada which we could mention. But the real problem be-' -' =-= -= 'egistration in the name of West fpre us is howfto provide for the iincreasedttrave] which we . The '%Vest Vancouver Ibranch Vancouver arlangements,would 'an i i essonabiy aspect in i the i immendi~a~te future t Two ~ handioeIii of the Canadian Legion is giving have |to be made with the min- thisiunti]~ such itime as,the)blidgeiover the'-Z~'irst Narrows Wthe'fourthi whist'rive of- their ister of lands concerning the ex- so]vesi a]] our difficu]ties, we sha]l very short]y need,mpl- series of six at the Clachan hotel change of timber, which arrange- ferries andibuses,rwhich we can procure easily providing we f tomorrow '(Saturday), evening. ments he had in hand. His let-m I r ies and not the buses having proved to be the paying er,d siiarp. The usual good Prizes williii oi. our system: i t~ ~~i]. 0~ ~e c Judging by, the experience of other large cities; the solution freshments-at the conclusion of Bridge Co. wrote the council in iies:in.the development&of Ambieside'Park~Turxithis park iii he cards i Admission'50 cents iireference teethe employment of into a p!ayground for Vancouver families; and we should have The members of the branch are more %Vest Vancouver men that enoughtmothers and their fami]ies)in& the summer months't ','specially asked to attend. appointments to the permanent 6iusingi the parkito fiiiiour ferries~in the slack~hours andi soiiI . ', =.-- stafF were only made throughthe largely or entirely solve our transportation problem.'n, the The'regu]ar monthly meeting medium of efficient service in a gImornings they wou]dr come over fromiithe city iin the emPt)'f the branch will be held in the temporary capacity. A seniority ferries,which have just transportedlour Iresidents ~to itheir 'Legion'Rooms next Monday, 3rd list of temporary,men was kept v'ork'and in'the eveningsIthey would'i]]%the empty ferries March at 8;p-'m. At this meet- and, when a vacancy occurred in which go to the city, to bring home our workers. ing arrangementsiwill,be made the;.permanent staff, the senior. Unfortunate]yap'ul municipality fol. many yeals,will not for theannualm~queradedanee man on the ] st, lf efficient re- i" be abie, to i deveiop the'ark, i but, by iieasing it to i a private it) on St iPatrick's .Day, and'ther ii ceived» the appointment. They cpmpany for say fifty years under certain specified conditions imPortant matters will be uP for assured the council that fair and it shou]d'be possib]e to do so. The first condition. of course, discussion.'.'Every member is re- I equal considerationi had always would be that all transportation to the park should be provided q~~st~d to be present. == been given to'West Vancouver by our ferry system. 1'he sor'hewhat long terrri lease would be - . ~= - applicants and that this consid- rendered necessary by the fact that the required development 'DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR eration would continue. The let: would probably cost at least $250,000. TO GIVE SPRING CONCERT ter,was ordered filed. i Such parks are'in'xistence in Detroit, and;,while it is a city of one million; there are'a'umber, of i these parks,'andi; -- The &Dundarave Ladies'i Choir J The engineer reported on: many other formsiof amusement to atrract the Public. tOne under the leadershiy of iAIrs. F..1-- Mi]]ard and Cp]es Diver ~ such yark we know of by name, Boblo, has a $75,000 dance hall, Iiodgson, L.A;B;, is giving their s;p'n pf strea~ Municipq]itv- npt an'athletic track, severa]~baseball'diamonds,'inumerous light I spring concert on Tuesday, 11th 'lab]e,App]&cant tp be sp nptified refreshment stands, a first-class restaurant, a large permanent March,'t 8:15 p. m. in the Unit II bv te]ephpne roundabout, picnic grounds and. arbors, all included in beauti- edI Church. A',very interestin 2 D,- - '=: ffully'laid-out glounds.'he;plice of admissioni is 35I cents II program hm been arranged,'nd d t t t bi'which includes transportation by large steamers to and from&li gthose.who attend can be assuredii d b d f Det oit, a total dist nce of 30 mlles. This pal.k is only one of pf a impst enjoyib]e evening. leasing engineel- fol- sulvev and several and it is only open from 4th June to Labor, Day. Also) There're solos, i duets, trios. it pays, for private companies can't afford'to operate for fun Iii ouartettes in addition to several fo years. iiinumbers~by the choir. Aubrey i We believe that it should be possibie to induce'private int- Sheiiard, ithe&boy,'soprano, andiI crests having experience in such matters to develop Ambleside Miss Beatrice Hog@son, violinist, Park on a smaller scale along these lines. 'At any rate the mere 'ire a]sp taking part. '5Irs. J.'. fact that such parks are being successfully operated in other 'Durbin will:be theaccompanist.'. parts of this continent should make it worth our consideration A'copy of) the prpgram wil] ap- n&unicipa ity $ 4. ]er to re-'ni connectioni with the solving» of our (transportation diffi- Pear in our next issue. Admission 4 Ne 'Vater Main for D Lculties. "',50 cents, children 25 cents. The )proceeds, of the concert wiiiibe 25~7-5 andu2C. Cost 5~1.07i. Laid used to enable the choir to cpm- I,IBRAItY TO GIVE = -- ii7RISTRAM'S GROCERY»ete at, the.hius;cai Fest;vai,n 5. C. Chinnery. Diversion of 5IILITARY WHIST SELLINGi OUT Victoria next'gIay. stream, 237-1'. Cost $'0.action. The Hollyburn Public Library Tristiam's Grocery at iAVest COUNCIL SUGGEST is giving a Miiitary Whist:drive Bay are closing their store andii g -- 'HOUSES BE NUMBERED next Thursday evening, 'th tin-, tomorrow «nd next Monday, 1st stant, at",the'Claehan," under and 3rd March,'ill sell out the The council, would suggest to the patronage i of the DuncantI whole of, their stock at prices 0'est Vancouver residents tha that the munici «litv has already I.awson Chapter, -. I. O.'. E. well below wholesale. The pro- they have their, houses number-'lay ivi]] start at 8:15 p. m. and)I prietors intend turning the build- e(], as until'his is done,'Wrig- there will be prizes and refresh- ing into an up-to-date apartment ley's Directories 'are unab]e to ments. The. proceeds will go to block and for this reason,wish niake a street dil'ectory ot the iiI the funds of the Ilibrary. Ad- to dispose of a]i their gl'ocery municipality, «nd further it niission 50e. stock ovel the week end so that ~vou]d eel taiilly b ileeesslry to D L. 237 fol- conlnlelcial purpps- thc alterations can be completed have this done before a house to es until such time as the coun- The council instructed that before spring arrives. An ad- house, posta] de]iver& ivpu]d be-. eil could see their svay clear to first aid equipment be ordered to vertisement relative to this ap- eonsiderecl by the postal author purchase same was referred tp be kept in, the municipal hall. pears in this issue. i ties. t]&e town-'p]arming commission.