001C9909 May! 16, 1980. "kTHE WEST VAN'NEVFS CLASSIFIED ADS V. ~ , Guests A ~precia,te "'.:ts .Distinctive :.= ivor V, CARPENTER and Upholsterer Furn iture repaired. Linoleum and Carpet work. Saws Gled. Lawn Mowers sharpened. R. Ellis, Phone West 87. I"'OR SALE--Several nice buildinglots'n, Fnlton Avenue on very easy~ terms. Apply 4V. Dickinson, P.O. Box 305. WANTED--House Work by the hour. Phone Mrs. Lancaster, West,617-0 DRESSAIAEING and Alterations done reasonably. Phone West 54L. TENT WANTED for 21th May Day Celebration. Large size. Phone West 19X or AVest 67"&Y. FOR RP'iT -- Furnished camp on Waterfront. Phone West 81R. = FOR INSIDE FIR and SLABS, phone Hobb Transfer, %Vest 17. IVANTED--Coupe 'n good order. Cheap. Apply "Car," cfo West Van News. FOR PAINTINiG, 'ALSO&IINLiG, Apply C L 'onings 'esidence Phone West 394R. SU~lhlER COTTAGES FOR RE iT-- $50 up for the season. Phone George Gourfay, West 2 CONCRETE WORK done by'ontract, mixed and put in form, $1.25 a yard.i': Flooring and sidewalks 15c and 20c 'li per square foot. Good work done. Apply P. Erickson, West 344L. WANTED--Store for Camp. Good baker Cheap Call West lo1L BARRED ROCKS, University strain, $ 125 for setting. Apply Webb, Shoemaker, Dundarave. , Ct I -' t OLZ 0 'FOR blOVING and BUII.DING SUP- PLIES, phone West 17.-- FOUNDATION CEi&IENT WORK-- Landscaping and Lawns laid. Hock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and land clearing, chimneys and furnaces cleaned and repaired. Phone T. Barnott, residence phone West 290R. n iq '- ' ~ .".jQ Q;II ~ ~ II RELIABLE PIANO TUNER--~V. H. Tassell, 4620 West 7th Ave. Resi- dence Phone Elliott 1267R. iVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS t WEAR BEST--Dundarave. ~ IF Yon Intend to Build or IVant Your House Altered or Repaired, phone Colin Turner,'uilder, AVest 679R. EAIPIRE DAY IN 'HE SCHOOLS OF ONTARIO pl FOR PLUMBIiiG REPAIRS -- Res- ,! idence Phone %Vest 241R.Empire Day is kept in Canada on, the 'last school day previous to 24th May. This year it fall on 23rd instant. KEI LV DOllGlAS KCO., lfD. HEMSTITCHING--Plain vrhlte 5c yard; silk and colored i 10c yard. i Pearce s Drygoods 14th Street and Marine. Phone iWest 144. The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire is the only.Wom- SCH~VEPPES l LEMONADE, CAN- an's organization represented in the patriotic pamph]et isued by- Good Brands of Cigar~ at The th D t t f Ed t. f Ambleside Tea Rooms. Ontario--"Empire Day in the Schools of Ontario." 'In this-pamph]et is a message addressed to Young Canada from 'Mrs. John A. Stewart, Nationa] President of the l Order, which reads as follows: "As you study the history of l Canada, you will find that though we are a very voung country, as ll the ages of nations go, we have a very proud story, which shows that ~ve have 'been courageous 'e.nd fearless,! and have striven .,'tol.be just and trutPtful inI our Nationa] life. But you wi]] find that our national life and'all our Fgreat achievements. »'including ti Real Estate and Iniurance ,our part in theWorld, Warh,ave, been mTapped up with the great ! group of 'Bl.itish countries fof which ive are one. ~=. TA C SALE LOTS "Me story of our forms of 1405 Marine Drive nment of our English literature, of the Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X great l'figures l of the English- speaking peoples--King Arthur, +King.'A]fred, the Black Prince, , Caedmon, iAVyc]jfFe, Thomas a 'Becket, Shakespeare and of all our great Kings, our heroes, our ,,t writers and our poets--goes back into the days when there was no le Canada at a]l. Their history lies p behind l ours. So ive l Canadians are proud to be also British sub: jects, selling la Bntjsh King, , under British modes of Govern- ment, which are the freest l in the world. 'And in common with Australia, Net Zealand, South Africa, Newfound]and, India, and 'all the other far-flung ]ands that own the British flag, we behave been doing our peart in the build- iing of the Brit!sh Empire, of which ive are the oldest and larg- est Dominion. "At the time of the South g~ p, African War, the women who be- lieved! and hoped that Canada's ,' future, as her, past, ivou]d be 'richestand finest for her and the ivor]d within this great Empire, ,met together to worl& for the i Canadian,soldiers in that war, ~~ A gf and, pledged! themselves to! the 'deal of 'One Flag, One Throne, AI'P ,,'! One Empire.'hey, ca)]ed'thein- 'elves the ImPella] Ol.del- You ]] rind that whenDaughtels of the EmPlre. To ivvedoypurrSheet Meta]day there are thousands upon thollsailds in this Order and 41 and vou]] like the ideal. The members of the Order give greeting to you on Empire Day, Young Canada, and ask you to pledge yourselves to ivork also tpivar(]s 'One F]ag,--the Union Jack; One Throne,--the Throne of the British King; and One Empire,--the British Em- „Plle . I 'l PAINTING, DECORATING, FRENCH Polishing, Carley, Residence Phone West 71Y. ~ %IiiDOIV BLINDS: Made to Order and, installed. 'stimates free. ~pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and~ Marine. Phone West 144. GARDE'4S--"Designed and i laid ottt. Original designs in Lily and Orna- mental Pools, Rock and AVall gard- ens. Lawns, Formal and Rose gard- ens. Rustic Work. Summer houses. z Crazy paving.! R. J. Eyte, Phone West 411. 'otary, Public " Fire Insurance -- baloney to Loan '! R. P. CLARE 4 CO. ESTATES LTD. EXCELLENT - HOME OPPORTUN- 'ITY--New Bungalow with large corner lot; full Plumbing; Fireplace; Furnace. Full Basement. Uninter- rupted view. Very convenient to Beach, School, Ferry and Stores. Very cheap at $3300. -- Terms about third or quarter cash, balance to snit. Phone Seymour 7484 ' lt. P. CLARK 8-. CO.'STATES, LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER, West 225 Burrard Sheet Metal '&~9 Lonsda]e Avenue I'hone North 345 Res. Phones: N'th 91S Y 4 156' GA'RDENS and GA'RDENING., l, llJsefu.. 4cipesLandscape Architect tIIIDIIIIDIDIDIIXIXIIZI IxlXIXIXOI Graduate in Landscaping U. of C., American School of Landscape Architecture and lIGardening. Member National Landscape Service. Bavarian Cream 1 can pineapple (shredded) I&/i oz. gelatineMany of our readers,'as well as 'kernels shou]dlI be P]aced from 1 "cup sugarthose with whom we come in two to three inches apart thin: 1 pjnt heavy cream Lldaily contact ask us questions of ning it out to five or six inches Pour juice ofF pineapple. Soak ,!! all kinds about everything to do apart later on. If planted iri hills jjthe!gelatine in !half of it. Putwith gardens and gardening. It put ithe hills! about three feet lother half on~isugar. Put the!ttis a very. real pleasure to us to apart, and. sow six or seven ker- i&sugar on to boil until it gets likeanswer as many of these as pos- nels i to a" hill, ithinning lout.to heavy syrup. Add the dissolve(] sible, and we ask you to have no four or five, of coul.se leaving the ! gelatine and set'aside to cool;'esitation! in, writing. us in con- strongest plants. =- " =- -- Ii;,Whip, the creamI unti],very stifF - nection with any garden or plant sHow can I grow good celery?,'nd(beat in! the syrup; gelatine ,problem you may have. ]]Celeryl]ikes a richlb]ack soil,'nd pineapple. Put into a wet Some of the questions-recent-"but does reasonably,well-in any, 'ould and serve cold. &]v asked us may/be of interest heavily fertilized ground. )Some -&to you. ~We are:giving a few of sfpeop]e &like~to'row their! Own Spanish'Cream!4 ,ithem'be]ow; -- '. -- -'Fp]ants,,; but for, those wishing 2 quarts milk How should I keep my tulip only,a table supply,,we would'iitl I'box gelatine i!bulbs when I take them upF suggest &buying the .~nursery lj'8 eggs They may! be taken'pi anY stock. Set out the young p]ants 1 teaspoon vanilla time from June to September and about six inches apart. The cel: 2 cups sugar. .i packed'. in woodI ashes or.idry jl ery may,be!bleached or whiten: Scald'he milk! and add gela-sand."Tulip bulbs should not re- 'ted byIbanking! upfthe(earth a- »tine! (previously soaked in !half'main undisturbed in the ground round;the plants as'hey grpw, cup co]d'Imi]k). 'Beat;the yo]ksfor more thanlthree years,abut or,"by. wrapping heavy paper a Il of (eggs ivithi the sugar. Pour should "be taken up'arid!divided,'l~ rpund them. - . =- into the hot mixture. 'Let it cook g the smaller, bulbs'being separat- -- Why is it best not tp cu]tjvate !I =for a& minute. Have the, whites !l ed from the first grade size and%~beans,while they are wet? ~ /of eggs beaten stifF. Add flavor- i planted apart. -- - ~ .- 'Beans! are subject, to anthra= ing,to'mi]k andlpour the whole Is it better to soiv sweet corn) cnose, or what is commonly call over the~whites of eggs. Stir ! in rows, or hills?":---, =. ed)bean'pot. This disease af - ~we]] and pour into moulds; ~ Personally we a]wajs use the fects the epods chiefly, and~ is 'hill'method, not because we be= much more readily carried when 'lieve it)better than planting in+the plants are wet. It is best not I/2 box gelatine = rows,!but tsimply ibecause the, to cultivate,!or&pick ithe'beans'!I r/& cup sugar = "planter" in ~the) family was until they are thoroughly dry- = 11/2 cups thin crealn'i pbroughtup on a farm where that -- ~ -- ' . /2 cup strong coff'eel(co]d)il' "methpd was'used.'pr small gar Il NOTE--The ~it«wni consider it a pleasure lSoak fthe gelatine! jn 'a 'litt]e~ denS, We are inC]ined& tOlbelieVe 'n this column. --„, -- CO]d'ater. Put.the Sugar, COf- hat plantjng jn rows.wj]],make & e questions shouldibe addressed to fee and! spaked i gelatjne jntpi the writer in 'are of i the Editor. The ~ It'er use Of the']imited space, answer will appear in an earl& issue or dpub]e'bOj]er and cook until dis: If the corn'-is sown in rows the,,",,lf d'd," '"'" " "-" ~ ~ solved, then add cream and pou"'into a mold. Serve with whipped cream.- f! One Difficulty Overcome No Need for Names Orange Trifle He had retired from an active An architect met a woman iii ii 3 tab]espopnslge]atjne business life to devote himself to a village and Ito]d'9her he 'had,I v &/4, cup co]d;water = go] f. tUnfortunate]yyhe! had be= just'eenlto see the great nave 1/, cu bpj]jn gun too late, and was not much in thei old church: "Yes,"'she 13/l cups sugar good. But he was game, and. one !! said.'You don't need to mention 11/4, cups orange juice day he observed to hislcaddie, 'ames. Iknow whom youmean." 1/4, cup lemon juiceafter having played a very bad II I/i pint cream l.pund, "I'l l move i heaven and! II '& Encouraging,l ! Soak gelatine in cold water.earth! to play this game proper- -- -- ~ Addkboi]jlig,water to dissolve.ly." Tommy: "Grandpa,'an'ou" Add sugar, fruit juices and grat"Aye, well," said lthe caddie, »he]p me with this sum?" ed rind of one orange, AVhip the - "ye've progressed a good bit a]- Grandpa: "I could, my ~boy, creamt and!'add it!]ast]y. Pour ackle now,"'lt right."~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~eady. Ye've only, heavenl'l to but I l don't think it'ou]d ibe into a mold, lAVhen set serve withwhipped cream'r cold boiled Tommy: "I don't suppose it custald. Dip]omatjc Mother: I'm sure wou]d,'but have a shot at it, an ',! the man who marries Gladys will Butterscotch Sauce'et a prize. 3 cups brown sugar . Wjdeawake Young Man: 1V['yes. &/j.]b. butter- o youl,mind te]ling me! how Minister to Gamekeeper: "How / pint heavy cream much it will be? is it I never see you at church?"- Place in upper part of double IlGamekeeper: ".Well, sir, I don't boiler and cook one hour over Visitors want to make your congregation s]ow heat. 'tir occasionally.' balloon «scent had just tak- sma]]el'."f en p]ace, and a little girl watch- Minister: '.EVhat do you mean?'e: "Don't go. You are leaving ing it tulned to her mother with! Gamekeeper: "EVe]], sir, if I me entirely without reason." the query, "Mother, is'God ex- carne to church half the others She: "I a)ways leave things as pecting those gentlemen?" ivou]d be away poaching." I find them."