001C9909 v'I ~'„h t THE fWEST iVAN 'EWS Mays 16, 1930'j': BASEBAL r 'es" ']]Vancouvel I opened the i,baseballseason Thursday,May 8 Amongithe,new residents of, i]M+bS &jj, I'! I! NOW is the time to have your furs looked over for moth~ a„d, en t" e local boys were at hi&me, whe West Vancoii ~ to the 'Native Sons. ]The Noi th - t e popu ar pioneer auctioneer of repairS and tO haVe them put in StOrage at a ]OW PriCe. hVanCOuVer bOya played" b tt ril. VanCOuVer.'In 1008 lie auCtipnedl]I, '! King James 1st of! Khhsiaiid,'I III baseball and combiiied,v„byith,ip O fOr the government, the pres'i . once stated that tbe'Apot]iecbhry. H " LLY'BURN "UR STP(RE i heavy. hitti»g,desemrvedlthe v c !ient site ofhwestivancouver. Mr. I 'or druggist,whbv a whbvcbahi" 'toi'y. The local boys playe l good 'Rankiii has now i'etired and with) 'bove nll,this his business,was 1540 Marine Drive (neith Block) ! I'ball except for]the fifth ' 'Mrs. Rankin'has)come&here~to I, 'J'".a mystery." 'Abdruggist must, Ij 'PhoneiWest 394L I jj, when]they allowedj6 1'unners t settle. j j knoxv the sciencesiupon I ci'oss the platter, &Up&jto,this -- " * ~ ', his art depends, and be a mer-. &~ DUNCAN LAWSON tin1e the score stoodtat b1,to 0 'nd Mi's J'"D. A. Tripp of J chant to maintain a,prescription, CHAPTER, 1. O. D. E = JliOnly ten men, faced Tiaffoid in '»ncouvei', have moved to their,jpbarmacy.'Tomake sure emay i 3 +READ EDUcATIQNAL woRK the first three innings. 1t was "mmei'ciittage at caulfeild. -- ~ i be in your neighborhood whwoii, The Duncan Laivsi»i Chapter. ]i only run, the.fina]]count "being ih Spii iyaa bol&" On Tuesday it' 'or your daily needs. ,,BB ~ dwvgvBB~ 1 0 D E h d '4 d .t f 8'o 1. i Jack Stratton ihand]ediI'the Ninth "Vancouver IGeneialij this year'sl educations],work to t!ie game to everyone s satisfac- Scotch Shortbread 'v]io gaiiis the li;ghest niaiks,»i) Last night the West;Van.'eamhii e" 3 o i est'Va'iciiuver j, 'I '- -- ~.- -- -- gv --. N B 4 I'he goiernment entrance exam- hp]"yed 1ynnihValley i and'ext Ib & ' ' 'G. D'BB]D,'bfbbpwsbr ination a Prize of $20.00 oPen tol Tuesdayhwill'take'on;the Northi'd.,of t"6 I'Geo.'ay, Building pupils of Pauline Johnson] and Vancouver Elks 'at Ambleside, T ] e&., om ] Jl, I Corner. 14th] and Marine ',wVancouvei bianchl of the ~om ! Park. The weak spots'in t- I l',",'"""'"'1Iade in', „„„home team'have been strength:oo ' u eii" w o ma es ~ ll tie,was elected the North Shore IIyWestVancouvei'.],3; the ened and the boys are exPecting representative. ~to break into thei,winning col- g k -- = ma] or science classes a prize of " . -- '- -- I ' The boys junior baseball team,;umns.'I, Turn out and'he]p them]i 'j ~ 8 0 00 -- &,- 1I '" .. ---- of West iVancouver played theirr r r Marine Dr1ve It is the wish of the Chapter N t. yS '""',"= - 0 -,!t first game 'last.Friday at Amble- Pho„,vlr t 2y I that parents and principals give -=-,; 0'ide 'Park, '4 defeating% First , this i schenie every encourage- I]iW --.- ---- I Church United'by, a score of 14 ' $ 0nj Thursday. Ithe two local to 4. -pIteamsl,wi]]f c]ashh in La'egular --, WII *i]]ivijj TO O 1st g, ]eague fixture. Each]]of these = Mr andi Mrs. Halo]d Fiiote ','j HQNE]w s OR&IA STUCCojI,, teams has a host of followers and 1429 Marine Drive, had'as theii. n nl b w wAt 6 nieeting of the West V -'~ -- -- . willi be;out ito,van.'on't miss ijjlguestsi over'he tweak I end Mr COa1 1 W couver Swimming Club on T CJ L. H lb ' fi h. -- th this game.'Foote s parents Mr and Mrs E ay eveniiig, 1 ins an, 1 xmas construction of a'new house for F.'Foote of White Rock. =-- ~ decided.to hokl the official open- he .thi d h TENNIS/CLUBbiLnderson on he northtside'Dui daravePiei o„J„»6 1st ia;„of Marine Drive about one quar- Jj . ~ = 'Mr and fdrs.',W.'Lyman Jones, 'l J1mmy: T33OmSOn Si~lJ, oi shine ~ ter of a mile beyond I]West Bay. -- The iWest j]Vancouver Tennis "- 1248 Keith "Road,'~forms ly 22nd j1 ',. ~~ ~~~~ I!] ~ J This is the first house in&West jl Club is holding a general meeting ndfpWate&iont, aie receiving I'~ i'd% ~Eh All membei's and prospective Vancouver which ]has been fin: next Thiv.sday, 22nd May, at the the %congratulations "&of 'heir membersi are requestedItoi urn is]iedl,ivith the newjCa]iforniahh Fortune Cup Inn.p =:= friends on the presentations of ii'.1 stucco. The work has beenf,done ~ An,'American tournament.willjI real-"mother",'day gift on Sun- jt Moving'. Baggage j~ Specialty. j:I Come in bathing suits and he P, by W 'T,Russe]] i ho;6 a spec, )be held on Saturday, 24th May, Ii day, May 11th ithe ]birth] of a to niake it a'successful event. '.'t '.n t»s kindi of st„ccivo- 1t at the club courts. (baby boy. =, = = .. HUBBARD has a most pleasing appearance] =- - --„-- -- -- = -"3 * *- FUNERAL/ CHAPEI, --:-- Mr. Blain of Vancouver,,whi]elj and it is worthiwhile paying a The 'Dundarave hLadies Choii l ". and Mls. J:E. Jaffaiy, whoij! WB. D:WffiTB bled ~ fishing a short distance. west of,,visit 'o i the new i house„where secured]third h p]ace in. the corn-, '"ere «isitors at Blasdell ClifF, the I . ( 'Distinctive Funeral Bevvice Hollyburn&Boathouse this week,, any I desiring, to,do i so j.wi'llItbe petition for'I ladies"j choirs.i]last »me of the Misses McBain~Alt: !J !!I =&=vI ady Assistant= = cau ht a hling cod&weighing'41 gladly shown this latest form of !ISaturday at the Victoria Musica]i] ament, have just returneil fiom II '336--sid Bt iF'phhIne Noitb 626II.'i iji pounds' ~ -- ~ ~ ~j stucco. = ~ 'Festival. =-- ~- ~ Edmonton i~vhere they. attended" --=~j]the funeral of VtIr. Jaffai.y's fath: lier,"Rev. J: A'. Jaffary, B.A'-., pro- l~l b ir. ~gjA ~g~f lp Ij rnment ]bui]dinge for I,, 3, i SERVICE FOLK DANC1NG .,I f lffb i $1.50 Ill ~ ' hapl ' 'By one'isit per; month at To,'-%Vest «Vancouver &Housewav,es',» pupils of Pauline Johnson Schooljy PHoNE&WEST 474' You can now choose YOUR Washer from the.World Famous "EASY" Family, i.ight here W hh'v ..Wb h b h E h b b hhh b h hi - b bl i it b i -',, hg„,. h"" "„'„.'" ":i BIG DAffHAM i, 'lass. When you buy from us," you are assuiedjj of, prompt, courteous" attention. The. full]line"f Easys, priced from $115.00 to $198.00,4 are carried'inl stock. j Shop ]here," get the best, andI j& h". - ... ""'" " „'est Vancpuver ! also save time and car-fare. = = ----=. f; „d,,'t h, ] --, ", . RB'dffl Ejeutrfc 1] themSelVeS. 'FOr. a'hOrt I after: ',I =-=- 1439 Manne DnveBATTERIES & CHARGED fnoon bi, period" an i atmosphere 1 of J joyousness was i created lby.", the ill spirit of happy childhood finding expression in~poetic movement. f,~00K. The J children,'some flower Ilike in i dainty frocks, others, pictur-, j,CggsLX'WVQQg I I]i esque in costumes ob the period,'i, I'i " "]]I '- - ij II presentedlanh altogether,chaim- I J=Ijg~b~O'8'~QSO jj~ ing. scene, twhich 3 was . enhanced "j '; ) CHESTERFIEI D ]WOODYARD ', ~I by, the evident spirit of-harmony I!:~ ~ Phone Northb132 pi'evailing between teacher and" &One of the many. valuable les- sonsitoibeiacquired from such" h! (Ip)lrif]fl classes namely the development,I f.~"&'pVermgtOn of a sense of musical rhythm on h the part'f even the younwest ~ pupils, hadi been'ost success- 'ullyaccomplished under the ei'.- I'ellenttuition]of 'Miss Ritchie,jj i ]la New, Stove sympathetic piano Sh accompan!-i deep appreciation 'of the months II I]] Phone West 136 for appointment 'I I! J of patient and painstaking effoit of these ladies,was expressed by ','IIy,tributes i . It I is,very h giatifying jl~ ~- ' to know. that a group from, this !bc]ass will:participate in the corn- iil jgggh DQQgSp ing Musical Festival,'hereby ad-' lj V .--:~ ~ = ~ '! I!I]ding a junior quota to West Van- I' Iiggggggjg+ he ~Qngegf~gi] NeW E+$+ With Qpmp-'tbgetbl 'ouver's ivell knoivn aesthetic ac- SAFEST: 'FASTEST -- EASIEST I]i GENTLEST " "mP'""m'"" .'"""ay ' StOr e FaZitureS i I the heartiest wishes of the com- '- This is a wonder labor saver. No pai]s of water to ]ift or carry No broken)buttons. No' munity go.with the'little danc- pinched fingers. None of the drawbacks of ordinary washers., = ers for their success. =: ' 'ee'- Have a Demonstration Now -- We are at your service.'=,We would add also a tributeto'heprogressive spiiit of the local „HppkhpmI jjf ]BrpeeWellii school'uthorities for, taking ad-',vantageof the encouragement of ...120)Esplanade 'b thetic 'ducation'y such i means i]; I Nortvh'Vancouver i Marine, and 16th Ave. R.'A'. McCREADY, Proprietor, 'as this Participatio»n the pres- ',Wentsweeping revival of National Folk Dances.idb-