001C9909 THE WEST.VAN NEWS Summer Suggests HOLIDAYS -- FILMS We have the 'ize for your I camera. We'l load it for you or teach you hove to do, it. Our Finishing Senesce is prompt'n before 8 a. m.; out at 5 p. m. ICE CREAM--We have it. PALM--the best made. Try it once and you'l have no other. Sodas and Sundaes, Milk Shakes, Bricks, etc. A phone call mll bring your dessert. WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service. West 37 AVE DELIVER THE ..A '..'.I ..Ii.( LIMITED For People Who Are -'articular THIRD ST and ST DAVIDS 'North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS-- Phone West 410L , 'For Exch'e '28ft 'Cabin Cruiser In Good I Condition 'or, a lot near Marine ) Drive. s jlif(j,,'Ijf '443 5Iarine Drive .Ii'Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, 'Financial and Insurance Agent I ll I McLeod River Hard Coal $13.50 ton 'Rose Deer (Drumheller) Coal........... $12.50 ton Bush EVood, $7.50 per cord"Bark.... $7.50 per cord ll Milhvood Slab ~ $5.50 per cord „Weston Cartage Phone West 230 I, Moving and Daily Trips Transfer. to City. Our Ice Ilfachine is now running. Customers irho have their ourn cars and irish to save cost of delivery can purchase tat the plant at balf price-- 50 cents 100 lbs. MAR MOTORS 2153 ilfarine Drive May 16, 1930. Phone West 617-0 1451 Marine Drive Residence AVest 344L =-- "'s 'II'=S 'VA'5 0, ORS SHELL GAS, OILS and SPECIALTIES o/ Miss Beatrice 'Hodgson, 24th sabir. and ihirs. Bennett of Van- GUTTA&PERCHA TIRES & TUBES andi Marine Drive, was first in couver, have taken a suite at the Q h f + g ~Q R the junior violin competition last Fortune Cup Inn for the season.' 'eek at the Victoria Musical Fes- H. 'AV.ISON, Open 7:30 a. m. 'val, winning 'he silver medal. jflr. and Mrs. Lewis have re-Proprietor p. m. AIiss Hodgson is a pupil of Miss 'urned to the Red Mill at West, Margaret McIntyre. Bay. Birthday Party Mm. D.,AV. Graham gave a Joe Barnes,of Va"couver. has B Clegg, whohasbeenstayinglggg +gg S children's party i)est Friday at rented t e ork,house on 16th in the city for some time, has ,'&her home, 2128 Bellevue, in hon- returned to his home at 22nd and,' or of the fourth birthday of her . Queens.g Qgeg 'e l d „ht „- Daph„e The sma)l:iIncluded among the artists for t the Horticultural'ociety's con- 21st and'Marine Drive able time at games, and )later cert at Dundarave Hall tomor- Me inspection of the school' h ' f th 'ow evening will be Joe Ward cadets will take place on Friday, ',AVish to announce they, ' t Iithe well known humorous enter- 3rd mstant, at 1:1o p™. on2. ~are carrying a stock mo e s, were serve tainer of North Vancouver. Inglewood School grounds.=- Il were: Margaret Southam, Lena ~~ ~ I McTavish, Reid Mitchell, Dolly C J. Overington, the Holly- g The home of Mr. and Mrs.l il(7), d'Reid, Billy Greerl Gordon Shel burn )barber, caught seven ling Blair Babcock at 11th and Keith I, t r r j "j'lard,, Dona)d Meyers t Catherine li cod weighing altogether 25 tlbs Road 'ith 'l the contents was ,r -- 6~ Hay, Norma Gemmill, Graham 't 4Garrow Bay on Thursday completelyI destroyed I by fire on Hoars, Char.les and'Daphne Gra- week. Last Sunday, while fishing Friday evening during the ab- ofF Hollyburniihe landed three senceof the family in Vancouver. skates of a total weight of be The fire brigade were unable to tween 40 and 50 lbs. do anything to save the situa- STAINS ancV " '~ tion. The Duncan I awson Chapter, The Hollyburn Public Librarv-ENAMELS -I.O.D.E., are sponsoring a'Flan- have placed on their shelves this 51rs. Wm. Clilford was abridge nel Dance to be held in the Ingle-, week thirty of the latest, new hostess on Saturday evening atIt'ortmerly carried by wood auditorium, &lay,.23rd. ="books, 25 per cent of which are her home in )Vest'Bay. gWilson 8: Moore. A splendid orchastra has been for children. ) Since the beginning , engaged'andi'the committee are Iiof the year the library boarcl has Miss Mary McDonald, 15th darranging a really 'I delightful, purchased)I over:$100 worth of Fulton is a patient 'he North"Buy, here at,'Itsummertdance. Admissionswill'))books, which is a recor~ for that Vancouv'erGeneral Hospital.,pRlgESt, ',ll'be 75 cents and dancing will last p'I'rom 9 - 12:30 p. m.' e Mrs. Menzies of the B. C. Tele- The Misses 'Lorna Thomson phone stafF there is taking, her and Lilias Davie spent the week PhOne )WeSt'405'l ~ ~ HIGH SCHOOL annual, vacation. ', end'at Long Bay, Gambier Is- jtl land, where they were the guests h. --, --. - . = - ll of Miss Davies sister, M». J.Cla~s leaders,"'April, t Grade XI . '«here from Scotland and is stay- -' c=e ltt( = = =, ----, - - 1.'~FrancesttWebb.. 68o/o ing with~rher uncle and aunt, Mr Jo n Norris .. -- )664/F !,and Mrs. J; McEwen, 15th ancl+ bush fire broke out on Sun- M C 11 h '64/ 'E q 1 lt. = = 'd.y t oo o HollybRidge:in t the slashing arounrl I I = I.,William~ Smith............,72v t/Ther'Pauline Johnson, juniorVERNO¹- 2.iG fferyCornish........71o/ j)boys defeated the,Ho)iyburn fg e turned out and.with the «,@Em~ ~sss~m~ 3. Robert Reid ................ 70/o tbovs 'at'baseballl on lThursday, & & gE&RLgpgp»ce vsjrest s 1. Josie'Leyland ........... i85% I5.'.The match,was played on the ll 2. Billy Atwood'4%....'.,H.o.l..lyburn.grounds. -. "'-- «(8: Jim Brown ..................'72/o =~ =e * e A daughtertwasiborn to i%r. ItFuel and" Building Supplies', Grade X.--Commercial.', -- Miss'I.'parkyn of sVancouvei and Mrs. James Httlt of 11th and1.'Druscilla Dawson........'68% has i pturchased is lot on/Clyde Marine-'Drive. on Saturday at 2. Joyce Herrin...............'-61%%u 'venue. Grace Hospital" Vancouver. 3. «Dorothy Spaulding...... 54/o :DA'IKIIN '- 1. Nell',Weatherhead......,70% „ver, has been inspecting Pauline )tea)led to Kant)oops f(ir a fesv jt ~2. Charles McMillan..... 67 jo ) Johnson school this, week. I'I)ts S&s ~-s.= vss, I 3.'Ruth Blair ................'58/o - ~ ~ *+ e = brother-in-lasv, Mr. Verne Svein-At HOrSeShOe )t Bag', t Grade IX.--Commercial., = li Captain andi Mrs. R.'KIi Clay, son, in Tranqui]le Sanitarium.1.'ay Cripps'................-'81%, who have been'absent on a trip = Mrs. M. B. Robinson, 13th and- 'ljIEVery Saturday)NiIIht 2 'H ei'Brea«y'--".)695/o ato the Orient, returned on Tues- Clyde, is visitingther'daughter3. Eunice HatTison.'.......'69.2/o )t day to their home at Gordon and in'Poweil River. arry Qzrr's4 . = ~ --. ~ Marine 'Drive. Mr. Percival of Vancouver has ~ e lie lie- : purchased the 'Barrow;house at ="E. S. McNab,'ho fell onto the '"HOIIygp'Qgga 23rd and Laivson. ', rocks some weeks 'go .whilst «Inglewoocl 1'SchoolI~Aeditorium(' ':d.'".",.",'i".I,",'.,",'.,",',,"I,".,')) I,=-„- =, I 'and renovated throughout in pre- j ~« I,Ilparation for the summer season. Ij CC'~'=- =-- ~ ~ ' py qI jt t'he other,ttvotboats,will also ',, tour DeV$ , $ ~ &Itbe painted and renovated in like ORCHESTRA'~ 'tREFRESHMENTS tjI s j:mannet'l' I ! I ~ * * * PLEASE NOTE' We I find it l Dancing 9 - 12:30.'dntission)75c „ t I,Miss M )Vi)son t tvho,.s in impossible to keep the theatre4 I ' t ' l l g open the first half of the iveek.charge of )the IImusic at thelI & Therefore in future until the ! schools I here r has been ) granted &Il end of June at least the thea IS -- = i,' st tone month's leave of absence in "t«e»ttt be op«on tstt/ ~ I . = ~ 1 ' hh I)j or er that she may go to her THURSDAY'3, 'FRIDA$3~ ~ ~home in New,Westminster where t)t $ATIIRDAyg ~ ~WILSON 8: MOORE BLOCK at'5thtland)gIarine Drive. 'her mother is ill. In her absence ' 40CE l('I '.S 'nC tfV. GE'll AB I.'S, fore the vtarncouver tlIusiea)~FMesti fj ~~ ~ ~ ~ A full line of Groceries ancl Confectionery. All New 1 Stock;, I '~ Miss F. M. Cooke of.Victoria,our atronage 's solicited. 'I„was the guest over the week end')Ve'Deliver.,'~, West 162 of her sister, iVIrs. H. A.-Hunt, 1051 Marine Drive. The little five year old daugh-u'Q ~Ht" ~' - SH~~, -' l. ter of tAIrs. Crossland of Vancou. ver, while visiting here svith her0 & sea&sv vo sao~As sA™sc ~ g II mother'on Monday, fell on tire'»MPS & A.t) J. hodA Q.)" I N W, ',j beach and severed all the tendons of her right hand. She divas tak-P.'..boX 2ZV IPHONE's WEST 2M'n to the North Vancouver Gen- )I eral Hospital, where the clelicate operation was successfully per-l)i Hole.ProoF Hosiery (Canadian) and LadyshiP Wools (English) I formed of setv~lng the severed p» iv