001C9909 G THE:)WEST tVAN& NEWS March.7, 1930 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '$20,000 PHOTO I CONTEST mtg ','5, '. IC'eI ~ 'he Photographers'ssocia- ! l I ) "g g'Iiat, lI tion, of America, of.whichtthe,'WO RED AND WHITE'STORES Sti'eet, is a,member, is'putting DUNDARAVE 'OLLYBURN'ti on a c'ontinent wide'contest for 1 7tll alltl ~ Mal'ille,i most attractive child. The sum of $20 000 will be dis- ', tributed among 444'rize-win-'heseare only, a few of our good Government 'Inspected Only C The contest closes) 10th Nay, ~l~'IIggegtIOnSfOI'4 1950, and any photo taken at the 'Two Stores for your service) Friday andi Saturday, March 7th 8z t8&h;.'ei g ble I:t'thee"i'tenets.' ' '" ' )llollyb'urgStmetgfeSt'l3", a'4'a'll'bredtle41 )@heat ........... 2 for 21c Sugar, B. C. Granulated, 10 lbs. 56c faCtOi Only the IChal.m & Of the 'pork,t, ~ " ' ' *' No. 1 Jap Rice ............ 3 lbs. 2lc Red E'lum Jam, Nabob, per, tin 39C SubjeCt, and the tWO COnteStS are', Oat Cakes. Bobby Burns. pkt..... 2le Apricots, Australian, large tin 28c ll diStinCt frOm One anOther. ~Rinso, small ................... 2 pkts. 19e I'o~k 8- Beans, (Ayimer) ilIflirid- '=, The judges~ are:lCharles Ay- i, Corn, Golden Bantam, tin.'....... 19c g m a I 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 18 oE 2 tin~ for 21& TOrOntO PhOtOgrapherS"ASSOCi "Everything i fort the Building. Corned Beef, Fray Bentos, tin 22e atdo» of America--Internationalist--which is this year celebrating ~ ' i 'wP «etuo, «tt & tyhtto, 9" t'"-- St uroony,s ttoo Q 'gyi,rio ouch t9ot]i tts Golden Anniversat~. ==,: l lit 'L II ~ )~li . ~ ~ s r I ~ 'ASH DOORS'll ROOFING BUILDING PAPER, ) Marmalade, blul ray's, large jar 49c I'uneli,)VEIeat ................ 2 pkts. 25c '»Ol't 'l StOry Writer,andlt MaryRoberts Rhinehart the we]i' I 'Lamatco,-- tGyproc =tPlaster 'Board& ", known author. = . 0 'eaver Hoard -- Shingles,. Among the chief awards are:rt =~.--. ' --. =:= ='=.. -- '=. =- 4b'estkViaucouvert. umber,'Cto."si l ill tt tl ' = o= '='- = ==" ~ '" '-. =' i '00; Seconcl International'Award 15th and Marine LIMITED"Phone West 115)~„ THE STORE, OF CONVENIENCL», 1'500; Third International'Award,I, &&„Residence ph'orie: iWest 368L. $250.'1 Canadian Awards'tota PWeSt 190'i 1680 Manue DnVe "gAmer,«s M„t t,A«,.„„. -. AndLthenitheie,was ther]azy ARIScotchman stood intrline'l( nlani.whol marriedIla pug-nosedil .waiting for "The Miiacle." He ! 'ward ~1 5pp,. -- girl)because she,was Leasier tto4thind him-stood a Jew.second Interna- ttkiss.'-~ .: ~ =- ~ -- ---- "Have you two-dollar seats for ,i5M t" F h ', ' '~ ~t ~i~~» " lt tional Atvard,'500; Third Inter- "-- ' 'q -- ' "The Miracles" inquired the Scot"E Q,i@g ~ti::',i. ' ~~Ruad ~ a, = ': when he finally reached the win-ea is " tvards totaling.$850. -- ~ Thel mant,.was i piayingt alone. dow. SansgagegylDI pp g",.l = ~ l -- --.-- -- -- ., 'I'wo:boys kept follovving him'a- ~ "I amtsorry„,we~ar~esoldlout pullet Extrnst 3)& "Why is it that you have brok- roundithe'course.'t the ninth ((of the two-dollar ones,",',divas the P egeta eS," rult, '-" ' ' en oif your engagement,.Alice?"ti'hole he turned:to,the boys'and sanstver.= "ph, my dear! He told me he said,',"You'l never learn to play. "Then give me tivo four-dollar 8 iC, „twas connected,with the movies, pbbs;watching me." =- -=- = i'seats," said the Highlander'. encl the very next day I saw him,'!We'ret not .watching you,". r When the Hebrew heardIthis,tl ,lB & L d ll From Mr. Davis Poultry Ranch, ~J'v'"g a «r»«raven' said one of the boys. 'SVe re go- »he immediately, left the line.u er,', aeon,'r &ng fishing as soon as you dig up "I vill keep my money--I have I ost time is never found again t some more worms. th ==: seen de Mirac]ei" saidthe."=- ---- ) &%hen,'you tliink of Meals "ALIBI",TO BE AT.'~ 'rambles THEATRE LONSDALE = Pastry =. 2&/2 CupS paStrjr flOur A'how, within'a'hoiv is one /2 cup shol'tening of the innovations in."Alibi " the 1'gg all) talking l and singing. picture yWater to moisten. hit coming to Lonsdale Monday, . Filltng (uncooked)) Tuesday and~ Wednesday, next 1 egg xi eek 1 cupsugal'Iif'- ':l I rt n; e 4t Adding a spectacular touch to Juice one lemon the underworld thriller which he 1 cuP choPPed'raisins producedi andi directed, Roland() West one of filmdom's outstand-'ut pastry withI the cover of ing figuies, engaged the service- " can'lace a spoonful of of ant entire musical'revue corn- the filling on one half. Fold the p lny to appeal- in thatre scenes othel side ovel- like a,tul~over iat you ~vill see and heai. on the Moisten edges and press togeth-el'. , screen.'= When "Alibi" was being made,'he interioi iof a theatre, corn- WalnutrWafer piete in every detail,'as con- One egg, %~ cup brown sugar, structed on the new sound stages 3 tablespoonfuls flour or more if at. the United. Artists studio in not stiff enough, %& cup chopped Hollywood and a theatrical tvalnuts, t/q teaspoonful 'f i bak- I'~~--~~I 0 ~I')LINTA'IM$troupe, including scores of dane- ing powder, pinch of salt. Drop ing girls chorus men and a thir- a small teaspoon on butteied tins ty-piece orchestra, &was'rans- and'bake: ported bodily from a show house to the mot'on picture tlot. Al- Ginger Bread)(Very Good) I though this scene and the night One half cup of sugar 1scup of club sequence comprise'but in: molasses, 1/ cup of butter, ] tea- ~- - of power I to t,Vancouver ini1932,'nd,which,wiQ i evenly pro- cidentalI action in the plot of spoonful each of cinnamon, gin- li duce 600,000 horse power, is situated on Seton Lake. "Alibi," a thrilling story of the ger and cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls of underworld and will be seen and soda in"up'f boiling. water, Two and a Qalf miles distant &om the site of the plant, Bridge River ows on heard on'the screenl for only a 2&/2 cups of flour. Addl2,well- its way, to the Praser. The river is 1200 t feet above the iplant, and separated few minutes when the picture is beaten eggs the last thing before 'om it by, a range of mountains--a range Of mountains to i be, overcome in shown, they requil-ed mol.e than baking (bringing the water I'tom Bridge River to the power plant. The l plans, brieRy, provide 'or; tunneling, through these mountains--a work )! costing S2,000,000. But this is but one of hundreds of heavy items of expen- diture in connection with the Bridge River project. 'A series of three or more dams must be construaed. There's the plant itself--and the cost of transmit- ting power 135'miles to the city of,Vancouver.'r i And yet~ Bridge River is but one item on a vast program l to, provide for r) &Vancouver's future'. power needs--to i provide, power that is. delivered at the lj lowest rates on the Paci6c Coast.~ t~q l lw== ElectrIclty ~ l the ~ ' I-=&,& ~ "Zn Vancouver, electrical cheapest thirsg that" ~ '&I- il g "service costs have dropped cosnesinto thehouse -gg; Q l, 5= (i62cyo since 1913 iW np oo~ Is " ltt BRITISH HI COLLIMBIA"'LECTRIC l RAILWAY'll COMPANY'lMlTED t) OWd '-- GET OUR ll.rt.' rla=:II'I;=III!I.Cias 'nd l Save'oney.. We are in business to serve you, and we'l appreciate youl orders. Phone West 199, for anything in Lumber. ,'i;,L 'I,'I CS„i:,.i5 1I I'ilk,:)1..1 1,'I., l,i;. I Mal'InelDrive at 16th Phone West 199'I D. MORTON, LOCAL M A NAG ER