001C9909 «aF I THE VILEST VAiW NEVfS March 7, 1930. Correspoadence SUGGESTS AIRPLANE SERVICE SPEED IN Prescriptipiis When you are sick min- utes count. Quick delivery of prescriptions and sick room supplies mean more to you than anything else . on earth. To the Editor, AVest Van News. Dear Sir:--In reference to Mr. Troughton's letter in your edi- tion of February 7th, I ~vou]d like to suggest that in place of building a bridge or making a tunnel from the mainland to )Vest Vancouver in these times of progress, we might perhaps look higher up. Would it not be better to aspire to a regular airplane service be- Il'ween Vancouver and %'est Van- couver? Possibly this could'be extended in the summer months to Ho]lyburn Ridge, and so open tup a wide field of enjoyment to those who are not strong enough to make the grade on foot. I believe that a great future lies before West Vancouver and that it is up to us today to guard it as a permanent residential area for those who love nature nd the woods. The tourist ele- ment would pass us over when t)ie National Park is opened and would make a permanent air ser- vice a possibility., Yours truly, C. S. G. PHILIP. AVEST 323 ls the number to phone FAST DELIVERY No Order is Too Small Lesage Drug Store C. E- REID, hianager Ceo. Hay 'uilding Corner 14th and Marine WEST 323 I.ARGE INCREASE IN 'FERRY TRAFFIC Lastlmonth there was an in- crease of 13,933 in the number of ferry passengers as compared with the same month one year ago. The figures are 66,080 pas sengers in February of this year as compared with 5'2,147 for "February 1929. It wi]] be noted . that the increase is large iri com- parison with the number of pas- sengers using the ferries. Mr. Editor. Dear Sir:--I have just receiv- ed the following eulogy from the eminent conductor, iiIr. AVa]ter Damrosch of New York, U.S.A., who was so impressed on receipt of same that he broadcasted it in the endeavor of discovering the anonymous author. "I "Am iAIusic" "Servant and master am I; servant of -those dead, and mast- er of thosac]iving. Through me spirits immorta] speak the mes- sages that make the world weep, and -«laugh, I andi. wonder, and 'fivorshlp. "I tell I the story of love, the stol~ of hate, the stol~ that saves and the story that damns.: I 'am the incense upon which ,,pravers float to Heaven. I am . the smoke which pa]is over the frdld of battle where lmen lie ciyingewith me on their lips." ~ "I am close'to the marriage a]tar, and when the graves open I stand nearby. I call the wand- erer home, I rescue the soul from 'I the I depths, I open the I lips of lovers, and through me the dead whisper to the living. "One I serve as I sen'e all; andithe'King I make my slave as easily as I subject his slave. I speak through the birds of the air, and insects of the field, the fii crash of. waters on~ rock-ribbed "shores, the'ighing i of ~vind in "the trees, and I am even heard by the soul that knows me in the'latter of whee]s on city streets. 'I know no'brother, yet a]l , ir en are my brothers; I am the father of the best that is in then& and they are fathers of the best that is in me; I am of them and they are of me. For I am the instrument of God" I am Music. Youls Sincerely, EVALTER GRUNDY. TRAFFIC ON SECOND & &RROWS BRIDGE IS HEAUIER THAN:IN 1929 Seconcl Narrows bridge traffic in the first t~o months of t year sho»s substantial gains in all departments as compared with traffic of the corresponding ',IIperiod of 1929, according to the , report of the manager. In the first two months of this year 247,085 persons, 97,032 autos, 22,839 trucks and 2163 other. vehicles crossed the bridge as compared- with 208,606 per- sons, 80,663 autos, 17,068 trucks and 2069 I other vehicles in the'irst bvo months of last year. The following gains are showri for thetbvo months'eriod. of this year: 'Persons, 38,479; autos, 16,369; trucks, 5771; other, vehicles, 94. The average daily ea~ngs for , the two months of this year was fi $331 as against $268 in the cor- responding period of 1929, The report of the manager also shoivs that in the first two months of this year 707 vessels "passed through the open bascule and 2013 vessels passed under the bridge as conipared with 596 Il vessels through the bascule and 2248 under the bridge in the firs tivo months of 1929. Also, in the first two months of this year, 108 trains composed of 1783 rai]~vay cars crossed the bridge as compared . anth 120 trains composed of 2065 rai]way cars in the first tivo months of 11929. 'For I Sale "iVHITEaa SEI'tent G MACHINE i~iay be seen in Domestic Science Room, Ingle~vood School. Writ- . ten tenders for purchase of this machine ivill be received hy the undersigned up to 5:00 p. m. Thur=day, March 13th.y- The liest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. B. GARI HAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, P. 0. Box, 231, HOIIyburn. HOLLYBURN HALI S. p. AiIi]]er wi]] be the gospel speaker at Hollyburn Hall next Sunday evening, IIr. Miller has a]ivays a message to deliver, and those who go to the hall next Sunday evening are sure of hear- l ing an interesting address. There ivi]] also be singing by the Girls'orner Club quartet te. I .'iITIIII'III 1443 ihlarine Drive , ~VEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY xvi]] give A MILITARY WHIST DRIVEBRttc|'ies II heal'ged and Tulhes Rejuvenated TOliIORROIV (Saturday), II in the "CLA 8th ihlARCH, at 8:15 P. ill. CHANsa Hotel Refreshments Admission 35 Cents Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, I& inanciii] and insurance Agent Prizes 1443 5IARINE DRIVE )VEST ]5& (Yates Block) Proceed~ to the Benevolent Fond ~LEGIGN H0LDs FoURTH PersollR1ill I', Mt's; Drapet"s T anin XR Ito The Canadian Legion, West An enjoyable afternoon of Vancouver branch, held the musical entertainment was held fourth whist drive of the series at the home of ilirs.'L, Liddeii of last Saturday evening at "the 26th and Lawson Street, recent- C1achan," twelve tables being in ]p when several of her'friends~uu ug anu piny. i4rs. D. iMcLennan and were invited to tea at her home. ~ s 1 r s P AIrs. Romans tied for first prize,irtaday CakeS & theformer winntnginthe cnt of Miss Gertrude Pitman of Made to 'rder. the cards. H. B. Gray turned in 'Prince George, has been spend- the highest score among the ing a few weeks'oliday with gent]emen, but as on a previous her grandparents, iAIr. and iAIrs. I Oyea all day Thursday, Icccasion refused to take the John I awson. prize on account of having won the grand aggregate in the prev- Nrs. Pollard of Vancouver, ious series. spent wednesday visiting a few Gordon Gray, R. J. Norris and cf her friends here. lV. Hedley tied for the gentle- ~, men's second prize, the last A delightful evening was spent ~ [n business in West, Van 9 gears named being successful in the recently at the home of i Iiss Ethel Nillard when she enter- c Ii' g lg fpn The following are the winners:, tained a few of her friends inga ~ Ladies first prize--Mrs. D. Mc- honor of Miss Gertrude Pitman. Lennan, atomvar. Among those present were AIrs.I), ~ P I + ~'li l1 Ladies secon&i prize--Mrs. Ro- Miiiard, Miss Gertrude Lawson," KK. h, &W~.s ~ l,, mans, fancy. apron. Miss Lucy-McDouga]] and Miss Ladies'onsolation--Mrs. E. Pitman. The evening terminated " Greene, pepper and salt shakers. with dainty refreshments served II 14 t J ff 'I t si Il» Gentlemen's first prize -- A. by Miss Miiiard. I I Expert gyork--Ladies'hildren&) BanniSter, leather Wa]]et.Centlemeni.,!f fI Gentlemen's second prize--W. Mrs. J. Mitchell of Long BayPhone West 135 for appointment-' Hedley, table lighter, Gambier Island, is the guest of a ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Gentlemen's consolation--EIrs. her father, $V. S. Davie, 15th andQ, Childs, ash tray. )I Gordon.+U+0 Qjf$UR~CE;i II 'Refreshments were served aft- yy D ti S RORISON Ii er the cards. On account of the Fire broke out on wednesdayannual masquerade dance on niorning at the home of J. Nc-17th instant, St. Patrick's Day, Gowan, 26th and Bellevue. ThePhone Sey. ~~8+ I;t »as decided'to hold. the next tifire brigade turned out and madeu hist drive on Saturday, 29th a quick run to the scene of theH. C. SPRING FLOPOVER March.. -- "fire. Some damage was done toAND TUI.IP SHOW = the roof. ELECT COAIAIITTEE J. R. Patterson and family'ave moved from 24th and %at- James Duncan, the municipal B C Spring F]ower and Tu]lp II el front to 27th and Marine Drive engineer, is confined to his home Show committee has elected Mr. * .; -- through sickness,J.'. Turnbu]] r of Kerrisdale Mrs. S. Culling ton, Radcliff chairman for 193Q, with Nr. Avenue who has been quite sick, --, As Ia result of the wester]yAlex MacDona]d of South Hi]]il ls now very muchlimproved in gale which'sprang up onfhVed-vice-president; Nr. A'. G.'DicksonIIItf "ea]t". I nesday morning, the heavy seasSecretary, Mr. i George Dickson, . ' * .-- 'li broke down, the bulkhead whichassistant secretary, and Nr. The 'm~~t~~g of- the Uriited II protects the ferry i landing floatArchie Se]wood, treasurer Church EV. A.'last Tuesday, was at Ambleside dock. Parti of it The committee complises dele- 'algely attended and Plans for an drifted away andistuck ln i the gates from the Horticu]tora] So- APril& sale of needIework 'andtf sand a short distance east of-the cieties of 'A]berni,.Vancouver Is 'home-cooking discussed.'Tea wl]]II dock. and;-North and @rest Vaircouver, be served; also there wi]l be a South'urnaby 'Professional 'P gram' " ' " ' Colin C. Campbe]]'of,Vancou-Gardeners,'B.'C. University and I nouncement and keepithls date ! ver, has taken the Diplock home , Vancouver.. P"', at 14th and Lawson, S"'he schedule for )the 1930 Mrs. Press'as )rented& Nrs. L: G, h h b ~ t-s]low has been revised and it has Zaggard's cottage on 22nd Street '5 t 'h h H 't ] fI: reen, who has been a pati-been decided to oger better Priz- fol. the summer. 'nt in atig nessy osPi a or I es for district exhibits of spring + ~ some months, has returned to his ';f]oivers and tu]lPS. Committees H: L. NacLean, 22nd and Gol " home at 13th and Haywood. have been appointed to prepare don„is on Vancouver Is]andIonIII ~L.O.L. No4~990 will hold theirfor the coming show anrl to make a business ti-lp.... o. - wl 0eiarrangements for the use of a -- -- -- ~ regular meeting next Monday at suitable hall.. && --, -- ~-=-: -- I, 8 p. m. in the I.O.O.F. hall, North .i HOIIy'butin4 if vancouver. Add'a little baking~iiovvder-- i ~ =- --.us, ',l bf, r A M P tt fli'onwhalf teasPoonful, if siz I'HE++RE P,, G r' 'th t "f h,P oP e re i to &be served -- to rl .," brother J.. R. Patterson 27thy ~ ~ Thursday li I riday Saturday (lII and Mal in Di ivesan inII, and they will be so de- 'iciously white and.light you wi]] never serve them without ~ )IILTON DoRQTHY'JIAGI&AILL I, informally on Tuesday at her ~ ~ ~home in@Vest Bay. Q 'I '" TlJK IrD JL Ig i4 I g I l Miss Dorothy Hnmphreys, ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , WEST VANCOUVER-- l I LU 'J~~++ ~& + 'econd daughter of Rev. and Nrs.fice Ho. 144v Narine Drive. lf I fl -- i: 'Humphreys, has compfeted her I I, ~ ii course of training at Vancouver tllonda&, Tuesday, fiWednesday,, General 'HOSpital and iS nOW a~ Phone Seymour 41se.~ ~ III March Ie 11, Io fij registered nurse. )HnhIA G~HH41 o"4 II A'get-tchether meeting Of the! LEWIS S'I'ONE )Vest iVancou&er pioneeis ls to in be held some tinie this month at~, & li the Clachan hotel. The pioneersIv ": 'ff pig )Ot 4 ggtIS IIrie those Ivhowere here in 1912,when the niiimcipafity first cameListings of $ 'nto being. I i I,'ummt.rlun aOWS and'Campa 4 '~.ERAL.I ti:i-'"..~..8fc I. III RadiP I and Elicit@'ideal 'SyeCialiStS, Complete Service Department in both lines.