001C9909 iXIarc)s 7, 1930. CORNER STORE on 14th (near Ferry) For Rent, ACHE BLOCKS at ALTAMONT, FOR SALE at $400, $500 and $600 each. CLYDE AVENUE LOT, FACING SOUTH((between]]I 12th and 13th) FOR SALE at $200. O'HITAI~ER Z. AVHITAIZER j 942 West Pander Street Vaneouv BUT BREAD 31ade in ,AVest Vancouver If you cannot get stores, phone AVest 27. be delivered. Phone,AVest it at the and it will ll 27|I II STRATTQ¹iS BAKERY AMBLESIDE HOLLYBURN I)i «I „'I Barbers, Shop) II'5th E- Marine EXPERT SERVICE -- E. iAIARSH, Proprietor PHONE WEST- 110 FOR Coal] angl WVoosl Prompt Delivery. ll ]l Jimmy&'homson'sl TRANSFER ! Daily: Trips I to 'nd. from] City. 'k Moving 'aggage J at Specialty.-- II- & Iu~'4 Ii='»'I=ill "'VERNON'" FEEDi STORE A. C. SEARLE),Phone,West 9]1 Ne~t dooi. to Theatre"; Fuel and Building Supplies.'g ts !Ii ~+gt ~ l] WI&.-... ~ essess ' ' ' 1 ll vt ~ 0 i -::-.. I =-.III Burrard Sheet Metal l f 229 Lonsdale Ave,, North Vancouver,~= Phone North 346]l ~ Res. North 918Y and 1214Y-- ='ll ' r ir n i~ We Re-chsrge) Racho and Auto lHIatteries Batteries for Rent PHONE'iI 'I'MARINE MOTORS West 456 = Lead on McDuff! 'Dear,dear, you mustn't p]ay with daddy's razor, baby. Moth- er has a can of peaches to open." THE WEST iVAN) NEWS '~ = I --' ' en ll ... IP E RISIIO X~'AWL~S» . 'Confilence 'n your local Druggist is an J. Horse]and'as;taken the Mr. aiid Mrs. A.'McNair, 1St]i asset at ANY'ime-- Sellers ]rouse at 16th and'Ingle- 'and Marine Drive,'.'are] moving,ii ~l'ou can rely on his know- gi iyood. = = = into~ the Taylor house 'at i28rd'& ']edge and:advice and in time,i. and Marine Drive. =„~ lit] of serious'illness it.is]one l grove had as their guests'last Mr. and'Mrs. Jack Kerr,'.whoiI ~ to gk,1ow for, ]certain] that ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.week, Mr. and Mrs.'Frank Hag-lIi have been)spendinglthet,winter ..D y' is carrying,'artof Sandkvich, Ontario, who in Winnipeg, ~have 1'eturned" to l l: o„t yii„t Doctor"3 orydergs ~', your ~ ruggis is cal 1'ylng, BROWNIES HOLD were passing through «Vancou- l] theii home at 25th and Nelson.Uel fl.on1 Ca]ifornia, where they -- EXACTLY. ~%NNV 4L ilIEETING 'ave spei1 t the wii ter = ~ = BASEBALL = 1The 4th Annual meeting of the Mr. Physick of Vancouver,'has Mr Co»«n would like to have,) 'hone your orders,to us., takenl M1s. Yoik's cottage at ali baseball'suits stipplied to the ' = =--= ~ ! Church. The two companies of E. )G. Canhan1 of the Radio ----=-, I" .Tle Store of, Service. u l Girl Guides and the Bi.ownies 'lect'ic, th and Marine Drive, attended in uniform whi]e on the lI ]ias taken, the Dinsclale house at -- =, II,,&Vest 37,, &VE DELIVER'.. Ij',LEGION NOTLS Platform were iVIrs. W. B. Smali„l " " "," e ',ill Masquerade at Inglewood]Audi-commissioner, Miss Davies, dep- t uty provincial commissioner, andi] Mi'3 J. R Pat«rsont 2447 Bel-' -- ""-- 1I]OPPER OP:NORTH SHORE Mrs. Leyland,'ecretary-treasur- '." 3 ~ --. = -- ~ At the regu]ar month]y n1eet: MEDICAL'OCIETY ~ L . land,'iss Jackson] for, the Mr. Haggerty. of vancouver lien rooms,'it was decided to hold"e 1annual~ll St. 'Patrick's Daontp ny, Iib]o k 14th „d Mar;„Dr;;„masqueracle dance inttheiaudi- IICouncilirecently referred to the IIthe 2nd Company, and rs. c- - . ~ - ~ -- Q -- ftorium of, the Ing]ewood'Schoo] health committee for considera-( II Intyre for the 'Brownies. iIiss „; b „.]d;n- ], cn Monday, evening, 17th iMarch, tion,'he offer of the NorthtVan„ts Villa i&IcLean, district caPtain, to . ' "' " '"8 the board of schon] trustees ha - "couver Medical Society.to obtain)f ]i]rouse at 21st,and]Waterfront. =-".,.;rvhom much, of the success of l,„, -- -- 'iing~kind]y, consented]to rent it .]vaccines ancl itoxins'or luse 'inithe Guide imovement in West ',' " 'or. the,occasion'otving to,there the North Shore Hospital'at aiVancou.ver is due,lgave a'brief ieutenant Hawkes. of the ]tbetItg „'oi]urge]ha]liat pr~esent l]decreased rate Dr. H..IC.'Gra:resume of the work in general, oya] Engi»ee1s a brotherlof avai]ab] .th d; t . t -.I, l arne lsecretar of]the society,and Mrs. Small followed(with n ~ aw es, 7 h and Esquimalt, 'ordance "1v]th~ the]express]pro- statediithat foyr one serum 65]llfew. we]]l chosen and very apro: is reported to have been recent: visos ]]aidll down lby.]the board. cents to $1'is now being paidac-'ar'ds,which made lthe II ~ murdered'y. a lborderlthief the branchy has undeitaken tto l(cording;to the mamothers and the many members )on]the Northl~West Frontier of put nothing,on&th f]oor, hi h society could purchase the same of the Associations present feel. „wi]]laffect it aftenvards for its a'ticle for 25 cents.that it was 'n I honor i to belong = regu]arlusers landl,to seellthat ~ It is~the intentionIfthat the I tn so well-worth-whi]e and flour-, Mr. andi Mrs." Cree]manil and nobody not . wearing dancing suPP]ies'be kePt at the hosPita]$ llishing an organization. -- familv, l 23rd and: Kings, 'have ll shoes is a]]o7ved on the f]oor. =- «i» proper refrigeration and thus I I A.'e]i~htfu] programiwas giv- " B" en y '=- = =-=- -- -- -- = be available at any time. 'l]cn by, the Guides'andiBrownies = .'" * " .. ~ ~ It is]expected ithat the new vd hich was followed with a,very. a;Work has been started on ] the ]Legion Memorial') hall will ltl be realistic camp-fire around,which laying of the foundations for the ready for. occupancy by about the]I ~.GREASING, OILING, . the Guides and( Brownies'ang, »e»'lOrange 'Ha]] at 22nd 'and'n'f:the month.'he date and p ~ TIRE REPAIRS I11 ]13itheir camp songs. - =-- --. Mai"ne Dt'ive. particulars of the formal] open- . fIt is always an honor to have ing will be given at a later date., $ +he &Qe~, iss Davies,,who ho]ds suchl a Mrs. J. Munson of~Vancouver, & try important 'os]tjonf Lnl the 3 1;as moved into a house at 19th E. S.'earce, E. Marsh, and]W. II ll @AS) SQA+gQNII 'Guide world, attend any-meeting a--d ..arine Drive. EI II]Sager,ivere admitted to iiiember- and~rthe Guides'up of joy,,waslll -- m- ~.--, ~ shiP. -~ -- -- ----,'ICo'"" iif 14th '"'d i%farms =, ed toi overf]owing,;when she -. ~VIr..'andcMrs. E. Rhodes; 18thI ~ -- ' "IEIPERIAL" lGAs and lolLs joined'their camp-fire circle andultand 'uchess,; are moving toi BASKETBALLII , to]d thent'n intense]y interest- North Vancouver,,where they = ah = .~ = il I8 S,-,vi,e A]] the t;meexpect to reside in future.=- = J Pauline Johnson~ Girls Take mora],,which was equa]]y, enjoy-, . * ~ ~ ~ ='Double-Header from young and o]d The meet - - 'rs. J. H. Fiddes has returned . =- -- Hollyburn ing closed with, taps. ~. to her home at 28rd'and Ingle- "'After losing,to the Hollyburn ivood, from Lethbridge, Alberta, Junior gir]s recent]y T]by one ~ pACIPIC SK]i CLUB]]i m, ' ]II basket,the Pauliiie girls] turnedu I]~ the tables last week„winning by,'~ LEADS IN COMBINED]Sgr J The high~school boys basket-,'the „arrow ntat.;„'of IP to 10 ', ~'.I ",']'"Iit y .I]~CHAMPIONSHIP ball team'I defeated ithe ex-high Ho]]vbuin he]d a'4-point lead'at on Monday, evening in the Ingle- the end'of the t]iird period and :ii Under ideal weather conditions wood'ymnasium]by]a'core of aoains]ookedts]ike 'ure i winners 'LIMITED ill a crowdI of nearly. 2000epersons 27» to 25 = " lp -" but the Pauline girls came back,", 9-year-o]d -- = -- .-,» sti.ong and'ran in three b~~k~ts'; For Peop]e +ho III skier of the Grouse Mountain]i Ml's, i C. H. Tye, 18th'nd whi]e ]they Iheldl.the Ho]]yburnl -- Pa ticulm. Ski Club,'ump 115 feet Sunday Duchess,'as,taken theiMcPhee IIgir]s score]ess lduring ]the last afternOOn tO Win the WOOdS Cups hOuSe at 18th and DuCheSS.' -- ." -- ' ~ THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS 'I ] «Iperio . Northi,Vancouver ~ ',for the longest standing jump on -~ ~-- 3 ~ The Senior game,~vas a ding- the Grouse Mountainihi]L Miss Given Hodge of the local 'ong ]battle al],the .ivay,,the August magen, Grouse Moun- Ite]ephone staff, is confined to her teams! keeping,within! a&ibasket .,1vesttvan Represents't]ve ~'ain Ski Club, took second place ' e "g, " 'ief each other practically the en- " p RIVERS== g ~~~~t with+ ~ ~ - ' --- . tire game. Both tean1s P]a~ed a]I Phone~~Vest 410L"ump of 112) feet,l while R. Mrs. Wilson of~Vancouver has )close checking game on the first Morris Ho]]ybuia Ski Club,',was purchased the'weeny house at period& which& endedi without a "1 third, with 108 feet. 672 11th Street, taking.posses- score. The end of the i second'Iwl,l I, The tesu]ts of the comb;nedi, »on']apt Monday period found]the teams tied at L M DU/AL anus] event, adding the points won in -- „* e e = ~ 4'all, Bothiteams changed line- jt mping to those won ]ast Sun- -- Dr. E.'A". Henry, pastor of the ups at'ha]f time and&continued, Ill I', ~ TT ~ LTk~l147%/L1 day in cross-country racing, 4]nitedliChurch'IhasJ been[quite to score|basket for basket, the place Finn Fladmark of Ho]]y sick for the past ]two weeks, Pau]ines girls finally nosing out'urnin'irst position'itht18.' although'lhe has been carrying their opponents in the'last few, 1 758 points Smejda:of the same on his duties in the parish. minutes; winning 16 to 14. ] 1II STOCKSBONDSclub secondl honors with a total'.&18.665 points, with] A. Be]= FOR~ & l INVESTilIENTS svik, third with 1 17.915 points. A'. Hagen] of 'Grouse Mountain]I $ &, I I & ~l~ ]II'i dye fp II jt ~ 1'ronipt'EsecutlQn»of BuyingSki Club, received 17.650 points [(i,,', ~„ ]ha, ~,,L',, &... &, ],i, ...„,. ai, ~i Il and Selling Orders. for fourth place, with Axel Sneis ' =-=-- = ~ ' ~-r l ~l ' e '»le»&ornIation Given. and Halvard Pettersen next in~] -- =--", (NONE I]ETTE]t) Il the order named.' = Cgll', & P»one: Trinity 1775 The results of the first half of i ==- - -- -- --- -- -- .-=. -- ~ -- --, = --- ~'ll ~15-616 Bk. of Nova Scotia Bldg. Il the Pacific Coast championships I Rg pe~ gge sl gg,,~&MQQ. 'footings t: Seymour Sts.p]aces Ho]lyburn Club in the lead ,Vancouver with 182.725 points, .while ltl: ~OS'+ tp" 6] Grouse Mountain Ski i Club 'has BURRARD ~~ ]20.962 points, These totals will ' 'UNERAL CHAPEbeladdedl to,the points won in tion, which will be staged by the ".,'.; .',; X l~~ ]i II j I I]i i, isdv g~$$'„tant ll Hollyburn Ski Club on Hollyburr.' 'ee ises h ' i ']] ll] ]a Il ]I 3 p 3rd Sh E ph Ridge, Sunday, March 28. The'Hollybur'n Club skiing con- THE A'LUMINUM'PACKAGE O'"Do you girls rea]]„];k, „=„ tests will be held next Sunday on h FLAVOR IN and'he INjpURITIES]OUT 1]ceited men better than the othe~rthe Ridge, and should draw a K-eePS'& kind 7" large crowd. ".EVhat other kind?'