001C9909 Dr. Marjory McCubbiz1ii DENTIST It , 10 a. ni. to 6 p. In. I'vcii]ngs by appointment. Royal Hank Building I'hone West 446 Residence Phone Iyest 393. Teacher: "Can you tell me John, where shingles were firs Ill used?" Johnny: "Yes'm; but I'd rath- er not, ma'm." ' gisi,"..If.l.85] i As]!! You~ Like Themn, THEATRE ,, 'ONSDIIiiiI .i,, Now, Showing, II John Barrymore In itis First All-Talking, Pictui e «I~ '~ General;,Cracl- ",I'~,, ~ Natural'olor l I, TI&RES--Evenin]: I -9ig hffttinee--Sttturd&IJ o.so~ I i~we~t &%Veeii = k ~' k '-- '~~ ccA I'IS I" A Gripping Drama I~"DYNAMITE~,' ll & A Big Thrillei =-- =- i REMEMIIER ~ If you See and Hear it nt Lonsdnle- + IT'S GOOD i. S'-4 IGII is 'here;p and .our New~ '. Samples complete.' I j&ORDER YOUR SUIT 01 Ilk SPRING', TOP COAT)= = 'NIO~V, I I Dry, Cleaning and Pressing.] I "M'. WIL'LIANSI, 16th and Marine,'mbleside CUSTOM TAILOR ~Phone West 20)I ~t-" Established on ': North&i Shore +~.~ 20 Years." +(Lady Assistant) &g HARRON +BROS.' ', i SIWILLIAMSONQ ', .gitnetal] IIttttntII Nprth Vancouver '] Parlors l~ ; ~ 122 i West Sixth'treet = 'Phone North'84'1]iiVancouver, Parlors '55 Tenth "Avenue'East ~'Phone'Fair. 134~ ~ k: k THE WestVa'n" 1Ve'res' Published I Every) Friday Business and Editorial'ffice: 1S61& Marine & Drive P~hone %Vest 383$ Ill Mail Address: P.,O.'Boz 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Publisher F. F., LOVEGROVE Phone West 363'1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News I!I stands Gc per copy. 'hDVERTISING RATES ON ., APPLICATION ll ITHE WEST VANNEWSY': March'7, 193o: H g b '" g+:: IvEsTvANGQUvER «II' ~es&'»ncoigv«p "l]@g @ T]Egy GOSpEL ADDRESS,I& i iii SOCiety ,'l British'klsrae&&&vor&dkpederation Su d v + .-t'~, !II III «, ~ cHURc ',l~ I AwsoN s I~ALL I,'-. "Amer1c 20th d ERsj »h IIo» h„ lt. "NEXT) SUNDAY, a&, 313 i P.M. i'L ader = ~ 'AttraCtiVe! Childt]MR. S.'. JllILLER The Mother Church &„L ~ll I 'l ~MR. PERCY"KING"') by having your photo'taken atThe Girls'. Corner i C&ub'uar& kl The Piro& Chur'ch of. christ, ' .' ~S b. t ksr.~an $ " rHZ& VXS.LI.I.IOF,No collection. = All iWelco»i. S day Ser~v&ces 11,30 a. m,'ny'! i 'DJIIk IBO~~~ &» .']P'e =.-- S, ~ ~ ss M,A I&I ss ']CI&wx ever~y Mon(lay &ron&'0.&3 . asV.,&V.]&VINSON& PROP,.Lent 1I(March 9th). i .=--,' ', l &' '5 p m = =-- 3gyHastings gg &]gr.8 a &n --Holy Communion. 10 a.'.--Sul&day Sc]&&in], and',! Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. II'Veaagtg ~Q = 'Q s '. Estab&&shed'1002]3Bible C]ass. Testimony Meeting We~dnesday, &&UQXtlPQ QIIXIrQIIN: Al& k&vor&& Guaranteed 1'n"lgipl'ayeik l ~ "' 4 Minister, Lk'. A.. Henly, D,D .One of few.Vancouver Studios3 p. &l& --Holy Baptisn&.,', --... -- ~ -- ~ -- = ti whose photos& are, eligible for:80 P ni.--Co»firn&atio»~c]ass ~ .gaPtISt. QshurCh ) Sunday, March 0th. Dr. Hen&'y',wi]]l preach] morn- Ii &wfYI1ent the rector,will preach a ser-'Residence, 13th and Hayxvood a. m. I'opjc now.jes of serBlonslonl the parables]! phone West 252H,.--oi Our Lord and" &n the evening, The.Joy of Heljgjoxl I~ Sunday, 5Iarch 9th. 10 a.'.--Bible School.'lasses $Next'hursday evening 'at 81I for a]] ages.' '=..']lp"lock the& Ven. Archdeacon ii 11 a.'.--Morning worshi .' Slain in a Snowstorm."Heathcote,&villi give the second&i Pastor &vi]] preach;.topic, "Th ],„"ening' wuar ette; ant"-em,address inIthe Lenten series oui Narlow&Way" = - " Softly, Now the'-Light of Day." some fundame»tais of our faith. an Five min&&te address to chiM-' =- -- -- I& i P' t~oQ( ! 'Next Monday evening lunder jl '. "The Church «Committee',&~fill]t qI6:30 B. Y. P.'iU All[ young )the auspices ofthe Young Peoples": meet next Monday evening at 8 people ovel 15 jnvjted&~ ~ Assocjatjon+Rev. )Geo.'Pringle, II„ tii™&]i]o'clocl& in the Parish, Hall; =='t7..80 p.m.--Even]»g,.nworsh]p iithe famous Sky Pilot of the Sail- ]e] e 'Qm IIIQ3&Topic, "The Second]Cry fiom ors Deep Sea Mission, will be thei = ~- ~ &~ ]IThe monthly meeting of the 'helCross."'pastor'is&giving'a&$ speaker. --.= '& Women's Auxiliary,&vi]]]be'he]d4l series of add&'esses on the Seven i Everybody, in,Western Canadai& ) &~eatlll'rext Tuesday ] afternoons jn'(the l Last,Words. -= ~ ~ &knows Geo. 'Pringle,'preacher,,; -- == - ~ 4 ---I'arish:His]i at 2 o'lock. ~Everybody&&ve]come missionary, author,, famed'or ';" il I, ' "= gIhjs'cwork in)the IQondyke, as a 't;next'Wednesdayevening's IVIonday--Young People's'Ral-'ipadre in France ']andi'sia&the ii'. meeting of the A'.Y.P.A'. the I ly. at Olivet Church. Suppei" at dauntless'ariner, minister i to I] young peoplet ivjllf~ discuss l th ! 6:30. ~ ~ = -= the isolated places on the Canad'- a subject of world'.peace, the]@s- ~ ~ . -- '=- 'ai. &Pacifi'Coast. 3- =: .- ~ I i 18th and-.lVIarine Drive. cussionI being led'by.,the lector. Tuesday, 2:80--'Women's Mis- g The Public are'invited to hear I I~ "Phone West 301*'sjon l Cjrcle„'Address /by Mrs. ] the fascinating storyft he has'o The choir, has lbegunII practice) Hart, I'eturned missionary. on Maunder s$ sacred] cantata]'Olivet to'Calvary,",~whjchI it ls 'is Wednesday.'8 p.m. = Playel The)Women's 'Association'are, ': koped will] be givep as last year. 'meeting. - = = - &looking to«"l entertainxng &the~,kk..-' k'Sc.,sr k,--: = .'; '-',=- ""'""s'"""'"i"= '"' li »&L] ='- = kFx.jday„7;Ps m.--C. G.'I. T. 20th.',0PreParatjons are] alsotbe- All& T ail]t"Rangers are |asked««, -- --,. - -" " ', ', ing]made for the Falli Sale,'and Bev. &Ho&vard P]ummer, 'B.A'., l]Committees are being fo&oned to 'NlcLeod'RRI]ver Hard Coal ,'.returned]lmjssjonary from"Bol-,vjsitfand to provide flowers for ivia, gave a vex~.interest ng lec- tl.&sick rooms. ture on that land. to a large audi- ~" ]& ence in the'BBraptist. Churchilast 4 The &Scott]shi Soc]ety,wi]].~be Bush&Wood; $7 50iper '"ordA inumber lof i boys'and 'girls &IWednegday evening. Eighty slicl- !]the guests of the Un]ted&Chui'ch&&]i s Bark ....... $750 Per cord), ill , of the Sunday School are PrePar- f om lotos taken ]b the -- '] Mjllwood& Slab]~i ing for the defence of the Leckie spea]&er were shown. The audi:„„;th i,; ], dd b th',]I '.50 pel.,cordCup at the swimming gala whic!» ence 3]isteneda for near]y i,t&vo ha ];, D, hours to the speaker as he spoke + ueh -=-,, ]IigestOII [Qa~rtage&]!of the lai&d, the PeoP]e, their cue- '%On& Friday, of thisk~veek,was I 8;„ph"= I]V I 230'"toms and their need'of the gos- "'held the,Wonien's,week of piay- Il one ~ estThe congregational sec]a]'he]d]t,pe].]i -- I]& 0&. w]th,,M+i]ss A]mas, of St Staph" »«ring and%-"'last week'.was'largely attendedl'~ -- en's Church] jnithe',chair and a»d much enjoyed by those pl'es-. The Women s'@jssjonlCjrcl..!'ollectjonI jvas )taken'or jnter $ ent. The feature of the, evening of.'the ~West &Vancouver BaPtist i]national'workwastthe play '-'Aunt'Dorcas and Church will/holdi their monthly ~her I amjly," ]excellently iven meeting on Tuesday, March 11th "Hopes are high for the carry- ' J i.ea,,g 1 ertmCe' & 'yl] l 1&y the members of the Women's at 2:80. Mrs. John Hart, retulll-:ing out &&f:t]&e&,pplfatns ifol themjssjonax+, on fullou h- from howling, gleen on, the «chul'ch I Ill CVanjgadda,'I~jStna DjStriCt,'In- laWn'nd fOl the COmpletXOn Of, l recogniEed l]by mes of this missionary and Paroch- dia, will ad'dress the meeting A, t) t t f th --- "I the most effective &method of t&e enniS)COur Or, e yOung III causing the Ibody to functionial organization. The ichoir as u]&cord]a] invitation is extendedkto&i]Ipeop]e.', &]&proper&v. To be we]] and to fee]islated'nl"a number'f musica]w]Ia]] interested in foreign mission- ' -- I'l "we&t evyery part of your~,body.'tems and a welcome visitor,'the i&a&y work = =- I] The f&lends &&f th Un]ted „must act iight. &8 Church al. asked'to look out for &'I "Chiropractic wi&I'he&p you." &Isang "Star, of Eveyy from "Tan- Considering the season of the the Missionary Tea in the churcanhauser,'t di and.'he '3]]other year lenquiries for ithe ibetter (aha]] fc&l the "ex ense fund ()fknown songs.i'At the close of'the I&c]ass ]of &house ]compares more IVsocial'hour theoVomen's-Auxil- favorably pthan,tv]the former iary served ref eshments.' years.' -- of the 18th of.this'month' .+Obey ffI Q'VIISS l D.C.,'h." C. i~The"DundaraVe&LadieS ChOir ' «iw.'C.'T.'U. I l] Graduate of Palmer School'l!~'l iS giVing «'he, monthly meetingioflth'e I! l CHIROPRACTOR'A'PRING CONCERT.! ', i IVOme»'3 ChriStiant TemperanCe Ikgg ~11khonekWest 333iy'I i 1 ', "Union ivjll be'held on Thursday I Next to Stiatton&Bakery~ 1%arch.18th at 2 15 ln the Bapt ',I EIARINE DRIVE, A»IBLESIDE3'ONi]& 'st Church,'5th and Duchess'i] = also at.Vancouver. TUESDAY, MARCH 11th, AT 8.15&P.]UI. I »A'cordial i»v]tat]ousia extend- =,I&,']]ed]to all whoooare&interested]i» t-' Oily StChIIrCh. Ini the 'nited 'Church'] i Temperance, work. ~ ~ -- .,-- -- -- " -- ' ~ ' asPastor=Rev. -Father Kelly"'dmission50c, w Children 25c. i',::-- = ll~ Sunday Mass 8 80 High Mass;- 10.80.a.';"I."0 D.'E. 3 ~ ~ ~ Th t ni ti f th D + Benediction,.7.30 p. m." & ,i kf h & ,II k v,'» ";"', i)can Lawson Chapter,I.'O.'D.'E.,tel&i'hi i&]i &S&,'/ k&& i]3 &3h kh vk»~,]f i il,,will be he]el at the home of Mrs. J. McIntyre, 20th and Gordon,'ou, Mrs. James Tait isi&back iin Monday, March&10th, at 2:80 p.,Vancouver from&England„wherei,I To be,ppiresente&1 by the'Stude&ts of the, „, p ',, she and Mr.&Tait~have beenire:West Vancouver High School~ sjdjr.'g since'ast summer. i She At Inglewood Schon]]'Auditor]um]]1 I: - The Hollyburn'&Public Lib&a&'y &vas,visit&ng ingVest,vancouver FRIDAY: EVENING 5'IARCH 14(Q'1930", t 8.pp p M is purchasing fifty more books this,.week. 'Last month fifty,-nine! I bool&a were added to the shelves i]i The end crowns a]1, and]that I.'«]y) A local, plot with lots of 'humol..,.of Ithe libraryiby, purchase'and )old common arbitrator, time, will ~i donation. Ili'one day end it.--Shakespeare. k