001C9909 K k .Ns ' ' W Ct'rculati fhg in $1.00 per year. A 'Wee z.y .'4'ews va oi the District,i of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holi@burn, Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Weston, Dund'arable Newsstands 5c per Copy Vol. &I V SIX,PAGES IIOLLYBURN'.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 7th, 1930 No. 51 HIGH SCHOOL NOTES AVest Vancouver won the sec- ond of their scheduled games in football Thursday after'noon last. The game was played on the home grounds and after a stub- born battle the score stood, West Vancouver 1, Prince of Wales High School, Pt. Grey, 0. DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR = TO GIVE SPRING CONCERT ~SCHOOL BOARD NOTES ~iIr. Brealey submitted report on the teachers of, his school in reference to salary increases due under the provisions of the sal- ary schedule. The Dundarave Ladies'hoir under the leadership of illrs. F. X. Hodgson, L.A.B., is giving their spring concert next Tue"- day, 11th March, at 8:15 p.m. !in the United Church. A very I~i interesting program has been ar- ranged, and those who attend can be assured of a most enjoy- able evening. There are solos, duets, trios, quartettes in addi- IItiunito several numbers bj the choir. Aubrey Shellard,'the boy soprano, and Miss Beatrice IIodgson, violinist, are also tak- "~ing part. Mrs. J. E. Durbin will he the accompanist. A copy of the program appears in this is- sue. Admission 50 cents, child- ren 25 cents. The proceeds of the concert will be used to enable the choir to compete at the i&lus- ical Festival in Victoria j next hIay. SCOTTISH SOCIETY A Military Whist Drive will be :held'in 'the Clachan tomorrow, (Saturday )inarch 8th, at 8:15 ,«p. m. Prizes will be given and re- freshments ivill 'be senre4. The proceeds will go to the Benevol- ent Fund of theiSociety. Ad- mission 35c. .™ pM w~.'~Os g + w ~ slgl ,I'URGE DELAYf IN PASSING- IMPROVEMENTS TAX BII.L I(i The North,Vancouver District Council was requested Wedrxes- day evening, 26th ult., to give its support to an application. to ~&postpone the passing in the Leg- islature of a bill making it com- pulsory for municipalities to levy an improvement tax.= Members of 'the icouncil ex- pressed the opinion that levying of an improvement, tax ivould have to be resorted to sooner or later to strengthen the financiai "standing of the municipality, but t~ they,did not think it would be necessax~ to levy such a tax this year. STUDENTS TO PRESENT MOCK TRIAL A letter was read from the municipal Clerk, advisirig that the Council had, by resolution. adopted the school 'board esti- I)mates in the amount of $ 53,- 789.60. Saturday afternoon last the )Vest Vancouver High School students, invaded Richmond for two friendly games of basketball. The West Van. boys won with n good margin; and the Rich- mond girls won the ladies', event. In the first game made rieces- sary by a three-cornered tie in the Section West Vancouver "High School Junior boys basket- ball team met last year's champ- iIions, North Burnaby, at King Edward gymnasium, Wednesday afternoon. -'Burnaby scored; first. Later Ii West Van. forged into the lead. 'At half time the scores'tood ,,West Van. 9; North Burnaby 8, During the second half the score see-sawed several, times. Burnaby got the lead again, but McMillan tied the score, then ,,West Van. scored to lead.. Dur- "'ng the I last minutes ~ of ~ play 'Burnaby counted again. The fin- l, g, qrnS q ntn~ 1 D&orgies bii'z. OtS+lfifng, Van. 16. -- Noi.th;Vancouver and Burnaby meet on Friday, to determine the leadership of the section. The ~West IVan. 'High School team t has .won recognition as a well/i balanced, and aggressive group of players. A letter was read from Geo. Campbell, secretary, North Van- couver City Board, in regard to II proposed four-year 'high school course. It was resolved that the board go on record, as being strenuously opposed i to any, in- crease in the present three-year term, arid that this letter be re- i ferred to Principal, iAIr. Patter- son, for his remarks. CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT The second concert of the sea- son to be given by the West Van- couver Choral Society on the 31st instant, promises to be a particularly enjoyable one, 'and excellent progress is being made in the various works under prep- aration. The premier item--El- @ s ~ s~ ~ ~ t s.' - s-.ss.~~ Of- WI.." ~s.ut'ge is an exceptiorxally captivating pone, and the orchestration.pre- .,pared by Miss McIntyre for her orchestra will greatly 'ugment the Choir's efforts in their in- terpretation of this colorful work. The first combined rehearsal of «the choir and orchestra n.ill take place on AIonday next. Tickets 'for the concert are rxow on sale arid may be secured from any member of the society. A NNUAL MASQUERADE AT INGLEAVOOD SCHOOL The Canadian Legion, IVest Vancouver branch, is givin their ~ usual annual masquerade dance on Monday evening, 17th March (St. Patrick's Day.) This year owing to HoHyburn Pavil- it ion's not being available, the board of school trustees have kindly consented to rent the In- lewood auditorium for the oc- casion. In order, however, that no damage may occur to ithe Aoor, no one will be permitted on the floor except in dancing shoes. The "Jumping Jacks" five-piece orchestra has been engaged. and ivill play from 9 till 1. There will be six prizes, also refresh- n&ents. and a special bus service east and ivest at 1 a. m. to take dancers home. Admission 75 cents ivhich includes refresh- ments. 'It erbury ivith its association xvith the assassination of Becket and ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ithe,penance of Henry II, were only referred to. It is hoped some ~ time later toihave'an evening II on cathedrals. On crossing the channel a visit was paid to Paris, Versailles, Malmaison, Petit Trianon" and the evening closed, with a rapid trip up the Somme, past. the 'I memorials suchi'as'he 'New- founclland, Australian, the Can- adian at ) Courcelette,'he t ruins tl of Albert where the golden virg- in on the Basilique fell over just )|before the end as was predicted. Tlie remains of Big Bertha were shown, with which the Germans did) not succeed,in& destroying French morale. Perhaps the most touching of a!1 was the thought of the cem- eteries which dot,the beautiful I~fields of France and Flanders. 'The statement was made that if you,wish to know what war means then remember that if you I+pay a visit to four cemeteries a day without ceasing it would re- quire 3 years to take them all in --over 4000 stand as a mute test- imony to the horror and sin of the years 1914--1918. CHURCH CROWDED FOR"'=-==-= DR. HENRY'"LECTURE Last Monday evening Dr. Henry took an. audience that fill- I~ ed the church & on a journey , through «parts of England. ~ and ~ France. Many historic spots were visited and the whole beautiful- ly illustrated with slides provid- ecl by J. Porter. . &'tarting down&, the 't. Law- rence on July 1st on the C.'. R. liner, Montcalm, & the i audience were given, the thrill of a collis- ion with an iceberg and'ra'two clays'welling in a dense fog. From Greenwich to Liverpool the travellers went on a visit to the great cathedral now thirty years in process of building and requiring at least thirty more for completion. ,Then across the northi from York to Chester once devastated by William the Conqueror. A'horttime was given to London, the centre of the world, with its historic spots and its bobbies ancl buses, its Dickens House and the haunts of Carlyle; Cripplegate, where ) Iilton is buriecl, an(1 Crom&veil married, Bunhill with the tomb of Bunyan, Visits wexe paid to the Tower, the Museum, Whitehall,~Hyde Park, the Em- bankment and other famous Lonclon places ivrit large in his- tory. Of course Westminster and St. Paul's were'not forgotten with the memorials of England's im- aiortals, IVe stoocl by the tomb oi the Unknown Soldier nnd gaz- .- ecl on the stones that cover. the mortal remains of those who made British state nnd'literary h 1 stox'y. Stoke Pogues, Windsor, the . Thames, Hampton Court, Cant- Basketball i Pauline Johnson basketballers lost to Queen Mary girls. In an exhibition game played in the Inglewood gymnasium last I Wednesday the girls from North - IVancouver,were;victorious over iI'he Pauline Johnson girls by a score of 14'to 9. The game was played Iunder boys rules which have not been in vogue iniWest Van; for a couple of years, and consequently the local girls were l at i a great disadvantage. Al- ,though checking was close the Pauline girls held'a 9 to 6 lead at three-quarter 'time, but the visitors staged a rally on the last period dropping in four baskets without a reply. " The following girls represent- ed Pauline Johnson School: = Laura li'Iurray, Florence Grac- ey,'at Davidson, .Wylma Don- aldson, Kitty l Clements, Helen Ritz. DISTRICT COUNCIL SEEKS GRANT TO IMPROVE ROADS The. students of the high school axe practicing assiduous- '~ ly for the "ilIock Trial" which they will give riext Friday even- "ing, 14th EIarch, at 8 p.m. in the Inglewood auditorium. This ~ play has a local plot ivith plenty of humor, and those who come to the auditorium next Friday i evening are sure to have an en- joyable and mix&hful evening. The school orchestra will also give several, musical numbers during the everiing. RADIO-ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS HERE In view of the North Vancou- ver. Icity having received from the Provincial Government an of- tex of $25,000 for construction of n paved rond, from Forbes Avenue and Third Street to the ~vestern city boundary, the Dis- trict Council consiclered recently further efforts to secure a grant. The council is seeking a grant for the improving of Eiarine Drive from the western city ~ boundary to Cnpilnno Road, nncl'lso improvements to Capilano Rond. Reeve Fromme intimated that the council would continue its ef- forts to obtain the grant. The Holi~ bui n Soccex tesni lost 1 to 2 agairist Queen Mary School, North Vancouver. The game divas played orx the Ingle- wood School grounds. The West Van. Radio-Electric are opening at 1443 Marine Drive tomoi roiv (Saturday) where they have inst'nllecl the latest and most expensive equip- ment for testing ancl repairing. Complete service in both lines. Batteries chargecl and tubes re- juvenated. The owners, E. G. Canham and G. Gretrex are radio and electrical specialists, IIIx. Canhnm having had 20 years'xperiencennd having been on the staff of the General Radio Co., London, England. An ad- vertisement relative to their opening appears in this issue. P. T. A. Mrs. Dnlmnge, chnirman 'f t,he Gooclwill Committee of the Provincial Federation executive of the Goocl Will program, will speak next Tuesclay at the meet- ing of the Parent-Teachers As- . ociation at the Pauline Johnson School. 5Ix's. Clara Wilson willi give a piano solo nnd the high school trio ivill~ put on several numbers. Refreshments will be served at, the conclusion of the meeting. GET YOUR TRADE AND v DOG LICENSES Trade and Dog hcen&e& should be obtainecl at once by all per- sons liable for same according to :i notice from the municipal hall authorities which appears in this issue. Failure i to complv will render 'he owners liable for prosecution. The'Hollyburn Pacific SkiiClub During theiisst, few weeks Hollyburn Ridge snd conse- quently West Vancouver have received a good deal of the very best kind'of advertising as a result of the eff'ops of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club. Certain members of this club left Iihere a few short weeks ago to compete in the various winter sports meets in the interior and washington. They have al- ready piled up an impressive list of victories, and the name of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club of )Vest Vancouver must be very well known in many, places by a"large number of people up and down the.'Pacific Coast. &Last year they carried the colors of their club equallv high as far south as Portland and won--which is much ~ more i important--a i fine, reputation for clean sportsmanship. This year they, particularly proved'heir mettle by ski-jumping over a hill at one interior meet which II other competitors shirked on account of its steepness. Canadians, faced in most parts of their country with a hard 'inter,'havealways been to the fore in.winter, sports. While skiing is~comparatively new in Canada, iit'has undoubtedly come to stay and its devotees are gradually increasing in rium- bers every year. iIt demands of those who take it up, strength and stamina and a'colclirierve, the things which'appealipar- ticularly to the British peoples. True,:the crack performers of the Hollyburn Pacific and other clubs are at present mainly Scandinavians,'but under. their teaching the young Canadians are proving very apt pupils. It is therefore vexed fortunate that ive have the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club in our midst." It means that the name of our municipality, is being broacast far and wide as a winter sports ground. It means that in a feiv years we shall~have a'large number of winter visitors here to enjoy the pleasures of Holly: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ burn Ridge, snd in this connection the example of St. Moritz./ II~in, Switzerlandi shouldt teach~ us here to take care of itheir , wants. But, most important of all, it means one more xeasonIIi if any shouldibe:needed, for, the setting aside'of Hollyburri Ridge as a national park. lII cvllcguofurg vv'e If imp iAv 13'avgc Lv pconvxiiiM wztf+ r.i as .g dom'or.accuracy. the xxames of these Scandinavians.who have so unostentatiously come down from our high places to, carry the name of Hollyburn to victory, before the world, but'what's g in a name anyhow'?,; They have iproved) themselves to Ibe,'portsmenin every sense of the word snd we can snd should/ be properly grateful to them for the good work they are doing in forwarding the best interests of West iVancouver.