001C9911 May 28, 1980. THE,AVEST iVAN NEV'fS 'R u lr a r'The'P ER SO NALS g v sa&cv vo atoyAt sAvtc h/ltu-& A. J. MAR.L) N W,. P. o. BoX 2,Z.V, PHoNE: WEST'gents for ~'ole-proof Hosiery (Canadian) and Ladyship Wools (English) Under the auspices of the West Vancouver P T. A. = ~S Ai i'I.~A C-'8=I's &DAY "IN "WEST VANCOUVER on 24th ilIay Fancy Dress Parade with Girl Guides headed by General Gordon School Band, Relay Race, Races, govelty Competitions including Baby Contest. Mr. and llrs. Bob Black and family, 15th and Marine Drive, are mo&ing today into their home at 19th and Mathers. G..C.'Byrnell, 15th and Gor- don, is confined to his home through sickness. AiIrs 6. Bulkley, "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Bellevue, who is very ill, was Irushed'o the North Vaj.'couver General Hos- pital on iVlonday evening. In our issue of 9th instant we carried a social item to the ef- fect that Airs. Bob Black had j ust returned from Australia. This should have read illrs.'Ed. Black. t&lrss Joy Stlachan, who ls a guest at the Fortune'Cup Inn, ls leaving today for a motor trip to Edmonton. The next meeting of L. 0. L. No. 2990, will take place next Monday, 26th instant,'at 8 p. m. in the I.O:O.F. Hall, North Van- couver. Vtliss Joy Tristram, is ill and confined to her home at Garrow ~ Bay. imer.-. L .5K%it ~v T 86M Horseshoe Bay, where the Salmon are J GIRL'UIDE CONCERT "I One of'the most ~ delightful ~ children's concerts held i in West Vancouver this year was that'ut on by the 2nd Company Girl Il Guides i in I St. 'tephen's ttParish Hall on Friday, May 16th,'under , the direction of Miss Durbin and Miss Savory. Before an enthusi- astic audience composed'f par- entsandfrieudsthe company pre- sented a most ambitious program consisting of plays, solos, vocal and piano,' pageant and a very , realistic camp-fire sing-song. The young artists andt their leaders are i to )be 'ongratulated'I on t the success'achieved and it is to be hoped, that this is only the first of many such concerts. m The program was ~ as follows: Play, i "The 'Dancing ~ Piper," Maisie Bust, Betty Hodgson, Mary Biadshaw, June Eastman, Barbara 'McIntyre, 4 Caroline Marsh, Iris I Smallwood,.'iano solo, Doreen Todd. Play Behind the Scenes," -Mabel Phillips, Mary. ~ Edingtou, Jean Thomp- son, Betty Gourlay, Pat Wallace, Eileen Smallwood Wendell.Hay- (s es, Lucy Smith, Phyllis Howard, Helen Ritz, Freda Rush,'Edith, Allen,.'Dorothy Jackson. Vocal Solo, Marjory Rivers. Pageant: lI Britannia, Iris Smallwood, Her- ald,"Barbara Mclutyre; Englancl, Lucy Smith; Scotland, Jane Kis- ,, sick; Ireland, Dorothy Jackson; Wales, Pat Wallis; Africa, Betty '" Gourlay; Canada, Phyllis How= iI ard; India, Freda. Rush; New Zealand, Doreen Todd; Australia, Mary Bradshaw. IVacal solo, Ed- na,Walker, Camp-fire sing-song,'" by, the entire company. God save the King. "'A TALL STORY Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. McGregor I and Mrs; Price with her daughter have come over from Vancouver and are staying at the Clachan Hotel. ~ One of a'roup i of bachelor girls who keep house together at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, rec: I[Ifently orderedIa turkey from a farmer relative. The turkey; was sent alive. After solemn consul- @tation it was agreed'hat the most humane method of, killing the bird was by means of chloro- form. The'naesthetic was ad- /&ministered, the turkey„was duly „,plucked and placed in the pantry „bready to be cooked next day. Be fore it finally reached',the.oyen. however, it recovered fromm the drug a»d wanderedknext morn: iug, sans feathers,about the 'thouse to greet the girls on aris-"- ing. The i girls did t not i dine at "home that dayr At least that is ~Ithe newspaper story. tVIrs.'." Heaslip,-- 15th rand Duchess,'ave a tea and'travel shower on Tuesday at her home inIhonor of iVIrs. Smith, who is leaving on Sunday. for England. ~ ~ ~ ~ .'he new &hall(of.the Orange Order at 22nd and Marine Drive„ is fast nearing completion. The ofiicial opening isito take. place )on Friday evening, 6th June. An announcement relative to l this will appear in our next issue. ~, AiIrs.'.'. Draper of Draper's'ome Bakery, is a patient in, the North IVancouver General Hos- pital,,ivhere she recently under- went an operation. Mrs; McGinnis of North,Van- couvei. has taken a'suite in, the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive, ~and expects to move in Ii shortly. L.IO.'Lycett, 25th aud Hay- wood, is able to be out again. after having been confined to his 'lhome for three weeks as the re- Iisult fof au~ accident to ~his 'leg while on aibusiness'trip to the II Carihoo.= ~Mr. and Mrs. L. Costello 'of &Vancouver, moved last week into , 'their )new home at 17th and y)Vaterfront. Mr. and illrs. Sheldon and Mix. Britton, all of Vancouver., are "~ guests at the Clachau Hotel. tVIr. and iMrs. Haley, 29th and Marine Drive, 'have moved to Vancouver. Mi .Bud Mrs 3V Herriii and Airs. G E. Brealey are leaving tomorrow for a trip to the Old Country. The Misses Hurst have rented lithe home of Mrs. D. W.'raham, II~ 2128 Bellevue, for the month of June. Seeking Knowledge The old, gentleman was des- canting upon the follies of the modern girl to some of his grand daughters. "My dears," he said, "in these days girls never seem to blush. That was uot so when I was vouug." "Oh,'randpa," eagerly iuquir- ed one of the girls, "do please tell us what,yau used to tell them to make them blush." Captain W. Thomsou, 18th aud 'Fultou, who went over to Eng- land accompanied by Mrs. Thom- son to bri»g out the net C.P.R. Illiel'ri llcess Joori, whic11 has just 1'cached Victoria uudei.'lls command, spent Sunday as tile guest of Alr. aud illrs. David AVil lington, Junr., 1472 Fultou Ave., His tivo daughters have been liv- ing with iVIr. oral Wiles, AVillingtou Julir., during their parents'b- serice in the Old Country. ihlrs. Thomson is expected to arrive I'ack:it her home here from Scot- land ou 28th instant. Cypress Falls p g "Li~~~&l~3 sH~ ~ The old war|den sidewalk on 14th Street has been taken up between Clyde and Esquimalt Avenues, and iit is understood that an earth sidewalk will be made in its place. tVIrs. C. Hailstone, 10th and Esplanade, who has been sick and confined to her home, is now out and around again. A new backstop has been er- ected on the grounds of the Paul ine Johnson School. S iVIrs. Frank Culbard, a former resident of West. Vancouver, but . whose home is now on Reid's Is- land, was visiting friends here on ihlonday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. S. Rankin and family of Vancouver, have moved, into their new home at 29th and Palmerston. i&liss Nina Gray, 26th and tVIathers, has had another story accepted by &ilcLean's Ailagazine. i&Irs. Vilenzies of the localstaP'f the B. C. Telephone Co., has returned to her duties from her annual vacation. ViIr. Clark has taken one of the 'Nightingale cottages at 25th and Haywoad. Mr. and tAIrs. Kerr and friends'f Kerrisdale, are spending the holidays at the Clachan. Miss Joan Cullington has re- i'urned to her home in West Bay from a short holiday on Savory 'Island. Extensive repairs 'have been made to St. Anthony'si Church and'he le~terior repainted..= .,~,, ~.'~+" - &4 ~4 ~A Miss Ruth Hill of the B. C. Telephone Co.'s staff here is a- way on her annual vacation. , =,AV. Tinney is building a house for Miss 'Parkyn at 12th and Clyde. ti Mr. Knowles has remodeled 'and redecorated a'house on the 'isouth-west corner of 14th and Duchess. = tVIr. and Mrs. T. Sorenson of Vancouver, spent the week end at'heir summer home at West Bay. Is still out."--but a First Class Drug Service is available. Our Dispensary is equipped to serve you in all 'mergencies. Take advantage of it. Phone West 37 and a messenger mill call for your Prescription. 'We'illdispense it and deliver it. Get the habit of phoning West 37 for all your Drug wants. Our Delivery Service is for your con- venience. Use it. WEST Var lmmmACV The Store of Service. ~ %'est 37 %'E DELIVER , .3.'.Il.iiA.!&'.I ..A ..l .).(.( LDIITED For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North .Vancouver. ~ - Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS ~IPhone West 410L ~.-- Exchange .,2Sft Cabin .Cruiser In & Good Condition for a lot near Marine Drive. . S" IVI.'I 'lt 1443 Marine Drive = Ambleside "Phone West 340 E~enrnm AVest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent At the last regular meeting of the Parent Teacher Association iVIrs. S. 4V. Barnden favored the audience with vocal solos. Miss Frame was the accompanist. The business of the evening,was of a routine nature. = ~ ~ The senior boys baseball team of Pauline Johnson School, de- feated the Hollyburu boys o» Wednesday, 14th instant. by a score of 11 to 10 runs. The match was played on the grounds of the victors. I )IcLeod River Hard Coal $18.50 ton Rose Deer (Drumheller)~ Coal........... $12.50 ton ~ Bush AVood, $7.50 per cord Bark .......... $7.50 per cord Millwoad Slab = $ 5.50 per cord Weston Cartage Phone KVest 230 School Holiday Today Today (Friday) has been de- clared .a school ilholiday by Han. J. HiuchliFe, illiuister of Education. This will permit of a long holiday from Thursday afternoon to i~londay. I'%loving and Transfer. Daily Trips ~ to City. SINGING FAVORITE FRERE AGAIN Death of T. O'Hearn The death occurred oil Thuis- clay, 15th instant,,of T. O'Hearn iu the North Vancouver General Hospital. The deceased ivho re- sided at 15th ond Esquimalt, was in his 68th year, aud leaves to mourn his lo~s, his ivife aud one stepson. Funeral sei'vices were held ou Saturday at St. Anth- ony's Church, aucl interment was made in the Capilauo View cem- etery. Harrou Bros. and '6'il- liamsou had charge of the funer ol alraugeIlleuts. Jeanet te MacDonald, Broad- way musical comedy prima don-'a»ho made hei debut in 4laur ice Chevalier's all-talking and singing romance, "The Love Par- ade," is uow at the Lonsdale Theatre, in her second musical romance production of the aud- ible screen, "The Vagabond I~ing," starring Dennis 'iug. This is a delightful and out- standing good picture, and is highly recommended to the mus- ic loving citizens of the North Shore.