001C9911 ts 4', ~ lr 'A Wee',6'y i'.8 ews va ver $ 1.00 per year. & Ct'rculatieg its &the Distri ct Of West VayfcoufJer-- A mblesi de, Hollyhurri, Cypress Park, Cuulfeild, Whytediff, Etc. Westoyf, Duyfd'arafje New@stands 5c per Copy 'I Vol." IV SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VB.QCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MA.Y 23rd, 1930 ~~~& No. 52 THE BRIDGE 'DELAY Everyone in West Vancouver is asking, and we think, with good reason, what is causing the: delay 'n the matter of the repairs to the Second Narrows bridge. In! this connection we have obtained the following linformation from the best of- ficial sources. At the time of the accident one of the cylinders supporting the span was knocked'over, riecessitating the em- ! ployment of divers, who can only work at certain times, de- I'pending on, the tide. The new steel work was made, put on a barge, and "errick i large enough to 'lace!-it 'n position brought from.Victoria, there not being one capable of'liftin« the weight in Vancouver. Unfortunately the barge was caught in'the current and)hitIthe other cylinder, [knocking it'over. But for this accident, the bridge would have been open on the 24th May. The putting in place of this second cylinderihas caused a further delay, as diversihave jihad again,to be em- ,,; ployed, and,'as stated before, the time during whichI they can work is governed by the tides. It is expected~,however, now that the repairs will be completed by 8rd June. It should also be stated that the contract was let within six hours of the accident, arid it was awarded to the two firms who constructed! II the bridge on account of their more intimate knowledge of the structure and the physical conditions obtaining there. .,While apparently.lever~thing possible has been!! done toi.' speediup the repairs and get the bridge. ready for traffic, we think that a grave blunder was made in not having had some ~temporary arrangements made immediately after the accident !Of to carry over traffic until such time as the permanent structure""', could'be put'backiin place. this in view! of the fact that it, must have been,'known that the repairs ivould"'take weeks to II! complete. The bridge could then have been closed again for a few days whileitheitemporary structure'wasitaken out andi) the permanent span put in place.'n time of war such tempor- ary structures over water are set- up on pontoons or otherwise= always at night to avoid enemy gunfire--and heavy artillery and heavy traffic of all kincls are thus able to pass 'over. 'Had!! this course'been followed, very little! hardship or, linconveni-"I'encewould~have'.resulted.'s it is; ! every business'of. every kind on. the North: Shore except the. North.Vancouver Ferxies and every indiiidxial'on'the North'Shore,'has suffered and is ' suffering igrave financial hardship as~ a result Iof rtheIlong !! tie-up at the Second Naxvows. Ii COMMUNITY 1 SPIRIT In the early ages mankind banded together in. groups and i later on in tribes for mutual protection.. Enormous reptiles and'~ beasts larger and more savage than those of todayithronged the world,'nd)man then,with his few poor weapons had a , terrific struggle tp survive. Had'he not united together and so pitted the combined strength of numbers in concerted-effort against these fierce and hungry agents of destruction, he must have quickly disappeared from the earth. Today,physical violence, at least among the so-called'civil- ized:nations, has largely disappeared from the earth"., Iniits place we have business competition, which is, as we all xealise, just as fierce and relentless as those old battles between prim- itive man'and i the wild(beasts. Iri tother:words,the, struggle for existence, while changedtin form; remains as fierce'and'" deadly as ever. "The jungle law" still rules. And, as man then!&! survived only by united effort, we must do the same, if we are to win in the battle of life. ~'That means for a district the cultivation of an. active com- munity spirit. The residents of any district must hang to- gether and suppoxt-one another if that district is to grow and prosper. The loca!'merchants and the v ri as'urgaonizati n ~o)s of a district must support one'another and receive;the full support of its residents. Otherwise the placeiis doomed to retrogression and')that final fate knownIin Western mining areas as "a ghost town." The merchants of your district are & there 'to serve you. your. local newspaper is there to serve you.~, They are inter- , ested in youi in a personal& way, not only, because i they know you, but for the reason that their business is necessarily con- fined to serving your needs and yours only. The. loss of your'custom t means something to them. It means little or nothing to the city! dealer with his larger clientele to draw from. Therefore you know where your inter.- est i lies. Youimay say you, earn youriliving in the city, and you intend to buy there, and that's that. So it is,'but the fact sti.l remains that you own a home in the district you live in, and, if you do all your buying in the city,'and'evervbody follows your example, then all your local merchants &vill close up and gp away . That situation again may fail to worry you u»til you suddenly discover that the value of property in youx. dis- trict arid consequently of YOUR home has taken an alarming drop. You fi»d, and you will probably be astonished to find, that nobody wants to settle in the district, because it has no stores and is accounted dead. And that is a very serious situ- ation for not only your district but for YOU. For the jungle law still holds, however much we may kid ourselves to the contrary--how old Mother b,atuxe must laugh wheri she listens to the oceans of kidding we indulge in riow- adays--and the family or the district or the nation that forgets thetlessori ofimutual support is soon scattered anil Ibxoken. It's a very simple lesson. )'Ian learnt it iri the infancy pf his existence on the earth; And because, it is one of the verities of existence, it is well worth remembering. You know it, liir 4 f -- a 4 J 5~- I* ~a I C f earnsV'.. The Finishing Point of:the Relay'Race. Victoria With t.the completion of Ithe "Relay Road Race at 9 o'lock on Saturday morning, iUIay 24th, as- sernbly for the parade tp Amble- side Park will begin immediately. The 40-piece! band of General ~'Gordon School,,Vancouver, will &tparade to Memorial'Park at 10 !ti o'lock, and,will take a position !!!behind the motorcycle convoy of &t the (AVest'Vancouver Police. sAt 10:15 the flag-saluting ceremony will take place on Marine Drive " at the Memorial'Arch. Upon ar- . rival&at 'Ambleside iPark prizes , will i be presented I by, Mrs. 'ey= ~«land] for&the various entries in &tithe parade as soon- as the judg- e,i ing has been comyleted. This willi]~ 'j'be followed by a sports~rogram 'lllcrlwlrr t k)e fUll 'i eixl81Ã8~1n- 1ment for oM and young. ~ &The sections of the parade will assemble on 20thi Street! in i the following order: 1. General Gordon School Band ~'! 2 'i Girl Guides with banner (No. 1'Cpmpany) 8.'lower Girls 4; Miss West Vancouver !!|5.&2nd4Company Girl~ Guides ! with colors &',7. Reeve Leyland's car 8." Councillors'. car w 9. Decorated bicycles '10.'t Children~=! old) andi young yl (Bring a flag.) 'Remember prizes are being of- fered for the best decorated bi- cycle; most patriotic, most orig- inali and most comic costumes; 'and best-dressed couple. But it is hoped that all children will fall' in line to add to the colorful ar- ray. 1 J.'R. Mitchell of the High School, will act as Parade Mar- , shal. The list. of events for the races and novelty competitions follow. Rev. A". Hax'ding Priest and.Miss Clara:,t!Vilson.,will supervise all these activities in the Park area. r " Sports Program,,I ". 'Flat Races 1.~Boys and Girls, 4 and under. 2. Girls,.5 ancl'6 years. ~ !8, Boys, 5 and 6 years. ~1 4.&Girls, 7 a»d 8 years, 5. Boys, 7 arid 8 years. 6. Girls, 9 and 10 years. '7. 'Boys, 9 and 10 vears. 8.'irls, 11 and 12 years. 9. Boys, ll and 12 years. 10. Girls, 18 and 14 years. 11. Boys, 18 and 14 years. Cash prizes &vill be awarded to,; the first, second and third run- I~inexs iri, the above events. Novelty Races 12. Bovs'ack Race--The boys must bring their own sacks 18. Three-legged race f'r girls. 14; .Three-legged race fox boys. " 15: Slow bicycle race. 16. Needle arid Thread race for. boys arid gll'1S. 17. wheelbarrow race for boys. Reeve Leyland „,who,will start Relay Race. 'LANNEL DANCE A Better Baby Contest ~vill be or e of the big features of the Saturday celebration at Amble-'ide Park. Dr. Dorothy Miller has secured the services of Dr. R. P. Kinsman, child specialist, who will conduct the examina- tion and the P. T. A. are particu- larly anxious to have as many mothers as possible bring their babies. illx.. Garland has kindly loaned his cottage directly across from the park on Marine Drive. It will be heated and made comfort- able sp that mothers can feel quite safe to bring their babies. The Duncan Larson Chapter, I.P.D.E., are putting on a FLan- nel Dance tonight, i&lay 28rd, in the Ingle'~ Auditorium. A splendid prChastra has been se- cured and dancing ivill continue from 9 tp 12:80 p. m. Busses ivill leave the ferry ivharf at 9 p. m. and leave 80th and i&larine Drive «t 9:80 p. m., and &i&1 leave the School at 12:80 p. m. Adniissipn is 75e, and any tickets procured for the postponed East- er Dance, ivill be accepted. 18. Skipping race for girls. 19. Cracker-Eating contest. open 20. Fat i&Ien's race. 21. Nail Driving for ladies. First and second prizes will be aivarded for the novelty events. There. will be a special prize for the largest family on the grounds. F. D. Whiffen xvaited on the council to arrange if possible for the blase of his bond guarantee- ing road construction at Eagle Harbour. The question was re- ferred to the engineer to report cost of road to the clerk ivhp will notify applicant that when said cost is paid the bond will be re- turned to him. Day-Parad.e and Sports 8:00- 9:00--Relay Race,'Caul- 'ELAY RACE ," feild to Ambleside. 9:80-10:00--.. Parade assembles Reeve Leyland,will start'the .2Pth Street race at Caulfeild at 8 a. m., and lp:10 ~ Arrival of General the boys, will arrive at Amble- GprdpQ S c h p p 1 side about 25 minutes later. . Band Memprial = No Pacing on bicycles or foot -- Park. will be allo~ved. 1P:15-1P:80--Parade to Review- "Ailotor officers will Patrol the course and no traffic v~11 be al- .-,. side Park ~ t'owed'to overtake the boys. 1P:85; '='-"National Anthem. -- Rev H. Priest will be judge of 10:40. " --". Address by Reeve course and Rev. Dr. Henry and: - -'eyland hcapt. Lovegrove will b the judg- 10:45-11:00--Judging of Cost- 's at the winning post. umes and'present The boys have been well tmln- ationof prizes and ed'and the race will be a fast relay race cups by The following are the contest- %,'0 1:00-12:4$==8poxts Program. Races," etc =:-- -- ~ Hollvburn Public School Teddy Russell Prank Tearoe EValter Tearoe ! Norman )Villington 'Ronald Irish Alexander MacAulay Spare--Jim IVatson. Coach:&Ir. Lane. I! Pauline Johnson Public School Alfred Busst „, Malcolm Steveas Alton Grafton James Duckworth James Murray Kenneth Keefe i, Reserve--Leslie Shellard. Coach--Mr. Kirk. =. High School " Atxvopd Edmondson Lennox Meraw Patterson Timbrill EVatt Coach:Mr. Pat terson. BABY CPNTEST