001C9911 ]'Iaa WEST VAN NEWSAIarch 14, 1930 I ew Ainbj.esicIle "vHal.l For Rent p.E g,s Q N A L S CORNER STORE oil 14th (neat Fe y] ACRE BLOCKS a ALTAMONT FOR SALE t $400 $500 and $600 each. i&Iiss Phyllis Wood of North Rev. ]Dr. Henry, chaplain to This maybe used to hang CLYDE AVENUE LOT FACI&G SO UT& l ( bet& ee„' Vancouver is vis iting her grand- the Scott ish Soc iety, 'v' 1 give a a joke on but i t' very truemother AIrs. Fe Valentine, 11th special address to the members and Esquimalt. in the United Church on Sunday, We have to carry a great- WHITAEER' WHITAICER e'ening, the 23rd 3Iarch. 'y diversified stock -- a]1 942 West Pender Street Vancouve& J The Pauline Johnson Senior modern Drug Stores do. soccer team lost to Ridgeway on The office of the West Vanj SOCCER Thursday 5th instant, in a re- News has been moved from 14th ~ ~ ~ The West Vancouver Second played tie on the - Ridgeway and Marine to illr. Lawson's real we'l do pur best to Q] themQ~'+EA~ !] Division football team passed in- grounds by s score of I to 2 estate office at 17th and Marine ', WEST o the second round of the pro- These goals were all scored in Drive, ne-'ct to Hollyburn Post 'h 'Made in vincial cup last Saturday owing the first half neither team in Office the num to the Innings]ey team defaulting. spite of strenuous efforts beingWest Vancouver able to get the net after the int- The little 3-yearo]d daughter E. ging and his daughter who of Mr. and Mrs. George Mink]ey, il gE$T pIIN pHAII]]IQQ']Lhave been'occupying a house at 2291 Haywood, who ihas been r If you cannot get it at the ltt 13th d Gordon fpr the winter Several West Vancouver roller iuite ill, recently underwent a Iistores, phone &vest 27 and it will Il i I ft o Saturday to ! return to rink enthusiasts went down on severe oPeratiPn at the North~ ~ ~ ~be delivered. Sunday to Bellingham to try out Vancouver General HosPital. lVE DELIVER Phone West 27 . 'IBRARY GIVE SOCIAI John Nyland, 29th and Mar-Hami]ton of the Pau]ine ine Drive, has been appointedST~ATTgNsS u „„Johnson teaching staff is away choirmaster at St. Anthony'There,was a'ood'attendance fl'om his duties consequent upon Church. GREASIiv'G, OILINGQ~KKg,g at the military whist drive given sickness at h' e. Mrs. O TIRE REPAIRS AMBLESIDE Board on Thursday evening, 6th Donne]] ls substituting ln his ah- .. ac son, 2878 Bellevue,by the Ho]]yburn Public L brary ' . ' ' F. I. Jackso, at the i instant, at the Clachan under the 'here he has been since ]est fa]i The NeVyreturned this week from Japan,ausPices of the Duncan La'vson .'he Dundarave Ladies'hoirClhapter, I.O.D.E., twelve tables wt]] holi] their iegu]ar month]v The 7-year-o]d son of ty[r „, GAS STATION"BOLLYBURN == i]l ltbeing in'iplay. The first tPrize RF~GF ~g~aaOsaa see a st ~aaaegs Ii ','ediately following their even- seriously tn]ured some weeko Ii 16ttt 4; Marine ee -- H, &I B 't ' ] t. ing practice. A full attendance ago in an auto accident, has reEX P ERT'3 ER VI CE]] '. ' '] is anticipated. turned,to his home at 16th and Il MARS'; pro~rietor-= ~PriZeS, g~~~g to ™ Fulton from, the North Vancou- 4 ~Servi«A11 the time,. ngs A~~~u~, . ve i has returned: from an extended ately he is practically cured andGarland. Aubrey Clarke render-!']ded] two vocal so]os,.which were bttstness tripvery much appreciated, Miss fects. d]t i'~ 8" 4] ! I Thomas acting asaccompanist. ~|After the conc]usioni of Play -Mrs. George Chi]ds entertain- Mrs. John Nesbitt, 13th andrefreshments were served and ed at a very enjoyab]e whist Clyde, who has been ill at h ! , I] ~VERNO¹ M's 'V. '" "g'" "'"'riveonsaturdayeveningather home for some weeks, is noiv 6 I ] 3( , 'Duncan Latvson lChapter,'res- home at 17th and Ar~]e bb.s.', much better. g ~~ggt ~ g OgE 'ntedi the,Prizes. W. T. Ativood won the first ]ad- e e e i!I A. C.'EARLE Phone Meit 8 j ' -- -- -= -=- -- ies'prize and p. J. Moore the Miss Eathleen Yates, daughter LIMITED Next door to Theatre. 1UNICIPAL SOLICITOR = i]first entlemen's. The consola: of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Yates, 16th . Fo P o I who M t]t = P ON 'ABOLITION OF'. R., tion prizes were won by Mrs. '. and Marine, has joined the sta]I 1 -- '- p'Fuel and Bui]ding Supp]les. = -- ----. J. Moore andtF.-Rivers. Among of i the Chatham 'Hospital Van- The municipal solicitor wrote i]those present were: Mr. and Mrs.,icouver. the council) in accordance with Atwood, Mi. and Mrs. F. J. ~ =- * ~ * -- ~- (I! -North Vancouver -- & ", their request in reference tp pro- Moore, Mr. and Mrs.'Colin Tule- pei'iy No. 6,was up on the Phone North 1310. l i (port]ona]t representation stating ]ter, Mr. and Mrs.'C. E. Sharman,;ivsys on Tuesday and,IVednesday , that, if this. system of i voting Nr.'nd Mrs. F. W. Rivers, Capt. for her annual inspection The ] West Van.'Representative ]t ,was] rescinded; in."this~opinion; and& EIrs. H; I G. Ware, Mr. and 'Harbour Princess tppk]her run ) i, --- 'F. RIVERS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]!." ivards for e]ection,purposes and Mrs. Hopkham, EIiss Kathleen * + ]] + ~, 'hone West 410L all other, purposes'.would auto- Bewberry. Father I Calev of Vancouver i matical]y.be re-instated. The re: has taken charge of St. Anth- , sult'of such action would]entail ]iiajor H. T. Curtis, West Bay, )ony's Chuch in place of Father i great confusion] with respect to .)is leaving i shot&]y for South Kelly, who has gone to the city. , the election of councillors at the i] 'America to visit some imining~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-y~--~"P' 'ext annual election, the point at, properties'in Bolivia.' There tvas a bush fire at 25th,. , ~P'fs ~ t] issue being whether, the council- 's e * ~ and Marine'Drive last IVednes- Stocksrok«»,'d Pma clatlors elected last January for two Mrs„d Mls R D Bretv;6 a„c] l day morning, 5th instant. The 'Agents ' .-ge ']i years i ould still hole] office, and, family ihavei moved fromi Dun- fire brigade put it out before any tiif so, .what wards would'hey c]arave to the Matthews house at damage had been done. nIVest Bay. - -=~ t~f,,I --,.- "I I] ) ',' 'If in the opinion of the council '" .= s e * t&I]ss Phyllis Bell of the local " INV~ESTi&IEftTSP ~ I 'tithe interests of the district =- Aide]ightfu] afternoon tea was sia]f of the B; C. Telephone Co., ~ ]le~', would be best served by abolish- 'he]d at. the home of Mrs.'G. ]cfc: who has been sick, has returned i,prompt'Execution of Buying , I,'ng the P.'R. system and retain- german.pf 25th and Mathers, on 'o her duties: =, and Selling Orders.]] ] ] l ing the two year term for. coun- Monday. The,] guests. included ~ ~ ~ ~ iI, 'R&4bie I~ormation Given. Itcillors (which could only be done 'Mrs 'Robert proud'rs. Todd, Mrs. Livingstone of Vancou AI1 and your]] . ]'ke the tf '»ards were i abolished) e 'e Mrs. L. Liddell and Mrs. Burling. ver, is a guest at the Clachan. lit li Pitons: Tcin'ty 1 tis" would suggest i that ~ the council,i e s e e e * „., sio-sis Bk. of 5'ora Scotia Bldg.prompt service too. pass a] by-laiv abolishing wardsill Mr. ~Norman'MacKay of 26th Father Carey has ]i taken a tt Beatings 4: seymour stswithin the municipality. Such a and Laivson, is at present travel- suite at the Fortune Cup Inn.. m-i,vancourec "BIIrrar]I Sheet . by-]atv would have to be submit- ii]ing through districts in the Ca"-ted and receive the assent of the, lbpp. 'aptain an(1 j)Irs R. K. Clay .-Young Doctor: "Just think,'si~ ftt',Meta] l, electors as in the case of money ]]l* s e -- Gordon and Marine Drive, sailed ! 229( Lonsda]e Avenue" iF ~ = ~'Last]winter P. C. IIardman, o» Tuesday for'a two months' Old Doctor: eser'es ~eu right. You ! Pho No h 345 -- ' this by-]aw passed the coun- the deputy game warden, captur- ti'ip to Japan. »'end tao much time at the cl b! Residence, North 918Y st]'- y2I~Y cil would ithen'by resolution re- 'd on Hollybuirn Ridge, a young .; scind the P. R. system and only l eel» tailed. hawk,,which'e kept II,ttvo vacancies woulcl be required 'n his chicken ihouse for some ", CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF i j]. j".%„: -. ' t,o be filled at the next election. months. ]It became so tame that WEST VANCOUVER",','f d] jI . Secondly, should the council,i it woulcl perch on his hand. Just adeem it'c'in,the best interests of about a year ago the migratory ~ the municipality to revert to the urge stiuck the bird to go north,ward system and the one year and he ]et it go. A few days VVANTEBterm for councillors, this'ould ago~ jt came'[back again, tpvery easily be done by rescind- Hardman s garden, where it 1i/i Ton Dump Truck (low bpd) prefei«d) 'uxi"»y»ig t e P, R. act provided that stayecl a short time before flyingtile two councillors elected this Springs; with or ~vithout dual wheels, (separate quotations). Sealed tenders tp be delivered by noon on SATURDAY,P. reel to voluntarily hand ln Mi's. V. Nightingale 'of the 22nd MARCONI, 1930, at 'the 'office of the Municipal Cler gr& H& &hug]yte !I 1. t.. t .. Clachan hotel,'s entertaining to- Hollyburn, and marked "Tender for Ttwck."ec lve Prior o nomination day. clay for her cousin iqIiss iqI. B]ake m, ~. ~ d, If othelivise, the only thing tp of Cobble Hill, Vlctpl-la The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.~RaaaO S aalu&s ]I bo done, would in his opinion be A~gp QgggeIejes th t t ' ' N. Proiver has taken up resid- Th uth. ],t -- . i ence at the Fortune Cup Inn. 3lunicipa] Clerk. Permi th P R ~ o ~ i i 'At a nieetin pf the PpBatteries for Rent 'perat'on u"t'l the next legis]a- Day Re]ief Fund Committee on ~ ~tive amendments were secured, Monday night in the Le ionPHONE MARINE MOTORS '"'":"c- --di'll &otei'ui] ofcapta]n F. F. Iovegrove, iviio TBF AI,UpIINgjqI pA&KAGFhfiw to milk the cow." haS reSigned OWing tO preSSureWest 456 " Cits aoz: "Ma&be I better start OII of business after ho]ding the of- Keeps the FLAVOR IN and the 1MPURI1 IFS OUT the calf." fice for two vears.