001C970A THE WEST VAN NEWS March 28, 1929. EASTER EGGS Pito~ilPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU GROCERY Sl'ECIALS for This Week NOVELTIES -- BASj~ E '1'S -- CONF ECTIONS We have a good assortment to choose from. How About a Box of Choco]ates for hIother This Easter7 ~ kODAK CoilIPETITIQN--$30,000 in Prizes given by Eastman I~odak Co. Get your Films here and enter your snaps.Good Friday is a good time for pictures. Ask for particu- I I]ars. I I LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"'„",'23 G. E. REID, hlanager New Building--Corner hlarine and 14th.FA ST DELI VER Y NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL ] B. C. Sugar,............ 10 lbs. 60c Shelled Walnuts, per lb ....... »c Pastry Flour........ 7 lb. Sack 35c Singapore Pineapple, per tin 10c Iodized Salt Shaker .....----" 1« Cut Green Beans, tin......."-. »c I'RESH COOK I ES Chocolate Grahams, per doz. 10c Chocolate Eclairs per doz 20c Vanilla Fruit............ 2 doz. 15c arine GroceryPitman Business College Vancourer's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLNIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEKStudents may enrol at any time422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastinge) I'EIONE SEYMOUR 9135 22nd and Marine J. ALI.ISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818, 510 Hastings St W Phone Seymour 4199. HIKING ACCIDENT ON HOLLYBURN RIDGE )Vhen Jim Barker, Gerald Hardman, and Jim Jackson, all local boys, were coming down Hollyburn Peak on Sunday after- noon, Jackson slipped and so bad- ly wrenched his ankle that he was unable to walk. His com- panions carried him to Sixth Lake, where a halt was called, while Hardman went four miles to the ski camp and back againfor a toboggan. On this the iiijured youth was hauled toIiardman's cabin near the old mill site, it being impossible to move him further without a stretcher. Barker spent the night and Monday with Jackson in the cabin, and on Mondaynight his father guided by Ger-ald Hardman went up the Ridgeand spent Monday night withhis son. On Tuesday afternoon a stretcher was secured fromPauline Johnson school, on whichthe injured lad was brought down to his home. This accident shows again the wisdom of hik- ers going in company with oneanother instead of singly. HadJackson been alone when hurt,it is altogether likely a second tragedy would have taken place on the Ridge this season. FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stores, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Order Your Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North S45 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y HOT CROSS BUNS THE BURRARD AJir),W .4 )8 from STRATTON'S IVe deliver PHONE WEST 27 le Oee'L.E; SPN~OT«~ ll"5 A TRRAT--r wana ~~'THE@ pose up cLFa~AwhWEEls "le 4iirrarc .auacry Limitel For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moring Baggage a Specialty PHONE WEST 11P FOR CORI RiiO ~OOlf Prompt Delirery. The regular meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the Legion room., ferry building, on Monday night, 18th instant, with President W. McQuaker in the chair. The question of the a- mendments ~w the Zoning By-law came up for discussion, and the secretary was instructed to ob- tain from the town planning commission a rough draft of the proposed new Zoning By-law and the date of (he meeting of that body. A resolution was passed and a copy ordered sent to the council expressing the board's regretsat the raise in the ferry fares, which raise they feared would act as a deterrent to the growth of the municipality. President McQuaker, Secre- tary S. Harrison, and F. F. Love- grove were appointed a commit- tee to interview General A. D. ilIcRae on his return from Ot- tawa with a view to seeing what could be done towards improving the present inadequate postal facilities in the district. qo&~g + c%h'~ HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON grrneral Iirertiirs a Ql III0 3HOID G1PPHS Ivc'orevcy North Vancouver Parlors '22 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop.A standard of purity, proved daily by the customers of "the Dairy with the Highest Score" 311 Hastings St., IU., Phone Seymour 1046 EASTER LILLIES Play a game of 3 tables foryour pleasure The Lesage Drug Store and the West Vancouver Pharmacy are both showing a wide range of Easter Novelties and Choco]- ates. If you want to present mother with a nice box of choc- o]ates this Easter you will find a big selection to choose from at these stores. Have you ordered your Easter Lily? If not, you had better get the order in eaily. Mrs. Rob crt's Flower Shop has a number of orders for Saturday delivery and the chances are they will be entirely sold out by Saturday night. 9 quarts for $ 1.00 North 12,2, c 14th Streetic 4, egi Right at the Railway Crossing John Lawson, old timer in The high and both public)Vest Vancouver, 'ad his first schools closed this afternoon forical bird's eye view of the muni the Easter holidays. They willcipality on Saturday, when Maj- reopen for the summer term onor MacLaren took him up in an AIonday, April 8th.aerop]ane for a view of Greater Vancouver and especially West The high school junior girls'ancouver.Nr. dawson says basketball team was defeated inhe thoroughly enjoyed the ex- the fina] for the championshipperience. Major MacLaren a]sp of the Lower Mainland by thetook up bIrs. L. Garthorne»d Duke of Connaught girls of NewMrs. Ida McLean the same day )Vestminster, the score being 26to G. The game was played onLeslie Yates is expected home Monday at King Edward Schooltoday from Chi]liwack to spend gymnasium. The local girls putEaster with his parents Mr. and up a hard fight, but their op-DIrs. J, S. Yates, 16th and Mar- ponents were taller and more ex-ine Drive. perienced players. Miss Joan Durbin, 20th and Buck Holly and his wife, whoInglewood, was taken to North have been living at 25th andVancouver General Hospital on Haywood, have moved into theSunday night, where.she wil] McKenzie store at Sandy Cove,undergo a slight operation. which they will open for busi- ness this week.Alr. and Mrs. Eric H. C. Hart 4and family, 25th and Bellevue After the Easter holidays thehave left for Toronto, where cali]dren of West Bay who attendthey expect to reside in future I'au]ine Johnson school will usethe municipal bus instead of theHoward Leggatt, 26th and special Pacific Stage school bus.Haywood, had a narrow escape while drivingtobusiness on Tues- Bob Black of the Hobb Trans-day morning, when his car skid- fer Co. was struck by the hoistded on the wet roadway on Cap- handle of his truck on Tuesdavi]ano bridge and crashed into morning, the blow cutting histhe side, taking over thirty feet head and knocking him uncon-of the rail away. The fender of scious. He, however, quicklythe car was smashed and the two came to and was able to cai rywheels on one side wrenched off. on as usual.Alr. Leggatt was fortunately un- injured. Mrs. W. Henry Mason has hadher sister, Mrs. Catherine St.A debate was staged on Mon- Clair, of Everett, AVash., visitingday at the high school between her Mrs. St. Clair was recentlygrade 10 commercial and grade widowed11, the subject being "Resolved that the Canadian Senate be Ab- olished." Grade 10, who repre- The little daughter of Mr. and t d th affirmative were Mrs. Sha lard, 26th and Marine rive, died at the North Van- couver General Hospital on Mon- day, as the result of an accidentMrs. L. McDougall of Victoria, ]ast Friday. The child, who washas rented the Byrnell house at on]y fourteen months o]d fe1362 Marine Drive. out of her high chair on that day, fracturing her skull.Mrs. G. W. Webster and fam- ily, who have been liv'ng at 20th Laura Jean, daughter of Hor-and Esqu'malt, have moved into ace Reyno]ds of West Vancouver,a house at 13th and Marine was married on Monday, MarchDrve. 18th at New Westminster to Edward Shoesmith of Pitt Lake.PrinciPal D. Davidson Mr. J Ifev. D. Chester, officiated.R. Mitchell, and Miss Margaret Wilson were appointed on Mon- day by the West Vancouver SUSSEX PEOPLE TO MEETTeachers Association the three THEIR EXCELLENCIESofficial dy]egates to represent LORD AND LADY WILthem at the convention in Van- LINGDONcouver next week of the B. C. 'Ieachers Federation. A reception is being arranged to meet Lord and Lady AVi]]ing-Fred Valentine, 11th and Es- aon (both from Sussex, Eng-quimalt, who has been confined ]and) at the Hote] Geprgia pnto his home for three weeks Sunday afternoon, Apri] 21st, atthrough sickness, is now able 3 30 p m at an infprma] teato be out again. this date being set by Lord AVi]- ]ingdon's secretary.Ernest Pearce, who has been EVi]1 any Sussex peop]e ab]ea patient in Shaughnessy Mi]it- to be present, kindly phone Mrs.ary Hospital for some time. EV. Crisford, Highland 4523R forwhere he underwent a serious full particulars regarding this.pperation, is expected home to- Admission by ticket only.day, having sufficient]y recov- ered to leave the hospital. HOT CROSS BUNS Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Robertson The local bakers are arrang-and family of Vancouver, have ing for a big supp]y pf the famtaken "The Bungalow" at 12th ous Hot Cross guns for tomor-and Marine Drive and will move row. Stratton's Bakery, whicin shortly. has been supplying the pub]ic for many years, and Mrs. RossGeorge Wharton, owner of the of "The Pantry," both located)Vharton Block at Ambleside at Ambleside, and Mrs. Draper atwho has been very ill in Los Dundarave, are a]] making speci-("IVE & OT ER CHOCOLATES Angeles, has fully recovered. al arrangements to supply yourH needs.THIS EASTER