001C970A THE WEST VAN NEWS Match 28 1929 i,i,'.:. jiIl(„i"„i,l'S l~'i:li"„:."( Noiv one of the 53 Stores operating as CONSOLIDATED GROCERS with combined buying powers which mean Lo&ver Prices than Ever Thursday, Saturday and Monday Specials Pacific Milk, per tin................ 11c Snow&lake Pastry Flour 10 lbs. 48c Ginger Snaps ............... 2 lbs. 35c EXTRA SPECIAL GENUINE I ENDRAY'S iVATER GLASS, per tin.................... 16c Del Monte Peaches, sliced or halves, 2's, per tin................ 19c C. iC, B. Tomato Ketchup, bottle 28c Royal Cro;vn Cleanser........ 5c Siveet Juicy Oranges, medium size, dozen ........................ 19c Lemons ....................... 6 for 14c iVe Deliver. Grape Fruit ................... 6 for 35c Johnson's Floor iVax, per tin.. 6$c Toilet Rolls ....................... 7 for 25c Braid's Best Coffee, per tin... 51c Royal City Peas, iVo. 6, tin........ 15c Royal City Pure Strawberry Jam,per tin............................ 70c Fmpress Baking Powder, 12 oz. tin ...................................... ..... 2 1 c B. C. Fresh Eggs............ 3 doz. 99c C. G. Butter, Finest Quality ................................... 3 lbs. $ 1.$5 Dina-iilite, per package............ 21c I'hone AVest 16. APPROACII TO SANDY COVE STORE P. D. McKenzie was advised t)iat the council would not ob- ject to his constructing a plat- form as an approach to his store on Lot 2, Block 4, D.L. 559 pro- vided that it is constructed in a manner which satisfies the eng- ineer in every respect and pro- vided that he agrees to remove it at any time he is requested to do by the council. The council further pointed out that even if it was not wanted permanently for road purposes it might be necessary to make use of the space temporarily in the event of repairs to or replacing of the bridge and further that the por- tion of rock inferred to in his latter was not .included in the road contract now under way but would be examined by the chair- man of the board of works and the engineer. DI.P.'s GROUPED BY CREEDS News Gleams HOiilE OIL GIvE $ 500 IN PRIZES IN ESSAY COAIPETITION Roman Cathol!cs Form the Larg- est Religious Body in House of Commons Courtship is the period during which the girl decides whether or not she can do better. The Home Oil Distributors Ltd. are giving $500 in cash prizes for the best essays of not more than four hundred words on "EVhy EVestern Canadians should Use Home Gas." The competition is open to any stud- ent between 12 and 16 years of age in any district where Home Gas is sold, and the essay must be mailed on or before 20th April. The prizes are divided as follows: First Prize--$250.00. Second Prize--$100.00. Third Prize--$50.00. There are also five prizes of ~&10.00 each for the next best fiv eessays for students betwt;en the ages of 15 and 16 years in- clusive, and five other prizes of $10.00 each for the next best five essays for students between the ages of 12 and 14 years in- clusive. Cabinet hlinisters Kissing shortens life--single life.Roman Catholics form the largest religious group in the House of Commons, numbering seventy-seven, or about 30 per cent,'of the total membership of the House. Adherents of the United Church come next with sixty, while Presbyterians fol- loiv with thirty-nine. Anglican members of Parlia- ment number forty-one. There are nine Baptists, two Unitari- ans, three Lutherans, five Meth- cdi ts. two Jews, tivo Congrega- tionalists, one Greek Catholic, one Christian and Missionary Al- liance. Miss Agnes Macphail, the lone woman member of Parliament, is a member of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, ~vhich is somewhat akin to the Mormon Church in the United States. Premier is Presbyterian The Prime Minister is a Pres- byterian, while Hon. R. B. Ben- nett is a member of the United Church of Canada. Before Church Union he was a Method- ist. Robert Gardiner, the U.F.A. leader, is a Presbyterian. Incid- ently, Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen is a member of the United Church. The former Conserva- tive chieftain is reported to be putting on weight. Seven of the eighteen mem- bers of the King government are Roman Catholics. Hon. Charles Stewart is the only Anglican, and Hon. 4V. D. Euler, the only I uth- eran. There are three Baptists in Hon. J. L. Ralston, Hon. J. H. King and Hon. J. C. Elliott. The United Church is well A good substitute for brains is silence. Knowing that you don't know much is knowing a lot. The reivard of virtue is--more virtue. Never tell a woman that a thing is as plain as the nose on her face. The only difference between evening gowns and chemises is a moth's lunch. In youth we endeavor to find the new thrill; in later years we endeavor to find the old one. Of all qualities a man wants most in woman is that wherein he views a reflection of himself. LEGION HOLD AVHIST DRIVE The third whist drive and dance given this season by the Canadian Legion, AVest Vancou- ver, took place at Dundarave Hall, on Saturday evening. At the conclusion of play the fol- lowing were declared winners: Ladies'irst--Mrs. Olive Cul- lin, embroidered table centre. Ladies'econd -- Mrsi C. E. Sharman, linen handkerchiefs. Ladies'onsolation--Mrs. R. J. Morris, who won the tie be- tween herself and Mrs. Colin Turner, bHdge pencil. Gentlemen's First -- Colonel M. H. Tristram, silk scarf. Gentlemen's Second -- R. H. Inglis, shaving brush. Gentlemen's Consolation -- C. Sharman, cigarette lighter. A. D. Chisholm won the speci- al hidden prize of a $7.50 com- mutation ticket to Hollyburn theatre. A 6-lb. cake was raffled off, J. EVicking drawing the lucky number. After refresh- ments were served the hall was cleared of the tables, and the re- mainder of the evening was spent in dancing. A sentimentalist -- one who feels with his brain and thinks with his heart. Incompatibility covers a mul- titude of divorces. represented in the cabinet by Hon. J. A. Robb, Hon. EV. R. Motherwell, Hon. C. A. Dunning, and Hon. Robert Forke. Hon. James Malcolm and the Prime Minister are the only Presbyter- ians. Roman Catholics also form the largest group in the Upper House with 37. Anglicans arenext with 27, followed by Pres- byterians with 14. There are nine senators who are members of the United Church, three of the Baptist Church, seven of the Methodist Church, one Christian Scientist, and one Congregationalist. Lawyers form the largest group in the House of Commons with rio fewer than 58, while there are eight notaries public. The majority of the disciples of Blackstone sit on the Conserva- tive side of the House. The next largest group are the farmers with 51. They are followed by members of the med- ical profession, who number 24, followed in turn by 24 merchant DI.P's and 12 manufacturers. Brokers in Parliament number three, with 10 members who are either journalists or publishers. There are 39 others who do not give their occupations. Celebrating 3rcf Anniversary In %est Vancouver SPECIAL OFFER for month of March Discount off all CLEANING AND PRESSIiVG O'ORK and 10 1o off all CUSTOBI TAILORING iVORK LADIES AiVD GENTLEMEN' Plain Suits Cleaned and Pressed ............tiI Lo40 And a little child shall lead them--often to the movie show. Leave your order for our home made HOT CROSS BUNS M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone iVest 20 Try our Easter SISTINE I CAKE An Old Country Recipe. Mrs. Draper 2435 hlA R IN E DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: Weat 368 No Premiums - No Coupons - No Prizes QUALITY ONLY COUNCIL AIAKE GRANT FOR SKI CHAAIPIONSHIPS The secretary of the Vancou- ver City Ski championships wrote the council asking for a donation. The Hollyburn Ski Club, Grouse Mountain Ski Club and the VancouyerEVinterSports Club were combining to ariange a competition to determine the ski championship of Great,er Vancouver. It would be the first city championship meeting ever held on the Pacific Coast and some of the leading exponents of skiing in Canada and the United States were competing.It ivould be a three-day meeting «nd would take place at Easter. The council authorised a grant of $25 from the ferry funds. COPY OF COUNCIL IIIINUTES TO BE SENT TO RATE- PAYERS'SSN. P. Masterman on behalf of the AVest Vancouver Ratepayers's- sociation asked the council that a copy of the minutes of their meetings be sent his association. His request was granted. Reeve Vinson, while not opposing the motion said he considered the precedent set thereby might prove somewhat embarrassing.It would not now suffice to tellother local organizations, whose right to copies is equally valid,that the minutes were always open for inspection at the hall where they properly belong. TRISTRAAI GROCERY FINDS BUSINESS VERY GOOD The business of the Tristram Grocery on Marine Drive, &est Bay, has shown a wonderful de- velopment the past year. Being located at a point of great con- venience for the residents of the district, combined with the geni- ality of the proprietress and the very reasonable charges for the merchandise is making this a popular trading place for the people of the west. Easier Neveliies Easter Eggs -- Bunnies Chicks, E tc. Bpz Chocolstes for Eastt.r Mothei would appieciatc a gi ft like this. 75c -- $ 1.00 -- $ 1.25 See our window WEST VAN PHARMCY -- C.l'.R. DISE'ENSERS- N'E DELIVER. I'hone iVest37 F UEL FIR or ALDER Any Lengths FUltiVACE iVOOD and COAL ltadio I'oles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustre iVork iiianure for Your Gardens. Soil THE iVESTON CARTAGE iVest 201L Bungalows to Rent I have several very nice )Vaterfront Bungalows to rent. You must act quickly. LISTINGS WANTED Of SUAIAIER RENTALS and CAAIPS (. )f. Savory sour average cynic is one who enjoyes life immensely by think- g LEGION HOLD AIEETING The regular monthly meeting of the EVest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion was held in the Legion rooms, ferry build- ing, last Friday evening. Con- siderable routine business was transacted and reports received on the masquerade dance. The matter of the new building was very thoroughly discussed, Com- rades Peter Greer, AV. Carley and F. F. Lovegrove being appointed trustees of the property and building. The application of Hugh Fraser for membership was accepted. I. O. D. E. DANCE The Spring Dance which the I)uncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., is giving on wednesday, April 3rd, at the Hollyburn Pavilion, has a special attraction, among many others, of a free drawing for a Standard Lamp; also, the Glenwood Dance Orchestra is to be in charge of the music. AVill those who received invitations to the Valentine Dance which was postponed, please consider themselves especially invited to this dance in place of the other. Many a man falls into debt, but the process of getting out is usually one of crawling. 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone AVest 340 Ex enings AVest 143 Real Estate Financial and Insurance Agent Factors which Contribute to the Prosperity of B. C. The concentration of popula- tion in urban centres, mainly on the lower mainland and on Van- couver Island, in a region favor- ed with a very mild climate--the remarkable wealth of British Columbia in natural resources- its diversity of production--its new trade position since the opening of the Panama Canal- of being the front door to )Vest- ern Canada. The opening of the Panama Canal transformed the transportation map of North America, substituting the short- er haul in and out tp Atlantic and Pacific tidewater for the old transcontinental all-rail haul Eastward to Atlantic seaboard. C. 3. Overington HAS MOVED to new store on Marine Drive, next Jefferies Meat Store at 14th. I'hone iVest 135 for appointment In business in %Vest Van 8 Years L. M. DUVAL & J. W. MANSON STOCKBROKERS AND FliVANCIAL AGEiVTS Stocks, - BoniIs - Investments Prompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. 579 DUiVSiiIUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEYi&IOUR 8894