001C970A Serv-us Flour.... 49 )h. Sack 2.15 Sunlight Soap, per carton .. 21c Crisco, 3's, per tin................. 69c Classic Cleanser ............ 3 tins 21c 8 Cakes R. C. Soap xvith G Tumblers ......................... 75c R. C. Lyc, per tin................., 9c EX TitA Sl'ECIA L EGGS--Local Extra., pcr doz 35c ORANGES, large juicy, 2 doz. 39c For Friday and Saturday Big Bath Sonp................ 3 cakes 20c Corn, Nature's Best ...... 3 tins 39c Peas, Evergreen............ 3 tins 35c Tomntocs, Scrv-us, 2&pa's, 2 tins 2oc Carnation hlilk ... 3 tins 33c hlurray's hlnrmalade.... 1 tins 55c Sockeye Salmon ............ 2 tins 37c 11unt's 1'icnic Asparagus, tin 18c hlackintosh Cherry Jnm,.... tin 45c Del hlontc Apricots, 2's, tin 23c Smith 8 i rocery Avo Deliver h. HAItVEY ShIITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundaravo Hall. Phono IVEST 461 THE ~VEST VAN NEEVS FERRIE'"h SHOU'I'ERA TING DEFICIT The niunicipal tra»sportatio» system shohverl an operatiiig de- ficit of $ 1 082.37 for the tsvo mont hs e»di»g 28 February. 1928, according to the auditors'eport received by the council on Moiiday»ight. This does not include an approximate charge of $3,500 for tlepreciatio» anil debenture iiiterest. March 28, 1929. ~ EFFERIES'UPERIOR S EATS Pho»e your orders before 10 o'lock for morning delivery and before 2 o'lock for afternoon delivery for GOOD SERVICE Our aim is and always has been to supply you with the finest Quality AIeats and Delivery obtainable. ! lAmbl.esitle,phone West 3 Stores IFlollyhurn Phone West M3'nce a customer, al&vays a customer. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS WEST 190 ~~ut.l flNQ oUT ~ggN fHiS HAt1 Ou QAECC, /HACH QuE$& Ago rHER QL.L CE WILL TAK'E . SPECIAL EAS',.'ER Lamb, Ham, Pggs'pring Lamb Shoulder per lb. 25c. Ham for frying, sliced per lb. 50c. Eggs--Pullett Extras per doz 28c. COUNCIL NOTES (Continue;I from Page 1) The Canadian Social Hygiene Council wrote the council enclos- ing certain literature and ask- ing that if the council desired action on the subject matter treated of, they request their federal member to ask~st the sum of $200,000 be placed in the federal estimates this year. The matter divas referred to a com- mittee of the whole council. C. B. GREEN%'OOD Ambleside Grocer Who announces that he has join- ed the combination of Grocers knoivn as the Consolidated |.-roc- ers which has in its membership 53 stores grouped together tn take advantage of their com- bined buying power. The engineer reported on: 1. D. L. 1092 N.E.i/g re tim- ber cut, recommending sale. His recommendation,was approved subject to the solicitor's favor- able opinion. 2. F. Ritz 1056-2-3, a fill to rectify condition complained of would cost approximately $20.An appropriation not to exceed ~~20 was autnorised. 3. Application of Katherine Harris for improvements of Lawson Ave. between 24th and 25th Streets. Approximate cost ~~15, which expenditure wasau thorised. 4. Application of J. M. Sin-clair for the opening of Duchess Avenue between 18th and 19thStreets. The estimated cost'vould be $ 165. An expenditure not to exceed this sum was auth- orised. For a Net Building or a Repair Job AVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyp«cPlaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building illaterials West Vancouver .~umber Co. 15th and Marine LIAIITED Phone &Vest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 368L. DQ YQU INTEND TQ BUILD THIS YEAR? GET OUR PLANS AND PRICES Terms of payment arranged to suit you. W. TINNEY O'O. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Office, 142 Hastings St. AV., Phone Sey. 1944 Residence, foot of 20th Street Phone IVest 322 MONEY &O I.OA&'n First Mortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street AVest Phone Sey. 6285 Vancouver -- Headquarters for wholesalers Vancouver's wholesale distrib-uting radius extends to the headof the Great Lakes for manycommodities, and includes Al-berta for practically all commod-ities. EVith an equalization of com- modity rates on the fair basisof an equal rate ton for ton, milefor mile, over Canada's twotranscontinental systems, Van-couver's distributing radiuswould include all 9'estern Can-ada. western Canada Is AVealthy The potential wealth of AVest-ern Canada greatly exceeds thatof the western States, whosebusiness is shared by five PacificPorts; Seat tie, Portland, Oak-land, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Vancouver being the PacificTerminus of Canada's two trans-continental railway systems, andbeing the established commercialcentre of British Columbia, facesa potential growth equal to thefive large Pacific Coast Americancities. The grain elevator storage ca-pacity of the port of Vancouvertoday is 10,400,000 bushels. Phone for Daily Specials OOW WILL VoU 5o HAT ~ res ~&"i(ig A. HARVEY SAIITH Dundarave Grocer Another well known mercha»t who has for some time been a member of t?:e Red and white Chain Stores, a combination cf a group of grocers with a central buyi»g agency who claim they can buy their goods cheaper by this method. Vancouver has one of the fin- est protected harbors in the world. Burrard Inlet, Vancou- ver's main harbor, is the second largest in the world, being ex- ceeded in size only by Sidney, Australia. False Creek, which extends into the heart of the city eastward from English Bay, is regarded as a big asset for in- dustrial development. The Fras- er River, which forms the south- ern boundary of Greater Van- couver, provides many miles of frontage with all the advantages of a fresh water harbor. Burrard Inlet and False Creek harbor have 98 miles of shore line water frontage, and 48.78 square miles of water surface. NORTH SHORE BALL LOOI DISCUSS INTERLEAGUE PLAY Applicatinns foi frani.l~ise~ in the North Shore baseball league this season were dealt wit,h at a meeting of the league execu- tive in North Vancouver Wed- nesday evening at 8 o'lock. Besides deciding what teams will compose the league this sea- son, the officials also conferred w!th a delegation from the Van- ccuver City senior B leagiie rel- ative to the playing of inter- league ball, the tentative:hr- rangement being that one of the teams of the Vancouver league appear here each wednesday evening at Mahon Park and a North Shore team furnish the oppositio» for a south shore nine at Poivell Street grounds ach Saturday evening. All such games would count in the league standing of the participatng teams. ".ie '..OW.'.( S-O, .'-AS".,'-.( G 'Lovely Plants or Cut Flowersfor your Easter Lilies, Azaleas, Spirea s, Begonias,Flowering Roses in Pots. BROWN'S TESTED SEEDS Mrs. Roberts'lower Sho~ "" """" '""'HONE WEST 191 U. S. FINANCIERS INSPECT P. G. E. EVith the possibility in view of making an offer for the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, a group of United States financiers has made a first-hand inspection of the road and the country through which it passes. The visitors left Squamish last Saturday accompanied by offici- als of the road, and went to Quesnel, northern terminus of the line. After a careful inspec- tion of the property they return- ed Tuesday. The P. G. E. management will »ot divulge the identity of the fnanciers who are considering purchase of the property, but admit that the trip was made with this end in view. It is believed that the visiting party represents Seattle and Minneapolis capitalists who made a basic offer to the gov- ernment last month through Mr. J. McLeod. )Vhile details of this offer ~~ere not made public, it is stat- ed that it was such that the . prospective purchasers hoped further negotiations would de- velop. The government is in re- ceipt of several enquiries about l the road and it is believed that other interests have looked over Ithe property. As Premier S. F. Tolmie an- iiounced during the session, the C. P. R. and C. N. R. have joined the government in making a complete survey of the road. It's thought that no defnite nego- tiations will be undertaken until this survey is completed. J. R. Allan, 17th and Fulton, is building a fine cabin cruiser ir a shed in the rear of his propeity. He expects to take her down and launch her from Hollyburn dock when she is com- pleted. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL PAY YOU GLASS Broken Lights repaired at reasonable'ost. Am & esii.e . umber Co, 'j. hlARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199