001C96FE 3Iarch 22, 1929. THE KVEST VAN NE%'S P I'. S 0 N a I. S Captain John watson, 14th and Duchess, recently caught two large steelheads in the Cap- ilano. 0 ~ 0 Jack Anderson and V. Erick- son of EVest Bay, returned on Satunlay evening from a trip to Cayuse Creek in the Cariboo country, where they inspected a mine in which they and a num- ber of other 4Vest Vancouver and North Shore men are interested. Mr. Anderson states that the prospects for the mine are ex- ceedingly good. 0 0 0 Alr. and Mrs. R. C, Procter have now returned from Quali- cum Beach to their home at 30th and IVaterfront. 31r. Procter has been at the island watering place for the past two weeks being )oined a feiv days ago by Mrs. Procter. ~ ~ ~ 41r. and ~Irs. AIickey Abbott, who have been occupying a suite in the Keith Block, 15th and iWIarine Drive, moved on Satur- tlay into J. iQ. Stratton's cottage at Ambleside. s 0 The construction of the fine new bungalow which J. K. Clark of 14th and Waterfront is hav- ing built at:list and Travers, is about completed. It is rumored that Dr. E. A. Henry of Toronto, has accepted the call extended to him by the liest Vancouver United Church anti will teak charge some time this summer. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. lV. Green and family moved on Monday froni a suite in the Messenger block to a house at 15th and Bellevue recently vacated by blr. and )Irs.'ack Neil. s A. 5I. Stephen the well known poet and writer has been sick at his home 23rd and Haywood for the past few weeks. Though feeling a little better today it is expected that he will be con- fined to his bed for a few days yet. s s 4 Fred Wallace, 22nd and Ingle- wood, and Frank Culbard, 22nd and Haywood, left on Monday for Ree:l's Island, where they will look over a timber proposi- tion. AIrs. Carson and family of 3'ancouver moved on wednesday into the )IcKenzie house at 23rd and Bellevue. 5Ir. and Mrs. McDonald and family, who have been residing at 11th and Esplanade, moved last week to Vancouver. 4 0 Purcell FIardman, 21st and Marine Drive, early in the wint- er captured a young red tail hawk on Hollyburn Ridge. He kept it in his chicken house, and during the ivinter it became so tame that he could handle it avith ease. It could be brought into a room, where it would perch on the back of a chair like a parrot. Thursday, 14th inst., he gave it its freedom, in order that it might wing its way to the far north, where are the breeding grounds of this type Of hawk. AIiss Elsie Valentine, who rec- ently underwent an operation at t he North Vancouver General Hospital, is now staying with ker sister, ~Irs. A. IVocxlford at Capilano. As a result of the fine weather an&i the competition for the Ley- lan~l Cup on Hollyburn Ridge, the ferries had a busy day on Sun- day, carrying altogether 2486 passengers. This is the record so far for this season. 0 s ~ The many friends of Ernest I'earce will be glad to hear that he is progressing fast towards recover, and has already been able to take a walk round the grounds at Shaughnessy Hospi- tal. He hopes to be home for Easter. ~Irs. Charles Ridley returned yestertlay to her home at 2877 bellevue Ave., from Grace Hos- pital, bringing with her her new little son. s 0 0 lV. J. FIilton, 13th and Clyde, 'eturne;I on Saturday from a trip to Scotland. He stated it was very cold there and he was glad to be back again in IVest Van- couver. Mr. and Mrs. E. ilIarsh, 15th and AIarine Drive, spent the week end with iWIr. Alarsh's par- ents who reside at D unbar Heights. C. L. Costello is having a new bungalow built on the ~Vater- front property he purchased be- tween 17th and 18th Streets. The work of excavating has al- ready been started. 5'IRS. CLARA IVILSON'S PUPILS IN RECITAL TOilIORRO)V The following is the program of the first oi a series of monthly pianoforte recitals to be given by the pupils of that eminent IVest Vancouver teacher, Mrs. Clara wilson at the home studio 2367 4Iarine Drive. The first re- cital will be held tomorrow, Sat- urday, and i'll start at 8 p. m. Those interested in piano play- ing and teaching will receive an invitation by telephoning or com- municating with AIrs.'wilson. Bach, DIinuet, Doreen Elgar. Curlitt, IVill of the EVisp, Miss Lilias Davie. Burgmuller, "The Swallows," AIarguerite Cole. Rogers, "Puss in Corner," Joan Eccleston. williams, "Juanita," Ian Rush. Hansen, "The Chase," Jean Hill. Bach, Solfeggietto, ) Iadeline Eccleston. Heins, i~Iazurka, Jean Thom- son. Beethoven, 5Iinuet, Margaret &au nders. Krogmann, Valetta, Margaret Dickinson, (former pupil of 3Iiss I'reda Herri»). K irchner, Valsette, AIargaret I Iardman. Beethoven, i41inuet, Marjorie Hill. Bc~thoven, Minuet, Alan Vaughan, Handel, Gavotte, Alex. Baxter. Paderewski, 3Iinuet, Josie Ley- land. BLUEST VANCOUVER BRANCH CANADIAN LECiION %whist Drive and Dance Dundarave Hall, Saturday, March 2,3rd at 8 I'. 5!. SPECIAL IIII)DEN PRIZE-- Commutation Ticket; Valu". $7.60, for Hollyburii Theatre. Tickets 60c--from members or at the Door. Good Prizes Refreshments iIOTOR TAX OFFICE TO CLOSE FOR EASTER HOLLYBVRN THEATRE HAVE YOU TRIED OUR lIOM E-&IADE CAKES~ According to instructions re- ceived hIonday from Victoria, the motor license office at the Court House will be closed to the public from ~larch 28 till April 2. License plates usually avail- able April 1 for the balance of the year, at the reduced rates will be issued Thursday and may be used immediately, it is stated. Engagement Mr. L. H. Roberts of Roberts Creek announces the enegage- ment of his niece, i41iss hIarjorie Roberts, to ~Ir. Charles J. 3Ier- rick of 21st and Bellevue, SVest 4 ancouver, the marriage to take place on Saturday evening, i41arch 30th, in the United C hurch, EVest Vancouver. The girls'enior basket ball team of Pauline Johnson School defeated the Hollyburn girls by a score of 18 to 8, the Hollyburn junior girls winning over the Pauline Johnson team by 14 to 6. Both games were played on EVednesday afternoon in the Inglewood School auditorium. Ladies'ILK BLOOMERS and VESTS Very Special at 9Sc I'RIDAY AiXD SATURDAY-- hfarch 22 and 23 Buddy ftogers and glary Brian in 'Someone to Love'fonday, Tuesday lvednesday March 25, 26, 27 "WING S" Heavens! "N'hat a charming baby! and how it does resemble your husband!" "Gracious, I hope not! IVe adopted it!"--Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. THE I'ANTRY Tea Roo AND ftESTAUftAAT HOME-MADE PIES AND CAKES ~far&ne Drive A mhleslde Look for name on window. Saturday and Monday SPECIALS Crisco, lb tin........ 26c Libby's Potted Meats 2 for 1Sc Pacifc hfilk, large... 11c Pork 4 Beans..... 10c Sunlight Soap. carton....... 20c Del hfonte Seeded Raisins 2 pkts. 2:&c S" I'.A7. I~ Igl„ll",'. Ig t Phone AVest 318R3. %Vest Bay PROilPT DELIVERY EVE A POLOG IZE FOR TH E LO~V STOCK THIS 4VEEK. MORE WII..L BE IY TO-DAY. Everyone is so busy with their Easter buying that garments are hard to get. HOSIERY 89c GH-BERT LEE See Our AVindow Display Mrs. Marling 17th 8: Afar&ne, next Royal Bank The New Store for Ladies and Men 16th and i~iarine CAPILANO TDIBER COiWIP ANY "From Forest to lt'ou " Just give us a telephone call and we will gladly give you any information required. Ask for our Local Sales Department. A ~ P 'I ~ &e a)I anO ..IIii)er .0...]:&. Phone North 30m. FOOT OF PEillBERTON 0 ight I'hone; i%orth o49L KILN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load in North and EVest Vancouver.......... Extra charges for distant deliveries. E. Beyond St. Denis Ave......... 60c Extra N.E. Beyond Centre Road... 60c Extra N. Beyond 29th Street ................. 26c Extra W. Beyond 29th St. to IVest Bav 60c Extra lV. Beyond IVest Bay to Caulfeild $ 1.00 Extra Phone North 30-l. After 6 p. m.; North 304K $3.60 Eve carry in stock everything needed for your new h &me or for an extension to the present one. Our specialty, however, is our Outside AVa11 Covering. AVe manufacture practically every type of siding. You can secure from us promptly, anything from the very best Clear Edge Grain Cedar Bungalow Siding down to the cheap grades of drop siding in other species.