001C96EF March 15, 1929. AXEL SNEIS LEADS FOR 'v'KI CI.U13 TITLE ED ADSCLASSIFIWhimsical Review S fAI -- I ot 57 ft. x 132 ft south side of Mathers, between 23rd and 24th Streets, $250. First $50 takes. Bal- ance arranged. Phone SVest QiiL2. FOR SALE--Row Boat, $ 1Q.QQ. 213Q Argyle Avc.Axel Sneis finished first in the eleven-mile cross-country ski race helrl at Hollyhurn Ridge on Sunday, covering the distance in 1 hour 6 minutes and 34 second~, and thus took half a hold on the Leyland Cup, representing the club championship of the Holly- b~rn Pacific Ski Club. Frecl Finkenhagen was second among the A class starters, with a time of 1 hour 18 minutes and 30 seconds. The second half of the competition, consisting of jump- ing, will be held next Sunday, and a two-mile race for ladies ivill also take place. The second half of the Pacific C'nast championships for the Tupper 6: Steele shield will take place on Sunday, 3Iarch 24, when competitors from the Grouse Mountain, IVinter Sports Club and the IIollyburn Ski Clubs will be seen in action. On DIarch 29, ~0 and 31 the Vancouver city championships ivill be held on Grouse Mountain. The cross-country race started ttt the ski camp, 3000 feet eleva- tion, went up to Hollyburn Peak, a rise of 1700 feet in four miles, thence to Cypress Creek Ridge to the first lake at Camp 7 Miles and back. It was held under ideal cnnditions and attracted about 300 spectators, Special mention should be made of the novices, many of whom made better time than the I 'lass competi tors, while J. Turner bettered several of the A class. All of them are young Can- adianss between 14 ancl 20 years of age, and will shortly be fiit to compete in C, D and E classes.. N. Thompson was among the Il class competitors, his time being'our 22 minutes and 40 sec- onds. G. Lauritsen came second in 1:23:45; C. B. Hingsley third in 1:25:3; H. E. Knight fourth in 1:34:33, and A. Twist fifth in 1:39:26. J. Turner's time in the iiovice class was 1:12:45, and he finished well ahead of N. Beau- mont, who took 1.20:9. 4V. Wat erman divas 1:23:55. In the special open race for the Collins, McRae, Haggis trophy, R. Nield led the filed with a time cf 1:21:10; lV. Veysey being sec- ond in 1:28:37; G. AIorris third iii 1:30:25; L. Smith fourth in 1:35:00; and lV. Grant fifth in 1:38:11. All are members of the Grouse Mountain club excepting lV. Veysey. Neild's time gave him fifth place in the Leyland Cup standing, which is a wonder- ful performance considering the small time he has been skiing. To Cost $ 1.500,000We are told of a girl who is &o good that she won't even &tay iii a room irith a clock that' fast. ELECTRIC RADIO--A f w l bgains in used sets. See us for Radioand Wiring Supplies. North ShoreElectric. 1540 Lonsdale Ave., NorthVancouver, Phone North 79. Feasibility of the proposed pressure tunnel under Lions'ate,to carry water to the city from the North Shore ivatershed is practically certain. Commis- sioner E. A. Cleveland told mem- bers of the Water Board Tues- day afternoon. A prdliminary c'stimate of the cost of the scheme, which would replace all mains across Burrard Inlet from the Capilano and Seymour sys- tems. is between $ 1,000,000 and $ 1,500,000 he stated. 'I he tunnel, bored through bed- rock beneath Lions'ate, would be approximately 7000 feet long, with a diameter of about nine feet, this depending on the ca- pacity of water storage facilities which can be developed on Capil- ano Canyon. To determine this, water district engineers are still studying the possibi)ities of the proposed regulating basin. Two Deep Shafts Pressure to carry the water through the tunnel would be de- veloped by descent of the fiow fiom the upper reaches of the watershed and a 500 or 600 foot ~haft at the North Shore intake of the tunnel ~ By reason of the natural law of water finding its own level, the flow at the out- take in Stanley Park will rise in a shaft at the head of which will lie a distributing system to di- vert the supply into the city mains. No piping will be used in the tunnel. According to engineers, the tunnel can be developed to carry between 1,250,000 and 200,000,- li00 gallons a day. Boring for Two Years Borings ivhich have been con- &lucted for the past two years, to determine the depth and con- tinuity of bedrock uIider Lions'ate,have cost $50.000. In his budget, 41r. Cleveland FOR SAI.E--Raleigh three-speed bi- cycle. Excellent condition. Phone 4V~t 9 i R. RELIABLE GIRL OR 1%0&IAN--To care for year old baby. two or three afternoons a week. Phone West 86L" 4Iotorist at Shoreditch county court: One of the cars in the collision left a hesitation mark in the road. Counsel: What is that". IVitness: He went to go i» one direction and then turnr d the either way. We rlrivers call that a hesitation mark. O.--"How's your wife coming along with her driving?" K.-- "She took a turn for the worse last week." TO RENT--Thoroughly Cleaned r~dto occupy four (4) room house withfuel. Garage. $25. Twenty-five dol-lars per month. Phone Fair. SSSX. WANTED--Lawn Roller. Phone West 1 i~7Y. KITCHEN STO& E I OR S KLE- Nearly new. $ i5. Apply West 1S1l.i. F'R SALE OR EXCHANGE--6 ft. Xcut Saw, 2 shovels, Single Bed, cream enamel, with spring; Baking Cabinet; Small Heater; Heater for ft. Wood; Spring; Large and small Homemade Table, suitable for camp. Apply Mrs. Pinder-Moss, ground floor next door to Royal Bank. Evenings or Saturdays. N ANTED--Capable Young Woman to assist with light housework and care for children. Phone West 360R. WANTED -- Competent Lady Cook.(or one, perhaps two meals aday in home near 29th Street. Ifcapable, will pay $30 a month forthree hours daily work Apply"Cook," c o West Van News. DIaking a fool of a man is one job woman can beat nature at. FOR RENT--Bright four room flatBathroom, open fireplace; above B C. Electric Store. Apply J. T. Watt.West 101 IVANTED -- Summer Bunga'ow or Camp on Waterfront. Phone Kerr. HSS L. GARDENING WORK WANTED Pruning trees. digging, etc., Phone evenings, West 33SL. Haye'That's my place you iiee over there--the house and the garage close by." Stacke: "which is the garage old man?" I'AliNTER Expert Kalsomin ing; reasonable. C. I . Koningg 2456 Bellevue. Phone West 214X. RESl'ONSIBLE TENANT Wiabes torent seven roomed house. fully mod- ern, West end, south of MarineDrive preferred. Will lease. PhoneWest 639R. FOR PLU~IBING REPAIRS--Phone West 241R. GAltDENING by the Day or Hour- G. Stack. IVcst 92Y1.Customer: "I'e brought that last pair o! trousers tu be resented. You know, I sit a lot." Tailtor: "Yes, and perhaps you have brought the bill tu be receipted, too. You know, I'e stood a lot "--The F'risco Employcs'agazine. FOR RENT OR SALE -- House on Waterfront at Altamont. Apply lwyland, West 63R1. I'ACIFIC STAGES PURCHASE NORTH 8; lVEST VAN. STAGE LINE SCHWA EPPES LEMONADE, CAA-ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambi@side Tea Rooms. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily andOrnamental Poo!s, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying,Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172X1. "Why all these suicides?" reads a headline. People are obviously taking their lives too seriously. A letter was rece»ed from Soday and O'ara notifying the council that Pacific Stages I.td had bought the stage line operat ed by them betwene North Van- couver and WhyWcliff, together with all equipment. Upon com- pletion of the deal and the sign- ing of agreements the licenses held in their name from AVest Vancouver municipality had been turned over to the purchasers. Genial Doctor (to mother of little boy who had swallowed a farthing the clay before): "IVe!1, Mrs. Smith, has Jimmy got over liis financial difficulties?" SEWING WANTED-- Children's work Mrs- Bioxham,Phone West 226.IVhy He Couldn't See It "She's a wonderfully attractive girl." "I can't see it at all." "That's because you haven' seen her bank account, my boy." IVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. E.O. D. E. EAVSIAN g ROBBINContractors,'uilders, Painting pap- erhanging. Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House PhoneWest 74R1. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie, West Bay, AIonday afternoon, the regent, Mrs. AV. B. Small in the chair. i4Iuch re- gret was expressed at the resig- nation of AIiss Davies, ivho, on account of increased responsi- b!lities in connection ~vith the Girl Guides, felt she was unable to retain the office of Standard Hearer. iAIrs. Peter Wait very kindly agreed to become the Standard Bearer for the ensuing year. Splendid reports were re- ceived from all committees. The hospital committee have spent a day at Shaughnessy dis- tributing all kinds of cheer to the shut-ins there. The Talent Fund, which goes toward the furnishing of the private room in the Niorth Vancouver Hospital is growing splendidly and the committee in charge reported the furnishings aM hangings had already been chosen. Plans ivere made and commit- tees appointed for the postponed dance which is to be held on Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Hollyburn Pavilion. The chapter arranged to give a tea on wednesday, March 20th, at the home of bliss i11cBain, 29th and Bellevue, in order that all who are interested in Girl Guide work, might have the op- portunity of hearing an address by a prominent leader from the city on the coming "Pageant" and "Guiding." After the pouring of tea, and singing of the national anthem, the meeting adjourned. The April meeting will be held at i~Irs. Small's, 20th and Fulton. estimated the expenditure in the , water district this year will be $526,142. Revenue anticipated is ~5"4,476, and from West Van- couver, Richmond and sundry sales $3665. FOUNDATION AND CEMENT Work Landscaping, Lawns, F en c in g,Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing, Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R. 8EBI STITC8L& G--Plain «hi te„5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phons West 144. For a Few i&linutes at Least "How long were you engaged to him?" "I really couldn't say--I never thought to look at my watch." AIr. and Mrs. R. H. Inglis, 2844 Bellevue Ave., have as their , guests 31r. and iAIrs. James Ing- lis of Kelly Lake, Minnesota, who are on their way home from Los i Angeles, where they have been ! spending the winter. 0 0 DIr. and AIrs. John Johnson end family of Blaine, IVashing- 1t&n, spent the week end with Mr. and i~Irs. P. Christopherson, 17th and Esquimalt. Mr. Christoph- erson's brother, AIr. Ogden John- so» of winnipeg has also beer. visiting them. 0 .'ilrs. Hugh Hodgso», 23rd and Marine Drive, entertained last 'Saturday evening in honor of 51iss Roberta Hill of Seattle, who 'was here visiting her aunt Dr. Poberta Vass. 31iss Hill has now i.eturned to her home in Seattle. The IVest Vancouver Bible School ivhich meets in Amble- sIde Hall, 14th and AIarine, at „p. m. each Sunday, extends you a cordial invitation to be present. There wns n young lady of Diss, Who said, "Now I think skating bliss!" This no more will she state, For n wheel off hcr skate, !aliis aqli Sulqiauros dn tisluiJ ~ay april FOUR ROO&I COTTAGE -- Water. Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view Lot 75xl~; $850 IVEST VANCOUVER INVEST. &IE&T COY. IVest 10~ Left I3ehind "Do you suppose ~iIary still has her little lamb?" "Of course not; no lamb could keep pace with Mary thesedays.'. P. Clark dL Co. (Vancouver) I.td. $2250, Terms -- Com fortable Horne Convenient location; living room and sun room with fireplace. Bedrooms; Kitchen and Scullery Full Plumbing. Attic. Well im- proved garden. This is a snap bar- gain. IVhy He Left Problem is to make money first and then to make it last. One hot dny the federal prosecutorwas examining a witness in Judge Landis'ourt, and wasn't making much progress. The witness wns an itinerant printer. "IVhere were you working in Jan- uary of that year?" asked the prose- cutor. "On the Texarkana Bugle," replied the witness. "EIow long riid you stay'?" "Two months." "AVhy did you leave?" "The editor nnd I disagreed on n great national question." "IVhere did pcu work next?" "On the Joplin News-Herald. I was there seven weeks." "iVhy did you leave?" "The editor nnd I disagreed on a great national question." Three other jobs were mentioned. nnd each time the printer explnined his leaving with the same phrase. Then Judge Lnndis snt up in his chair.nnd raised his hand. "EVnit a minute," he commanded. "IVhnt wns this great national ques- tion?" "I'rohibition," said the witness. "Is the world round?" a school ma'am asked the little boy. "No'm." "It isn', eh? Is it flat then?" "No'm." "Are you crazy, child? If the ivorld isn't round and it isn't flat, what is it?" "Papa says it's crooked." Consult us for Alberta Oil Stocks and B. C. Mining Stocks. R. P. CLARE 4 CO-. LTD. &90 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 74S4 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225.Complaining Customer (nt coffee- stall): "I haven't come to any harn in this sandwich yet." Proprietor: "Try another bite." Customer (after huge mouthful): 1 "I haven't come to any hnm yet." Proprietor: 'Garn! You must have gone right past it." No&v is the Time TO RENT--We have several specially good Rentals.Cream Sauce LOTS--Now is the time for Building. We hare i~ buys in Building Lots priced from $ 100. 1 egg white 1 tablespoon white corn syrup I cw grains salt 3 tablespoons svater 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla i-'. pint heavy cream I'ut unbeaten egg white in top of one-quart double boiler, add remaining ingredients, except vanilla and cream. Place over boiling water and beat constant- ly for 7 minutes svhile water boils underneath. Flavor with vanilla. Cool and just before serving fold in cream beaten stiff. EIOL'SES FOR SALE -- Our list is complete in every style of house. Large or small. We can offer you bargains on very attractive terms. The captain of a liner observed a card-sharper at work in the smoke-room. He sent for the culprit. "Now, look here, my friend," he said, warningly, "if you don' want to be put into irons, you' 4etter cut cai'cls out, I cloil t al- low games of chance on this 4oat." "Oh, but," said the other, blandly, "w«weren't playing a game of chance. That poor beg- gar hucl none at all." LOANS--~loney waiting to loan on glor t gages.This age isn't more svicked than the age of our fathers. It jiist fails to pull down the shades. GEO. HAY Notary Public Fire I rLsu rance -- &ioney 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1"60 Residence Phone W. 32R or 1V. 04X An economist i~ a man who thinks ive have achieved a hi«h stanclard of living becau"e we have established a high standard of spending. Son--"IVhy do you suppose Adam was macle before Eve?" Dacl--"Oh, I suppose it was to give him a chance to say a little something first." THE WEST VAN NEWS lVATER ~IAIN TUNNEL I'ROPOSED UNDER LIONS'ATE