001C96EF 4)l ~1 Ng $/018 $81 5/A', THE EVEST VAN NEEVS '.:.&SO.XA -iS March 15, 1929. GROCERY Sf'ECIALS for This Week It is not always just ivhat you buy in a counts--as eveis'thing these days is standard service. A»d service means a ivhole lot. Reasonable prices; Quick, Courteous and tention to your wants. Prompt delivery and get all these things at the Lesage Store. No order too small. It is our privilege give you eveig satisfaction. drug store that ised--except the Appreciative at- reliability. You and purpose to g.ES&GE DRUG STORE PHONE FAST]----- G. E. REID, hlanager New Building--Corner blarine and 14th. DELIVER Y iVO Ol(DER IS TOO SMALL H. wilson of the local police force was take» to the Vancou- ver General Hospital on Monday for treatme»t to his knee, which he rece»tly dislocated. e Attracted by the fine weather a»d the ski competition for the Leyland Cup, a large number of hikers went up Hollyburn Ridge on Sunday. The ferries carried a record crowd of them for this season. 3V. Hilton, 14th a»d Clyde, who has been aivay in Scotland on a visit to his mother, is expected home this sveek end. Mr. and AIrs. Charles Ridley,"9th and Bellevue, have had an «ddition to their family, a so» having been born to them last Friday at Grace Hospital, Van- couver. pigman Business College MISS LARSON GIVES READINGSFURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Last Friday evening Miss Lawson gave a s:ries of readings from "Alice in wonderland" to the Su»day school children and their parents at the Henderson United Church, Central Park. The readings ivere illustrated with lantern slides from Ten- niel's drawings. The audience quite filled the church; and the programme went off very suc- cessfully. At the close Miss Law- son received a vote of warm thanks, and divas presented by Miss Thelma Goddard with a beautiful bouquet of roses, vio- lets and maiden-hair fern. Miss Lawson replied in a graceful little speech. J. S. Milne has moved into a house at Cypress Park. Alr. and Mrs. F. B. Dowling nf Kamloops, purchased a cot- tage belonging to Miss Smith at 27th and Ottaiva. They took po- session on Monday. AIrs. George Bell and family, 24th and Jefferson, are leaving here about the end of the month for Whitehorse, Yukon Territory where they will join Mr. Bell, who went there two or three iveeks ago. Mr. and Airs. Han~ Maclean and family, who have been resid- ing at 19th and Marine Drive, are moving into a house at 22nd and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Downing and daughter, who have been liv- ing for some time in Victoria, have moved back to their house at 20th and Inglewood. C. M. Ross of Burns Lake, who with his wife has been visiting Mrs. M. B. Robinson, 13th and Clyde, left on Monday for Powell River. 4V. H. Byrnell of Vancouver, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Byrnell has purchased a house at 14th and Clyde, and with his wife and family will take possession this week. Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y TLUTE BURRARll J'.II),W .%.)S The local branch of the 4V. C. T. U. recently offered four priz- es of $5 each for an examination in "Scientific Temperance" open to the pupils of the United and Baptist Church Sunday Schools. One prize was allotted to the senior and junior divisions in each school. Rupert Harrison won the prize among the seniors and Frances webb headed the junior division of the United Church school, while in the Bap- tist Sunday School Ileen Hibberd and Helen Ritz lead in the senior and junior divisions respective- ly. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson regrets that the announcement in the press regarding her appearance at the North Vancouver concert at the Lonsdale Theatre on 24th March was rather premature. St. Andrew's Church choir, Vancouver, where Mrs. Hodgson is soloist, is singing "Olivet to Calvary" on that date and as Mrs. Hodgson is singing some of the baritone solos she would not be through early enough to get to North Vancouver in time for their concert, as each program will conclude about 9.45. Mr. Hodgson hopes to be at liberty another time. IN QKNTLE; SPIUKQTINE IY5 A 'T'KAT---lb w5aa ~WS64 y Oases up CLEAHQeQfEETs "le .3urran .aumry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 410L HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral 6iret tars Mitchell, 22nd and Marine Drive, been visiting his son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, 22nd and aMrine Drive, for a few days, left on Monday to return to his home in Prince Rupert. North Vancouver Parlors 122 EVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 David AVillingto», who under- ivent a serious operation in the Vancouver General Hospital, N here he has been a patient since last January, is now stay- i»g with his son at the latter's residence at 1472 Fulton Ave.A school girl was required to write an essay of 220 words a- bout a motor-car. She submit- ted the following: My uncle bought a motor-car. He was riding n the country when it broke down, going uphill. I think this is about 20 words. 'The other 200 are what my uncle said when he was walking back tn town--but I don't remember ivhat they were. Livingstone School staff and their friends paid a surprise visit on their principal Mr. C. R. Mes- singer, and Mrs. Messinger on I'"riday evening, March 8th. The evening was spent in play- ing bridge, Miss J. Caspell carry- ing off the honors for the even- ing. The refreshments were ar- ranged by Miss M. L. Johnston, capably assisted by Miss C. Ma- son. Among those present were Miss C. Dixon, Miss C. Mason, Miss J. Caspell, Miss M. L. John- ston, Miss L. Bampton, Miss N. )Vhittaker, Miss Trembath, Miss A. MacPherson, Mrs. C. R. Mes- singer, Mr. E. Livingstone, Air. N. Kagnoff, Mr. Chatterton, Mr. C. R. 5fessingier, Mr. A. Currie, Major Layton, Mr. N. Hill and Mr. M. Kagnoff. A standard of purity, proved daily by'he customers of "the Dairy with the Highest Score" THE WEST VAN WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 1522 Marine Drive SOUVENIRS 9 quarts for $ 1.00 North 12,2, of %Vest VancouverAlso Novelties and Articles for every day use. Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STIIEET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 Ilr. and Mrs. 4V. Cuthbert, who have been living at 22nd and Jefferson, have moved to Van- couver. Airs, Racklyeft of the Pauline Johnson School staff, is back at duty after a few days'bse»ce. The staff of the municipal board of works have this week graded the playground of Paul- ine Johnson School. Mr. and Mrs. W. Timlick, 20th a»d Inglewood, have moved into a house at 25th and Lawson. Indications in nature continue to point to the fact that spring is here to stay. Blue birds have been seen resting here on their long trip from the south to their breeding grounds in the Cariboo country. Practically all the mi- grating birds have arrived withthe exception of the hummingbirds and swallows. 4V. L. Clegg of Vancouver is building a new house at 16th and Gordon. Gilbert Lee of Shermans, who,last week opened a new store inthe Messinger block at 16th and Marine Drive, spent the weekend in Seattle. v'wimmingClub Annual hleeting The AVest Vancouver Swim- ming Club is holding its annual meeting and election of officers on Thursday, 28th March, at 8 p. m. in the Fortune Cup Inn. Arra'ngements for the club's act- ivities during the season will bemade at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Trent of Edmon- ton, Alta., and Mr. Doan of Van- couver, were visitors last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.J. Nesbitt, senior, 13th and Clyde. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black are again occupying the suite at therear of the office. Their houseat 20th and Mathers is now oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Elliott who formerly lived in the Hay Block. The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade will be held next Monday in the Ferry Buiiding rooms. TENiNIS CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the EVest Vancouver Tennis Club was held in the Fortune Cup Inn on Friday March 8th A large attendance was piesent and ie ports of last season were read and business for the coming sea- son discussed.. The following officers were chosen for the coming season: president Mr. Jas. McArthur; secretary, Mr. Jerry Grisedale; treasurer, Mr. George Daven- port; executive committee, Mrs. R. C. Procter, Mr. K. B. Forster, Mr. 4V. D. Durand. Last season was avery successful one and in- dications point to this year be- ing even more successful. Any person intending to join please make application to Mr. Jas. McArthur, president, Dun- darave P.O., Phone )Vest 481L1. Blr. J. Grisedale, secretary, Hol- lyburn P.O., phone )Vest 434 or any member of the committee. Play a game of c ~'"~t% I I a a Singapore Pineapple.........." 10c Cut Green Beans, per tin.... 15c Malkin's Best Tea, an extra Special at per lb............ 60c Quick Quaker Oats, pkt..... 25c Iodized Salt Shaker .... 10c Cr i sco, lb. t in .....,........... 27c Grape Fruit........... I for 25c I'rcsh Vegetables Daily arine Grocery 22nd and Marine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 PROMPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. BUY STRATTON'S BREAD You'l be Satisfied It's made right here in West Vancouver Cakes, Pies, Pastries, Rolls There's none better. Phone West 27 And our Delivery Man will call. Jimmy Thomson' 'NSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hIoving Baggage a Specialty PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal aalu %Vood Prompt Delivery. oqoGRgy+ 0 Bio 3HOIOG1PPHS iz rHo~n er THE King'tudio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., lV., Phone Seymour 1046 3 tables for your pleasure 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing