001C96EF ~farch 15, 1929. william SVharton of i~!ssion, was a guest at the Clachan over the week end. ~ 0 0 ~fr. and 3frs. J. Watt and fam- ily, 21st and Bellevue, left here c n wednesday for the Delta, &ihere they will in future reside. 0 ~ 0 4fr. and 4frs. F. Christian of Vancouver, have rented a house at 21st an3 i~farine Drive. 0 ~ 0 The school children are pr«par- irtg themselves for the spring ttncl summer athletic activies. Baseball is being practisecl at both Paulin«Johnson and Holly- burn schools, anti the high jump stand is in use again on the play- gI ound at Hollyburn. 0 0 ~ B. E. IVard, partner of El. G. Williamson of the 5'estol& Trans- f'cr had the misfortune to break a rib whilst getting out wood in the bush north of Altamont!nst Saturday. 0 0 0 Mrs. J. Paterson (West Van. Electric) has been confined to her home since last Saturday with a bad ataack of flu, and at one time had almost lost the use of her voice. 0 0 ~ Mr. and ~frs. lV. A. Adair who have been visiting friends in Yastern Canada and the eastern States for some time have now returned and taken up residence at their home on Pilot House Road, Caulfeild. 0 0 0 E. S. Gamage (B. C. Nurseries I.td.) on Wfarine Drive, near Capilano Bridge is offering 3 ancl 4 year old Winesap Apple ancl English Greengage Plum trees at 65 cents each. 0 0 0 iAIrs. C. V. Inman, 14th and Inglewood, entertained last night i» honor of bfiss Florence Paul. 0 0 0 i%fr. and hfrs. R. Hartney, 14th and Waterfront, left yesterday for a holiday trip to Bellingham. 0 0 0 F. Pascual ivho has been a patient at the hospital is now at his home, 14th and Gordon, and though still quite ill, shows a little improvement today. 0 0 0 il!r. Hemming is starting the construction of a house at 11th and Esquimalt. 0 0 The cylinders of No. 6 feny have been re-ground in prepara- tion for the summer season. ~ 0 0 ~!rs. B. iaaf. Grady, who since the beginning of the year has been staying with her daughter in Vancouver, has returned to her home at 24th and IVater- f ront. 0 0 0 The A. Y. P. A. of St. Steph- en's Church is holding their reg- ular monthly service in the church next Sunday evening, when the members of the asso- ciation will have charge of the service. Father Cooper nf St. James'hurch, Vancouver, will be the special preacher. ~ ~ - ~ lp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O'. Dickinson, 14th and Esqui- malt, is having a new'ouse er- ected on the corner of 14th ancl Gordon. ~!r. and ~frs. G. C. Wforrjs, With and 3farine Drive. are mov rng into the late Colonel Bruce l'owley's house at, 26th anil Ffay- wood. ~ ~ ~ ~frs. J. Pinclc r-~foss has moved into the ~farling block at 17th rtncl ~farine Drive. 0 ~ ~ llr. Trulson, 22ncl an;l Gord- on, is moving back to the prairi- es at the end of the month. 0 0 ~ At the meeting nf the execu- tive of the FIorticultural Assoc- iation on Tuesday evening, it v:as (lecided to hold the summer exhibition on 22nd June and the fall show on 7th September, pro- vicling these dates are approved by the B. C. Fairs Association, ivhich meets at ver IVestmin- ster nert week. 0 0 H. E. Douet, 12th and Jeffer- son, who has been seriously ill v. ith blood-poisoning for some t!me, is now able to be out and about again. I.1 BRAINY APPLIES FOR GRANT The Hollyburn Public Librar&. I'oard ivrote asking for a grant to enable them to carry on &ts services to the public during this year. They ivere desirous of making several changes by which it was hoped to improve the service. The estimated ex- penses for the year ivere $297, which did not allow for the pur- chase of any new books, and they had 144 new members last year. The matter divas laid over. TREE I'RUNING DEilIONSTRATION IS QUELL ATTENDED The demonstration and lecture on the pruning of fruit trees given in the garden of Mrs. Le- feaux, 24th and Nelson, last Sat- urday afternoon under the aus- pices of the )Vest Vancouver Eforticultural Association was very well attended despite the inclement weather. i%fr. Clarke gave a very instructive demon- stration and greatly pleased his audience with the able manner in which he explained the rea- sons and necessities for the dif- fc rent operations. The Horticultural Association is to be congratulated on arrang- ing such practical helps to our people, and appreciation of their work should be shoivm by becom- ing members. The president J. Nyland; Sec- retary, Mrs. E. A. Ford, or Treas- urer, J. Hadwin, or any member of the executive, will be glad to given intending members any irr- formation they wish about the aims angl «spirations of the As- soc int ion. & V & 5 0 i%~ A L 'S THE )VEST VAN NEREUS '1 RACTORS SUGGESTED FOR ROAD iVORK lforrisnn of the 3forrjson T?actor and Equipment Co. handling caterpillar tractors ap- peared before the municipal cnuncil last ~fonday night sug- gesting that they purchase some of his machines for handling the road work of the municipality. His talk was illustrated with movie pictures showing the trac- tors and other machinery in op- eration. E I is proposal was baseil on a monthly payment plan leacl- ing up to the purchase price. hfr. Non.ison claimed that the adop- tion of this machinery would re- sult in a very big saving to the municipality in the reduction of team hire and more effective work. The matter was left in the hancls of Councillor Blair, chairman of public works, for invest igation. HOLLYBORN THEATRE ~IO.'iDAY, TL ESDAV A.'v D iv EDN ESDA Y lfarch 18, 19, 2D hf f LTON SILLS in "THE CRASH" Thursday. Friday and Saturday March 21, 22, 23 Buddy rogers and ~fary Brian in 'Someone to Love'vercrowding weakens vegetables, but onions are strong enough to lock after themselvea. Household Htnt Tff E PAyTR& Tea Roo AXI) RESTAUftAyT Regular hfeals and Afternoon Teas ~farine Drive A mbleside Look f'r name on window. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR ffOif 8-&fADE CAKES? Saturday and Monday SPKCIALS P. 4 G. Xaptha Soap 2 for Quick Quaker Oats, pkt. Sardines (Oscar) &fatches, 4DD's. Corn Starch, pkt. Bartlett Pears, tin. 9c'Jc 29c 2JC 10& 21c S". I'A..II. I~ IgI"„II„'. Ig,( Phone IUest 318R3. West Bay PRO~IPT DELIVERY ~fr. and ~frs. A. S. ~fagee, who have been spending a few days visiting ~frs. George Pineo, 13th ;.nd Keith Road, left here on Sun- clay evening to return to their home in Edmonton. CLEARANCE SALE Nu-BOne Corsets -- Lingerie -- Hosiery 10 per cent. Discount This month only Mrs. Marling 17th 4, bfarine, next ftoyal Bank .A ~:::S Drop in and examine ....".lt OR .S At the New Store for Ladies and lien 16th and i~marine You will be astonished at the PRICES AND QUALITY 6~BERT LEE CAPILAN0 TDIBER COiIPANY "From Forest to iI'ou " t'o . le a)l ano . Ifa)er 0...1:c. ~ 'I'EIIS SLOGAN DIVAS ADOPTED BY US AS BEST EXPRESSING THE IDEA AVE AVISH TO CONVEY, NAMELY, 'IHAT THE COMPLETE CYCLE OF OPERATIONS IN DIANUFACTURING THE RAW PRO- DUCT IiNTO THE FINISHED ARTICLE IS PERFORPIED RIGHT HERE BY US. FIRST, THE TIAIBER IS FELLED IN OUR OAVN LOGGIA'G CA~IPS ON THE SLOPES OF CROAVN MT. AND HAULED BY LOCO&IOTIVE DO)UN TO OUR MILL AT TIDEWATER IN NORTH VANCOUVER. HERE THE LOGS ARE SA4VN INTO LUPIBER, WHICH IS THEN SEASONED IN OUR DRY KILiNS AND, FINALLY, FIiNISHED IN THE PLANING MILL. EVERYTHING NEEDED TO BUILD A HOGTIE EVEN TO THE FACTIOUS RED CEDAR SHINGLE ON THE ROOF IS MADE RIGHT HERE. BY THUS KEEPING ALL THE VARIOUS OPERATIONS CONCENTRATED UNDER ONE ROOF RUE ARE ABLE TO KEEP OUR ilfANUFACTURING COSTS DOWN. YOU )VILL, THEREFORE, FIND EVHEN BUYING LUi~IBER FRO~I US THAT OUR GRADES ARE RIGHT AND OUR PRICES VERY REASONABLE. IT )VILL BE DELIVERED PROAIPTLY BY OUR FAST TRUCKS DIRECT: "FROibl FOREST TO YOU" TO- NIGIIT I'hone North 305. FOOT OF I) EWI BERTON Night Phone; North 549L THE CANAI)IAN LEGION, iVEST VANCOUVER will give their 10th Annual St. Patrick's Day ...asc uerac.e .. ance in the HOI I YILURN I AVII ION, FRIDAY, ~IARCH 15th Good Prizes Dancing 9 to 1 Killarney 6-Piece Orchestra Tickets 50 Cents. Buffet Supper. Proceecls in aid of Huilcling Fund. KILN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load in North and West Vancouver Extra charges for distant deliveries. E. Beyond St. Denis Ave.. 50c Extra N.E. Beyond Centre Road..... 50c Extra N. Beyond 29th Street.................... 25c Extra lV. Beyond 29th St. to IVest Bay 25c Extra lV. Beyond IVest Bay to Caulfeild ~&1.00 Extra 1'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 304K