001C96EF THE )VEST VAN NEWS March 15, 1929. SPEC IA LS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society ~est Vancouver Bible School Useful (ecipes Ladies Full Fashioned Hose, Silk to the top Beautiful Shades, reduced to................................ $ 1.49 I'air Ladies Quality Silk Hose, new seaso»'s shades, only.. 89c Pair Ladies Art Silk Hose, all colors............... I'airs 95c Children's Golf Top Hose from...... Children's Cashmere Sox, from..... ........... 39c Pair . 30c Pair Men's Sox in great variety... 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 95c Pair SALE OF REMNANTS AND ODDMENTS CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject hlarch 17th "SUBSTANCE" Sunday School at 10 00 a m Testimony Meeting wednesdayat 8.15 p. im. Ambleside Hall, hlarine at 14th NEXT SUNDAY at 3 I'. M. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "The J ubilee and the Restora- tion of all things." YOU ARE W ELCOii E Baptist church United'.hurc iivools ( i i i Men' Embroideries +~ + & Furnishings 16th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School 10 a. m. ihlorning Service 11.16 a. m. Evening Service 7.15 p. m. Dr. Henderson will be the preacher at both services next Sunday. His subject in the morn- ing will be "The Religion of Pow- er," and in the evening he will preach on "Don't AVorry." PHONE WEST 372 1410 ilIARINE DRIVE PHONE WEST 372 lllR. AND AIRS. J. NiESBITT CELEBRATE GOLDEN iVEDDING Sunday School, 10 a. m. blorning Service, 11 a. m. Dlorning Sermon, subject:-- "EVhy do souls go away from Jesus." Evening Service, 7.16 p. m. Evening Sermon subject:-- "The method of Grace." Maclean's Orange Pekoe Tea. Readers of the News will have iioticed an advt. regaidi»g this in recent issues. Mr. Alaclean is a resident of West Vancouver. He has had over thirty yeai's'xperienceas a tea blender hav- ing been in charge of the tea departnient of one of the largest ~rholesalers in B. C. until just recently. He is a recognised ex- pert in his work throughout Can- ada. Dlaclean's Orange Pekoe is on sale at all stores. Put it on your order list this week. AIr. and Airs. J. Nesbitt cele- brated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at their home at 13th and Clyde last Sunday. Mr, and Airs. Nesbitt, who are very well known in West Va»- couver, where they have resided for a number of years, were mar- ried at )Volfe Island, Ontario, on 10th hlarch, 1879. A large num her of their friends called to con- gratulate them, and they frere the recipients of many bouquets of flowers and gifts. Foremost among these was a magnificent four-tier bride's cake most taste- fully decorated iii gold, the gift of a prominent )Vest Vancouver lady resident, also a smaller cake given by their youngest snn, Cecil. Harry and Cecil, t~~o sons of Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt, with i1Ii&. Harry Nesbitt and their children were present to felicitate their parents and grandparents, their eldest son, Bob, being too far from home to be able to be present. Their many friends and ac- quaintances in )Vest Vancouver join in wishing Dlr. and Mrs. Nesbitt many years still of mari- tal happiness. SCOTTISH SOCIETY iiIEETING--PRES. REID TO GIVE AN ADDRESS Wet.kly pi ap ei sen ice each )Vednesday at 8.00 p. m. B. Y. P. V. Tuesday at 8 p. m. All young people invited. President R Reid of the )Vest Vancouver Scottish Society will be the chief speaker at the regu- lar meeting of the Society to- night at the Clachan. Mr. Reid will give an address on "The Rob Roy Country" of which he is a native. There will also be a mus- ical programme and members are asked to be out in force. The meeting starts at 8.15 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father KellySYi~lPATHY Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. YVeek Days--Mass 8 a.m. Sweet are the uses of adversity, For then we learn the power of sympathy, Cold seem the words where trouble ne'r has been, Hearts only meet, which sorrows'ours have seen. Vi hen feeling deeply, words can be but few, Fo." silence speaks, a hand's warm class feel true, A happy gift/ To cheer some lonely heart And, from the load of others, take some part To bid them hope, and cease from sad re,".ining, And se behind the clouds the sun still shining, That e'n the darkest day must have an ending When all seems at its worst, things may be mending. As every life must have its hurtful thorn, The Pattern Life was still a life forlorn, Through sorrow, suffering, parting death and loss We all so sadly take and bear a cross, To weep with those who we p, like kindly rain Brings blessings great--when sh'.neo life's sun again, Sweet Sympathy! What count'.ess hearts you cheer A Christlike gift, for Heaven its If draws near. Lent 5 (5larch 17th) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a, m.--Morning Prayer 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. Solo-- "Come Unto Him" (Handel)-- Miss Ivy Miles. The preacher Sunday evening will be the Rev. Canon )Vilber- force Cooper, rector of St. James Church, Vancouver. All young people are cordially invited to this service. J. T. Moriary of Vancouver, on behalf of himself and associates sent a copy of their application for a franchise, covering a period nf twenty years, for sole rights in connection with the erection, operation and control of a refuse disposal and poorer plant, gener- ally known as an incinerator. A facsimile of this application, they stated, was being sent to the newly amalgamated city of Greater Vancouver, North Van- couver City, North Vancouver District, including Dollarton, etc. the Municipalities of Burnaby and Coquitlam, Port Moody, anR New Westminster. Their prin- ciple object was to form a priv- ate company to be called British Columbia Incinerators Ltd. for the establishment of an up-to- date refuse disposal and power plant. They stated that the civic board of works of the City of Vancouver were carefully con- sidering their proposal, and they asked from the council, as they frere asking from the other areas mentioned, an expression as to what their attitude would be in receiving a more definite pro- posal through them from their principals. The council replied that they were very much interested in the proposed project and would be pleased to receive a report of any progress in the movement. CHURCH hIEhlBERS AIAKE PRESENTATION A number of members of St. Stephen's 4V. A. called on Mr~. John Nesbitt at her home at 13th and Clyde on Thursday after- noon, and presented her with a pair of beautiful silver vases in honor of her recent golden ired- ding. Tea was served and a very pleasant afternoon spent. There is Divine service Sun- day afternoon at St. Francis'hurch,Caulfeild. The Bible Study class will meet .next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'- clock in the choir vesti~. There will be a Lenten sewing nieeting of the EVomen's Auxili- ary Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. Eatock, 11th and Duchess. PIANO RECITAL BY STUDENTS On Saturday of next week the first of a series of monthly stud- ent piano recitals by the pupils of AIrs.'lara wilson will be given at her home studio 2367 Marine Drive. Those wishing in- vitations should get in 'ouch with Mrs. wilson. The junior football team will play their postponed cup tie game against St. Giles United tomorrow afternoon. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th 4 Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor The anuual Easter sale of work of the Women's Auxiliary will be held Friday, April 5th. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. IV. R. white wishes to thank those who sympathised with her in her sore bereare- ment in the loss of her mother. Now, Mr. Durant, offer $25; 000 for perpetual motion. No plan will work, but it will be a- musing to see which one fools the judges. The meanest thing about 'flu epidemics is that they never oc- cur during the baseball season. THB West Van Nevvs I'ublished Erery Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE 4Vest 363 AVest 412L Publishers Hale A HeartyCelebrating 3rd Anniversary One should be full of the joy of living these bright spring days. If you don't enjoy perfect health CONSULT THE CHIR- PRACTOR. Some slight adjustment may make all the difference. In West Vancouver Being a go-getter requires no original investment, unless they really are required to cariy those three fountain pens in the breast pocket. SPECIAL OFFER for month of March Discount off all CLEANING AND PRESSING WORK and 10~/a off all CUSTOM TAILORING iVORK Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drire Consultation Free. Roherta A. Vass Queer world. A State joils a mother of ten children for. selling liquor, and does not}iing lo the grown children who didn'i sup- port her. Phone %est 363 Mail Address: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN' Plain Suits Cleaned and Pressed ............. 9 l o4 IP D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer SchoolP. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. CHIROPRACTORCorrect this sentence: "I had iather say ivorth while things in bum English," said the col- lege professor, "than to speak platitudes with grammatical per- f ection." M. WILLIAMS$ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON Phone IVest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver 16th and Marine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone IVest 20 APPLICATION St. Stephen's Church GREATER vANcoUvER PROPOSED Curried Lamb 2 lbs. lamb flank or forequart- ers i/i tablespoon curvy powder 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter or drip- ping. 2 small onions 1&/~ cups boiling water 1 teaspoon vinegar. Wipe lamb and cut lean meat in small pieces. Sprinkle with curry powder, flour and salt Nhich have been mixed together. Melt butter, add onions cut in thin slices and the meat and stir and cook until the meat is seared. Cover with boiling wat- ei, add vinegar and bake as sug- gested above. Oven-cooked Rice :!'i. cup rice 1 teaspoon salt 4 cups scalded milk or water put rice in baking dish, sprinkle with salt, add the milk or water and cover and bake as suggested above. Shredded Carrots 1 pint carrots 1/i teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons butter Boiling water. Wash and sciape carrots, cut in fine strips, put iri baking dish, add sugar, salt, butter and boil- ing water to cover, and cook as suggested above. String Beans with Bacon Remove ends and strings from string beans, cut diagonally in small pieces, put in baking dish. ~- add water to cover, sprinkle with sliced bacon cut in squares, and bake. Season with salt just be- fore serving. French Rusaian Dressing 1'/z teaspoons ~alt 1 3 teaspoon pepper '/ cup salad oil ~/g cup chili sauce Few grains cayenne 1 teaspoon table sauce 2 tablespoons vinegar. Put ingredients in French dressing bottle or small jar, and shake thoroughly just before us- ing. This dressing is also good served on hearts of lettuce. Apple Pan Dowdy Apples 3'1. cup sugar 1/q cup molasses i,'& teaspoon cinnamon i/4, teaspoon salt Emergency biscuit crust. Half fill a baking dish with apples pared and cored and slic- ed, add remaining ingredients, cover with emergency biscuit crust, cover the dish and bake. Serve with vanilla cream sauce. Home-made Lady Fingers Beat 2 eggs well, add 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 tea- spoons cream of tartar and flour enough to make a stiff dough. Roll out thin and sprinkle with sugar. Cut the size of a finger. Place on greased ting, being care- ful that they do not touch each other. Bake in a moderate oven until done, but do not let them brown. Emergency Biscuit 11/~ cups pastry flour 3&/~ teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons lard 2 3 cup milk Sift together flour baking powder and salt or use instead 1i/~ cups prepared flour. EVork in lard with tips of fingers or pie- crust mixer, add liquid, mix quickly and spread on top of the apples.