001C96EF March 15, 1929.THE BLUEST VAN NE)US I&. Ol" T. EXECUTIVE HOl.ll MEF.TINGSmith 's i~roeery The executive of the IVest Vancouver Board of Trade held their regular monthly meeting on )Uednesday evening when re- ports of committees were receiv- ni and discussed. President Alc- Quaker reported on an interview hc had had with the postal auth- orities i» Vancouvet as regard~ obtaining better postal facilities for EUest Vancouver. A general discussion followed and it was finally decided it be recommend- ed to the board that they take up the matter again with Ottawa through Gen. blcRae in an effort to have postal facilities improv- ed. A letter was received from the Hort,icultural Association asking for the cooperation of the board in the holding of a public meet- ing with a view to alouslng lIlt- crest in the beautifying and de- velopment of the boulevards and parks. The matterwill come up for discussion at the regular monthly meeting on Monday, but the members of the executive ex- pressed themselves as being en- tirely in sympathy with the en- cleavor, and will give their sup- port to the meeting to be ar- ranged by the Horticultural So- ciety. It is proposed to have blr. and Mrs. Hutt up from Seattle to give an illustrated lecture on the subject at the meeting. George Gourlay in discussing the boulevards suggested that the board ask the municipal council to have the practice stop- ped of the dumping of stones ovid other debris on the boulevards v hen roadmaking or other work is in progress. A hearty vote of thanks was given to the ladies .~or their as- sistance in making the social evening last month the great suc- cess it was, special reference be- ing made to the work of the con- vener, 51rs. McQuaker, who had directed the arrangements o. the refreshments and musical pro- yr™m~. A proposal for a community hall was before the meeting, and it was felt that such a building .vould be a distinct asset to the district. It was the feeling of the meeting that any reasonable proposal towards the furthering of this object should receive tht support of the board. The regular monthly meet!ng will be held next Monday at 8 o'lock in the Legion rooms, fer- ry building. All members are asked to be on time for this meeting. We Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phone IVEST 469 SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FINEST NET ZEALAND BUTTER .............-.................. 3 lbs. for $ 1.29 Serv us Floor g'ax, per tin........ 38c'Serv-us Peas, No. 4........ 2 tins 31c hiurray's hlarmalade, large jar 4gc Baker's Premium Chocolate 4 SER) US Fl OUR 7!h. Sack 3etc lb. cake ......................,....... 24c hIazola Oil, per tin...."."""""" 37c B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR Kellogg's All Bran, per pkt. 21c ............ 10 lbs. 58c Classic Cleanser 3 tin~ 21c Quaker Oats (China).............. 37c 'r Own Tea, per lb............ Serv-us Lobster. per tin .... 23c Royal Crown Ammonia Powder per packet ........ gcFinest Norwegian Sardines, ..................................... 2 tins 27c l Our Own Coffee, per lb. 5gc Royal Crovvn Soap Poivder....... 21c Royal Crown Lye, per tin...... gc FLEET FOOT TENNIS SHOES, NET STOCK JUST Al(IIIVED. SIVlillhIING CLUB TO HOLD GALA FOR SCHOOLS ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS The )Vest Vancouver Swim- ming Club wrote the council ask- ing for their approval of the club's plan to hold a Greater Vancouver Schools Swimming Gala, and also for the use of Dundarave Regatta for two or more Saturdays during the sum- mer months. The programme of events and the facilities for safe- guarding the welfare of the children during the gala wou]d be submitted later to the coun- cil for their approval. They stated they were asking also for the sanction of the school board, and, if this and the sanction cf the council were obtained, they had been assured of the support of the Canadian Amateur Swim- ming Association and the various swimming clubs in Vancouver. The council went on record as approving of the club's proposal and granted them the use oi Dundarave Pier for two or more Saturdays. I'HONE WEST 190 FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS 9.30--Capilano to 25th St. 12.30--Caulfeild 3.30--Capilano to 25th St. Daily Cash 8; C. 0. 9. Specials Meats that Ye Can Fat SATURDAY PRIhIE STEER BEEF Ro!1 Rib Oven Roast, lb. ~ .. 27c Rump Roast, 1st cut, lb.... ~ ~ . 25c Pot Roast, lb,.......... 18c Archie Stewart and Jim Fal-coner, both very well known on the North Shore, especially so in football circles, are the members composing the firm of the Bur- rard Sheet Metal )Vorks. Though a comparatively new firm, hav- ing been in business a little over ea year, they have built up a rep- utation for reliable and expert workmanship. They handle any- thing in sheetmetal work, furn- aces, stoves, cornices, skylights, etc. Their offices are at 229 Lonsdale Ave., Notch Vancou- ver, and anyone requiring such work will make no mistake in placing it with this firm, Veal Oven Roast, lb... 25c Lamb. Local, shoulder, lb.... 26c Pork Legs, lb................. 21c Cottage Ham, sliced ............ 35c Amshire Ham, sliced, lb..... 30c EGGS--Ne w La id,.... 2 doz. 63c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs 25c Pork Sausage, lb............ ~ . ~ ... 25c h!ONDAY Sirloin Steak, lb........ 33c Veal Loaf, lb........................ 25c TUESDAY ~ EFFE RIES'UPERIOR Y. '.A'I'S m esi,e one es Stores Hollyburn Phone West 3 Fresh Meats, Cooked Meats, Fish Government Inspected Meats Only For a New Building or a Repair Job IVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyp«c Plaster Hoard -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver Hoard Shingles -- Lath -- Building Materials West Vancouver . um &er Co. 15th and Marine LI51ITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: IVest 368L. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD THIS YEAR? GET OUR PLANS AND PRICES. Terms of payment arranged to suit you. %V. TINNEY O'o. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Office, 142 Hastings St. W., Phone Sey. 1944 Residence, foot of 20th Street Phone West 322 :V.:Ob'jl:Y I'0 ] OAW on First Mortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 'ash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL PAY YOU Fresh Liver, lb. Bacon, sliced, lb. . ~ ~ ~ 10c 40c AVEDN ESDAY Stewing Beef, lb................. 15c Pork Steak, lb.. 25c THURSDAY Hamburg Steak, lb....... ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . 15c Boiling Beef, lb............ 13c FRIDAY l'resh Cod.. ~ . Kippcrs .. .. 2 lbs. 2ac ......... ~ . ~ . ~ ~ 2 lbs. 25c Cicero the Cynic says, "The usual reward for careful driving is that some fool bumps you from behind." ltules of the Road No. 1. The best way to handle ~ traffic cop is to move your head up and down as he finishes each sentence. Business Friend: "Are you certain your wife knows I am going home with you for dinner?" His Host: "Of course. Didn't we nearly have a scrap about it this morning?" Office Vodvil Tim: "An awful accident up street!" Frances: "Svhat happened?" Tim: "A car ran into a garage." Boss: "Take the phone message-- I'l get it from you later.". Stenog. (demurely): "No, thanks! Your little girl wants to kiss you over the wire." Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost.The age of discretion, Alas t c!oesn't arrive until you have lost the taste or capacity for indis- cretion. Councillor Jackman, chairman of the transportation committee, reported to the council on Mon- day on an interview he had had with the Pacific Stages. He stated that the company is col- lecting data regarding the con- venience of the travelling public and will have suggestions to make to the council in the near future. A schedule was being set to connect with the West Vancouver ferries, which was one reason why the arrival of their stages in North Vancouver does not correspond at all times with the North Vancouver fer- ries. MARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 ~ i&IUSICAL FESTIVAL a 1'estival whi ! ENTRIES CLOSE TOAIORROW spcct far ahea Still, the stranger feels free to take liberties if she's the kind of gir] who will accept a ride with a stranger. ch is in every re- d of any previous e vent. Indeed, the problem will be to get into the extra allowance of time all that should go in. Not the least difficulty is that of ar- ranging the time schedule of th'estivalso that everything may run to time with smoothness and no overlapping. Here the ent- rants can very materially assist hp having their entries in to- morrow after which day an ad- ditional fee of $1.00 is charged. Entries have been pouring into the office of the secretary for some weeks past, nor will the ivork of accepting them be over until the above date. A large a- mount of clerical labor is entail- ed, and it is hoped that intend- ing entrants will do their share toward speed and efficiency by complying with the regulations in this respect. Any information regarding the Festival will be gladly given by the secretary, Mr. S. A. Law- rence at his office, 328 Rogers Building. Phone Seymour 5617. This freak spelling, like "Ye Printe Shoppe," apparently was used on early hot-dog stands. There is, for example, the palace of the doge. If any proof of the general increased interest in British Col- ~ umbia's Musical Festival were required, it would be found in the fact that while last year's event was one of six days, this year it has been found necessary to ex- tend it to ten days, con;mencing lllay 1, and continuin until May l. 1, This provision has been fully justified, for already the num- ber of entries received exceeds these of any previous year. I'. must be borne in mind that this ear's Syllabus carries not only an extension of n&an.i of the ciasses such as those for the piano, but has also the addition ot'any new c!'~". t:~, the Festi- val Association t hc relic carry- i.;g c ut their poltc'f supplying competitive events wherever there is the demand. That this has been approved by contest- ants there is no doubt, the ent- ries showing it, and this year Vancouver will have in its midst Radio speches boasting of prosperity are all right. Those who aren't prosperous aren' listening in. B. EV. M. Bone asked that a permanent roadway be laid on King Street, between 22nd and 23rd Avenues. He was advised that the surfacing of King's Av- enue was now under considera- tion. None of the big jobs are held by men who had rather lie and shiver than get up for an extra blanket. "..1e .'.OW.'. & S .-.0 Shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day 30c POT 1'0'1"LANTS and CUT FLON'ERS SEED POTATOES 51b for 25c BurbankEarly Rose SELECTED GLADIOLI BULBS 15 for $ 1.00 Mrs. Roberts'lower Shop pnpNe gEsr tel'"'m & esic.e . um ver Co, ~tc .