001C96D9 i4Iarch 1, 1929. Whimsical Review "Girls were harder to kiss in your days, weren't they, Grand- pa? "IVell, mebbe; but it wasn't so blamed dangerous. The ol'ar- lor sofa wasn't apt to smash into a tree jest about the time ye got all puckered up." Attorney: "AVhere was the de- fendant milking the cow?" AVitness: "It's hard to describe Judge, but if you'l bring in a cow, I'l show you the exact place." Judge: "You say that this man robbed you--can you recognize anything of yours here?" Plaintiff: "Yes, this handker- chief." Judge.'"But that is no proof; I have one exactly like it." Plaintiff: "Yes, your honor; I divas robbed of two." "Albert, run to the door and tell Dlrs. Jones I am out." . "EIello, AIrs. Jones. 5Iom's out." "Isn't that too bad? I just came over to borrow a few eggs." Albert, shouting up the stairs: "Mom, do you mean that you'e out of eggs. Elizabeth was told to practice for half an hour after lunch. She event off to do so, but her father could hear no sounds of piano- playing. After a while he called out: "IVhy aron't you practicing, Elizabeth?" And she answered, "Oh, but I am, daddy!" "Then ivhy don't I hear you?" "I'm practicing the rests." Council Notes R. &~Iacpherson wrote regard- ing drainage. The matter was referred to the chairman of the board of avorks and the engineer for their report. The engineer reported on- (a) The waterworks by-law: Total proposed by-law $ 150,000. Total annual fixed charge $9,435. The matter was laid over. (b) D. Dewar's application for building permit, suggesting suit- able site. This was approved. (c) Rosa K. Gourlay's appli- cation for access to 554-F-9. at a cost of $45.00. An expenditure not exceeding this sum was auth- orised. (d) Y. W. C. A. Copper Cove float. There was no longer a necessity as road now gives ac- cess and applicants should no longer look to the municipality for anchoring gear. The float should therefore be towed to the cove from Eagle Harbour and de- livered to the Association to anchor and maintain. (e) H. 4V. Hamilton's applica- THE AVEST VAN NEWS tion to make a road or trail north along Procter Street D. L. 816. If permission was granted the municipality would be benefited by the trail he would cut. The permission applied for was granted subject to the engin- eer's approval as the cutting pro- ceeds. (f) H. Hyslop's application for the burning of heavy debris at 430-46-16. This work would cost $25. An expenditure not exceeding this sum was author- ised to be charged one half each against the board of works and waterworks. Policy No. 13167, liability and fire on buses ($5,000 one person, $30,000 one accident liability and $ 14,250 fire) expiring 8th March N as ordered renewed for one year in the Canadian Indemnity Co. on the terms set forth in the letter of the company's agent, George Hay. Mrs. Julia Henshaw's letter to the engineer regarding road im- provements at Piccadilly was laid over. FOR RENT--Two Suites on the Wat- erfront, newly decorated. Phone West 339. FOlt SALE -- Expensive Upright Grand Piano, in excellent condition. Cheap for cash. Phone West 164X1. I.OST--Black I'ocket Book having name printed on. Conta'ns two ferry tickets and other things. Please phone Grisedale, West 434. I Olt SALE--Child's Crib and Oak High Chair. Phone West 31. I.OST-- l'arcel containing house dres~, between 22nd and 29th. Please phone AVcet 225. FOlt I'LUPI BING R El'AI RS--Phone West 241R. SCII WEPI'ES LE&IONA DE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. ltADIO--One 6-Tube All Electric Set complete with tubes and speaker, $ 160.00; also one 5-tube Battery Set complete $ 65. North Shore Electric (G. A. Broder. Prop.) 1540 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. (Largest on the North Shore). ELECT R I C -- RA DIO bout your electric or radio instal- lation. Marconi 1929 Console radio set $265.00 value f'r $240.00 to clear. North Shore Electric, 1540 Lonsdale. North Vancouver, phone North 79. & ANTED A I~fge IIousekeeping room near ferry with bath or use of bath. Apply "Room," c'o West Van News. FURNITURE F'R SALE--At rery reasonable prices. Winnipeg Couch, single cot, dressing table with mir- row. Nook table with four chairs. Many other articles. Phone West 380R1, or call 2609 Lawson. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172R1. PAINTER--Good Work. Reasonable Charges. C. L Konings, 2456 Belle- vue. IVest 214R. . IOV ING -- Baggage or household Furniture. Speedy and cheap. Hobb Transfer. AVest 17. SEWING WANTED Ladies'hildren's work Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. NEWMAN 4 ROBBINS Contractors, Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1. FOUNDATION AND CEMENT Work Landscaping, Lawns, F e n c i n g,Drains, Rock AValls. Clearing, Grad ing. Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 672R. H EM STITCH IN G--Plain yard; silk and colored 10c yarcL Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phuna West 144. CLASSIFIED ADS 4Vi]]ie: "Pa, teacher says we are here to help others." Pa: "Yes, that's so." EVillie .'"9'ell, xvhat are thi.'thershere for?'" "Does your fiance know much «bout automobiles?" "Heavens, no! She asked me if 1 cooled my car by stripping the gears." "The road to the police court," mused the motorist, "is paved with good pedestrians." Mrs. Suburb: "Your husband always dresses so quietly." DIrs. Next Door: "Oh, does he? You ought to hear him when he loses his collar stud!" "I wish to complain," said the bride haughtily, "about the flour you sold me. It was tough." Tough, ma'm?" asked the grocer. "Yes, tough. I made pie witli it, and my husband could hardly cut it." "IVhat on earth are you wear- ing all those coats for?" asked the neighbor. "IVell," was the reply, "I'm going to paint my barn, and the directions on the paint can say 'for best results, put on three coats.'" f)II '. ' 4 s I / ~ ~ I / '5)~&~a. A)~i I~.c., fg FOUR ROOM COTTAGE Light Phone Garden Fine view Lot 76x 129; $850 WEST VANCOUVER INVEST. MENT COY. West IP2. R. P. Clark 8; Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. GLENEAGLES SPECIAL PRICES and Terms to Bona Fide IVest Vancouver Residents to end of February. Inquire for Particulars $3300--Comfortable Bungalow Home, Fireplace. Furnace, Full Plumbing, Garden. View. Living Room, 2 Bed- rooms, Dinet te, Serviceable kitch- en with cooler, ironing board, etc. Satisfactory terms may be arrang- ed. List your property with us for sale R. P. CI ARK 4 CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 74S4 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. Notice SOPHIE REAL GOOD BUYS 5 Rooms, Hodern House, close in-- $2,400, terms. Effective! Howson: "Do you think we can manage to get the city officials out of town for a few days?" Young: "IVell, money always makes the mayor go!" The Right Answer Burns: "In one of the Ques- tion and Answer tests last night my girl got 100 per cent." Higgins: "Is that so." Burns: "Yes; I asked her to marry me and she said yes!" People who are anxious to be in the swim often end up on the rocks. He: "Do you play golf?" She: "Oh, dear no; I don't eve » knoav how to hold the caddie." t I ( ll I ~ g a.~&'5 ~ '." ..0:~)" 0:).8'.I.'4..13lj".0:4S . '..':3 PRODUCERS REFINERS DISTRIBUTORS 3 Roomed Cosy Cottage, newt& decor- ated (a snap). Close to School. $950.00, terms. 4 Roomed Bungalo~, Modern, $2,600 terms. 4 Rooms. very close to school, $ 1,600. terms. lve can thoroughly recommend these. GEO. HAY Notary Public I'ire Insurance -- Money to Loan 1405 Harine Drive Office Phone IVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. S2R or W. 204X RADIO )larconi and Stewart-Warn- er Batter)less demonstrated at our shop. Before buying a radio see these. West Van. Electric (Jack Paterson).