001C96D9 THE %EST VAN NEWS March 1, 1929.T '."ie .,'.SAI~,".:i,I,.I~ S"i'.) I(. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS .~ &SO.N GROCERY SFECIALSfor This Week C. J. Overington, the Amble- side barber, is putting in a tele- phone as soon as possible owing to the fact that his patrons pre-fer the old system of making ap- pointments by phone to the new system of first come first served. School Debate A debate took place last l~'ri- clay between Grade 9 Commerci- al and Grade 10 Commercial, thesubject being: "Resolved thatEsperanto should be adopted asthe universal language." Grade 9, who upheld the negative, werethe winners. Lucy James and (george Caslor spoke for Grade 9, the losers being represented by Ruth Hill and Gordon Mc- Vean. FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdaie Ave, North Vancouver Phone North $45 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y TiiE BURRARD .A JiI), W:%.)8 LAwnav IT'S PLAio To Foist Fkoà FAR ANP HEAR WERE. NAKIHO LAUHDRV akISVOg.V HRRQ, 18,4UlTRFC .RURCP Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON P'unrral Iirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 A standard of parity, proved daily by the customers of "the Dairy with the Highest Score" 9 quarts for $ 1.00 North 122. Mi. and AIrs. W. R. Clarke and daughter, 2428 Marine Drive, are moving today to a house at 2478 Kings Avenue. P. Costello of Vancouver, has had a fence built round his prop- erty at 17th and waterfront, on which he expects to shortly have a house erected. J. E. Milne, who has been re- siding at 2177 Bellevue, moved yesterday to a house at Cypress Park. NORTH SHORE ELKS LODGE INSTALLS OFFICERS Past Grand Exal ted Ruler Joseph F. Norris, assisted byother officers of Vancouver Elks'odgeNo. 1, officiated at the installation of the 1929 officers of the North Vancouver Elks'odgelast wednesday evening. The following officers were in- stalled: Exalted ruler, Thomas Mills; leading knight, A. P. Woodford; loyal knight, David Blythe; lecturing knight, Sydney Jobling; treasurer, John McK. Hei liger; secretarv, Robert Chance; inner guard, Earl Mur- ray; outside guard, Frank Guin- an; three-year trustee, Sydney Gisby. Nr and Mi s Ross of Clover dale, ai e i isiting Ah s. Ross s mother, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Rob- inson, 13th and Clyde. Local Soccer Team Loses The high school soccer football team were defeated at Robson Park, Vancouver, by a score of 2 to 0 by the Magee high school bantams. The game was very closely contested, the Magee scoring one goal in the first half and the second just before the end of the game. This eliminates the local team in the first round of the playoff. Mrs. J. Glover, of 24th and waterfront and her two children are in bed with scarlet fever. CHILDREN'S PARTY A children's party was heldat the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 3V. Davies, 1366 Inglewood Ave.,last Saturday, February 23rd. The children spent a very en- joyable evening in dancing, games, etc. Those present were: Dale Erickson, Joy Tearoe, Jean Hill, Marj orie Hill, Bernice Paton, Barbara McIntyre, Peggy Bark- er, Dorothy Jackson, Lois AVat- erman, Florence Corbett, Mar- jorie Crawford, Betty watson, Dorothy Rhodes, Doris Cullin, Feggie Davies, Jessie Davies and EVarren Davies. Miss AVenmoth and Miss Eve- lyn Cullin kindly assisted in ent- ertaining the children. Hollyburn Team %Vins The junior girls'asket ball team of Pauline Johnson school went down to defeat on AVednes- day afternoon before the Holly- burn junior girls by a score of 16 to 10. The same afternoon the Pauline Senior girls lost to Hollyburn Seniors 20 to 24, in a very closely contested game. Both games were played in the Inglewood School auditorium. BASKETBALL TOURNA- MENT NEXT AIONDAY Officials of the North Vancou- ver Athletic Club announce that on Monday evening, March 4, a basketball tournament rwill be held, marking the close of the season. Three games are carded forthat evening. The North and West Vancouver high school jun- ior quintettes will meet in the curtain-raiser at 7 o'lock andat 8 o'lock the North Vancouver Athletic Club's senior B girls'eam will take on KVoodward's senior B girls'eam. The feature game of the even- ing, commencing at 9 o'lock, will bring together the North Vancouver Athletic Club's inter- mediate A squad and either St. Marks or the Y.M.C.A. intermed- iate A squad. "British Columbia's population is 606,000. COLONEL SAVORY HAS NOAV RECOVERED FROM ILLNESS Colonel K. 4V. Savory and Mrs. Savory and the members of their family, who have all suffered a long siege of sickness, are all now happily fully recovered. For several months their home has been closed to their friends through practically every mem- ber of the family being bedrid- den. Colonel Savory, the last to reach convalescence, has been out of doors several times during the past week, and expects to pay a brief -visit to his office tomorrow (Saturday). His many friends and well- wishers will most heartily con- gratulate him upon his restora- tion to good health. THE WEST VAN WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 1522 hlarine Drive SOUVENIRS of %'est Vancouver Also Novelties and Articles for every day use. NOTICE On and after March 1st, Mr. C. C. Barrow of Trough- ton & Barrow, will in future act as resident Salesman for Mr. Troughton, who will carry on the business as prior to 1925, when Mr. Barrow joined him in part- nership. Dated, Feby. 26th, 1929. 10c Toilet Tissue...... 3 for 25c 20c Fountain Pen Ink................ l3c hlodess ............ 49c 75c Box Family Stationery.... IHc 25c Vaseline................... 19c $ 1.00 Listerine ...................... 96c35c Paramon Tablets...... 23c 50c Health Salts ...........,........ 39c 60 Watt Edison Masda Lamps 27c25c ~:hfercurochrome ............. 19c $ 1.00 Arman's Face Powder .. 79c Granny Mayson's Chocolntes 60c Klenso Mouth Wash ......... 39c per lb.................................. 60c 35c Emulsified Cocoanut Oil. 23c 65c Liquid Petrolatum, heavy.. 49c LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"~ 323 G. E. REID, 51anager New Building--Corner Marine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO OIIDER IS TOO SMALL I 'itman Bassness College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI) IDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLNIGHT SCHOOI FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEKStudents may enrol at any time~22 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Cap- ilano, were among those who as- sisted at an enjoyable musical evening given at the home of Air. and AIrs. T. W. Ward, 866 West 59th Street, Vancouver. E. A. Pearce, Marine Drive, Ambleside, who was operated on last week at the Shaughnessy AIilitary Hospital, is making splendid progress. The operation was very successful and it is ex- pected that when Mr. Pearce isable to come home he will feelbetter than he has for years. e Patricia, the daughter of Cap-tain C. J. Archer and Mrs. Arch- er, 11th and Inglewood, will bemarried tomorrow to Mr. JamesYoung of Compeer, Alta. Jacob Hutchinson, one of theold timers of AVest Vancouver,svho lives at 23rd and Nelson, ismaking good progress after asomewhat serious illness. He i8now able to be up and aroundbut it will be a few days beforehe is able to be outdoors. Mr. B. R. Harrison, schooltrustee and president of theWest Vancouver Choral Society,has returned to his home at 26thand Kings, after a six weeks'rip through California. Mrs. webb and daughter Mary who formerly lived on Clyde between 13th and 14th,but who are now resident in Rurnaby, are guests of Mrs. P. Andrews, Fulton Street, for a few days. Miss Roberta Hill and Mr.Fred Hill of Seattle, are visitingtheir aunt and uncle, Drs. Rober- ta and EV. H. Pass of Radcliffe Avenue, AVest Bay. Mr. Hill is on the staff of the Seattle Post Intelligencer. Miss Allegra EVoolgar, daught- er of Mrs. Tinney, 20th and YVat- erfront, has just returned from Chicago where she has been vis- iting her sister. 'eeve V. V. Vinson left last Monday night for Victoria to at- tend to some municipal business. Four weeks today (29th) is Good Friday. E3IG AVAIIIPUS BALL AT PAVILION NEXT THURSDAY Next Thursday in the Holly- burn Pavilion Buck Holly will stage the big campus Ball. Lander's Orchestra has been engaged for the event and the Personality Kiddies wiH give a song and dance turn. Barrie, the famous movie dog will go through some of its antics. The dancing will be good and the other parts of the program will give some pleasurable diver- sion. Tickets will be sold at 50c and each ticket holder will have a chance on three puppies, sired'yBarrie, which will be given away. If you want an evening's en. joyment you should go to the Pavilion next Thursday. "The new Corporate City of Vancouver has a resident popu- lntion (Orientals excluded) of 277,000." Choice Poaches, 2's, heavy syrup, per tin..................... 20c St. Charles or Carnation Milk, per tall tin .......... 1lc Corned Beef, per tin.......... 20c Choice Okanagan Tonrntoes largo ....................... 2 for 25c B. 5 K, Rolled Oats... 7 lbs. 45c Pure Strawberry Jam, I lb. ti n ......................... ..... .. ... 55c Choice Green Peas,....... 2 for 25c .I'5AjR)'I'E G,IROCiERY 22nd and hiarsne J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 PROMPT DELI VERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8c Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. Support Home Industry by buying STRA tON'S 3R:A3 Cakes, Eies, Pastries, Rolls There's none better. Phone West 27 And our Delivery Man will call. Jimmy Thomson' 'NSFER Daily Trips to and from City. . Moving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Pood Prompt Delivery. &0&~+ ~+, Qch,y Ul 0 3HOIO G1PPHSi verworn er A . sp& THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., AV., Phone Seymour 1046 Play a game of I 3 tables for your pleasure Q' "", ' 14th Street ski a1 Right at the Railway Crossing