001C96D9 THE WEST VAN NEWS Ue H. C. WILL ESTABLISH HOGTIE ECONO11ICS CHAIR March 1, 1929. J% J% ~4%4%~~~~~ ~~~4% ~~ J%~ AGARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HtFIT, Landscape Architect . t 600 l ~ robber l why 3ones got his 10t. cleansed Rr &100 In the estimates of the ex- penditures to be made this year by the Provincial Government, the University of B. C. is to be given assistance along two lines of work that have for years been urged upon the educational au- thorities. One of these is provided for by making provision for a chair in home economics. Both were mentioned in the estimates tabled today in the House. Women's Plea Is Finally Granted In the latter case the women' organizations of the province have been making urgent de- mands for something in this line. The Parent-Teacher organiza- tions undertook to provide for this some time ago, and raised a very considerable fund, which is available for the use of de- partment, and the University in carrying out the plans. The est- imates contain provision for $ 15,- 000 to supplement this fund w!th an additional sum of $ 15,000 to provide for the chair of home economics. It is pointed out by those in favor of the move that young women taking the necessary courses looking to qualifying in this line of activity have had to go to Eastern Canada or to the United States to get the neces- sary instruction. The creation of the faculty will prevent this si tuation. Gradusts la Ladscsplag U. ~ t Ce Aaerkaa School ot Laadocaps Archltoctars sad Gardoaiag. l4sssbsr Nstloaai Laadscaps Ssrvtcs. ULTURE from the bottom of the hole. Do not fill the hole completely, but leave a slight depression which will act as a basin to retain the moisture. This method of plant- ing forces the roots to go down for their nourishment, and does much to preserve the life of the plant during the dry season. Be sure when placing the bush to sift the soil in and among t!.e rootlets. After you have set it, and have some soil around it, lift it by the stem gently a f~w times before adding more earth. Finally, firm it down well by tamping, so that the bush vill not be loosened by the wind. To materially deter mildew, spray with lime sulphur now, at least twice before growth starts. This will discolor paint, so if the roses you wish to spray are climbers growing on the house, take care to provide some pro- tection. ROSE C So many rose lovers have re- gretfully foregone the pleasure of rose growing because they be- )icved the demands of this lovely flower could not be met in the garden space they had available. The rose has long been unfairly credited with an intolerance of neighbors, shade and certain ex- posures, that would tend to tlis- hearten many of the bravest of us. The question of proximity to hedges, shrubs, trees, walls, etc., has prevented many gardeners from enjoying the companion- t hip of the rose. Truthfully, I was one who so denied myself, dreading to have a sickly un- happy occupant in the garden. Granted there are roses whose tempermental qualities gain for them the reputation of being shy growers, that should not blind us to the fact that there are in- numerable roses of no less charm from which to make our selec- tion. In preparing to plant the rose, let us deal first with the ques- tion of location. It has been preached from the house-tops that roses should be planted in the open, that a free circulation of air was absolutely essential, that shelter was desir- able, that they should be at least two feet apart, and that not a shrub, a tree, not even a respect- able sized plant must share in the landscape. But too many people wanted roses without the sacrifice of everything else that goes to make a garden, and so gradually we have come to find that so long as the basic require- ments of soil, moisture, drainage and culture are met, the rose need no longer be the envied possession of the rosarian alone. In a small garden there is noth- ing whatever to be gained by having a separate place for the roses; they may be freely inter- mingled with the other flowers iii the borders, and plantings, with fine effect. I have seen roses planted next to a barberry hedge five feet in height, the hedge running north and south, with the roses plant- ed to an eastern exposure. The bushes were completely healthy and vigorous. The only precau- tion taken was to use a sharp spade just inside the hedge, cut- ting the roots down a full foot all along. A friend of mine has perfect roses, set about eight feet from the base of two large Qr trees. However, I would not try togrow roses in close prox- imity to such surface feeding trees as maple, alder, horse- chestnut, etc. You will see that open, altogether unshaded spaces are not essential; roses do beaut- ifully in partially shaded areas. Good drainage is unquestion- ably a requirement however, and this should be provided for when digging the hole to receive the plant. Prepare your bush for planting by pruning back the roots to about nine inches, tak- ing care to remove all broken or straggly ends. Mr. G. F. )Iiddle- ton, President of the Seattle Rose Society, and winner of numerless trophies for his roses, insists on thirty inches depth in preparing a hole to plant a rose bush, and he advocates the following pro- cedure: Lower twelve inches, broken sod, some loose rubble, cow manure, if possible, and if not, bone meal, some leaf mould, and the next twelve inches, in which the bush is set, with the graft about an inch and a half to two inches below the ground level, to be filled in with top soil. The remaining space may be fill- ed with the poorer earth taken THUS, you may have upbraided rhe courrae- tor who tendered on the clearing of your lot. "Sure," replies the tenderer. "Jones probably had a flat lot with a couple of second-growth alder trees on it. Look what you'e got: Five fir trees and two cedars, a ravine and a front so high you'l need a retaining wall. There' half a dozen two-ton boulders on the surface alone. Other than that your lot is the same as the other fellow'." Waterpower developments are like lots to be cleared. Some are cheap, others are expensive. Some need great dams with which to store water over dry seasons, long tunnels through mountains, expensive transmission lines over rugged country. Others need no dams, no tunnels, no penstocks and their transmission lines may be built over flat smooth country. Some waterpowers cost only $ 100 a horsepower to develop; others cost $300 a horsepower. Mountain developments are always more ex- pensive than prairie ones. In spec of &hat, thc B.C.Electr~ Rshoay Company has bccn abic, by cnynccnng and rnanagcnal c$ncncy, co supply dcc cnncy at races uhich arc among thc lowcsc on chu concmcnr. NOTE Ths rrllof rill coasMsf IC a pleasure Ce aasror quostloas coacsralal the lardoa la this colusaa. Tho qusouoas should ho addrososd I ~ the rrltsr la caro ot ths Editor. The aaorsr rlii sppsar la aa saris issue er It a psrssaai roply lo dsslrsd a slampsd, ~sit-addrssssd savslops should bo saclssod- BcirLSH COLGNBM ELKuuCRggNFQ, VA NCOUVER VICTORIA Extension of West Yan Telephone Service V course. It is not absolutely ei- sential, but the student who does so will save himself many times the price of a ground course and in addition he will not be- come a mechanical Vier. Every move that he makes and every- thing that he does will be ac- complished with a knowledge as to why it was necessary. Air- plane design and construction is the result of the finest and most accurate engineering known. Nothing is left to 'chatIce, to guesswork. It must be exact, or the Government will refuse to is- sue a certificate of airworthiness and without this the machine would not be issued a license. If a student intends to take up flying as a profession he will need a thorough grounding in airplane construction and upkeep in both the plane and the motor. In addition to this, if he desires to become a transport pilot he will need to know something of navigation and meteorology as well as the rules of the air, etc. Anyone of average intelligence can master these details and fit himself for a position that pays anywhere from $400 to $650 a month. It is with this idea in view of thoroughly ground train- ing prospective pilots that schools are springing up every- where. without a knowledge of airplane construction one cannot very well approach airways oper- ating companies seeking employ- ment. They need trained help and the untrained man hasn't a chance. For every airplane in the air it needs five trained men on the ground to overhaul and adjust the motor to check over the machine for any hidden de- fects and the many things that have to be done around an air- port, so one can readily see that a lot of opportunities present themselves to the trained men, even if they do not intend to keep up their flying and the pay for aircraft engineers and mechanics is good. A few years ago a lot of fel- lows saw their opportunity whe» the automobile industry was young. They got in early and reaped the rewards. The same thing is repeating itself in the aircraft industry today. It is just starting to grow and the best time to get into any busi- ness is when it has reached the growing stage. ing the Sound to Bowen Island. KVhen the extension along the east side of the Sound is complet- ed, Britannia Beach will have a direct telephone circuit to Van- couver. Heretofore its only wire communication with Vancouver has been the telegraph service provided over one of the Domin- ion Government's lines. New reduced rates since the Bowen Island and Horseshoe Bay lines were acquired from the gov- ernment are: From Bowen Is- land to Vancouver, 30 cents for the first three minutes and five cents for each additional min- The B. C. Telephone Company has extended its system to em- brace Bowen Island and Horse- shoe Bay, pleasure resorts near Vancouver, and will construct a 20-mile line along the east shore of Howe Sound, from Horseshoe Bay to Britannia Beach, to give service to the latter. Announcement of the proposed construction of a new telephone line to Britannia Beach follov ed closely the news of the B .C. Tel- ephone Company'cquisition from the Dominion Government of the latter's lines to Horseshoe HARRY FARR OPERATING SCHOOL OF FLYING Mr. Harry A. Farr who is op- erating the North Shore School of Flying, took up flying in 1912 in San Francisco, Cal. AVhen the war broke out Mr. Farr joined the 16th Battalion Canadian Scottish at Victoria in August 1914. AVhile at Valcartier he transferred to the Canadian Air Force, this force consisting of only 3 members was disbanded in England in 1915 after the death of Lt. Sharpe and Mr. Farr was attached to the Royal Flying Corps. He returned to Canada in 1917 to assist in the training of Canadians for the Imperial R. F. C. and was invalided out of the Royal Air Force in Octob- er 1918. 51r. Farr is enthusiastic about the many opportunities offered to trained air men. He writes as follows: The year 1929 is destined to see Vancouver permanently plac- ed on the map with an airport. AVhile this airport is only of a ning. Several companies are al- temporary nature it is a begin- ready beginning operations for the season and it is estimated that at least 30 airplanes will be in operation in the vicinity of Vancouver by next fall. At least two American Com- panies are planning to extend their flying service to Vancou- ver. The city occupies an ad- vantageous position being the northern terminus of the great Pacific Coast, and for those who can vision ahead it is easy to see that within the next few years Vancouver will not only be the )Iecca for thousands of U. S. and Canadian motorists but flying tourists as well. This may sound like a dream to those who are not in touch with matters aeronautical but those who are familiar with the rapid strides made in flying see this vision becoming a reality. )Vho would have thought that Seattle's largest manufacturing plant is an aii~lane manufactur- er employing over 1000 men. Such are the rapid trides being made in aeronautics. Nearly every one of sound physique, good eyesight and nervous sys- tem can learn to fly. Before tak- ing up flying it is considered best to take a thorough ground Bay and Bowen Island. A new toll circuit to Bowen island has already been construc- ted by the Telephone Company. It derives service from the Sey- mour office, Vancouver, by a connection with existing lines at Caulfeild, IVest Vancouver. From there it follows the P. G. E. railroad tracks to AVhytecliff ute; from Horseshoe Bay to Van- (Horseshoe Bay) then travers- couver, and from Horseshoe Bay to Bowen Island, 20 cents for the first three minutes and five cents for each additional minute. Spec- ial reduced rates are given for evening and night callh. Former- Iv there were no special evening and night rates, and higher rates were charged on Sundays and holidays. --From "Telephone Talk," February, 1929. Professor J. 51. Morgan this morning took a concert party up to Cumberland, Vancouver Is- land, for the St. David's Day cel- ebration there. The artists in- cluded Mrs. Howard Leggat t, Air. and 51rs. R. 4V. Hudson, Mr. Sidney Nicholls, Miss Margaret McIntyre, and Professor J. M. Morgan. J. L. Evans, tenor, who was a member of the EVest Vancouver Choral Society for many years, is chairman of the committee ar- ranging the Eisteddfod musical competitive concert which will be held in the EVomen's Building, Vancouver, on Good Friday, March 29th, under the auspices of the Cambrian Society. PROFESSOR 510RGAN TAKES i1IUSICAL COilIPETITIVE CONCERT PARTY TO CONCERT BY CABIHRIAN CU51 BERLAN D SOCIETY