001C96D9 A Wee.z.y .'. I ews va ~e . $ 1.00 per year. Cj pity~/agiylg t'y rhe District of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave CyPreSS Park, Caulfeih/, Wfiytecliff, E'tc ~pe„eat,nda ~ per Copy Vol. III EIGHT PAGES HOI.LYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH Ist, ]929 No. 48 Council Has Busy Night hIany Delegations Attend. ~ Last Monday night the coun- cil chamber was crowded to cap- ttcity with people who ivished to address the council on different ) n atters. 'There were four dis- ~ tinct groups. The largest was a delegation made up of resid- erits of the westerly part of the , municipality who wished to dis- cuss the schedule and fares of . the new P~cific Stage Service. SuIII l) Ga~ and Oil ~ t ~ ~ Then tn re were representa- tives from different Oil and gas- oline companies who wished for a share of the municipality's bus- ~ ~iness. After discussing this mat-'er in committee it was decided to make purchases fromthesame companies as last year. Hence the Home Oil Company and the Imperial Oil Company will supply'he gas and oil used by the muni-'ipal conveyances during 1929. Canadian Legion Building A committee from the Canadi- an Legion, 1Vest Vancouver, wished to have special permis- sion for the building of their i new hall on the lot recently pur- ~ ~ ~ chased from the corporation. It appears that the lot is about 'quahy aividee'uy-a r.reek v laich absolutely prevents the construc-'ton of the building on the lines laid down by the existing build- ing by-law. The committee ask-'d for special consideration so " that the lot could be utilised for ~ ~ 'he purpose for which it was purchased. The matter was put in the hands of Engineer Duncan for investigation and early report. CHORAL SOCIETY ASKS INCREASED GRANT A committee from the AUest ~ Vancouver Choral Society, head- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ed by president B. R. Harrison, petitioned for an increased grant -'o assist the choral society in its & v ork. The value of the organisa- ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ion to )Vest Vancouver was pointed out, both from its effect upon individual residents, as well as a general publicity agency. The council stated that their one big trouble was to find ways to decrease expenses this year and iiot increase them. They prom- ised to give the matter consid- eration. Building Permits Total $ 15,550 R. M. MacDonald. represent- ing residents of Caulfeild and Cypress Park made a vigorous protest against increased fares on the bus service between Caul- feild, Cypress Park and points west of Ambleside and the North Vancouver ferry, and also to the present time schedule, though, he said the number of buses were more than adequate for present needs. He compared the fares with those charged on the North and IUest Van Stages and the P. G. E. Railway and claimed that the in- creased cost to those using the stages regularly was more than the amount they paid for taxes. lV. J. Clifford of IVest Bay, complained that the buses did not make connection with either the )Vest Vancouver ferries or the North Vancouver ferries and said that they disconnected with the ferries though they claimed on their folders to connect with them. He cited many instances of passengers having to wait ten and even fifteen minutes after disembarking. D.sr &&r. y f r ulc&..i.i stated that no endeavor had been made to get the North and AVest Van. Stages to continue opera- tion and asked why they had not been invited to do so instead of leaving the matter entirely in the hands of the Pacific Stages. He claimed that unless the fares were very materially reduced the settlement in the west end would suffer. T. Garrow showed the differ- ence in the fares from point tn point between the new line and the North AVest Stage and P. G. E. Railway and stated that the increase in certain places was as high as 40':. Several other mem- bers of the delegation spoke to these points. Councillor Jackman, chairman of transportation and Councillor hIorgan stated that they had not been in favor of allowing a fare schedule at a greater increase than 25'/ on the P. G. E. rate. Mr. Jackman informed the meet- ing that he had drawn up and submitted figures some time ago whereby the municipality could have developed their own system by the addition of three buses, to care for the whole of the mun- icipality's traffic. Reeve Vinson assured the del- egation that the matter would be fully considered by the council. He pointed out that the present schedule was only agreed upon until one month after the com- pletion of the new roadway on Marine Drive and the construc- tion of the bridge over the Cap- ilano River. Like the members of the delegation he had only seen the printed schedule of times that same day and was greatly surprised to see that it v;m iiot '.he mane as was svbn.it- ted to the council by the Comp- any during the negotiations. "Transportation is one of the biggest problems that ever faced EUest Vancouver," declared Reeve Vinson. "The council has always striven to solve the mat- ter to the best of its ability. EVe must remember that this new company will go to great expense to provide an adequate bus ser- vice for this municipality." He assured the delegation that the schedule would be revised to co- incide irith the ferry schedules and that the fares will be less on completion of the highway. ~ ( ~ .'r v C t ~ aS Delegation Objects to Fares and Schedule of New Stage Service Council Notes Gertrude hIacFarlane made ap- plication for a culvert over the ditch at 2178 Bellevue, as she +as aesisvus of vuitding there shortly. The matter was refer- red to the engineer for his re- port. H. A. Gould, who asked that the alder growth adjacent to D. 1,. 556, Block 98, be cut, was ad- ii~~d that, there ~ere nv funds available for brushing out acces- ses to vacant lots. An invitation was received by ihe council from the B. C. Motor Transportation Co. Ltd., to at- tend the automobile exhibition which is being put on this week i» the company's new garage at 14th and Cambie Streets by the Automobile dealers of B. C. As many members as possible of the council will attend. R. B. Rhodes and four other residents petitioned for a lane being opened on S. 4V. P~ D. L. 1052. They were advised that municipal finances do not allow of lanes being opened. H. B. Stevens was advised in reply to his request asking for certain boulevards adjacent to his property to be cleared that there were no funds available for this work. The Y. 4V. C. A. were informed that instructions will be issued to restore to them the floats which were formerly at Copper Cove, but that all arrangements for anchoring and holding them in position at the Copper Cove site must be made by the Assoc- iation. EVarren L. Clegg asked for ac- cess to Lots 13 and 14, Block 1, D. L. 1055. The cost would be $35. The matter was referred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer, ~~th power to act. Ferry Rates Raised A new scale of rates on the municipal ferries was decided upon by the council on Monday evening. By the new arrange- ments 23 rides are given for $2 instead of 25 as heretofore. The new scale went into effect last Tuesday morning. RATEPAY ERS'SSN. REQUESTS USE OF hIUYICIPAL HALL The executive of the )Vest Vancouver Ratepayers wrote re- garding the possibility of the Association finding accommoda- tion at the hlunicipal Hall for its regular monthly public meet- ings. They were advised that the council considers the hall unsuit- able for public meetings. STARTING ROAD IVORK Beautifying Our Boulevards It was suggested at a meeting of the )Vest Vancouver Hor- ticultural Association last Friday night that the co-operation of the council, town-planning commission, and other organiza- tions at large be obtained in an effort to improve the boule- vards and parks of the district. The Horticultural Association has been responsible for much good work in the municipality, but, if they are able to arouse public interest in the maintenance and beautifying of our boulevards and parks as suggested above, they will ac- complish something which will be of the very greatest value to the district. Nature has endowed EVest Vancouver with more than the average beautiful surroundings, but the beauty of these sur- roundings is greatly offset by the ill-kept unkempt bedraggled streets and boulevards. The planting of suitable trees, the trimming and brightening up of the unsightly overgrowth of bush and other vegetation on our highways and byways would make the appearance pleasanter to our own people and more attractive to our visitors. IVe believe and trust that a public meeting with good lantern slides illustrating the value and beauty of well kept boulevards and parks will be one of the best means of focussing attention upon this much needed improvement for IVest Vancouver. 4Ue hope to be able to announce a specific date for such a meeting, and no doubt the members of the council and the town-planning commission will be present to encourage this effort to KEEP IVest Van- couver beautiful ~ 400 1,760 $16,650 The building permits for Feb- ruary totalled $ 16,550. Particu- lars are as follows: Dwellings Cedars Lumber Yards, IVhytecliff .................. '$6,000 Smith, C. F. (four cot- tages at $100.00 each) Eagle Harbour ............... 400 Davies, R. A., Gordon Ave 3,000 hlacFarlane, Miss, 21st & Bellevue .......................... 2,000 Clegg, lV. L. 16th and ) Iaywood .............. 3,000 Addition Howieson, Mrs. 18th and Duchess ..................... Silva-white, R., 26th and Marine Drive . ~ + a ~ ~)C'i ~ ~ C t a f 'e ~ s \, ~ or ~II ~yr ~ e r ~ The Lions, from Hollyburn Peak, IVest Vancouver. The photo- graph is the work of Alee Dalgleish, of the engineering depat4- ment of the B, C. Telephone Company. Miss A, Larnder wrote asking whether there was any possibil- ity of the Forest Lane road be- ing made this year. She was ad- vised that the matter was und- er consideration. A petition was received signed by lV. J. Turnbull and fourteen others asking that the opening oi Fulton Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets be conipletni. They were advised that this work is»ow under consideration. hlrs. hl. Bulkley wrote the council regarding the permit sys- tem of water sprinkling. She was informed that the water sprinkling rate revision is under considera t ion. Preparations were under way today for starting the extension of the easterly end of Marine Drive. A survey was being made and stakes were being driven in the south side of the Drive be- tween the two bridges at Capil- ano. I'ACIFIC STAGES SCHEDULE IS REVISED Following the complaints of residents that the new bus ser- vice of the Pacific Stage did not connect with the IVest Vancou- ver and North Vancouver ferries, a new time table has been dra»w up by the company in which pro- vision has been made for closer ferry connection.