001C96C3 February 15, 1929. NEW HOOK JUST ISSUED HY DR. F. E. DORCHESTER H EA I.TH SE'ECIAI.IST Dr. F. E. Dorchester, the well known health specialist, whose office is in Vancouver, but who lives at Altamont, recently com- pleted a new book--"Psycho- Physio-Kinesiology," ivhich has already received splendid en- dorsation from the eclitors of such international journals as "Your Body," "natures Path" as well as others. This book is full of valuable information. It is &veil illustrat- ed and is written iii language easily understoocl. Dr. Dorchester has writ ten hundreds of articles on various subjects military, political, phy- sical education, and natural sci- ence. His 'Star'rticles "Com- mon Sense in IIealth," which ran for 18 months are favell known to most readers. Another series which ran for a year or so in Eastern papers divas called 'Phy- sical Education.'till another series ran monthly in The Veter- an magazine of Toronto for over a year, and also in 'DIind Power Plus'ournal. His articles are noted for two outstaiicling fac- tors, scientific knowledge, ancl sheer rationalism or common sense. The SIontreal Herald re- ferring to him as the iAIost Ra- tional IVriter in America. Other works by Dr. Dorchest- er are "~Iental-Physical Effici- ency" published in 1914. "Mus- cularity and 4Ientality" publish- ed in 1918 by Harrisons and Sons the King's printers and publish- ers of London, England. 'Avo other books followed in 1922, 'AiIan, hIind and Energy" which was referred to as the best book on the subject ivritten in many years. "Can you make good." was a small book of inspirational character. "KVhat was t~e denomination of that bill you loaned me?" "Episcopalian, I guess. It keeps lent." HOLLY BU ltN Barber Shop 16th E" i~larine E X I' l( T S E It V I C E E. 51ARSII, Proprietor A NEW SUIT for Easter The ncw samples are now here, Come and pick out your suit ready for Easter. YOU It OI.D SU I 7 A little renovating will make it morc presentable for thc bright sunny days. Cleaning, I'resting, I(cpairing hlodcratc I'rices M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarinc, Amblesidc CUSTOibi TAILOR I'hone liest 20 Phone %Vest 9 ]~or FUEf VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEAI(LI; I'hone IVcst 9 Fuel and Building Supplies THE WEST VAN NEWS BI AISDEI L SCHOOL CHILDREN ENTERTAIN AT PARTY s I I:RSONA I.S HA VE YOU TRIED OURtIO&IE-~IADE CAKES? ~~Iis3 AIcBain of Blaisdell School, Altamont. had her little entertainment on Friday even- ing. February 8th, which owing to illness Christmas had to be postponed until now. After sing- ing 0 Canada, the programme consisted of songs and recitations followecl by a playlet splendidly acted by the children. Special mention must be made of Pearl ~IcLennan as Fifon, the French cloll. Peggy ~Iarshall as Jack Frost, and Judy Good as Santa Claus. A charmingly decorated Xmas tree with gifts for each child gave much pleasure. At the conclusion little Phyllis Pochon presented 31iss McBain with a beautiful basket of flow- ering bulbs on behalf of the school children, with their love and best wishes. Saturday and Monday SPECIALS~Irs. Frank Hourd of Straw- berry Hill, is visiting her sister ~lrs. Tipton, 23rd and Haywoocl, for a few days. 0 0 0 The many friends of Colonel K. EV. Savory will be glad to know that he is now on the high road to recovery after his long siege of sickness. He will, it is expected be able to leave his room at the end of this Neck. ~Irs. Savory and her son ~Iichael are also about v ell again. 0 0 0 U The Naomi Chapter, O.E.S. is holding a military whist drive next Tuesday at the 5Iasonic Temple. Play starts at 8.30 p.m. 0 4 0 The high school boys'asket- ball team lost to the ex-high team by a score of 15 to 23 at the tournament held in the Ingle- wood School auditorium on Thursday evening. In the other two games in the tournament the high school girls won against the x-high girls 12 to 11, while the Bantams defeated the Rang- ers by a score of 17 to 15. a John Williamson, father of Nick IVillianison, 17th and Bel- levue, is ver ill at his home in Vancouver. V. O'rady, 21st and Esqui- malt, who met with an accident to his leg some weeks ago while working on the IVhytecliff Road extension, has gone into the Van- couver G;-neral Hospital, it hav- ing been discovered that a bone in his leg was broken. 0 ~ 0 The following were the win- ners of prizes at the drawing on Saturday afternoon at Roberts';tter bleats Store: 1st, 4I. SVil- liams, 20th and Inglewood; 2nd, DI rs. A. H. Parson, 23rd and ~lathers; 3rcl, 4! iss i~I. Jack, 24th and ~Iarine. Captain Edwards, manager of the municipal transportation system, is back at his dutieeaft- er being aivap for a day or two ivith a severe cold. 0 0 Jean Tite, who has been visit- ing his father h;-re for several weeks, is leaving tomorrow for IVinnipcg, wliere he is in the em- ploy of the C.P.R. 0 0 0 Gilbert Lee, who has been liv- ing for some tim. in Net EVest- minster, has moved back to Sher- mans, where he formerly resid- ed. Ensign Peas ............ 2 tins Strawberries, 2's. tin . Sunlight Soap. carton .. Corned Beef, tin.......... Old Dutch Cleanser. tin . Best Sockeye Salmon... 29c 20& 20c 20c llc 20c' I~„ill„"lI"„". I~g'( I'hone %Vest 318R3. West Bay PROiIPT DELIVERY West Vancouver :BOA:4:) 0:~ J.'.INVADE The next meeting will be held on 1lIONDAY i&EXT, Feb. 18th at the Clachan 25th and waterfrontGeorge I Iodgson, 17th and Ingleivoocl, fell off the ferry float at Amblesicle dock on I'riday aft- ernoon, cutting his forehead bad- ly on a log or nail. TN'o Van- couver men ivho were waiting for the ferry, fished him out and he was taken home after the gash in his forehead had b;-en attend- ed to. He has, however, since been taken to the North Vancou- ver General Hospital The high school junior boys'eam tied on Saturday morning at basketball with the North Burnaby high juniors, who ivere the cup winners last year, the score being 11 all. The junior girls'eam defeated the North Burnaby girls the same morning by a score of 22 to 19. Both games were played in the Ingle- ivood school auditorium. Re- freshments ivere served in the school basement to the visitors at the conclusion of the games. 3Ir. and 5Irs. John Reid who came here recently from Nelson, B. C., are noiv occupying their new home on Keith Road be- tween 1th and 12th ivhich was built by Blair Babcock. Return of Library Books Asked The librarian of the Hollyburn Public Library, which is housed in the )Vest Van Pharmacy store requests that all memb;rs hav- ing overdue books return them as soon as possible. ilIrs. S. Lancaster has pur- chased the Handcock cottage at 15th and Clyde Avenue. 0 0 0 Miss Kathleen Ellis ivho con- ducts a children's dancing class in Ambi;side Hall each Saturday morning announces that she is making arrangements for priv- ate tuitioii in ball room dancing foi. adults. Lady: "Isn't it wonderful how a single policeman can dam the flow of traffic?" Boy: "Yes, Grannie; but you should hear the bus drivers?" This will be in the nature of a Social Evening. Musical Programme. Refreshments will be served. CAPILANO TIilIHER CoilIPANY "From Forest to iI'ou " THIS SLOGAN 4VAS ADOPTED BY US AS BEST EXPRESSING THE IDEA AVE AVISH TO CONVEY, NAMELY, THAT THE COMPLETE CYCLE OF OPERATIONS IN MANUFACTURING THE RAAV PRO- DUCT INTO THE FINISHED ARTICLE IS PERFORi~IED RIGHT HERE BY US. FIRST, THE TDIBER IS FELLED IN OUR OEVN LOGGING CAMPS ON THE SLOPES OF CROAVN MT. AND HAULED BY LOC04IOTIVf! DO)VN TO OUR )IILL AT TIDEWATER IN NORTH VANCOUVER. HERE THE LOGS ARE SAAVN INTO LUMBER, )VHICH IS THEib SEASONED IN OUR DRY KILNS AND, FINALLY, FINISHED IN THE PLANING MILL. EVERYTHING NEEDED TO BUILD A HOi4IE EVEN TO THE FAMOUS RED CEDAR SHINGLE OiV THE ROOF IS AIADE RIGHT HERE. BY THUS KEEPING ALL THE VARIOUS OPERATIONS CONCENTRATED UNDER ONE ROOF EVE ARE ABLE TO KEEP OUR MANUFACTURING COSTS DOWN. "FRO&I FOREST TO YOU" ~" ...ie a)I ano . Illi)QF 0. I:C. Feeling Blue- Depressed' FOOT OF PEiblBERTON I'hone North 305. Night Phone; North 5491. Consult the Chiropractor I WIaybe it is only necessary to mak«some slight adjustment to give you the best of health. Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., I'h. C. Graduate of l'almer School CHIROPRACTOR I'hone Ivost $83 Nert tu Strattun Bakery AIari»e Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver KILN DRIED KINDLING Big Core) Load in North and IVest Vancouver....... $3.50 Extra charges for distant deliveries. E. Beyond St. Denis Ave. 50c Extra N.E. Beyond Centre Road.... 50c Extra N. Beyond 29th Street................... 25c Extra lV. Beyond 29th St. to West Bay 25c Extra lV. Beyond )Vest Bay to Caulfeild &1.00 Extra After 6 p m North 303KI'hone North 304. YOU )VILL, THEREFORE, FIND EVHEN BUYING LUDIBER FROM US THAT OUR GRADES ARE RIGHT AND OUR PRICES VERY REASONABLE. IT AVILL BE DELIVERED PROMPTLY BY OUR FAST TRUCKS DIRECT: