001C96C3 ' F mbroiderv Furnishings PHO.4E ~VEST 372 1410 &I ARINE DRIVE PHOAE WFrST 3",2 Shoxvin a wide range of ~l~ THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, IIollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Subject february 17th ccSOULtl in Ginghanis, Prints and Rayons 26c to 86c a yard. Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p.m. St. Stephen's Church A]l our @~inter Weight Under&vear, Sweaters and Hosiery greatly reduced in price. Lent 1 (Feb. 17th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. On the Sunday evenings of Lent there ivill be special preach- ers, beginning this Sunday with the Rev. G. H. Dowker of St. Paul's Church. It is also 'the monthly service for young peo- ple. There is divine service Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'lock at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Service 11.15 a. m. Evening Service 7.15 p. m. Mid-week Service )Vednesday 8 p.m. Rev. Captain W. P. Bunt of AIission City United Church will officiate at both services on Sun- day. Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.80 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. THEN SIT DOWN When you'e called upon to speak, On things current and antique, Please don't try to talk a week, But just say your little say, Then sit down. A congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 20th, to consider the calling of a pastor. At the Thursday evening Len- ten services at 8 o'lock the rec- tor will give a series of addresses on the meaning of faith. Famous men I're listened to, Hardly start before they'e through, They'e won praise and so can you, If you'l say your little sav, Then sit down. At the Fatlier and Son servicelast Sunday night the lessons were read by Tom Timbrell and Jim Conway, and Cyril Haworth and Ken Garland were sidesmen. The rector preached an appro- priate sermon on "Open Win- dows. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Aux- iliary will be held on Tuesday afternoon, Februaig 19th, at 2.15, in the United Church hall. Mrs. (Dr ) Rush will be the speaker. A good attendance of members and friends is request- ed. There's a moral and it's true, In what I am telling you, To be found. You can say your little say, And be asked another day, If you'l say it quickly, pray, Then sit down. --Lily Light. In connection with the visit of the Anglican National Com- mission to Vancouver there will be a meeting for women in St.John's Parish Hall, North Van- couver next Tuesday at 3 p.m. ahd for men at St. Agnes'arish Hall at 8 p. m. DISSIPATION P. T. A.One of the few times in history that the United States war department failed was recently when a little girl ~ut ' requisition for a baby. But r ?~i~&~re stimulated a Philadelp ia boy to test the department in another direction. He wrote for "a little dog, a dog that does not bite, and one that will like me a lot." In due time this letter reached the desk of the assistant secretary of war. There it lost its official iden- tity and melted into a boys plea for'I l a dog, the yearning that no man has vetoed without a pang. The assistant secretary of war went into action. In due time a shining army motor drew up in front of the Philadelphia boy's house. A major in full uniform and em- bellished with his ceremonial trap- I pings got out and led a pup on a new chain to the door. "It was worth a million dollars to see the boy's face," the major reported. The boy now believes in miracles at home. Perhaps he has been thrown a bit oat of line with some common- sense doctrine about earning what he gets. But he is better for being on the receiving end of a lordly gesture. He will pass it on. Of all forms of dissipation, this is the most delight- ful. Mr. H. Davison was re-elected President, of the AVest Vancou- ver P. T.'A. at the annual meet- ing held last Tuesday evening in the Pauline Johnson School ~ Other officers elected included: Mr. Russell--First Vice Pres- ident. Mrs. Jones--Second Vice Pres- ident. Mrs. Gleed--Secretary. Mrs. Moncri eff--Treasurer. Mrs. Barber -- Membership Convener. Mrs. Russell--Social Convener. Mr. J. R. Mitchell--Program Convener. Miss Margaret Wall -- Pub- licity Convener. Miss Freda Herrin--Pianist. Honorary Presidents of this Association are the principals of the four schools of the Munici- pality. Delegates to Federation include Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. Russell, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Brealey. The meeting decided to pur- chase a set of eight historical pictures for the High School, and Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson Public Schools. Following adjournment, re- freshments were served. The Trail Rangers are engaged in the annual "Bond" campaign for the work of the Religious Ec!- ucation Council of B. C. Baptist Church 15th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.15 p. m. Weekly prayer service each wednesday at 8.00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. Tuesday at 8 p. m. All young people invited. On Sunday morning the Pas- tor, Mr. A. F. Schulte, will take as his subject "The Strongest Foundation Ever Built," and at the evening service he will speak on "The Woman Who Saved Her Life with a Piece of Thread." ,'II ewcast e )rum ie.er C0a,. Modern Maiden: "I want some pow- der--quickly." "Face or gun&" WEST VAN. LADIES'HOIR HOLD SUCCESSFUL CARD PARTY THH has made a reputat&on for itself in West Vancouver. R"est Van Nems Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVB A very successful military whist drive, arranged by the social committee of the West Vancouver Ladies'hoir, was held at the Clachan last Satur- day evening. The interests of the choir will be greatly aug- mented thereby. The prize win- ners were as follows: 1st Ladies, Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs. P. C. Chapman; 1st Gentlemen, Mrs. Howard Leggatt and Mr. Charles Chapman; lowest aggregate, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Elgar and Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. After supper songs were rend- ered by Mrs. J. C. Young and Mrs. S. W. Barnden, accomparnied by Miss M. McIntyre. It's Hot and Clean You'l like it.West 412LWest 363 "Always Suits Never Soots" Tell your friends. Publishers Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Phone West 363 llobb Coal 5 Transfer 15th and Marine West 17 Mail Address: P. O. Boz 101, Hollybarn, B. C. WE llIOVE Anything, Anywhere, Any Time. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News. stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION I "Do you know how to make a peachcordial?" "Sure; send her some candy." e h St. Anthony's Church Uni&etIl C Lurch Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly February 15, 1929. HOLLYHURN RIDGE HOLD COAST SKI SERIES West Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th Sunday, February 17th at 3 p.m. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE VICTORIOUS SAINTS" Revelstoke has been awaided the Western Canada amateur ski championship meet for 1930 and the Western Ski Association will support the claims of Banff for the Dominion championship next year, it was decided in Calgary Saturday. ThB Bi i tish Columbia ski championships will be held at Burns Lake where there is a very enthusiastic club. Vancouver will be the venue ofthe Pacific Coast championships next year it was decided by the governing body who divided the meeting between the Hollyburn and Grouse Mountain clubs. There will be two series in this championship, the first to be heldat the Grouse Mountain Club on February 24 and the second atthe Hollyburn Club on March 17. Western Canada now leads theeast in the number of ski clubs,it was reported by R. J. Verneof Vancouver, There are eight clubs in the west and seven inthe east, he said. Verne was re-elected presidentof the Western Canada body fora second term with Gordon Bill- ingsgate of the Hollyburn Pacific Club as secretary-treasurer, V. Schjelderup of Burns Lake was chosen vice-president. EVERYBODY WELCOME Come to tho Class on Sunday.A real welcome awaits you '::=: Usefu' &ecipes:-: Pea-Roast Drain and force through aPuree-strainer enough canne Peas to make 1 cupful add 34 cupful of well dried bread-crums 1 tablespoonful of sugar; 1-4 cup-ful of walnut,-meats, finely chop- ped; 1 egg, slightly beaten; 1-4 cupful of melted butter, 3-4 cup- ful of milk, 3-4 teaspoonful of salt, and 1-8 teaspoonful of pep- per. Turn into a small bread-pan lined with paraffin-paper, let stand for 15 minutes, then cook in a slow oven (350 degrees F.)for 40 minutes. Serve with to- mato sauce. Pea Waffles Pour 1 cupful of boiling milk into 1 cupful of pea-pulp--drain- ed, canned peas mashed--add 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 table- spoonful of sugar, and 1-2 tea- spoonful of salt. Cool, add 2 eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately, and 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, sifted with 1 cup ful of flour. Bake in buttered waffle-irons. Serve with aspar- agus and garnish with bacon. These are delicious for luncheon. Following are the results of the North Vancouver badminton tourney concluded Saturday night: Open Events Ladies'ingles--Mrs. Free- land beat Miss George 11-8, 7-11, 11-6. Men's Singles--N. Radford beat J. Muir 17-16, 15-10. Ladies'oubles Misses George and Millener beat Mrs. Draper and Mrs. Fawcett 6-15, 15-13, 17-15. Men's Doubles -- Underhill and Underhill beat Muir and Radford 15-8, 12-15, 15-10. Mixed Doubles--Mr. and Mrs. Muir beat Miss George and Untl- erhill 11-15, 15-9, 15-8. Handicap Events Ladies'ingles -- Miss Gill (--15) beat Miss Geekie (--9) 11-3, 11-2. Men's Singles -- D. Siddons (--15) beat R. 5Iacnaghten (-- 15) 15-0, 15-9. Ladies'oubles -- Mrs. and Miss Gill (--6) beat Mrs. Card- inall and Miss Geekie (--3& 15- 9, 15-8. Men's Doubles -- Booth and Dorchester (--5) beat Siddons and Stewart (--10, one hand) 5-15, 15-14, 15-11. Mixed Doubles -- i~Irs. Law- rence and Jermyn (--4) beat AIrs. Cardinall and Bridgman (sc.) 15-5, 12-15, 15-10. Mrs Morden presented the prizes in the absence of Mrs. Flewin. Filled Rolls Make an opening on top of each small plain roll 3 inches long and about 2 inches wide. Reserve the cover. Scrape all the crums out, leaving the roll as hollow as possible. Fill the en- tire inside with either lobster, shrimp, or pressed cold fried soles, cutting them in small piec- es. Season with salt, pepper, oil, vinegar, tarragon, and parsley. Thicken with a little mayonnaise After the rolls are filled, lay the covers on top and arrange them in a pyramid over a folded nap- kin. Orange and Mint Jelly 2 Tablespoonfuls Gelatin &/~ Cupful Cold Water 1 Cupful Boiling Water 3/4 Cupful Sugar 1 Cupful Orange-juice P4, Cupful Lemon-juice Q.Cupful Minced Mint-leaves. Soak the gelatin in the cold water and dissolve in the boiling water. Add the sugar, stir until dissolved, then add the fruit- juices and mint-leaves. Pour in- to a mold to chill and set. Turn out of the mold and garnish with whipped cream and sprigs of mint. LEGION WHIST DRIVE GREAT SUCCI.'%S The ivhist drive and dance inDundarave Hall on Saturday eve-ning given by the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legi-on was the largest evei given inthe hall, eighteen tables beingin play. Fifteen hands were played, and at the conclusion pfthe drive the following were de-clared the winners: 1st Ladies--Mrs. R. J. Morris,--Silver cake dish. 2nd Ladies -- Mrs. Butt-- hand painted cake plate. Mrs. A. R. Gartliorne, Mrs. L. S. Gar-thorne and 4Irs. Butt each tiedfor second, Mrs. Butt winningthe draw. Consolation Ladies--Mrs. C. G. EVhipple, pair of scissors. 1st Gentlemen -- W. Carley,case of pipes and cigar and cig-arette holders. 2nd Gentlemen--R. Robinson, pack of cards in case. Consolation, Gentlemen -- J. Lawson, leather key holder. Special prize of 5 lbs. Nabob Tea presented by Kelly Douglas Co.--Mrs. J. P. King. Following the serving of re- freshments the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to music supplied by Child's Or- chestra. Miss Ivy Miles sang a solo to the accompaniment of the orchestra, which was much en- joyed by all present. Duiing the evening it was announced that a second whist drive and dance would be given in Dundarave Hall on Saturday evening, 23rd inst. Also that the annual St.Patrick's Day masquerade would take place in the Hollyburn Pav- ilion on Friday, 15th DIarch. NORTH VANCOUVER BADi&1INTON TOURNEY