001C96C3 THE )VEST VAN NEAVS February 15, 1929. Smith s i rocery Wo Doliror A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundararo Hall. Phono WEST l69 GHAIN I(ED AN9 WHITE sTQRE SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SUGGESTIONS FOR LENT Shrimps (Dry) per tin ............-- 22c Herring (Tnmnto Sauce) 2 tins 35c Hedlund's Quick Dinner, per tin 25c Serr-us Lobster, lq's, tin........ 23c Norwegian Sardines ....... 2 tins 27c Sockeye Salmon, (3 lb. tins ............................... 2 tins for 37c Acadia Cod Fish, 2's, per box 39c Kraft or Velveeta Cheese, 4 lb. pkt ............................................ 20c Hedlund's Quick Dinner, per tin 25e Sunkist Oranges....... 2 dozen 35e Family Sodtts. per packet............ 1Sc hlacaroni, bulk, ............... 2 lbs. 19c ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Phone West 190 FREE DELI VER Y TO A LL PAINTS 9.30--10th St. to 25th St. 12.30--Ca ul feild $.30--10th St. to 25th Street. FREE -- 3 Prizes Tickets given with each purchase Daily Cash 8; C.O.D. Specials SATURDAY PRlhIE STEER BEEF Rump Roast, lb..................... 23c T. B. Steak Roast, lb........ 27c Deep Sirloin Roast, lb.......... 25c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb........ 29ggc - YOUNG CORN FED PORK Loins, per lb...... 28c Legs, fores, lb............... 19c Pork Butts, lb.................... 24c SCOTTISH SOCIETY TONIGHT A full attendance of members is asked for by the officers of the AVest Vancouver Scottish So- ciety at the regular meeting of the society, which takes place tonight at the Clachan. An ad- dress will be given by Mrs. D. C. Ritchie on "Little Known Cor- ners of Scotland." Mrs. Harri- son will be the soloist of the evening. PROWLING BEAR VISITS HOilIE OI" 51R. AND AIRS. TINNEY hTrs. 4V. Tinney, 20th and Wat- erfront, was awakened around 3 o'lock on the morning of last Monday by a noise at the back of her house. On investigation she saw a bear making a tour of inspection. Promptly, very promptly, she awakened Nr. Tin- ney but before he could get into action the bear had disappeared. The tracks left by the animal were very distinct and unmistak- able the next morning. P. G. E. RAILWAY AGREEilIENT RATIFIED SPRING LA hl B Shoulders. lb......................... 24c Mutton Shoulder, lb............. 20c Veal Oven Roast, lb............. 23c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs 25c Ayrshire Ham, sliced, lb........ 35c Pullet Extras........' dozen 75c hIONDA Y Pork Steal s ................ 2 lbs 45c Boneless Stewing Steak .................. 2 lbs. ac TUESDAY Fresh Liver, lb................... 10c Round Steak, lb........... 25c AVEDNESDA Y Shoulder Steak...... 2 lbs. 35c Lamb Chop, lb..................... 30c THURSDAY Sirloin Steak, lb............. 33c Head Cheese ............... 2 for 25c FRIDAY Fresh Kippers .......... 2 lbs. 25c VICTORIA, Feb. 13.--In pnn- ciple, ratification of the agree- ment between the Pacific Great Eastern Railway directorate and the ~iTunicipality of EVest Van- couver was approved by the house last 'wednesday, the bill validating it passing second read- ing. In the absence of the premier, second reading was moved by Col. Nelson Spencer, Vancouver, who said that it was intended to relieve thy company from its obligations to give service on the section of the line between North Vancouver and EVhytecliff, on which the operating deficit had aggregated ~&247,000 since 1918. The deficit would grow heavier year by year, Col. Spencer said, and if operation were continued it would be necessary to spend $300,000 in replacement of bridg- es. It had been agreed to com- pensate AVest Vancouver by pay- ing over to the municipality a total sum of $105,000, he said. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD THIS YEAR? GET OUR PLANS AND PRICES. Terms of payment arranged to suit you. %V. TINNEY O'O. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Office, 142 Hastings St. W., Phone Sey. 1944 Residence, foot of 20th Street Phone West 322 THE NOVELTY DRY GOOD STORE Marine Drive next door Seeds'rocery. lA 'RY GOODS -- FANCY GOODS -- NOVELTIES Seegur selection of Party Prizes. Reasonah' Prices and Appreciative Service. Library Books Will those who have Hooks -- overdue -- belonging to the Hollyburn Public I.ibrary kindly return same ns soon as possible. LEGION TO GIVE WHIST DRIVE 23rd INST. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion is giving a whist drive v.nd dance on Satur- day evening, 23rd instant, start- ing at 8 p. m., in Dundaruve Hul]. There Btll be good pr&zes for whist and u special yrize of a G lb. cake presented by Hullen Brothers. A good orchestra ivill be in attendance, and there ivill be refreshments. The proceeds ivill go to the building fund. The Legion have an enviable repu- tation as entertainers, und it is anticipated that a large crowd &vill be in at&,endunce. The regular monthly meeting of the brunch will be held in the Legion rooms, ferry building, next Friday evening, 22nd inst. Arrangements will be made at this meeting for the annual St. I'atrick's Day masquerade dance on Friday night, 15th 51urch, for which the Hollyb urn Pavilion has already been engaged. It is hoped also to make arrangements for clearing the ground in prep- aration for putting up the meet- ing house on the property recent- ly acquired by the branch. Every member is specially requested to make u Ijoint of being present. VICTIiiIS OF SLEIGH ACCIDENT IlIAKING GOOD RECOVERY The three school children in- jured in the sleigh accident on Inglewood Hill on Thursday of last week are all making satis- factory progress. Jack Rahy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rahy, 21st and Argyle, received the worst injuries. His leg and arm being badly fractured. He is at the North Vancouver Hospital and, of course, it will be some time before he will be able to get out. Eleanor Eager, daughter of ilTr. and Mrs. H. Eager, 22nd and Ful ton, is also at the North Vancouver Hospital, but it is hoped that she will be able to re- turn to her home this week. El- eanor suffered some bad bruises and lacerations, but it seems no bones ~vere broken. Herbert Ray son of Ex-Councillor Ray, escap- ed with bruises and it is thought was not seriously hurt. PACIFIC STAGE SCHEDULE AND FARES APPROVED A time table and fares as sub- mitted by the Pacific Stages were approved by the council on ilTonday night until one month -after Marine Drive and bridge are completed for further discus- Sion of 25"yo increase in fares over the P.G.K. 50-ride ticket. Previously an amendment was put that the agreement submit- ted by the Pacific Stages con- cerning rates and schedules be approved on a maximum increase of fares of 25",i, 50 ride P.G.E. ticket to go into effect on com- pletion of Marine Drive. Councillors Jackman and Mor- gan voted for and Councillors Blair and Fiddes against the a- mendment. The Reeve then de- clared it lost. The resolution was then voted on and carried. Coun- cillors Jackman and Morgan dis- senting. LAIRS. F. X. HODGSON HOSTESS TO CHOIR Tomtght at Dundarave Hall, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson wil] be host- ess to the members of the Dun- darave Ladies'hoir and their friends at a social evening. A musical programme has been ar- ranged and cards will be played. The party is timed for 9 p.m. directly after the regular prac- tise of the choir. A Special Supply of A good vnriety of Fresh and Smoked Fish. ri' Ac s c s c 4i (ki I I I I Amhleside. Phone IVest 303 Hoilyharn. Phone IVest 3 N'atch Windows for Everyday Specials MO&EY .j.o LOA&'n First 5Iortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street AVest Phone Sey. 6285 SPLENDID SERVICE OF BUSSES ARRANGED TO REPLACE P. G. E. SERVICE (Continued from Page 1) 20 and 50 ride commutation tickets. For instance a 20ride com- mutation ticket from Ambleside to Horseshoe Bay works out at 19 cents per ride, from Ambleside to Caulfeild the rate is 9 ce»ts, from Ambleside to Dundarave the rate is 6 cents. The same class of ticket, 20 ride commutation between North Vancouver and Ambleside is 10 cents; North Vancouver and Dundarave 12 cents, North Vancouver and Caulfeild 18 cents, North Vancouver and Horseshoe Bay 2S cents. The 50 ride commutation ticket between North Vancouver and the following points works out as follows: Ambleside, S cents; Dundarave, 11 cents; Caulfeild, 17 cents; and Horseshoe Bay 27 cents. It is interesting to note that the official distances from North Vancouver to the different points are given as follows: Ambleside, 4 miles; Dundarave, 5.4 miles; Caulfeild, S.8 miles; Horseshoe Bay 13.6 miles; and AVhytecliff Park, 15.5 miles. A special rate is being a1vanged for school children. This ensures even better transportation facilities for resi- dents in the westerly part of the municipality than ever be- fore. For instance, the first bus will leave Caulfeild for North Vancouver each week day at 6.45 a. m. Between that time and 9 o'lock there will be six busses. Another one at 10 a. m. and then at 11.40 a. m., after which there will be a service prac- tically every half hour until 8-10 p. m. with three later busses the last leaving Caulfeild around midnight. From Horseshoe Bay east the schedule calls for four busses leaving at 7.45 a. m., 12.05 midday, 3.05 p. m. and 7.05 p. m. It does not look as though the people of AVest Vancouver are going to miss very greatly the cancellation of the P. G. E. trains. The foresight and acumen shown by Reeve Vinson and the councillors in making the arrangement they did is realised by the people generally. SCHOOL ESTDIATES APPROVED The school board presented to the council their estimates for the year 1929 amounting to $54,314.00. These estimates were approved. Hilda M. J. Joule wrote asking for the road at Rose Crescent to be put in shape. The matter was laid over for the estimates. The Horticultural and Agricul- tural Society wrote asking for a grant. The matter was laid over for the estimates. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish 1x4 E. G. Flooring, long lengths.......... $22.00 per M. Short V. Joint No. 1, 2 and 3................... $16.00 per M. 5~8x3 and 4 V. Joint, mixed lengths... $18.00 per M. GL/SS Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost Amb esIGe .~umber Co., ~ti. hIARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199 A NEW BUILDING A REPAIR 30B We can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyp«c Plaster Hoard -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Hoard Shingles -- Lath -- Building blaterials West Vancouver . umber Co. 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L.