001C96CF THE WEST VAN NEWS February 22, 1929. GROCERY SPECIALS for This Week-- &:-%SO.NA .S A. FI. Davis, 1328 Argyle Ave., is leaviiig this week for the east, where he expects to reside in future. iblr. and Mrs. George Nickle of Calgary, ivere the guests last week of 31rs. George Pineo, 13th and neith Road. 0 0 J. )Vatt has sold his house at 21st and Bellevue to H. G. Dunn of Vancouver, and is leaving here with his wife and family for New Westminster, where he will reside in future. The council at a special meet- ing blonday night adopted the by-law authorizing the borrow- ing of $ 130,000 for current ex- penditure. A debate took place at Ingle- wood high school on Friday on the subject "Resolved that elec- tricity is better than gas for heating and lighting purposes in the house." Ruth Blair and Nell Weatherhead successfully upheld the negative for grade eleven a- gainst grade nine, who were rep- resented by Muriel Bell and Eng- la Roos. R. Silva-white is having an addition made to his house a& 26th and Marine Drive. Arthur E. Bogue of Vancouver is supplying this week in place of Miss Jean Agar of the high school staff, who is aivay owing to sickness. Nr. and 3lrs. Oscar AVhittaker, 11th and Esquimalt, an ived back wednesday from a trip to Hon- olulu. E. S. Pearce of Pearce's Dry Goods, who has been very ill in Shaughnessy Militai~ Hospital, was operated on os Tuesday morning. His many friends will be very glad to hear that the operation was successful and that the patient stood the shock well. Mr. Pearce has since made good progress. His illness was caused by war service, and lat- terly an operation became im- perative. F. P. Holland, 23rd and Mar- ine Drive, is leaving here ion Elonday for a trip to Bridge Riv- er. KVork has been started again on the Marine Drive extension as a result of the milder weather. The new roadbed has been rock- ed as far as Shermans and the laying of concrete will be begun as soon as the frosts cease. George Bell, 24th and Jeffer- son, left yesterday for AVhite- horse, where he expects to spend the summer. Mrs. Bell will join him later. Aylmer Ketchup, pcr bottle 20c Spinach large tins Cut Green Beans per tin 15c Tomatoes, large tins.. 2 «r»c Corned Beef per tin Good Cooking App Choice New Rhubnrb, per lb 10c Alr. anrl hlrs. J. D. Tait, have returned to their home at 29th :ind illathers after spending sev- eral weeks visiting in Kerrisdale. Elr. and blrs. R. A. Waugh, ivho have been living at 15th and I»gleavootl, have moved to Van- couver. MARI&E v GROCERY 22nd and hIarine J. A LLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 Pitman Business College D. Dewar, 22nd and Marine Drive, is having the lot on 22nd and Bellevue cleared of trees and bush on which he has started the erection of a new house. On Tuesday evening there was a hard frost in the centre of North Vancouver city, which greiv gradually less as one went &vest through the District of North Vancouver until it ceased altogether at the Capilano River. Simiarly there was a 3-inch snowfall the same day in Central Park, but none in Vancouver city. Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI V I DUA L ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students mny enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) I'HoiNE SEYhIOUR 9135 I'RohlPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. The engineer reported on: 1. Repairs to transit at a cost of $ 125. A» expenditure not to exceed this amount was author- ised. 2. E. Crompton's application re boulders on Esquimalt be- tween 12th and 13th Streets, the removal of which would cost $25. This expenditure was authorised. 3. Application of Captain Snoddy for access to 558 E4-A- 2 at a cost of $110.00. An ex- penditure of $ 13 was authorised for breaking rock and that the second hand lumber required be delivered on the job. 4. R. NacPherson's applica- tion for drainage on 775-V. Laid over. 5. D. Dewar's application re dangerous trees on 554-4-E-20. The owner of this lot was advised that fourteen second growth trees thereon are dangerous and must be removed. GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Mnrino Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsda1e Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y There's None Better. OVERLY THE BEST BREAD The inter high school socce1 committee of the lower mainland met on wednesday in the city to consider the changing of the regular schedule into a knock- out series. This has been rend- ered necessary by the cancella- tion of a number of games, as a result of the long cold spell ~ The schedule will probably start next week. Cakes, Pies, Pastries, Rolls L4UNDRY Ni t'gg) are made by STRATTON'S BAKERYMiss G McFarlane is having a house built on her property at 21st and Bellevue. )Vest Vancouver high school was invaded by Richmond high school last Saturday, when the local girls'unior team lost to the Richmond girls by a score of 17 to 14. The junior boys, how- ever, revenged themselves by de- feating Richmond quintette by a score of 40 to 12. Bob Fiddes and A. Masterman were top scor- ers for the locals. 1 )TS &LA,&H rO FOLKS Fkae FAR AN@ HE,AR. WRAC NAKIHQ LAL)NDR'l a 54lSYDRV HRRG ' "le 3urrarr..aumry Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L WEST 27 And our Delivery Man will call. The Greeter's Guide wrote ask- ing whether the council wished to have )Vest Vancouver featured in the book for the information of visitors to British Columbia. They stated that theirs was the only publication issued and dis- tributed by hotel interests and is used exclusively by all hotels, information bureaux and sight- seeing companies for the conven- ience of tourists and visitors. The matter was laid over for the estimates. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hIoving Baggage a Specialty. pHONE WEST 110 FOR @pal and %VPP~ Prompt Delivery.DEATH OF AIRS. I"OGG. H. Kolthammer wrote the council regarding the telephone rates to Fisherman's Cove. The matter was referred to the Reeve and Councillor Fiddes to inter- view the B. C. Telephone Co. Mrs. Lillian Fogg who passed away suddenly at her residence, 246 Birch Street, Vancouver, last EIonday night was a sister-in-law of AIrs. J. 31. Hill, 15th and Ful- ton, AVest Vancouver. The de- ceased lady, who was in her 46th year, leaves to mourn her loss be- sides her husband, four daught.- ers, Ethel, Dorothy, Vivian anrl Dorine, all at home, also two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Rourke, Airs. Mabel Moyls, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard william Babage. The funeral took place yesterday. Interment in Ocean View Burial Park, o~o&~+ ~+~ M~M,~wHARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON funeral Sirertnrs 0 'on o& CHURCH PROPERTY TO BE EXEAIPT FROAI TAXATION 3HOIOG1PPHS ivy Forever North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The clerk was instructed by the council to prepare a by-law for the exemption from taxation of the following church properti- es: Plymouth Brethren, D. L. 237-4- 17. Baptist Church, D. L. 237-4-31 and 32. Christian Science Church, D. L. 775-)V.100-6A-11. United Church, D. L. 775 (7-12) 10-1, 2 and 3. St. Stephen's Church, D. L. 775 (7-12) 8, 1,2and 3. Roman Catholic Church, D. L. 554 N.W. pt.-12-24. St. Francis'hurch, D. L. 811-1- 10. MRS. ROBERTS TO OPEN FLOWER SHOP O Mrs. Chas. Roberts is openin a flower shop on 1st March, at 15th and Marine Drive, next to Piggly AViggly. There will be a large stock of pot plants, cut flowers, seeds, fertilizers, etc., always on hand. Corsage bou- quets will be made up, and wed- ding and general orders filled at the shortest notice. P. G. E. STAGE BUS SERVICE ABANDONED Following ratification of the P. G. E. Railway and )Vest Van- couver agreement for suspension of the train service between here and AVhytecliff, which was ap- proved by the provincial govern- ment on 3londay, auto stage ser- vice operated by the Pacific Great Eastern Railway stopperl on Tuesday night. Bus service will be maintained by private firms. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop.ORGANIZED FOR YOUR PROTECTION. 2,700 Dairymen throughout the Fraser Valley, work together as one, to provide you with safe, clean milk. THE 5IONTREAL LIFE IN- SURANCE COAIPANY offers very attractive educational poli- cies for children up to 10 years of age. In the event of death of the parent, qr guardian, payment of premiums is waived, and the full value of policy is paid at maturity. For full particulars phone GEORGE GRIGOR, 1410 Marine Drive, IVest 372. 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046 THE WEST VAN WATCHMAKER and 3EWELLER 1522 Marine Drive I 3 tables for your pleasure Play a game of. Their products are available to you through "the Dairy with the Highest Score." 9 C}uarts for $ 1.00 NORTH 122 SOU'YEN c 14th StreetL7» ~ Right at the Railway Crossingof AVest VancouverAlso Novelties and Articles forevery day use.Brings a Creamo Wagon toYour Door. ';I,.,'.SAi~,'.',I,I&.i~ S, i".I Ig'. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS 76c Lesol ..............., ................. 48c 60c Klenzo llnir Stimulator.... 46c $ 1.00 Pure Cod Liver Oil..... 86c $ 1.00 Vnn Ess .......... .. 69c 60c Mecca Ointment .............. ~«6pc Jonteel Tnkum ................... 34c 25c Analgesic Balm ........ '2.pp Guaranteed Hot ~Vnter 60c hlustard Ointment . " 33c Bottl~~ $ 159 40 hlusterole ...................., --. " 25C putnlnns Corn Cure .......... 19c6pc Eczema Ointment ...... 32c c u mnn s orn 76c Broncilla Creams ............. 63c 3oc Handy Package Stationery 24c $ 1.00 Theatrical Cold Cream .... 68c 1pc Sulphur ................................ 5c LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"~,'23 G. E. REID, blanager Ne'er Building--Corner i~larine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL ~-o-4