001C96CF Febi'uary 22, 1929. THE YVEST VAN NE)VS PACIFIC STAGES AIAKE AGREEMENT IVITH SCHOOL BOARD The management of the PacificStages wrote the School Trustees quoting a price of $8 per dayfor transporting school childrenfrom )Vhytecliff and CypressPark to central schools. It was resolved by the board that this be left in the hands of ChairmanElgar to ask the solicitor tvdraw up an agreement betweenthe company and the Board fortransportation of these children. Smith's i mcery Wo Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phono WSST F61 SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Royal Crown Soap........ 5 bars 22c Broken Orange Peko Tea, per lb 53c Wild Rose Pastry Flour. 10 lb. Sack .............................,.. 45c B. C. Icing Sugar........,.. 3 lbs. 25c "Serv-us" Tomato Soup ........ 11c Strawberry Jam, 8 oz. Tumbler 15c Wagner Apples .... 5 lbs. 25c Head Lettuce ............................ 10c Golden Meadow Butter, per lb. 45c Carnation Milk, per tall tin.... Hunt's Supreme Asparagus, large tin ................................. Singapore Pineapple, 3 tins for Lombard Plums, per tin ........... Royal Prince Pears, large tin Del Monte Prunes, large size, per lb. Smyrna Figs ............ 3 lbs. for Cherrv Jam, per tin ............... Royal Crown Washing Soda, 2 pkts.~ ~ 29c 33c 15c 25c 15c 25c l5c NET B. C. E. RLY. SUB- STATION EQUIPMENT A LAIOST INSTALLED A new laridmark that has a-risen to emphasize the steadygrowth of West Vancouver as aresidential adjunct to Gregter Vancouver is the British Colum- bia Electric Railway Company's new sub-station at Bellevue Ave.and 19th Street. The brick and concrete struc-ture has recently been completed and work of installing new equip- ment is going forward. This smll replace the old outdoor installa- tion, ancl will be of considerably gl eater power. The old transformers, which are in good shape, will be re- moved from their present loca- tion and installed at Bewicke Avenue, North Vancouver, where the increasing industrial load calls for more power. 13c RHUBARB, NEW CABBAGESPINACH, CAULIFLOWER, ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Whimsical Review "IVhat's your idea of playing oiilv the rubber stocks~" "Why, svhen rubber drops one can be sure of a rebound." PHOiV E WEST 190 FREE Phyllis: "Do you know, your fiance is a riddle to me?" Rhoda: "I know--I'm giving him up myself!"DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS 9.30--10th St. to 25th St. 12.30--10th St. to Caulfeild 3.30--10th St. to 25th Street. Inquiring Child: "Did you and daddy descend from the gorillas, mummy?" Mother: "I didn', darling."FRESH AND CURED AIrs. Johnson (meeting a friend): An'ow is you'istah since she got married--the one that was so delicate? Mrs. Jackson: Oh, much bet- tah, indeed. In fac'he's now quite indelicate. Gillett--"Did you ever kiss a girl when she wasn't looking?" Teng --"Not when she wasn' good-looking." "I can't have whistling at the table, Mr. Slucum," said the boarding-house keeper. "I thought you said yesterday you like to hear a man whistle at his work?" replied the board- er, as he made another ineffect- ual attempt at cutting the leg of a three-year-old turkey. AIACKENZIE'S INJURY ADJOURNS DEBATE An injury sustained several weeks ago is again giving trouble to Ian Mackenzie, Liberal, North Vancouver, T. D. Pattullo, lead- er of the opposition, informed the legislature on Monday oflast week. The injury may keep him from his legislative duties for a week or more, Mr. Pattullo said, and, in view of this fact, he askedthat debate on the bill to amendthe constitution act be held until the member who adjourned the debate could speak to it. The re- quest was granted. Daily Cash 8; C.O.D. Specials SATURDA Y iVo. 1 STEER BEEF Rump Roast, lb................... 23c Round Steak Roast. lb...... 25c Deep Sirloin Roast, lb.......... 25c T Bone Roast, lb, ................ 27c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb........ 29i/zc Choice Veal Roast, lb.. 25c Pork Legs (fores) lb.... 19c Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs 2oc "Something went to India, stopped there, came back, and yet it never went there." "Don't talk rot, man.""I'm not. It was my watch." 510NDAY There was a young fellow from N.Y. who refused to use knife or f. With his fingers instead And a piece of rye bread He would eat any meat except p. Pork Steak, lb.. Head Cheese ......... 22c .... 2 for 25c I TUESDAY Many amusing examples ofbabu English have been publish- ed from time to time, but thefollowing quoted recently byLord Reading will take somebeating: It appears in the advertise- ment columns of an Indian mag- azine, azd was intended to bringa certain Mohammedan barber to the notice of resident English- men. "Mahomed Osman, haircutter and clean shaver. Gentlemen' throats cut with very sharp raz- ors with great care and skill. Noirritating feeling afterwards. Atrial solicited." Fresh Liver, lb............... 10c Sirloin Steak, lb................ 33c The inspector had just retum- ed from the Isle of Man and was examining the girls'lass in geography. "Can you tell me what Island there is off the English coast which from its name you would judge to be inhabited by people of the male sex only?" Please, sir," replied a girl promptly, "the Scilly Isles." WEDN ESDA Y Hamburg Steak, lb... Boiling Beef, lb........ 15c 15c THURSDAY Ayrshire Ham, sliced, lb..... 29c Veal Loaf, lb........... 28c FRIDAY The Christmas PuddingKippers ...... Haddie, lb ....... 2 for 25c 16i/sc After the Christmas pudding was served the hostess noticed that the guests barely put their lips to it, and then pushed it away with a shudder. Tasting it herself she was overcome with inortifiication, and sent for the cook. "Why, Jane," said she, "what on earth have you done to the pudding?" "You see, mum--hic--" Jane re- plied, "the brandy got losht. Cat- hic--must 'a took it. So I poured coal oil on. Wassa matter--hic--won't it light?" Italian Salad It was visiting day at the jail and the uplifters were on deck. "My good man," said one kindly lady, "I hope that since you have come here, you have time for meditation and have decided to correct your faults." "I have that, mum," replied the pris- oner in heartfelt tones. "Believe me, that next job I pull, this baby wears gloves." 2 Cupfuls Cold Cooked Macar- oni 4 Stalks Celery 1 Small Cucumber 4 Slices Canned Pimentoes 8 Stuffed Green Olives French Dressing. Pour a small amount of the French dressing into a large chilled bowl. AVith 2 forks toss the macaroni through the dress- ing; then add the celery, pimen- toes, cuciimber, and stuffed ol- ives, which have been cut into small pieces. Mix thoroughly, adding more dressing if needed. A few strips of pimento and a few olives provide an attractive garnish when the salad has been placed on crisp, fresh lettuce. This salad is nutritious, and is particularly appropriate for a luncheon at which only a salad dessert and a drink are served. 4 ANNOUNCEMENT MRS ROBERTS will open A:.OW:.( S-O at 15th and Marine Drive (Next to Piggley IVlggley) On MARCH 1st, carrying a well assorted stock of POT PLANTS, CUT FLOWERS, SEEDS, GARDEN PLANTSIN SEASON, FERTILIZERS, ETC. IVedding and general orders filled at shortest notice. A Special Supply of ~ ~ A good varietv of I'resh and Smoked Fish. .,'-.".'I".S.Y.'.A"...Y, A.I'.(.".'.S Ambleside. Phone IVest 303 Holiyhurn. Phone ivest 3 Watch Windows for Everydr.y Specinls A NEW BUILDI&'G A REPAIR JOB IVe can supply everything you need. 'ng -- B~~lding Paper -- Lamatco -- Fi r Veneer -- GyprocI'I»«r Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building Materials West Vancouver . umber Co. 15th and hIarine LIi&IITED I'hone IVest 115 Residence I'hone: IVest 368L. MOW'KY j 0 I.OA&'n First Mortgage at current rates. London R British North America Co., I td. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street IVest Phone Sey 6285 THE NOVELTY DRY GOOD STORE 'i Marine Drive next door Seeds'rocery. DRY GOODS -- FANCY GOODS -- NOVELTIES See our selection of Party Prizes. Reasonable Prices and Appreciative Service. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD THIS YEAR? G ET OU R PL A N S A 5 D P R IOKS. Terms of payment arranged to suit you. W. TINNEY O'O. BUII DERS AND CONTRACTORS Office, 142 Hastings St. AV., Phone Sey. 1944 Residence, foot of 20th Street Phone IVest 322 CANADIAN LEGION, AVEST VANCOUVER is giving A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE in Dundarave Halj on Saturday, 23rd February at 8p.m. PRIZES TICKETS, 50 CentsProceeds for Building FundA Special Prize of a 6 ib. Cake has been donated by Builen Bros. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish 1x4 E. G. Flooring, long lengths........... $22.00 per i%I.Short V. Joint No. 1, 2 and 3 ................ $16.00 per AI.5~8x3 and 4 V. Joint, mixed lengths..... $ 13.00 p.r 51. GL+$$ Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Am I'a..esic e . um ver Co., I'c'. lllARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199