001C96B7 THE WEST VAN NEAVS February 8 1929 .,'.SAIg,'.,t,~g jQ 5 I„ I&'. ":.&SO:i"A AIrs. E. N. Read of Vancouver, spent last week ona visit to Mrs. George Pineo, 13th and neith Road. Bobby" Seeds, son of R. Seeds the Ambleside glocel won the pi'ize of $ 10 foi. a solu- tion of "the Theft, of the Dia- mond Diadem," the last of the fifteen mystery stories that have been running for the past montli in the Province newspaper. This last divas a ver difficult one, an~I taxed the cletective ability of the contestants tn the utmost, but "Bobby's" solution divas held by the judges to be the most ingeni- ous, and he was awarded the pl'ize. illiss Elsie Harrison, 17th and Ilaywood, who has been sick with a severe cold, has returne(l to her cluties with the B. C. Tel- ephone Co. here. Command r and Mrrs. E. Pen- cler, 28th and Bellevue, moverl last week to the city, where they expect to reside in future. The annual staff dane of the British Columbia Electric Rail- way Company will be held at Lester Court, 51arch 15, it is announced by executives of the B. C. Electric Head Office Em- ployees Association. Dancing will be held from 9 p. m. until 2 a. m. The affair is in the hands of a special committee of the as- sociation. illr. ancl DIrs. George Chilcls and 51r. and Mrs. Colin Turner were amongst the guests at the recent silver wedding annivei- sary of illr. and ~iIrs. william Dubery, 815 East 13th Avenue, Vancouver. 5Iiss Frances Guinan is a men'- ber of the chorus in 'whoopee,'vhich is now being played at the Amsterclam Theatre, New York. Some West Vancouver radio fans heard the show this week. which is being relayed from Nev: York THE AMBLESIDE SERVICE STATION PHONE %TEST 232. Your )roac cast 'rogramme. KEROSENE GUTTA PERCHA TIRES FIRST CLASS BATTERY WORK SHELL PRODUCTS TED KENNETT and BILL CRAIG, Props. Mr. and ihIrs. Atkinson and family have moved into a house at 31st and waterfront. Lulu Ray, daughter of ex- Councillor and Mrs. Ray, was the victim of what might have been a serious accident on Monday while coasting down the slide on Inglewood Hill. In trying to a- void a collision with another sleigh she was thrown off her sleigh and was very severely bruised. Fortunately, no bones were broken. Pitman Bussness College Vancourer's Leading Business College. INDIVI DUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK, Students may enrol at any time RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYIIOUR 9135 BASKETBALLTHE BURRAR9 J~I) W .%.)8 The Basketball Season openedon Saturday, January 26, for the West Vancouver High School. The boys'unior team combined well to defeat Richmond High School 27-5. On wednesday, January 30, they played North Vancouver High School at North Van. and again won by a score of 20-6. At the end of the first period the score was G-6. The EVest Van. boys held the opposi- tion down and increased their score to 20 before the final whistle. The Junior Girls'eam played North Burnaby on Saturday, January 26. They overcame a lead of 15-10 at half time and finally avon by a score of 22-18. The Bantam Boys'eam was defeated 19-15 by North Van. High School Bantams on Wed- nesday, January 30. It was a close game and the local boys put up a good fight. Mi s J D Allan Radc]iffe Avenue )Vest Bay was a tea hostess last Wednesday after- noon. The following were the owners of the winning tickets in the drawing made in Roberts Better Meats'tore on Saturday: First prize, 5Irs. Donnan; Second Prize J. )Vicking, 2G23 Haywood Ave.; 'I'hird Prize, H. Smith, 15th and Fulton. [AUNDRY Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Stewart of Winnipe" mother and aunt of Frank AIarsh, 15th and Gord- on, ivere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh for a few days this week. The visitors are making a circu- lar tour visiting friends and rela- tives, They are leaving in a few days for Vernon, B. C., en route to their horne in the prairie met- i'opol i s. c c 5Ir. and iAIrrs. Arthur E. Brown of West Bay, have had an addit'ion to their family. A daughter was born to them on wednesday, 30th January, in the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. JT S PlALN TO FOLKS Fkae FAR AN@ HE,aR WE.RE NANHt4 LAUNDRV ~ AISVOaV HIRE, "le 5urrart .aumry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancourer Phone North 1310. )Vest Van. Representatire F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L There will be a display of foods prepared and cooked by the girls of grades 7 to 10 in the home economics classes of the schools, next Thursday, 14th February, in the auditorium of Inglewood School,starting at 8 p. m. Mrs. Colin McLean and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson were among the soloists on the programme pre- sented by the Philharmonic Club to a capacity audience on Saturday evening at the Wom- en's Building, Vancouver. Mrs. T. Xicholson, who has been residing at 2478 Kings Ave. has moved to Vancouver. A number of children have been coasting down the sideroads and across ~lIarine Drive, and as a result there have been several cases in which they have had narrow escapes from accidents. On one occasion a motorist, in order to avoid running down a coaster which dashed across the 14th Street "ntersection in front of him, had to put on his brakes so hard that his car described several circles on the slippery road. The police have done their best to stop this dangerous prac- tice, but parents should help by instructing their children to stop coasting across the Drive, or a serious accident is bound to oc- cui'. i~Irs. Kenneth McNaughton is visiting hei biother and sistei in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mess- inger, Messinger Block, 16th and marine Drive. i&IONTH'S TRAFFIC ON FERRIES SHOiv SLIGHT DECREASEHARRON BROS. & AVILLIAMSON ]funeral 6irrctars Traffic on the city ferries in January shows a decrease com- pared with that of January, 1928 according to a report issued by ferry officials. In January last 224,915 pass- engers and J0,471 vehicles were carried as against 230,068 pass- engers and 13,724 vehicles in the corresponding month of last year. TRAFFIC OK ER NARROWS BRIDGE SHOU'S GAIN OF 24,000 DURING MONTHNorth Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phnne Fair. 134 Second Nan ows bridge traffic in January shows substantial gains over that of the corres- ponding month of 1928, accoid- ing to a report issued by bridge officials. Last Month 113,713 persons, 43,368 autos, 8471 trucks ancl 1122 vehicles of other types crossed the bridge compared with 89,937 persons, 34,177 autos 5553 trucks and 1123 other ve- hicles in January, 1928. The average earnings in Januaig, were $279 as against $214 in Januaig, 1928, showing a gain of $65. The report also shows that last month 341 vessels passed through the open bascule and 1146 vessels passed the bridge that did not require the bascule to be raised. Seventy-six trains composed of 1365 cars also cross- ed the bridge in January. Oh )Vhat n ould you give to have such adorable hair as mine'! My: ")Veil, I don't know. How much did you give?" GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. WPhone Seymour 4199. The rink at Ambleside Park has been a great source of at- traction this week to the young- ei generation. Hockey has been played there, and numbers of boys and girls have had a good time skating in the afternoon and evening. The ice was flood- ed again on Tuesday evening. ORGANIZED FOR YOUR PROTECTION. 2,700 Dairymen throughout the Fraser Valley, work together as one, to provide you with safe, clean milk. FURNACE REPAIRS Anpthing in Sheet liletal 3 tables for S ypurpleasure Play a game of Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Their products are available to you through "the Dairy with the Highest Score." PRI',SCg I I'TION SPECIALISTS SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS 25c Verbena Oatmeal Soup........ 15c Gpc Pinex ......, 35c Paraman Tablets ........."- 23c $ 1.00 Laroris .............................. 79c 35c A. P. C. Cold Tablet.'........ 23c $ 1.00 Cod Liver Oil with Creo-50c Bronchitis Sy~P ..".-. -- 39c sote .............., „.....,............ 79c $ '.00 Hot Water Bottles....,. $ l.- ~ 25s parawax, 19c50c Milk of MaL~esia ........- 43c s ara 36c 30c Baby s C h Syrup 2 tc $ 1.00 Coycg'0c Gin Pills ..........................c ' yruGPc Syrup of Figs and Senna tlc 35c Norway Pine Syrup ......... 29c 25c PePs ...................................... 19c LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"',",', 323 G. E. REID, illanager New Building--Corner 51arine and 14th. F 1ST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SilIALL It This Week's Specials Shredded Wheat, per pkt...... 11c Quick Quaker Oats, pkt,....... 25c Campbell's Tomato Soup.. B C Sugar 10 lhs 60c Dried Apricots. per lb........ 22c Brooms (mude by blind) eu. 35c NARI I'E GjkOCERY 22nd nnd Illarine J. A LI.I SON, I'rop. PHONE WEST 96 PROiiiPT DELIVF« WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans I I Je i... ~ J Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St- Van«urer I'hone Seymour 8894 Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and «om City- &Ioring Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Pood Prompt Dehrery. BE j."I'ER BREAD 'A.[,:- ~el ~ op~'o~ 0~ 3HOro G~Hs Ivs'orever THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. We all want the utmost in value for the money we spend. You get full value when you buy "STRATTON'S" Bread, Rolls and Pastries. Better than "Home-made" our customers say. STRATTON'S BAKERY WEST 27 And our Delirery Alan will call. 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 NORTH 122 Brings a Creamo Wagon to Your Door. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y c C UI +Q 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing 311 Hastings St., W.. Phone Seymour 1046