West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Feb 1929, p. 5

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001C96B7 February 8, 1929. ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ PH t ~ ~ ~ J. C. Butlerr is having some alterations made, also an addi- tion built to his home at 18th and Duchess. 0 t A. J. D. Illacdonald is moving from 1251 Duchess to a house at 1039 Esplanade. ~ 0 t Two )Vest Vancouver residents on ~londay afternoon were tow- ing behind their Ford car along Ingleivoocl A&'e., a heavy log they were taking home for firewood. Coming to the hill just west of 20th Street they thought the icy track made by the school children for coasting would be an excellent lumber shoot. How- ever, the log from being towed, developed such a perfectly alarm- ing burst of speed that Lizzie climbed on top of it and in that undignified position both skid- ded to the bottom of the hill in record time. Fortunately no- body was hurt. e 0 llIr. and ilIrs. Currie. 24th and Haywood, are moving to Vancou- ver this week. 0 Mr. and Illrs. J. Johnson and family, who have been residing at 15th and Duchess, moved to a house at the corner of 13th and IlIarine Drive. 4 4 i~irs. La IlIarche of Vancouver moved on Monday into the Ed- wards house at the corner of 12th and Keith Road. 0 4 0 AIrs. F. Stainsby, who has been visiting in the city an&. )Vest Vancouver, left here yes- terday to return to her home iii IlIayo, Yukon Territory. She will go in from 9'hitehorse by aero- plane. 0 0 Any changes in the B. C. Tele- phone Co.'s new directory must be in by the end of this month. Suits, Coats and Dresses Dry Cleaned $1.60 up Quick Service M. WILLIAMS 16th and i~larine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING I'hone IVest 20 BE WELL Enjoy Good Health Chiropractic ivill help YOU Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., I'h. C. Graduate of I'almer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone Ivest $83 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone %Vest 9 For FUEL VERNON FEED STORE ~-'l- . l- H 4H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D. Dewar, 22nd and 31arine Drive, started the construction of a new house on his property on Bellevue between 22nd and 23rds Streets. 0 ~ 0 i~lr. IVrisberg of Zincton. B. C.. is spending his holidays with his wife and family at his horn« at 23rd and marine Drive. ~ 0 0 Pauline Johnson School had a receiving class of twenty-one children, the class at Hollyburn containing fifteen new scholars. ~ 0 David Fairweather of 20th Av- enue West, Vancouver, who pass- ed away on Tuesday, February 5th, had many friends in IVest Vancouver where he was a fre- quent visitor. Deceased who lived at one time in North Van- couver was a member of St. An- drew's Football Club. 0 Birthday I'arty i~Irs. Robert Froud, 13th and !lfarine Drive, gave a birthday party on Saturday afternoon in honor of her two sons, Robert and Jack. A very enjoyable time divas spent by the young guests at games, and refreshments were served later in the afternoon. Those present &vere: John, Geof- frey and Gordon Bradley, Rupert and Ernest Harrison, Charlie Forest, Jack IllcLeod. and Jack Kearns. C. iI. ASTBURY NOT ASSOCIATED iVITH iVEST VAN. LUi&IBER COY. C. IlI. Astbury, who for a short time divas associated with lV. Turnbull of the EVest Vancouver Lumber Company, is now oper- ating an independent business in North Vancouver. Mr. Turnbull retaining sole ownership and management of the )Vest Van- couver Lumber Company, having felt that the present state of business conditions did not war- rant any big development in the firm's activities. iVEST VAN. LADIES'HOIR HOLD iVHIST DRIVE TOiiIORROQ' i~lilitary whist Drive follow- ed hy refreshments and music will be staged by the IVest Van- couver Ladies'hoir at the Cla- chan, 25th and waterfront, to- morrow, Saturday, February 9th, play to start 8.15 p. m. The pub- lic are invited. Tickets may be obtained at the door. This choir is now starting the season's work in preparation for the competition at the B. C. Illus- ical Festival and the social to- morrow night is in the nature of a get-together meeting for the members and their friends and the well wishers of the choir. Last year when a similar even- in was arranged there was a large crowd present and the ex- ecutive expects that tomorrow evening will be equally as suc- cessfull. Tickets are 50 cents. Good prizes will bc given and a pleas- ant time promised those who at- tend. I . T. A. ANNUAL IllEETING NEXT TUESDAY A meeting of the EVest Van- couver Parent Teachers Associa- tion will be held next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Pauline John- son school. At this meeting of- ficers for the ensuing year will be elected and it is hoped there will be a good attendance of members and others interested in the work of the association. There will be a musical pro- gramme for the evening. PER.SON%I S THE WEST VAN NEWS I AULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL ~VEDDING OF I'UPILS INJURED IN,.i ~IISS ELIZABETH ELLIO'IT SLEIGH RIDE HA& E YOU TRIED OUR IIOME-ilADE CAKEST Saturday aud Monday SPECIALS The wedding of 41iss Elizabeth Ell iott, d augh ter of lIrs. 31. Gray, 978 Brough ton Street, Vancouver, to N. P. EValters, son of Captain and 31rs. lV. AValters of Deal, Kent. England, took place at Christ Church Cathed- ral on ~Ionday afternoon, Rev. Owen Darby officiating. Dr. E. R. Rowan of West Vancouver, was best man and Mrs. Rowan matron of honor. The bride looked charming in an ensemble of blue and rose with a corsage bouquet of pink roses. A recep- tion was held after the ceremony at the home of the bride's moth- er, 978 Broughton St., City. AIrs. IValters, who is a sister of WIrs. Rowan, is a former resident of )Vest Vancouver, and is well known here. Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and 11rs. H. A. Eager, 22nd and Ful- ton, and Jack Rahy, both pupils of Pauline Johnson school were badly inj ured yesterday w hen a sleigh on which they were rid- ing down the Inglewood Hill, close to the school grounds, came into collision with an auto driven by ~lrs. S. Griffis, of Vancouver. The accident occurred about 1 p. m. when the school children were enjoying the daily sleigh ride down the hill. The two victims were rushed to the North Vancouver hospital for treatment. Eleanor Eager, having a piece tom off her leg as well as having her shoulder and arm bardly wrenched. Jack Rahy had a broken leg and a broken arm. Tibby Rahy, who was steering the sleigh, escaped injury. It appears that ~lrs. Griffis, driving the automobile, was pro- ceeding along 22nd Street and though allegedly signalled to stop by some boys the driv- er misunderstood and continu- ed on her course, coming into collision with the three children riding on the sleigh. 19» 26c Del Monte Sliced Peaches. Quick Quaker Oats... Choice Cleaned Curranta, pkg. Lux Toilet Soap.... 2 for Ormond'c Cream Crackers per lb. Malkin's Jams (Assorted) 4 lb. tin ........ .. .... . .. 12c 13c 19c 63c i I I~ Igl„ll" '. Ig'( Phone IVest 318R3. %Vest Bay PROIIPT DELIVERY A Scotsman invited to a wed- ding, was told that each guest. would be expected to take a gold- en present. He took a goldfish. "If my net invention doesn' work I'l--" "4V-what?" "Have to myself." CANADIAN LEGION, lVEST VANCOUVER is giving A %V T DRIVE aalu DANCEA lightning flash lasts about one-millionth part of a second. in Dundarave Hall on Saturday, 9th February at Sp.m. PRIZES TICKETS, 50 Cents Proceeds for Building Fund. IIOI.LYBUI(N Barber Shop 15th dc i~larine EXPERT SEI(VICE E. MARSH, Proprietor A Special Prizeof 5 lbs. Nabob Tea has been donated by Kelly Douglas Co., Ltd. CAPILANO TIiilBER COiIPANY "From Forest to You " I".'RST, THE TIMBER IS FELLED IN QUR OEVN LOGGING CAMPS ON THE SLOPES OF CRQEVN IlIT. AND HAULED BY LOCOMOTIVE'QAVN TO QUR MILL AT TIDEWATER IN NORTH VANCOUVER. HERE THE LOGS ARE SAAVN INTO LU&IBER, AVHICH IS THEN SEASONED IN OUR DRY KILNS AND, FINALLY, FINISHED IN THE PLANING IlIILL. EVERYTHING NEEDED TO BUILD A HORACE EVEN TQ THE FAMOUS RED CEDAR SHINGLE ON THE ROOF IS llIADE RIGHT HERE. BY THUS KEEPING ALL THE VARIOUS OPERATIONS CONCENTRATED UNDER ONE ROOF EVE ARE ABLE TO KEEP OUR MANUFACTURING COSTS DOWN. YQU EVILL, THEREFORE, FIND WHEN BUYING LUMBER FRO'lI US THAT QUR GRADES ARE RIGHT AND OUR PRICES VERY REASONABLE. IT )VILL BE DELIVERED PROllIPTLY BY QUR FAST TRUCKS DIRECT: "FRQil FOREST TO YOU" ...&e a)i anO ".iIII rer 0...]t~. I I'OOT OF I'E41BERTON I'hone North 305. Night Phone; North 549L KILN DRY FIRE WOOD TRIlIMED ENDS FRQPI THE PLANING IIILL. lVE TRY TQ DELIVER PROMPTLY. A Big Cord Load !&3.50 THIS SLOGAN EVAS ADOPTED BY US AS BEST EXPRESSIiNG THE IDEA lVE AVISH TQ CQNVEY, NAMELY, THAT THE COMPLETE CYCLE OF OPERATIONS IN MANUFACTURING THE RA%'RO- DUCT INTO THE FINISHED ARTICLE IS PERFORiifED RIGHT HERE BY US. A. C. SEARLE Phone Ivest 9 Fuel and Building Supplies Probably 600 strokes are made per second by the wings of a fly l'hone North 30-1. After 6 p. m.; North 304K