001C96B7 ~ % ~ l~ THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUYER VVest Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th Sunday, February 10th at 3 p.m. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: 'THE GREAT RED DRAGON" Christian Science Society 4u Furnishings PIIONE WFS1'72 1110 IIARINE DRIVE 1'11ONE IVFST 3,2 CEIURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.SO a. m. and 7.SO p.m. Subject February 10th "SPIRIT" Iwdies Wool Hose, per pair....... 69c Ladies Silk i&. Wool Hose, pair &9c Ladies Vesta (Health Brand) Each ...................... 59c and 89c Ladies Flannelette Night Gown": Largw Sit.', ench.................. il.29S..'.: A -S hlen's Underwear, Shirts and Pants (Robin Hood), gar- ment ........................................ $2.2;ihlen's Winter Weight Combina- tions, garment ................. $ 1.49hlen's Work Sox, 3, 4 or 6 pairs $1.00hfen's Cashmere Sox, pair 45c-69c Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting wednesdayat 8.15 p. m. EVERYBODY AVELCOME Come to the Class on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you.'Voo ens St. Anthony's Church SIVIMi&IING CLUB TO GIVE VALENTINE DANCEpastpr--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. IVeek Days--Mass 8 a. m. Children's Sweaters from 95c up Children's Golf Hose from 39c up iVEST VANCOUVER SIVIIDIING CLUB On Ash wednesday Februai v 13th, there will be services at 10 30 a m and 7 30 p m THB I wish to announce that I am SOLE AGENT in IVest Van. for Newcastle Drumheller Coal, It has come to my notice that others have been advertising this coal, they cannot, however, deliver it, and such advts. are misleading. Publishers BOB BLACK. lith and Marine %Vest 17 The EVest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club is holding a St.1JnitetI. C lurch Valentine's Dance on Thursday, February 14th, from 9 until 1o'lock at Hollyburn Pavilion.A well attended meeting of the Next Sunday An energetic committee hasSt Stephen Ch ch ' d Ted Lming Club was held at the For- iAIorning Service--11.15 a. m. ~ chestra, who al.e well known totune Cup Inn last Friday evening Evening Servjce 7.15 p ~ . all dancers and Radio Fans.oth services wi]] be conduct- quinquageslma Sund (F b.finished the members enjoyed ed by Rev. J. S. Henderson D.D. 10). aild the committee piomlses tothemselves dancing. Mr. and Mrs. 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. have the Hall warm and comfort-T rner entertained with a short The subject at the morning 10 a.m.sunday School and able.prpgramme, which was ive]] re- service wi]] be "The Boy" »ld Bib]e Class This dance is being held at theceived by the members . 1 15 a. m.--Mo P ~ ~ request oorning l ayel. son iscusse - Father and Son 7.15 p™--Evensong. t' d bThere will be a pather and ing at 7.15 p™. The Son" service Sunday night wh' A.ath«s with their sons are alreadybee d d fJ. S. Henderson, D.D., assisted cordially invited to attend. a gqpd crowd is assured and aby 5Ir. Kenneth Beckett of the wonderfu] evening awaits thoseyIR OVERINGTON, THE University of B. C. Speci» mus- who attend.BARBER. ANNOUNCES ic will be rendered by the choir. Transportation wi]] be suppliedREIllOVAL ON 14th INST. to the City and Municipality aftThe annual Bond Campaign of er the dance.AND NO APPOINTAIENTS the Tiai] Rangers wi]] start nextyI gDE . 1; At the church committee heldMonday. This annual appeal is Monday night pIr. yVi]fre~ nlade to help carry on the wolk Hawkes was appointed envelope Puoiic SchoolMr. C. J. Overington w»he among the boys in B. C. and toinform the public that the bar- defray the expenses of theBoys'ershpp will be closed on Thu Parliament which is held in Vic- f Ho]]yburn SchoolF b ary 14th, owing tp to ' ar.to his new shop next "B 'ld'oy 'etter than EVpmen's Auxiliary will be Division 1--Grade 8aff II t Market in the d M ." next Tuesday afternoon in t e 1. Eunice Harrison, 2. Nancy Kearns,ine Drive, and also to announce 3. Barbara Al]iyork.t CBlF+Q T'nWoh h&s os@un rehegrs- "Division I--Crad gbhe will not be using the Phone D h als of the sacred cantata 'Olivet 1. Dona]d yVa]ker,to Ca]vaig" by Maunder, which 2. Archie MackenzieArthur B. Schulte. they hope tp give on Good Fri day night. Division 2--Grade 7af p Sunday School, 10 a. m. 5Ii]dred Let tner, Harry Jonespie are unab]e to keep appoint- Morning Service, 11 a.m. Library Board tp Meet and Effie Vickery (three tiedafter magi them--some Evening Service, 7.15 p™ ~ Division 2--Grade 7b&Veek]y prayer service eacli The monthly meeting of thewho came late perhaps cpu d no hV d da ~ at 8.00 . m. Hollyburn pub]ic Library Board . rgorie ~ 2. David Gray,1 ' th best first corn. B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 7.30 p. m. wil] be held next Monday night 3 Mar Bradshaw.All young PeoPle invited. in the Hollyburn School at 7.30 Division 3--Grade 6a first served. p. m when.officers for the cur 1 Id B hSCOTTISH SOCIETY yIEETS rent year wi]] be elected. All int-have done their part in support- NEXT FRIDAY crested in the library which is ' De property of the citizens of un Address by Mrs. Ritchie ~Vest Vancouver are invited tobring others with them. Our municipality would not be what it is today were it not for the Next Friday at the Clachan, E SOll.the members and friends of the IRISH CONCERT TO BE Division 5--Grade 5ahe]p one another and are still ~Vest Vancouver Scottish Socie- HELD NEXT 5IONTH dping sp ty wil] hear an address on "Little 2. Hertha Leth-Paulson,D 't f t th old system-- Known Corners of Scotland" to The Irish concert which was 2 Ilernjce Paten on t orge e o sys em- ' ~ . 1t t . 4V lk Do be gi en by Mrs. D. C. Ritchie. to be given by the Crosby gir s Division 5--Grad 5bnot leave it all to Friday or Sat- This is the regular meeting of the Kitsilano United C urc 1. Sydney Blaney. ~ ~ d ~ t h ]d ' Come night of the Society and a full in the )Vest Vancouver United 2. Alfred Charman,in the week time and support a&end»ce ot members is asked. Church on January ~ ~ 29th has Division 6--Grade 4a oned owin to the bad at reasonable prices for over B. C. ELECTRIC DRAMATIC weather, until Tuesday, March 1. A Geight years CLUB AVILL STAGE PLA Y 5th. The proceeds of this con- 2. H old Johcert will be used for community 3. Richard yVaugIn a big gloomy room, a man wprk. Division 6--Grade 4bNew Aviation Slogan: "Join sits in his chair, drowsing. The 1 ~ Kenneth Davison,the aviation and leave the earth.'u]], red g]ow of a fading f:re , ~ 2. Anna Pearson,casts fitful gleams on his face, ~ ~ Ip L '. Betty Hadwin.and sends tall, black shadows ) QhCe KO l, il ll lc Dtvtsio&t 7--Grade galeaping to the far corners. At 1. Elaine Kissick,the French windows a faint I. 2. Nata]ie Ratclffe,scraping, then, dim and furtive,,) eWCaST...e g. Gerald Hookham.a form glides in. Menacing ", 'ivision 7 Gi.ade 3bdeath, hovering near the slum- esses ass ass 0g I Do„glas g~attPublished Every Friday berer. H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVB A «d-up Englishman has a 3. Muriel 3ICCu]loch.taste for romance--adventure. Division 8--Grade 2aIVest 363 AVest 412L He gets it quickly. A ]ady of 1. Harold Graham,mature charms enters his lib- 2. Robbie Perryrary and faints in his arms. Soon 3. Dona]d Howieson.after another comes in and sits Division 9--Grade 2bBusiness and Editorial Office.-on his knee. 1 ~ Aubrey Corlan,1361 Marine Drive These and a hundred other in- 2. Mary Hodgson,Phone IVest 363 triguing situations are embodied 3. Henry Holliday.Mail Address: in the dramatic comedy "Captain Division 10--Grade 1ap. O. Boz 101, Hollyburn, B. C Applejack," which is being pro- 1. Jacqueline Patterson,duced as an inaugural effprt by g bb g~ohl ~9- Traggler 2. Raymond Noatun,the recently-formed B. C. Elec- apIjv ~Oa~ ~ I'. Lily Ferguson. Dlvisloii 10--Gi ade 1bThe production is schedu ed 1. Kathleen Davies,for wednesday and Thursda„, 2. Geoffrey Blaney,ADVERTISING RATES ON April 3 and 4, at the Avenue 3. Dorothy Messenger.APPLICATION Theatre. February 8, 1929. LARGE INCREASE IN PHONES There has been a large in- crease during the year 1928 in the number of phones on the North Shore, according to re- ports issued by the B. C. Te]e- phone Co. The number of phones in use in the three North Shore municipalities on 1st January 1928, was 3,468, while there were 3669 on that date this year oi'n increase of 201. There are 859 phone subscribers in 4Vest Vancouver and 2810 in North Vancouver City and District. Animal life ceases to exist in the ocean at a depth of one and a half miles. LOCAI ARTISTS AT PHILHARAIONIC CLUB An interesting programme was presented to a capacity audience, Saturday evening at the )Vom-en's Building, by the Philhar- monic Club i» its regular month- ly concert. AIrs. Colin Mac]can, soprano, de]ighted the audience by herartistic rendering of "Bid Me Discourse" (Bishop) which prov- ed par ticularly suited to the singer; "0 51io Babbino Caro,'Puccini),and "The EnchantedHour" (Reynaldo Hahn). Miss Helen R. Mac]can ably suppliedthe accompaniments. Chaminade's "L'Anneau d'- argent," Lully's "Bpis Epais" and "Amour, Viens Aidei~'SaintSaens) were effectively given by Mrs. F. X. Hodgson,with AIiss Dorothy Haddon atthe piano. Class Leaders Pauline Johnson School Division I. 1. Josie Leyland, 2. Betty Morrison, 3. May Ciipps and F]orrle kd wards. Division 2--Grade VIIa 1. John Kendrick, 2. John Sheffield, 3. David Spencer. Division 2--Grade VIIb 1. Robert Allan, 2. Margaret Saunders, 3. Kathleen Hodgson. Division 3--Grade VIa 1. Helen Ritz, 2. Enid Clements, 3. Iain Devlin. Division 4--Grade VIb 1. Dickie Lester, 2. Teddy Sheffield, 3. Harry Philips. Division 5--Grade Va 1. John Gordon-Moe, 2. Betty Moulton, 3. Co]borne Davis. Division 6--Grade Vb 1. Jack McLeod, 2. Marjorie Rivers, 3. Maiguerlte Cole. Division 7--Grade IVa 1. Phyllis Cree]man, 2. Oliver Burbridge, 3. Joan Sheffield. Division 7--Grade IVb 1. Sylvia Kyte, 2. Jack Ritz, 3. Howard Meraw. Division 8--Grade IIIa 1. Kathleen Jagger, 2. Jessie Ritz, 3. Joan Matthews. Dvision 8--Grade IIIb 1. Marilynn Donley, 2. Sheila Edwards, 3. John Little. Division 9--Grade IIa 1. Susan McLintock and Paul Jagger, 3. Constance Davidson. Divisio» 9--Grade IIb 1. Colin Jones, 2. Kenneth Gordo»-Moe, 3. Alice Grady. Division 10--Grade Ia 1. Bobby Kendrick, 2. Joan Sharman, 3. Dick Cree]man. Division 10--Grade Ib 1. Ralph Tipton, 2. Chico O'Kino, 3. Evelyn Turvey.