001C96B7 A Wee.z.y '.4ewsvaaei $ 1.00 per year. g~'I-~s~/~ps'egg I'pg s/gr DIsrri cr of H~est Vancouver-A rrsbleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave Cypress Parle, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. New@stands sc per copy Vol. III EIGHT PAGES HOLf YBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1929 No. 45 I.EG ION TO GIVE IVHIST DRIVE AND DANCE REGUI.AR IIEETING NEXT FRIDAY I'ENAI.IZING I'EOPLF IVHO DON'T VOTE Are You Fair to Your Home Merchant? The Canadian legion, IVest Vancouver branch, is giving a whL~t drive and dance in Dun- darave Hall tomorrow (Satur- day) starting at 8 p. m. There will be prizes, and a good time is assured to all who attend. Tickets 50 cents. The proceeds will go to the Building Fund, which has been started for the erection of a meeting house on the property recently purchased by the branch. 'I'he regular monthly meeting of the IVest Vancouver branch of the Can;idian Legion will be held on Friday, 22nd February, instead of on the 15th instant, In the Legion rooms. A full at- tendance of members is request- ed, as the question of'he annual masquerade ball on St. Patrisk's Day and other matters will come up for discussion. The ninth annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O.D.E. was held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Monday aft- ernoon, February 4th, with the regent Airs. lV. B. Small in the chair. The yearly reports from the various conveners showed that splendid work had been done in all branches. The secretary re- ported this as the best year the Duncan Lawson Chapter had had and the Financial Statement showed the raising of over $ 1,- 000 of which $45 is still on hand Low~ras the turnisliing ox h pri- vate ward in the North Vancou- ver Hospital. Regret was expressed at the loss of the Standard Bearer, Mrs. Pearson, who has so faithfully filled that office for 7 yeaiw. Mrs. Pearson has left to reside in Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Young, the indefa- tigable convener of the Shaugh- nessy Hospital committee, gave a wonderful report. The work done in this direction is of in- estimable value, and well worth everyone's hearty support. The child welfare committee under the leadership of Mrs. W. Gourlay, tried in every possible way to relieve distress in our midst and have had splendid suc- cess. This is a work the chap- ter hopes to be able to increase in the coming year. The Girl Guide report by Miss Villa McLean, was an inspiration and we feel very proud of our Girl Guides, Brownies and their leaders. Echoes, the Navy League, and the Poppy Day Relief reports, were equally encouraging and showed the interest taken in all branches of the work by the en- tire chapter. In the regent's address to the members Mrs. Small thanked them for their support in the past, and begged for a further- ance of that support for their loyalty and prayers in the great work that lies ahead in the new year. She also asked that they continually bear in mind the sig- nificance of their Baclge,and the motto of the order:-- "One flag, one throne, one Em- pll'e The election of officers and committees for 1929 was then taken and resulted as follows:-- Hon. Regent--Mrs. Almas, Hori. Vice Regent--Mrs. Johri Lawson. Hon. Sec. Vice Regent -- 51rs. Peter Wait. Regent--Mrs. lV. B. Small (ac- clamationn) . 1st Vice Regent -- 51rs. David AIorga ll. 9L'.'.,-~ . ~ i1IISS GiVLADYS iii. DAVIES Standard Bearer for Duncan Lawson Chapter I. O. D. E. 2nd Vice Regent -- Mrs. Bernard Hayes. Secretary--Mrs. P. C. Chapman (acclamation). Asst. Secretary--Mrs. AV.H. Leg- gatt (acclamation). Treasurer--Mrs. W. B. Forster. Echoes Secretary -- Mrs. Dono- hue. Educational Sec.--BIrs. Gourlay (acclamation). Standard Bearer--Miss Davies (acclamation) . Shaughnessy Hospital Commit- tee--Mrs. Young (con.), Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Leyland, Mrs. Al- len. Girl Guides Com.:--hIiss Me- Lean (con.), 5Irs. Donohue, Mrs. Leyland, i~Irs. Hayes. Private EVard Furnishing Com. --iAIrz. Small, ~i~s. &hapman. Child welfare Com.--ilIrs. EVait (con.),Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Gour- lay, airs. Leggatt. Representative to Navy League --SIrs. Ogilvie. Representative to League of Na- tions--iAIrs. David ) Iorgari. Councillors to Provincial Chap- ter--Airs. Small, illrs. iAIorgan, IIrs. Hayes. Councillor to National Chapter --The Regent of the AIunicipal Chapter, Airs. A. U. dePencier. After the sen,'ing of tea and the singing of the National An- them, the meeting acljourned. A illilitary IVhist Drive follow- «d by refrcwhmenL~ and music will be stageci hy the IVest Van- couver I.adies"hoir at thc.'lil- chan, 25th and Waterfront, to- morrow, Sat trrday, February 9th, play to start H.1~ p. m. The pub- lic are invitnl. Tickets may be obtained at th» door. Officers Elected by 1.0.D.E. Two or three attempts have been made in the United States to get a larger propoi&ion of the electors to the polls in state and national elections. There was no encouragement in what happened in 1922, when the first estimate was made in a non-presidential year. The total number of voters was 21 millions and the non-voters 37 millions. Last fall the total voters reach- ed 22 million, but the non-voters had risen to 40 millions. John Hays Hammond who headed the movement points out that the American showing has been considerably worse than Britain and Canada. In 1922 the percentage of eligibles voting in the parliamentary elections in Englancl and Wales was 88, while 70 per cent. of them cast their ballots in Canada in 1921.'n Australia there is a com- pulsory voting law and at the last election 94 per cent. of those on the lists went to the polls. A United States Senator even en- deavored to place an addition of one per cent. to their income tax payments for those who do not vritn. ~ e ~~'eeai TO RATIFY I'. G. E. AGREEMENT iVITH WEST VANCOUVER Legislation to be introduced In the I.egislature by the gov- ernment immediately will ratify the recent agreement between the Pacific Great Eastern Rail- way and the Illunicipality of IVest Vancouver, under svhich the municipality is compensated for the discontinuance of exist- ing railivay services. The legis- lation, it is understood, will re- produce the agreement fully and declare it valid. When money is slack; when work fails, when credit is needed it is the home merchant whom we seek for friendly service. He tides us over with credit; he charges no interest; he provides us with reliable guaranteed merchandise fairly priced. In short he "holds the bag for us." That is why he de- serves all our patronage in times of plenty as well as in days of stress. And isn't it a pity that there are many who use him only as a leaning post--to tide them over the slack days and use their cash to fill the coffers of the big town stores who would-n't trust them over night--with or mthout interest. We all need the local merchant. SVe need his confidence, his friendship. Our town needs his enterprise--the service he renders in handling only guaranteed, first grade goods that he is here to stand back of day in and day out. Let's give him our cash when we have it. Let's earn and merit the confidence he has placed in us and in our com- munity. Let's support him--we need him and he needs us, our trade, and our unselfish goodwill. BE FAIR. 'I'he local merchant--any one of them--is a distinct asset to the community. Just visualise the district without any stores, without any conveniences for supplying your household or other needs. West Vancouver would not, under those con- ditions be a very attractive place in which to live. Hence it is necessary for your own well-being as well as for the wel- fare of the district, that the local merchants be well supported. Think it over, and you'l buy your supplies in AVest Vancou- ver. BOARD OF TRADE TO HOLD SOCIAL ~1EETIibG OX 18th ~ ' ~~ j - $'P- &' + The next monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade will be held on ~Ionday, the 18th inst. at the Clachan. That night the business of the board will be rushed through and the balance of the evening will be of a social nature when the mem- bers and their wives and friends will enjoy some music and danc- rlg Refreshments will be served and President ~IcQuaker is ar- ranging to make this first Board of Trade social a very enjoyable evell t. TOTEilf POLES IiV STANLEY PARK CONSERVATIVE ANN UAI. II E ETING ADJOURN ED The annual general meeting of the IVest Vancouver Conserva- tive Association last Friday eve- ning»as adjourned owing to the inclemency of the weather until next Friday. 15th instant, at8'. m. in Ambleside Hall. It is requested that every member and others iritending to join thea~ration make a point of be- ing present. as the election of of- ficers will then be held. It is also hoped to make plan For the activities of the Associa- tion during the coming year. Co-operation and i rogress sin- ~The prosperity of a community is not measured by p~. ia-tion, but by its civic and commercial progress. A handful of workers achieve more than a city of drones. Team work is what counts in everything. A prominentfootball coach recently said:--"Give me a team of averageability who will ivork together, each with the other and allfor the team and I will win over any team made up solely ofind ividual stars." Individual ability makes great men--shining lights, butit is mass co-operation of energetic men of civic spirit, homepride and community enterprise that builds a town's progressand prosperity. i4Ien of this community, be ye more than mere residents--be citizens. The shirker says: "Let George do it." The worker says:"E,et me help."