West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Feb 1929, p. 8

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001C96B7 THE 4VEST VAN NEEVS G. E. HARRON Ol'ORTH VANCOUVER BURIED TODAYSmith s ~ rocery The death occurred on Tues- day at the family residence of George Edwin Harron, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harron, 123 Vic- toria Park '0'est, North Vancou- ver. The deceased, who was in his 25th year, had been ill for a long time. He divas born in Dauphin, Manitoba, anti harl been a resi- dent of North Vancouver for twenty years. Besides his par- ents, one brother, Arthur, and three sisters, Viola, Beta and Marjorie, survive him. Funeral set~ ices were held thi safternoon GOOD TIAIBER Wa Dellrer A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarare Hall. I'hone WEST 469 CHA N RED AS WHITE STORE SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY B. C. Pure Plum Jam. large tins 3Sc Sew -us Catsup, per bottle . 22r Del Monte Apricots, 2's, per tin 24c Libby's Pickles, bread and butter jar ....................................... 28c Royal Crown Sal Soda 2 pkts. 13c SPECIAL--TEA, per lb...,. 53c Red iC. White Brooms................ 59c Royal Crown Lye, per tin.... 9c Serv-us Toilet Paper ............................ 3 large rolls 25c Matches.............. 3 large boxes 25r Quaker Oats (china)............... 37c Domestic Shortening, pcr lb. 1Sc EXTRA SPECIAL--2 tins Peas 2 tins Corn, 2 tins Tomatoes All for .......................... 71r The tree that never had to fight For sun and sky and air and light And stood out ia the open plain, And aJivays got its share of rain, Never became a forest king, But lived, and died, a scrubby thing. The man who never had to toil, Who»ever had to win his share Of sun and sky and light and air, Never became a manly man, But lived and died as he began. Good timber does not grow in ease, The stronger wind, the tougher trees, The farther sky, the greater length; By sun and cold, by rain and snoivs, In tree or man good timber gl okvs, NORTH SHORE EVENTS Ol'ENS ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Splendid progress divas made in the first day's play of the North Vancouver badminton yesterday svith feiv surprises. Results .'Vomen'sSingles Miss Macnaghten beat Miss Ames 11-6, 11-3, bliss Gil Ibeat Miss M. Garnett 11-1, 11-1. Miss Ritchie beat Miss Cardin- all 11-3, 11-3. Miss Curtis beat Miss N. Gar- nett 11-9, 11-9. bliss McLaine beat bliss Bridg- man 11-8, 11-7. bliss Ward beat. Mrs. EVood- house 11-2, 11-9. bliss Geekie beat Miss Robert- son 11-8, 11-4. i11iss Geekie beat illiss Thomas 11-8, 11-8. Miss AleLaine beat Miss EVard 10-11, 11-8, 11-4. Miss Ritchie beat Miss Curtis 11-9, 11-1. Alen's Singles )Iacnaghten beat Kennedy 15- 14, 15-13. Jermyn beat Hooper 15-12, 15- 11. Dorchester beat Brimacombe 15-11, 15-8. Dalton beat Laine 15-9, 10-15, 15-9. Booth beat Bridgman 15-12, 15-14. Booth beat Dalton 15-10, 15- 10. Jermyn beat Dorchester 15-10, 11-15, 15-12. Alen's Doubles Siddon and Stewart beat Hooper and Hunt 15-13, 12-15, 15-10. Lennox and Cao beat Gil land Judge 4-15, 15-11, 15-4. Booth and Dorchester beat Hooper and Dalton 13-15, 15-13, 15-6. Cameron and Stevenson beat Ward and Dlacnaghten 15-2, 6-15 15-10. Phone West 190 FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS 9.30--10th St. to 25th St. 1'~ 30--Caul feild 3.30--10th St. to 25th Street. FREE -- 3 Prizes Tickets given with each purchas. Cash 8; C.0.0. Specials for one 9'eek IVomen's Doubles Miss Ritchie and iMrs. Booth beat Airs. Stoker and Miss Thom- as 15-9, 15-10. Mrs. and )Iiss Gill beat Miss Shakespeare and Miss Cook 15- 9, 15-9. Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. AVood- house beat Miss Ames and Miss M. Garnett 15-12, 15-7. Ali~ed Doubles Mrs. Lawrence and Jermyn beat Airs. AVoodhouse and P. Ward 15-11, 15-4. bliss Ritchie and Booth beat Miss Ames and Cao 15-3, 15-11. Miss M. Garnett and Lawrence beat Miss Cook and Simmons 15- 5, 15-5. Miss Robertson and Brima- combe beat Nr. and Mrs. Gi1115- 7, 15-12. Miss Thomas and J. Ward beat Mrs. Stoker and Siddons, w.o. Mrs. Cardinall and Bridgman beat Miss Macnaghten and Stew- art 15-6, 15-9. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy beat Mrs. Booth and Laine, 8-15, 15-8, 15-14. Miss M. Garnett and Lawrence beat Miss Robertson and Brima- combe 12-15, 15-9, 15-1. No. 1 STEEIt BEEF Boiling Reef, per lb............ Shoulder Roast, lb..... Sirloin Roast, lb...... 15c . 18c 29 ('s r Pork Legs (fore=.) lb... 20c NET ZEALAND illUTTON Ribs and Breast, lb....... 19(qc Shoulders, lb........ 21",qc Loins, lb................ 30c Legs, lb........................... 30c NET ZEALAND LAibIB Rib and Breast, per lb....... 23c Shoulders, lb................... 25c Legs, lb..................... 35c Loins, lb................... 35c Rib Chops, lb................. 35c Loin Chops, Ib ................ 40c APPLES--Rome Beauty ...............................6 lbs. 25c APPLES--Rome Beauty, ................................ Box $ 1 . 4 0 Cambridge Sausages 2 Ibs 25c EGGS--Pullet Extras 2 doz 69c Ay~hire Ham, sliced, lb........ 35c Daily Extra Specials ilONDA Y Stewing Beef......... 2 lbs. 35c Pork Steaks ............... 2 lbs 45c TUESDA Y Tripe, Fresh .......... 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Liver, lb........... 10c AVEDNESDAY Sirloin Steak, lb.......... 33c Shoulder Steak............ 2 lbs. 35c THURSDAY Head Cheese ................ 2 for 25c Hamburg Steaks, lb............ 17c FRIDAY Fresh Kippers Loggie's Haddie, lb. THE NOVELTY DRY GOOD STORE 2 lbs. 25c 17c See our selection of Party Prizes. Reasonable Prices and Appreciative Service. City Urchin (in the country for the first time): "This is just like grass, ain't it?" Little Friend: "Why, it is grass." Urchin: "No, it ain', 'cos you don't have to keep off it." DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD THIS YEAR? GET OUR PI ANS AND PRIOES. Terms of payment arranged to suit you. Marine Drive next door Seeds'rocery. DRY GOODS -- FANCY GOODS -- NOVELTIES February 8, 1929. QuaIity - Service - Satisfaction Ambleside. Phone IVest 303wo tores „.„,,„,„„„.„„„... Watch IVindowa for Everyday Speciais A NEW BUILDING A REPAIR JOB ~Ve can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatcp -- Fir Veneer -- Gyproc Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver Board Shingles -- l.ath -- Building illaterials West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone IVest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 368L. SAS]l, DOOl(S GLASS ant GLAZING [nterior Finish OF ALL KINDS Amb:esIc.e .I umber Co, tc.. illARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 Millitary Whist Drive RF'FRESHMK NTS MUSIC GOOD PRIZES By the West Vancouver Ladies Choir AT THE CLACHAN, 25th STREET SATURDAY, Feb. 9th, 1929, at 8.15 p.m. A DPI ISSION 50c. ,~on Can Save Gne 1i~ollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month "EVhen I pass away," said Mrs. Jones to her husband, "I want you to engrave on my tombstone 'There is perfect peace in Heav- en'." "EVould it not be better," said Jones, "to write, 'There was pej- fect peace in Heaven'" They were off to the races, and Ebbs was surprised to find his friend Smith cairn ing a cam- era. "He's always late." "Yes, it's inherited. EVhy, his father is spoken of as the late Mr. Brown." lV. TINNEY O'O. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Office, 142 Hastings St. IV., I'hone Sey. 194& Residence, foot of 20th Street Phone IVest 322 MONEY j'0 I.OAN'n First Mortgage at current rates. London R British North America Co., Ltd. blortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY