001C96AA THE WEST VAN NEiVS February 1, 1929. ',"'SAI~,',',I,I, . G S'. I RESCRIPTION S) ECIAI ISTS SATURDAY ance MONDAY SPECIALS $ 1.60 Meadows Protein Milk.... $ 1.3G ~ $ 1.00 Fountain Syringe attach- 25c Sedlitz Powders ............. 16c ~ lnents.................................. 89c $ 1 60 Benger's Foo&l . $ 1 36 26c Zinc St earate ............. 17c $ 1.60 D. D. D. $ L34 50c Rcd Pcpp.r Ointment....... 39c $ 1.00 iValco Liver Sa.'ts....,.... 69c $3.00 Guaranteed Hot Water 36c Colorite .............,.............. 24c Bottles .................................. $2.2G &1.40 Sal Hepatica ................... $ 1.25 I $ 1.60 Nerve Tonic ................. 98c Kepler's Cod Liver Oil and 25c Royal Baby Soothers....... 17c Malt ................ 95c and $ 1.50 hiodess .................................., 30c Dr. Black's Syrup Figs,.... 23c 10c Toilet Tissue............ 5 for 25c 36c White Linimont ..... 23c $ 1.00 Theatrical Cold Cream.... Ggc LESAGE DRUG ST+RE ',",'",'23 G. E. REID, IiIanager New Building--Corner DIarine and 14th. FAST DELIVEltY NO ORDER IS TOO SiilALL :.+SOKA iS Mr. Yorke, 16th a»d Esqui- nialt, who has been ill for some weeks, divas taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital on Tuesday. Jack Inglis, 28th and Belle- vue, who has been on the staff of Saf:-ways Store in Chilliwack. has been transferred to one of their city branches on Granville Street. Miss Marjorie Roberts return- ed on Saturday to her home at Roberts Creek after spending several iveeks on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. EV. F. Merrick, 21st and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. V. Nightingale of the Clachan Hotel, gave a house ivarming on wednesday evening, 23rd ultimo. A verpleasant tim was spent in sing- ing, recitations and dancing. Re- freshments were served duringthe evening. 0 AVhile the heavy snou&all has caused a gv.'at deal of inconveni- enc to many, it has been a soun.'e of considerable enjoyment to the younger people. The shouts of those engaged in rid- ing down some of our steep roads on bobsleds and toboggans have echoed throitgh the night air re- peatedly since the snow came. Some of the youngsters starting at iMathers succeeded in coast- ing all the way down to Belle- vue without a stop. Miss Patricia Archer, who is on the school staff at Court, Saskatchewan, is spending the school holidays with her parents Captain and Mrs. C. J. Archer, 11th and Inglewood. Miss Elsie Harrison of the loc- al staff of the B. C. Telephone Co.. is confined to her homo„at 17th and Haywood, with a severe cold. Mrs. Robert Lative, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. B. Robinson, 12th and Clyde,for the past five weeks, left last iveek to return to her home at Bui'na Lake. e e J. H. Cossey, 24th and Ottawa. is confined to his home through sickness. THE AMBLESIDE SERVICE STATION GAS OILS AiNTI-FREEZE h EROSENE RA DIATOR CEiiIENT TIRE REPAIR OUTFITS A Full Line of Shell Products PHONE )VEST 232. TED EENiXETT and BILL CRAIG, Props. A chimnev fii e broke out Mon dav afternoon at the home of T. Barnott, 23rd and Jefferson, The fiie bi&dgade tui ned out buttheir services were not required. No damage was done. 1 About a dozen of her friends gave a surpris=-, party to Mrs. Edmonds of Radcliffe Avenue, )Vest Bay, last )Vednesday even- ing.Pitman Baasiness College The Doctors Roberta and H Vass Ch» opractors whose office is on Marine Drive at Am- bleside, spent last ive k end in Seattle on a business trip. Mr. Pearce of Pearce's Dry Goods was taken to Shaughnessy Hospital on Friday evening where he is doing as well as can be expected. J. Stewart Brown who has bc~:-n residing at 12th and Duch- ess, has moved to 2312 Marine Drive. THE LITERARY SOCIETYIHE BURRAR9 lAJ)I),,K .4;)8 The society held its annual Burns meeting on Thursday 24th inst., when the members were favored with an exceptional treat. The president of the Burns Fellowship of Vancouver, Mr. A. Fraser Reid, gave a most interesting address on the poet, which was marked by learning, eloquence, and accurate appreci- ation of the position of Burns in the world of gr:-at human ideas. He followed this by de- scribing a series of lantern views ~vhich contained the principal portraits and statues of Burns and scenes c.onnected with his life, fitly ending with th~~ statue erected in Stanley Park, in whicn the organization with which Mr. Reid is connected was the chief moving spirit. The address was also illustrated with songs by Mr. Harry Duncan, for whose presenc=- on the occasion the so- ciety divas indebted to Mr. Reid. Mr. Duncan's rendering of six of the finest songs of Burns was remarkable as a feat. Even in the community songs the audi- ence pr=-ferred to listen to him in si!ent appreciation. One song,"The De'il's Awa"'hich is nev- er an easy one, was given with delicious abandon; but of course he won his chief triumph in "Scots Wha Ha'e." Mr. Ether of the High School, acted as ac- companist. Mrs. Sehvood gave a spirited recitation of "But Warily Tent"; and Mr. Lawson, who is at home in more tranquil poems, read McLachlan's Toron- to Ode to Burns with quiet pow- er. The evening clos:-d with re- freshments daintily served bythe lady members. Mirs. S. L. Davey gave a de- lightful tea on Monday afternoon at her home at 27th and Math- ers, on the occasion of her birth- day, some of her guests staying to dinner. In the evening some of her friends gave her a sur- prise party, wheln a very happv time was passed in games and music. 3h s. Davey was also tl.e recipient of several beauti- ful gifts in honor of the day. Those present were: Mr. and AIrs. H. Davey of North Vancou- v:-r; Mrs. A. Harvey Smith; Mr. and Mrs. H. Binning; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kemp, who have iwc- ently arrived from the old coun- try; Nr. and Mrs. A. Kent; M . and AIrs. Fred Huggins, DIr. and Mrs. Harry Huggins, Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Holden. )T'S PLAiN To FOLKS FRAN+ FAR. AN@ HE,aKWE'E NAKIHQ LAUNQRV lii 5YOQ.Y HARK ' George Baldwin, 22nd and Lawson, last week slipped and fell down the steps of his house, injuring one of his kneies. He is now, however, able to be out again. The .Eurrard Laundry Limited For I'eople Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. 6'est Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone lVest 410L Mrs. F. Stainsby spent the week end in West Vancouver, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt. D. EVillington, Senior, has re- turned to his home at 12th and Marine Drive from the Vancou- ver General Hospital, where h. underwent a serious operation. He is just about holding his own. The many friends of Mrs. G. D. Elgar, wife of the popular chairman of School Trustees, will be glad to know that she has fully recov.red from the sick- ness which kept her at home for some time. Mrs. I. A. Pearson, 14th and Waterfront, who has lived in West Vancouver for 16 years left here last Sunday night to take up resid=-nce in Toronto. Before leaving she was presented with a purse by the I. O. D. E. Mrs. Pearson has a large circle of friends and acquaintances in West Vancouver who will wish her every joy and suce;-ss in her new home. HARRON BROS. R O'ILLIA i%I SON gniiri al Qiri,ctars iVEST VANCOUVER LADIES CHOIRNorth Vancouver Parlors 122 EVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Pbnne Fair. 134 Conductor, Prof. J. M. Morgan Pianiste Miss M McIntyre The Choir consisting of 34 members are now happily engag- ed in an intensive study of the two Festival numb;-rs. Goop progress has been made in mem- orising the words and from now on till May, the finer points re- quiring the interpretation of the master mind, will be rehears;-d. Practice takes place in the Dun- darave Hall every Friday after- noon 3.30 to 4.30. There is still room for 6 ruore voices. Those desirous of b.coming members may get in touch with the Con- ductor, before 3.30 at the hall. A Military 9 hist Drive followed by refieshments and music will be staged by this Society at the Clachan, 25th Street and Water- front on Saturday, Fe bruary 9t h, play to start 8.15 p. m. The pub- lic are invited. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1147 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. In our issue of last week we stated that Mrs. J. T. Watt, 16th and Esquimalt, was one of the guests at a bridge given on Sat- urday by Mrs. T. AV. Story, AVest 8th Avenue, Vancouver. This should have been Mrs. J. AVatt, 21st and Bellevue. ORGANIZED FOR YOU R P ROTECTION. 2,700 Dairymen throughout the Fraser Valley, work together as one, to provide you with safe, clean milk. FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal 3 tables for I your pleasure Play a game of Their products are available to you through "the Dairy with the Highest Score." Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 NORTH 122 Brings a Camo Wagon to Your Door. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdate Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y CHET SHIEl.DS,",„'"„,.",;::„'.,„...,,„...„, Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI VI DUA I. ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL HT SCHOOL FOUR iVIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhIOUR 9135 This Week Specials Choice Gre:n Beans, par tin 15c Fry's Cocoa, 4 lb tin-" "" --. 27c Choice Green Peas.""." 2 for 25 Now Zealand Butter 3 lbs. $ 1.30 Chocolate Graham Biscuits, Reid's )Ieat Pies.... --.. 2 for 15c Sunkist Oranges 2 doz ~0c m&RI~IE GROCERY 22nd and 5larine J. A LLISON, Prop PHONE WEST 96 Pl(oill I'T DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Stocks Real Estate Insurance and LOans .. ]..:I.VA. Member of the B C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. llloring Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Vood Prompt Delivery. BE'I"I'ER BREAD We all want the utmost in value for the money we spend You get full value when you buy "STRATTON'S" Bread, Rolls and Pastries. Better than "Home-made" our customers say. STRATTON'S BAKERY iVEST 27 And our Delirery &lian will call. roti~~~0~ a 0 3HOIOG1PPHS Ive'Porn er THE King Studio X . V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046