001C96AA February 1, 1929. SKATING RINK II A DE AT ALIBI ESIDE I ARK B. C. TELEPHONE CO. BUYS IVHYTECI IFF LINE A public skating rink was made on IVednesday evening on the baseball diamond in Ambleside Park due t~ the efforts of J. E. Condon, Harry Normand, and J. 11. Reid. The two first named flooded the haroun.l from 4 p.m. to 9 p. m. and again at midnight. J. H. Re."d did the scraping witii his team. Telephone linea between Caul- feild and I Iorseshoe Bay and thence to Howe'n Island, Howe Sound, hav been purchaseJ from the Dominion Government »y the B. C. Telephone Comp- any. These have been incorpor- ated as long-distance lines into the general syst.m of the comp- any and rates on calls to thes. places have been reduced. The~e lines, which were con- structecl by the Federal Govern- ment,also carry government t 1- egraph messages as far as Horse- shoe Bay, and from that point the messages are transferred to the governm:nt lines which go north on Howe Sound. Reduced rates are immediate- ly effective on telephone com- municatIon to IIorseshoe Bay and Boiven Island. To th form- er the rate is 25 cents and 5 cents for each additional minut«, and from Bowen Island the rate is 30 cents for the first thm minutes and 5 cents for .-ach ad- ditional minute. The rate from Horseshoe Bay to Bowen Island is the same as from Horseshoe Bay to Vancouver. AIR. OVERINGTON, THE BARBER, ANNOUNCES IIEilOVAL OX 11th INST. AND NO KPI'OINT~IENTS ilADE FUNERAL BITES FOR ANDREW CRAWFORD HELD ON 5IONDAY IVith a large attendance of friends, last rites for Andrew Crawford, aged 21, who died Jan- uary 20, while hiking on Holly- burn Ridge, were held at 3 o'- clock last Monday afternoon in Harron Bros. R williamson's chapel, North Vancouver, under the auspices of the. 'Christian Science Church. Mr. J. 5IcC. Hill conducted the services and inter- ment was in the Capilano View Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ar- thur AIurc'n, Leslie Granger, Frank 5Iarsh, Joseph SIurch, James Jefferies and O. G. Bibbs. The deceased, who resided at Thirteenth and Fulton Avenue, was born in IVishart, Scotland, and had been employed by the AIitchell-Foley Co. of Vancouver. Besides his mother, he is sur- vived by his step-father; Mr. George J. iAIurch, a brother, Rob- ert, and a sister, Nina. Wreaths were sent by James Jefferies, A. Murch, The Typo- graphical Union, B. C. Mountain- eering Club, Alpine Club and Mitchell 8: Foley. Mr. and DIrs. )Iurch and fam- ily wish to thank most sincerely their friends and the many peo- ple in EVest Vancouver for sym- pathy and h:-lp in their affliction. Especially do they ivish to thank those men who so readily and willingly assisted in the search for their lost son and brother, and who endured so much hard- ship and inconvenience in so do- ing. They greatly appr;cia te this help and assistance. Suits, Coats and Dresses Dry Cleaned $ 1.RO up Quick Service M. WILLIANS 16th and llarine, Amhleside CUSTOii TAILOR CI.EANING AND PRESSING I'hone I%est 20 HEALTH SEIIVICE Our IIenlth Service is based on scientific principles which have been tested and proved. It covers all ills. Chiropractic ivil1 help YOU ROilIANC E, TH RI LLS AIAKE "LILAC TIAIE" A GREAT PICTURE Tender Love Story, Brilliant Act- ing by Colleen bloore and Airplane Fight Thrills A- rouse Fan Enthusiasm Mr. C. J. Uverington wishes to inform the public that the bar- ber shop will be clos«d on Thurs- day, February 14th, owing to moving into his net shop next to Jefferies illeat Market in the Wharton block, 14th and Mar- ine Drive, and also to announce that on and after Februaig 13th he will not lje using the phone for appointments. Owing to the inconveniences and the fact that many have not a phone installed and that quite a number of peo- ple are unable to keep appoint- ments after makiiig them--some who came late perhaps could not avoid doing so--I feel that the old system is the best, first come first served. I wish to thank all those who have done their part in support- ing me in the past and hope they ivi)1 still continue to do so and bring other~ with th«m. Our municipality would not be what it is today were it not for the old pioneers who have tried to help one another and are still doing so. Don't forget the old system- no appointments. Walk in. Do not leave it all to I riday or Sat- urday or extra holidays. Come in the week time and support the man who gave you good work at reasonable prices for over eight years. THE KVEST VAN NEKVS illRS. l'. X. HODGSON Vocalist and Teacher Whose Ladies'hoir will give a Concert "A Night in the Ori- ent" at Ingleivood School this evening. GIRL IS liNJURED IN SI EIGHING ACCIDENT .'iIiss Mary Van Zuben, 18, Twenty-fifth street and Mathers avenue, suffered a fracture of the left leg when a bobsleigh on which she was riding col)ided with another sled on Haywood hill, near Twenty-sixth street, at 10.15 p. m. 'Tuesday. According to reports made to police, the sleigh on which the girl was a passenger swerved to avoid hitting a small boy's sled and collided with another bob- sleigh. ALPIXISTS DISCUSS SKIIN G EXPEDITIONS AND VIEN'IOVIES The mountaineering activities of the Alpine Club of Canada. Vancouver branch, will be sup- plement=-d by skiing expeditions, if proposals made at the club's monthly meeting are adopteR. The memb"rs w~re the guests of Col. and Mrs. EV. lV. Foster at FIotel G-orgia. It was announced that improv- ed arrangements are being con- sidered for the organization of search parti s in the neighboring mountains, in case of emergenci- es. Plans were discussed for a pub- lic exhibition of mountain photo- graphs by the Vancouver section of the organization. I'ACIFIC STAGES AVANT TO DISCUSS TRAiiSI'ORTATION A letter divas received by the council on ~londay night from the 8. C. Motor Transportation Co. (Pacific Stages) asking that an opportunity be given them to discuss the matter of bus transportation in the municipal- ity, this in view of the fact of their understanding that the P. G. E. Railway would be discon- tinuing their service very shor'.- ly. The council met the repre- sentatives oi the company at a special meeting on EVednesda„'orning,but no definite decision was arrived at. The matter will be further discussed at a special council meeting tonight. HA% E 4 OU TRIED OI R 110&IE-ilADE CAKES? Saturday aud Nouday SPECIALS Granulated Sugar.. Toilet Rolls ... Roger's Syrup. 2's Nabob Coffee, 4 lb.. Fels Naptha Soap.. Pink Salmon ....... 6 lbs. 39c 5 for 20c .. 1Se 31c 3 For 2lc 3 for 23c ';I'.S';. A7 I~ ~pl"„II„,'., Ig'( I hone Nest 318R3 West Bay PROIII'T DELIVERY DU~CAW I DAWSON CHAI'TER I ~ O. D. E. The Valentine Dance Arranged for Next Wednesday, February 6th, has been j'OS 6?OII E ) indefinitely owing to the ex- tremely cold weather. CAPILANO TIiWIBER COilIPANY "From Forest to lI'ou " 1'RST, THE TIMBER IS FELLED IN OUR OWN LOGGING CA)IPS ()N 'THE SLOPES OF CROEVN )IT. AND HAULED BY LOCOMOTIVE DOWN TO OUR MILL AT TIDE%'ATER IN NORTH VANCOUVER. HERE THE LOGS ARE SAAVN INTO LUMBER, KVHICH IS THEN SEASONED IN OUR DRY KILNS AND, FINALLY, FINISHED IN THE PLANING MILL. EVERYTHING NEEDED TO BUILD A HO)IE FVEN TO THE FA)IOUS RED CEDAR SHINGLE ON THE ROOF IS MADE RIGHT HERE. BY THUS KEEPING ALL THE VARIOUS OPERATIONS CONCENTRATED UNDER ONE ROOF WE ARE ABLE TO KEEP OUR iAIANUFACTURING COSTS DOWN. YOU WILL, THEREFORE, FIND AVHEN BUYING LUAiIBER FROM US THAT OUR GRADES ARE RIGHT AND OUR PRICES VERY REASONABLE. IT O'ILL BE DELIVERED PROiiIPTLY BY OUR FAST TRUCKS DIRECT: 7HIS SLOGAN DIVAS ADOPTED BY US AS BEST EXPRESSING THE. IDEA EVE AVISH TO CONVEY, NAMELY, THAT THE COMPLETE CYCLE OF OPERATIONS IN MANUFACTURING THE RAAV PRO- DUCT INTO THE FINISHED ARTICLE IS PERFORi4$ED RIGHT HERE BY US. Consultation Free. Roberta',A. Vass D.C., Ph.C. Graduate of l'nlmer School CHIROPRACTOR I'hone West 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone %Vest 9 For FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone AVest 9 Fuel:Lnd Buildin p Supplies If love levels all ranks, it also overshadows even events of world import, so far as lovers are concern:d. And as most of the svorld is composed of lovers and all the world loves them, it is iiot surprising that "Lilac Time," First National's big new special ivhich comes to the Lons- dale, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday next with Colleen Moore as the star, enthralls by reason of the love story it tells to even a greater ext«nt than because of the world IVar background. First National has supplied u pictur«, perfn:tly directed by George Fitzmaurice, wherein i little French girl and an English aviator are the principals. Col- leen Moore is the girl, Jeannine, and Gary Cooper is the young ac«. Both coiitribute brilliant performances. "FROii1 FOREST TO YOU" Phone North 305. Night Phone; North 549I. KILN DRY FIRE WOOD TRIMiAIED ENDS FROiM T$ IE PLANINC ~IILL. iVE TRY VO DELIVER PROMPTLY. A Big Cord Load !'l3.50 I'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 30-lK P 1 . &e aa ano ..Ironer 0...1:i. I FOOT OF PEillBERTON