001C96AA THE AVEST VAN NEKVS February 1, 1929. A NIGFIT liV THE ORIENT AT INGI EiVOOD SCHOOL TONIGHT Council Notes THREES BI(x BASKETBALL GA ill ES NEXT TH URS DA YGrocery Specials W. J. Clifford wrote re forest fire menace caused by bush heaps beside the street in D. L. EI/i 558, Hlccks 19 and 20. He was advised that the removal of this brush is being attended to and that no trees growing on muni- cipal la»ds are cllt down without good reason such as the trees being a menace if blown over. lbb ext '1 hursday night the gym- nasium of Inglewood School ivi!I be the scene of much animation. The older scholars will be out in force Io root for their favorite basketball team, and the parents and friend» of many of them will be there to help them. There will be three games in the one even- ing at bargain prices;;idults 25 cents; children 1$ cents. The first garhe at 7.30 will be between, the Bantamso ivhen their game is finished the girls will tangle in a free for all. The final game will be the stellar at- traction. It is between High School students and Ex-High students. According to all re- ports this is going to be ivorth watching. If you want to see some real honest to goodness games get up to Ingleivoorl School next Thurs- day. You'l get a mighty good tivo bits'orth. Nevi I.a(tres Choir Heard at GREENWOOll'S for SAT U R llA Y nnd ~ION DA 1 '1'he fiist (oncer t to be given by the iiew Ladies'hoir under the direction of Mvs. F. X. Hodg- son will be held tonight in. the Ingleivood School auditorium."A Night in the Ovie»t." Thi~ &vill be a night of memories to many of us who heard and en- joyedd the operas in the good old days of loilg ago. The Geisha, Happy Japan, Chon Kina, Tile Int,:-vfering Pavvot, Yoho Little Girls, Under the Deodar, The Amavous Gold Pish, The Mikado, Tit Willow, Chin, Chiii, China- man--these and many other old favorites will be part of the pro- gl alii rile. The oi.chestra directed and ar- i aiig=d by Ml's. Klilght Hodge and composed of five pieces will be heard to good effect in these itenis. Proceeds of the concert will be us;d in supplying equipment for the Ingleivood School gymnasi- unio A special bus ivill 1;-ave the ferry wharf at 7.25 p. m. to go along Inglewood Avenue, past the school, an(l ori to 25th and Marine. It &vill leave the corner of Marine and 25th at 7.45 and return over Inglewood Avenue. There will also be a bus service after the concert. Oranges, Sweet and Juicy, .......................... 2 dozen lac Apples, good cookers 6 lbs. 25c NEW ZEALAND BUTTER Finest Quality .... 3 lbs. $ 1.3.i Soap, P. 6: G. Naptha;i bar: 24c Green Cut Beans (choice) ....„....,... 2 itns 35e Fry's Cocoa, 4 lb. tin........... 27c B. C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. 63c A lettei n as r ece~ved fr om the Social Sera rce Guild Council of Canada giving a resume of their work and asking for a grant of from $25 to $ 100. Th letter was ordered file(l.~ ~'&'.e &i~IIjto&.&&. S GROCERY J. AI. Sinclair wrote asking forthe construction of a paved r'oa(l fvom Marine Drive to Esquimalt on 19th Street, from 19th to 18th Streets on Esquimalt, and from 19th to 18th Streets on Duchess. The letter was ordered placed on the road's file for reference. IVe Deliver WVe~t 16 OUR NOTED Fruit Buns Minnie L. )Valker wrote the council in reference to the debt on her house on 24th Street. The clerk was instructed to furnish a statement of the account at an early meeting. AIeanwhile the matter divas laid over. The West Vancouver branch of t)ie Canadian Legion is giving a svhist drive and dance on Sat- urday, 9th February, at 8 p.m. in Dundavave Hall. The proceeds ivill go to the building fund. are specials on WEDNESDAY R SATURDAY H. J. Howard wrote requestiiig temporary employment. The matter was referred to the chair- man of the board of works. Edgar Crompton wrote asking for the removal of some large boulders on Esquimalt Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets. The engineer was instructed to report cost of removal of same. Trp out DATE itb-. NUT LOAVES I . G. E. BY-LA)V ADOPTED The West Vancouver Pacific Great Eastern by-law No. 402 received its three readings at the council meeting on Monday even- ing, and was finally adopted at a special meeting on wednesday morning. The by-law continues to the railway all their rights to the full, free, and uninterrupted and exclusive use, possession, oc- cupation and enjoyment of the lands held by them, irrespective of whether the company oper- ates the line or any part thereof. The company also retains its rights and privileges in respect of all the stre;ts ivithiiI, the mun- icipality crossed by the line. The railway can also retain its line or lines of railway, its buildings, ways, ivorks, and plant as before. Mrs. Dramaer's Scbool Board I/2435 ilARINE DRIVENext Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West S66 (DUNDARAVE HOME BAKERY) SCHOOL TRUSTEES ELECT COi~lilIITTEE CHAIRillEN At the initial meeting of the net Board of School Trustees held on Thursday of last week G. D. Elgar who was chairman in 1928 was re-elected chairman for the ensuing year. Committees iveve arranged as follows (the first named being chairman)-- Financ: B. R. Harrison and 3Irs. M. Robinson; Management: Mrs. M. Robinson and Mrs. Mo Selwood; Building: J. Edington and B. R. Harrison; Grounds: Mvs. M. Selwood and J. Edington. The engineer reported on: 1 R Silva-white's application for access to Lot 23, Block 24, D. L. 555, Marine Drive bet~veen 25th and 26th Streets. The cost of a cul- vert would be $ 14, which ex- penditure was authorized. 2. Robert McPherson's applica- tion for satisfactory drain- age to lower the water line 3 feet where the ponding oc- curs on his property on the Er/i of "V" D. L. 775. The cost of satisfactory drainage would be $ 140. The matter was laid over. In business in West Van 8 Years C. J. Overington 14th and i~larine a~I':ie~I'or appointment PHONE AVEST 135 AIrs. H. D. Southam and child- ren are returning to West Van- couver tomorrow to take up r:-s- idence at their house, 21st and Argyle. Mr. Southam, who was vice-presiden t of Hollybunr School but is now taking a spec- ial course at the University, wiiI spend the week ends here until his cours is finished in April. Wm. Sagar There ivill be a special meet- ing of the Board of School Trus- tees next Thursday, February 7th, to consider estimates for the year. The %Vest 4'an Jeweler Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing 1522 A1arine Drive John D. Bell was re-appointed a member of the town planning commission for the year ending October 1929. The regular meetings of the Board will be held on the sec- ond and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7.30 p.m. in the Inglewood School. CEAIErERY BOARD APPOINTEDThe junior basketball team of the high school defeated the North Vancouver high school juniors in the North Vancouver drill hall on Wednesday after- noon by a score of ~0 to 6. The same afternoon the high school bantams lost to the North Van- couver bantams by a sore of 15 to 19. The council appointed as a board of cemeter~ trustees for the period Januar~ 1929 to Jan- uary 1930, the following: Reeve Vinson, Councillors D. Morgan and R. Fiddes, George Hay and Albert Chilton. Trustees Mrs. Robinson and J. Edington will represent the AVest Vancouver Board on the Joint Committee of North Shore School Trustees. HOLLYBU RN Barber Shop 15th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor GEORGE GRIGOR A deputation representing the Anglican Church, the Baptist Church, and the United Church. waited o~ the council on Monday night in reference to the exemp- tion of certain church properties from taxation. The municipal erigineer was instructed to list all local houses of worship, the lots they stand on, adjoining church owned lots if any, assess- ed value of each lot and the name of registered owner of such lot, and to present same at the next regular meeting of the council. Wishes to announce that he has been appointed WEST VANCOUVER REPRESFVTATIVE of the Today the new entrance class- es were registered at the public schools. This being the first day of February the young entrants were lined up preparatory to reg- ular ivork starting on AIonday. Should the parents of any six- vear-old children have failed to take them to the school today thev mav register them on ilIon- day morning. MONTREAL LIFE INSURANCE COibl PAN Y A &OO~/i Canadian Ccmpany whose Policy is to make regional invest- ments proportioned to the premium deposits. HELP BUILD YOUR CO&DI UNITY BY TAKING liVSUltANCE tUith 'HE FRIENDLY COMPANY" 1410 lfarine Drive Seymour 667$ Even though the woman has aband- oned hat pins man still gets stuck. Mij.j.itary Wh.ist Drive RI=FRESHME NTS MUSIC GOOD PRIZES By the West Vancouver Ladies Choir AT THE CLACHAN 25th STREET SATURDAY, Feb. 9th, 1929, at 8.15 p.m. ADi~iISSIOi4 50c. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. 5ifemt Door to Royal Bank NU-BONE CORSETS, SURGICAL BELTS, BINDERS LINGERIE and HOSIERY Art Needlework, V'ools, Novelties Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars, Socks. BUY HERE! SAVE YOUR AIONEY. See Oar Sale Windows for Very Special Bargains. LOCAL CHURCHES SIX YEAR OLD CHILDREN ASK TAX EXEAIPTION START SCHOOL TODAY ~ j-ee- An Auto Strop Razor to earh purchnset of a packet of Auto Strop Blades at regular price of 50c. The supply is limited. Keep your hands soft and white this cold weather with GEM MILL'S EIAND LOTIOVo It is Extra Good Value nt 25c WEST VAN f'HARMACY The Store of Service Qe Deliier Phone IVest 37 ilIISS EVA SELBY AND DR. IVILLIAiAI URE hlARRIED SATURDAY Son of AVest Van. Residents. A wedding of considerable int- er=-st took place on Saturday, the 17th ultimo, when Eva A., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Selby of Nottinghamshire, England, became the bride of Dr. william Ure, son of Nr. and Mrs. A. EV. Ure, 24th and Kings. The ceremony took p)ace in St. St'ep- hen's Church, with Rev. Harding Priest officiating. The bride has been residing for the past few years in Pasadena, Cal., while the groom is a member. of the chemistry department of the University of British Columbia, since taking his Ph. D. at the California Institute of Technol- ogy. He was formerly a mem- ber of the undergraduate body of th'e University of B. C. Alice blue was the color chos- en by the bride for her wedding gown, the material fashioned with three shirred flounces at the front. The form fitting bod- ice was finished with a cape col- lar and long cuffed sleeves, the neck being cut lower at the back than the front. She wore a close fitting grey hat and carried a bouquet of Russel ros="s and pink carnations. Attending her as matron of honor was Mrs. T. Cutler, wear- ing orchid moire silk, cut with a full skirt falling at the back. A georgette coat made a pretty'inishto the costume, with which she wove a black picture hat and cavri'ed Ophelia roses and yellow snapdragons. Mr. Duncan Fraser was best man while the ushers were Nr. Thomas Cutler and Mr. Ber t Thompson. After the ceremony a recep- tion was held at AVhaysbur~, 24th and Mathers, the horn'e of the groom's sister, Mrs. L. R. Ajello. Mrs. Ajello assisted in receiving, wearing a beige and brown lace dress with brown vel- vet girdle and brown roses and f:-1t hat matched in color. Mrs. Ure, mother of the groom, chose a grey and silver ensemble with large black hat. After a shcrt honeymoon Dr. a»d Mvs. Ure will reside in Uni- ..~ versity Lodge. B. C. ELECTRIC CARRIED 2,130,08-i PASSENGERS The B. C. E. Railway Company reports that in 1928 there were 1,932,983 fares collected on the company's thre. North Shore lines and 197,101 passengers travelled on the North Shore lines on transfers issued in Van- couver,a total of 2,130,084 pas- sengers for the year. In 1927 there were 1,944,227 fares collected on the North Shore and 189,249 passengers travelled on transfers issued iri Vancouver, a total of 2,133,476 passengers for the year. The year 1928 shows a de- crease of 3392 passengers as compared with the year 1927.