West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jan 1929, p. 7

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001C96A2 January 25, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADSsad tragedy on the Ridge, and,further, that the Council at this sad time cannot but express their pride at the unhesitating response of the younger resid- ents to the call for aid in search- ing while hope remained by day and night the snow covered slop- es and ravines for their missing comrade. VU BONE CORSEI'IERE--Mrs. hfar- ling--Mornings at your home. After- noons, 17th and Marine. Phone AVest 224. Next Royal Bank. LOST--Pair of Child's Glasses in ease. Near Pauline Johnson SchooL Phone West 77L. FOR EXCHANGE--We hare several houses in the city to exchange for West Vancouver houses. Phone at once to hfr. Sutton, West 63R2. Gillespie, Hart Ec Todd, 418 Pender West. Phone Seymour 9380. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mrs. and i~lr. i~lurch and family in the sad passing of Nrs. Murch's 21-year old son, Andrew Crawford. And- rew went up Hollyburn Ridge last Sunday morning. Not having returned on Sunday night his family divas Bomewhat perturbed but thought that he had en- countered conditions causing him to spend the night in one of the many cabins up there. On Mon- day morning, however, his con- tinued absence made them an- ticipate some accident and Mr. Murch got, in touch with the police about 9 o'lock in the morning. Nothing was done un- til Bill Russell and Robert Nor- mand frere told of his stepson's disappearance by Nr. Murch at noon. These two immediately set out for Hollyburn Ridge to search for the missing man but finding Tio trace returned hoping that he had got back. Learning that he was still missing they started off again on another trail telling Mr. Alurch that if unsuccessful this time they would organise a reg- ular search that (Monday) night. within one hour of their second return a search party of about 25 was organised. Mr. Paterson, principal of the High School divas asked to get in touch with some of his older pupils and ex-pupils who knew the hills. Most of the searchers got up from their supper tables after a day's ivork and spent that night on the Ridge. They met at Ambleside about 8 p. m. and divided into six parties each taking a small flask of rum and a first aid kit. Arrangements were made for signalling in case Crawford should be found. The uppermost thought in all minds divas the necessity of quick action, hoping against hope that the missing lad might be saved from a second night's suffering. These searchers spent the en- tire night searching the hills and many of them who came down early in the morning started off again right after breakfast. By this time other agencies had got into action. The B. C. Mountaineering Club and the Canadian Alpine Club members organised search parties and every nook and cranny on the Ridge was thoroughly searched. On wednesday afternoon a- bout 2 p. m. a party of four EVest Vancouver boys, R. F. F. Robin- son, Albert Hawkes, George Stack and ('. Court discovered the body in the bed of the east fork of Cypress Creek at the western extremity of Hollyburn Ridge. According to the boys and to members of the main search party that arrived on the scene a few minutes after the discov- ery, Crawford's hands were bad- ly lacerated from his efforts to claw his way up the steep bank of the creek. From marks on the bank he had slipped over its edge and then succeeded in creeping back to the top, only to slide back from exhaustion. He also had a cut on his head, but this wound was receved about two weeks ago in an auto accident and ap- parently reopened by his frantic efforts. However, all searchers agreed his injuries frere not of a serious nature and the cause of death was exhaustion and the intense cold. Death probably took place Sunday night. The names of some of the lVest Vancouver men taking part in the search were: Harry Dixon, Hob Parkyn and brother, R. A. Fraser, Hany Normand, George Smith, Jack Normand, Bill Reid, Bobby Seeds, Rex NcLean, 5I. Romans, F. Patterson, J. Con- don, J. T. 1Vatt, Bill Jessop, A. Duncan, P. Blower, B. Russell, blue Ford, ~V. Russell, T. Russell, R. Normand, A. lV. Kruger, R. F. Robinson, Albert Hawkes, George Stack and G. Court. There were several others whose names we were unable to obtain. The remains are now at the undertaking parlors of Harron Bros. and ~VHliamson of North Vancouver where funeral serv- ices will be held at 3 o'lock next i~londay afternoon. Interment will be in the Capilano View Cemetery. i~fr. J. 1lcC. Hill of the Christian Science Society will read the burial service. DRESShfAK IiVG WANTED -- Ladies and Children's work done. Mrs. Davies. Phone West 197L LOST--Near 11th and Duchess, piece of notepaper on which is mritten some recipes. Please phone west 635L. GIRfi (15 or 16) WANTED to hfind Children tmn af'ternoons a meek. Phone West 447Y. lVANTED TO RENT--Piano by the month for Ambleside Hall. Geo. Hay, Phone West 17. HE IS YOUR FRIEND lf he gives you recognition When your clothes are patched and tom, lf he comes to see and cheer you When you'e lying sick and morn, If he takes your hand and lifts you up When you'e on the downward track, If he says the same things to your face That he says behind your back, If when odds are strong against you, Ife fights for you to the end; Bind him tightly to your heart- For that man is your friend. NE%hlAN 4 ROBBINS Contractors Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1. SCHWEPPE8 LEhfOVADE CAV- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambi&side Tea Rooms.3- (oomet CottageCOUNCIL THANKS VOLUNTEER SEARCHERS FOR LOST HIKER WEBB'S SHOE REPA I f4S &V EA R BEST--Dundarave. FOR SAL~ray Wicker Baby Car- riage. Lloyd. Condition as nem. Snap price. Phone AVest 356L On hfarine Drive. 60 ft. Lot, cleared, one block from Ferry. $ 1,000. For Quick Sale on Easy Terms. At the meeting of the Council yesterday the following rmolu- tion was carriyd unanimously: THAT a lefter of public ack- nowledgement and of apprecia- tion be sent to the H. C. hloun- taineering Club for the splendid services rendered at the recent Fire Insurance -- hfoney Io Loan GEO. HA.YSo many men take pride in beingcalled hard workers. I prefer to be called an easy worker. I know some easy workers who accomplish much. Let us judge men by their accomplish- ments, not by the may they work. WANTED--A Girl fpr Housework. Sleep out. State age, wages references to Domestic c o IVest Van hewsNotary Public 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone %'est 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone IV. 32R or W. 204X PHONOGRAI'H FOR SALE--Console Mahogany. Good tone. Good con- dition. $50, cash or terms. West 325L. Annual Burns'upper Tomorrow RADIO--One 6-Tube All Electric Set complete with tubes and speaker, $ 160.00; also one 5-tube Battery Set complete $65. North Shore Electric (G. A. Broder. Prop.) 1640 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. (Largest on the ihorth Shore). FOUR ROO&f COTTAGE -- AVater, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view. Lot 76xl29; $850, terms. WEST VANCOUVER INVEST- MENT COY. West 102. The fifth annual Burns'upper under the auspices of the IVest Van- couver Scottish Society will be |i ~ g,, held in the Ing lewood School Auditorium to- morrow (Saturday) night. The Burns'elebration is one of the great events of the year to Scotsmen throughout the world and as West Vancouver is the home of so many of them it can reasonably be expected that the auditorium will be crowded to capacity. It is not only the Scottish people, how- eveI, who attend these suppers. At nearly all of them there is a good sprinkling of people of other nationalities, admirers of the famous bard, who wish to do honor to the Immortal Memory. Such people will be given a hear- ty reception by the hosts. SEWING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. Whimsical Review RADIO--hfarepni and Stewart-Warn- er, Batteryless, demonstrated at our shop. Before buying a radio see these. West Van. Electric (Jack Paterson). The Chicken Coop A fresh young fellow, who was driving a coupe, hung out the following sign on the rear of his car: "Lost and Straying Chick- ens, Here's a Welcome Coupe." WINDOIV BLINDS--Made tp order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144... TOAST LIST. ~ TO BUILDERS--I have several good building lots, within five minutes'alk of ferries, which I will sell to builders on terms to suit their re- quirements. Address, P. O. Box 305, Hollyburn. Lucky Aunt hfay Mummy, has Aunt Betty got a little baby? Yes, dear. Has Aunt May! No, she has a little dog instead. Oh, I suppose she had first pick. THE KliVG Mr. R. Reld COD SAVE THE KING LANDSCAPE and General Gardening Rock Gardens. Luy and 0~ment l Pools Lawns Rustic cwork Fencmg Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Prun- ing. Spraying. Painting and Ealso- mining, Repairs. R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172X1. THE IMhlORTAEi hfEhIORY Capt. Ian MacKenzle, M.LA,. SONC dc CHORUS--"There waa a Lad," Mr. R. I. McDougall CAiVADA hire. W. Craig COMPANY--"0, Canada" SONG--"Spinning Wheel"........................... Mra. W. H. Leggatt Reply by Rev. A. Harding Priest BOiVNIE SCOTLAND Mr. Cordon Rcbson 5laybe Natty--"I wonder if Professor Kidder meant anything by it?" Charlie--"By what?" Natty--"He advertised a lec- ture on 'Fools'nd when I bought a ticket it was marked, 'Admit One.' HEMSTITCHING--Plain.. «hite 5e yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and hfarine. Phone West 144.COMPANY--"Bonnie Banks O'och Lomond" RECITATlON--"Tbe Cotter' Saturday Night .............. hlr. W. R. Dunlop, F3t.~. Reply by Mr. W. hlcNelah TH E LASSIES hlr. W. S. htitchell R. P. Clark E- Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. CLIEVT will trade property valued $2500 for moderate sige modern home, about $3500 and arrange dif- ference. His Big Lesson Lots of reading on it, he observed, as he perused the text of the bond application with great interest. Huh! remarked the clerk with the paper. I'l bet you didn't read your marriage license that carefully. hfaybe not, was the reply, but ever since I signed that I'm reading every- thing. COMPANY--"Annie Laurle" SONG--Selected....................................... htra. S. Cardiner Reply by hydra. Selwood OUI& GUESTS Mr. R. Rcid OWNER of modern city home will consider exchange for West Van- couver home. Advise particulars. SNAP within f'ew blocks of the ferry at $2650 on terms. Concrete founda- tion. Fireplace. Bathroom. Good basement. Garden. View. List your property with us for sale. PIANOFORTE SELECTION..........................., .......Miss Frame Reply bv Reeve Vinson AULD LANG SYNE Accompanist: Miss Frame Chorus Leaderi Mr. J. Mitchell R. P CI XRh 4 CO LTD 790 Dunsmuir St. Se) mour 74S4 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 2o~. The illajority illodel SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION "Yes, my friends," said the theological lecturer, "some ad- mire Moses, who instituted the old law, some, Paul, who spread the new. But after all, which character in the Bible had the largest following?" As he paus- ed, a voice from the back bench shouted, "Ananias!" East and IVest, who ivill attend the supper. At the Gnish of the supper spet.ial busses will be ivaiting at the school to carry the people to their different homes. The upper level bus will make its regular trip leaving the ferry landing at 6.50 p. m. and &vill re- turn to the starting place and again make the trip for the con- venience of those both from the FOR EXCHANGE Six Room Stucco Bungalow. Fully modern. Full cement basement. Three choice acres, practically all cleared, overlooking Burnaby Lake and adjoining Douglas Road. Half acre in Strawberries; Orchard; one acre underdrained. Price $5,500. O~wer mill accept clear title modern bungalow, value up to $3500 as part payment. Among Us Girls THE DANCE STARTS 8.30 p.m. on SATURDAY, February 2,nd, at Hollyburn Pavi1ion Is your boy friend a lady killer T I'l say he is--he starves 'em to death. A Difference of Idea BUCK and HARRY will be there. GILLESPIE, HART i% TODD Local Representative hlr. Sutton. West 5SRo This one concerns a certain Scottish professor, named Kerr. One day, ivhen he was out with a friend in the country, a bird flew in front of them and the friend queried the .:pecies. The professor said it was a woodcock. The friend doubted it and said, "Oh! that's not my idea of a ivoodcock." "No!" said Kerr, "but it' God's idea of a ivoodcock!" At the baby star wampus ball you will be enteI&ained by those clever little PERSONALITY KIDDIES xvhostole the shosv at the Capitol Theatre on Xmas iveek, and BARRY the AVOND- ER DOG of the )Iovie Land will perform. Each dollar ticket en- titles tivo to the campus Ball as well as a chance on one of the five baby star pups to be given away. Barrie, the wonder dog, is the father of these. If you ivin a pup and don't want to keep it you may change it for a cash prize. FOUNDATION AND CEhfFVT Work Landscaping, Lawns, F enc in g. Drains, Rock Walls, Clearing, Grad- ing, Septic Tanks. T. Barnott, West 872R. Victim of Ridge Tragedy To be Buried on Monday