West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jan 1929, p. 6

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001C96A2 THE AVEST VAN NEKVS January 25, 1929. i'J 3 ~ )L :.%SO.N A ..SI'RESCRII'TION SI'ECIALISTS SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS 60c Ivild Cherry Cough Syrup 18c 46c Colgates Tooth Paste ...... 31c 300 EIOT IVATER BOT- 2oc htinard's Liniment ............ 19c TI.ES, Gunrnnteed26c Boot's hIeloids...... 2 for 36c 16c Toilet Tissue ........ 2 for 25c 60c Bridges Lung Tonic.......... 38c10c Baby Bottles.............. 4 for 25c 26c Bromo Quinine Tablets 2 for 3-1c60c Bronchitis Syrup ............... 38c 60c Bronchitis Salve ............... 39cMusterolo ........................ 35c R 6,ic 60c Rikers hlilk of Magnesia.. 39c66c Liquid Petrolatum, 16 oz... 43c ~ $ 1.00 Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 86c LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"',",', 323 G. E. REID, hlanagerNet Building--Corner l/larine and 14th.FAST DELIVERY No ORDER IS TOO ShIALI, ~IchIrllan 25th and pa]merston, had a narrow escape frominjury on Monday morning, whe»his car skidded into the ditch on25th Street from the slipperyroad. As luck would have it, Mr. 5IchIillan was riot hurt in any- ivay, and no damage was done '.o hrs cal'. Mrs. C. H. Jo)inston 27th and Nelson, has lier mother, Mrs. T. A. Dlills of Nelson, B. C., visiting her. It is expected that Mrs. 5Iills ivill stay for some xveeks. WIrs. K. 4V. Savory, 29th and Nathers, has just about recov- ered from her long illness. Her son is also much better. Colonel Savory has shoivn some im- provement but will be confined to the house for some time yet. 5Irs. Cramond who operates the store at Sherman, is confined to her home by sickness. The 5Iisses Simpson a»d Har- rop are occupying their cottage at )Vest Bay throughout the win- ter. Hitherto they have stayed here only in the summer months. Nrs. Elfstrom svho lives in the Hay Block was the winner of the five bags of coal given last week by Lunn's Cafe to the lucky pur- chaser of fish and chips from their store during the week. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson entertain- ed on Sunday afternoon in honor of her sister-in-law, Nrs. C. B. Garland, who is visiting here from Nelson, with her small daughter, Gwen. Among the guests were Mr. T. Garland, Nr. and Mrs. H. B. Garland, 'r. Cyril and Mr. Ken Garland, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. C. B. Garland and Gwen. Nrs. Frank Johnston formerly of West Vancouver but now of the city, is in hospital in Vancouver suffering from an at- tack of scarlet fever. Her little child is bei..g looked after by )Vest Vancouver friends. Mrs. J. T. Watt, 16th and Es- quimalt, was one of the guests at a bridge given on Saturday by Mrs. T. 4V. Story, EVest 8th Ave., Vancouver. Miss Joan Durbin, 20th Street, is one of the artists on the pro- gramme to be given tomorrow in the AVomen'3 Building auditori um, Vancouver, by the advanced students'ection of the AVomen's Musical Cluh. Miss Durbin ivill be heard in two songs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunlop of Vancouver are moving at the end of the month into one of the suites in the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive. Mrs. Dunlop is a EVest Vancouver girl, having been before her marriage, Miss Edna Nerrick. V. O'rady, 21st and Esqui- malt has returned from the North Vancouver hospital and is much benefitted from the treat- ment he received there for an injury to his leg recently sus- tained by him while working ori the Marine Drive extension. Rev. and AIrs. Harry Ber'i:y, now of South Vancouve', but formerly of iNortlake, Sask., were visiting last week AiI)'. anti Nrs. Joe Tite, 16th and Marine Drive. The.'ere accorr panier by Miss Olive Forman of Mort- lake and Mrs. W. Clarke. wife uf the mayor of that towri, where Mr. and Nrs. Tite lived for a number of years previous to coming to AVest Vancouver. Mrs. Clarke divas greatly impressed with the beauty of AVest Van- couvei', hlrs. R. G. Cooke, 1202 Duch- ess St., recentlv received a postcard from the radio statin» in Tokyo, Japan, verifying a re- port she had sent them thatearly in the morning of 30th of nov- ember she had got their station on the air. The music camethrough beautifully clear. iNr. and Mrs. 4V. M. Hicklen-ton of Vancouver last iveek mov- ed into D. C. Ritchie's hnttse at28th and waterfront. Niz. J. ilIrtchell of Long Bay,Gambier Island, is visiting herfather, 4V. S. Davie, 15th and Gordon. THE AMBLESIDE SERVlCE STATl0N l'„8:S - ~ ~~3:S - C-,AiNS Locktite Radiator Cement ilIaple Leaf Anti-Freeze. kerosene. A Full Line of Shell Products PHONE WEST 232. TED KENNETT and HILL CRAIG, Props. Nate G B EVanen of the fer- ry staff, returned to duty or wednesday after t~vo weeks'b- sence due to sickness. The truck of the Vernon Feed store and J. Thomson's new auto were in collision on Monday mor- ning at the corner of 14th and Marine Drive as a result of the icy condition of the roadway. The back of Mr. Thomson's car was pushed in and one of the doors sprung. Fortunately no- body was h»rt. Nrs. williams and daughter, have moved into Nrs. K. Kirk's house on Inglewood between 23rd and 24th Streets. On Saturday morning in the King Edward gymnasium the junior girls and the boys junior team will each play a basketball match, the girls against North Burnaby and the boys against Richmond. Mrs. N. Gray, who has been staying for sometime with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Rowan, 26th and Nathers, has gone to the city to reside. DR. VASS IGVOCKED DOWN BY AIUNICIPAL BUS The many friends of Dr. Rob-erta Vass, the Ambleside Chiro- practor, will be glad to know that she has sufficierjtly recovered from her shake-up, through be- ing knocked down by one of the municipal busses, to be back ather office oa Marine Drive. Dr. Vass who had been visiting one of her patients divas waiting to board the East bound bus at 23rd and Marine Drive about 9o'lock on Monday morning. The bus when almost at a standstill skidded and knocked Dr. Vass to the ground. She sustained several bruises and was badly shaken up. IE BURRAQD ;AJIII) W .4:.,)8 L4&NDRY jT S PLAIN TO FOLK~ FRAN+ FABIAN@ HE,PK WaRE NAKlHQ LAUNDRYa t4tsvoav HERY "le .3urrar~ '.amry Limital For People IVho Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS'EAAI )VILL GIVE TEA The girls of the basket ball team of the AVest Vancouver High School are giving a tea next Wednesday, January 30th,at 4 p. m. in Inglewood School. The proceeds will be used for transportation expenses. Every- body svelcome. Admission 25c. Birthday Party Nrs. J. C. Young gave a birth- day party in honor of her daugh- ter Hattie at the Clachan hotel on Saturday evening. The di»- ing room was prettily decorated for the occasion with Balloons and streamers. Games and music were the order of the evening and the young guests had a splendid time ivhich was brought to a close with a sumptuous sup- per. The introduction of novel- ties added much to their enjoy- ment. Those present ivere: Dru- scilla Dawson, Annie Ridley, Bet- ty Morrison, Muriel Daivson, Laura Barnott, May Cripps, Florence Gracey, Lulu Ray, Ed- ith )Vhite, Evelyn Young of AIarpole, Leone NcLeod, Peggy Anderson, Jacqueline and Joy Zenel, Arthur Edwards, Malcolm Stevens, Tom Timbrell, Gordon Ashe, Ross Forrester, Morris Andersarr, Dick Timbrell, Gord- on Edwards, Art Clement, Pat Murison, Norman Moore, Med- ford Chapman, Ian Hamilton and Angus Young. Those assisting ivere Mrs, Alfred wallace, Mrs. Alice Cunningham, 5Ir. and Mrs. J. Zenel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cath- cart Young. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON ]ftrneral Birectars CAPT. ARCIIER CONGRATU- LATES HIS OPPONENTNorth Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Captain C. J. Archer who was beaten in the election for Police Commissioner by 19 votes out of a total of over 1200 displayed a fine spirit of sportsmanship ~vhen, directly the result was knoavn, he telephoned his con- gratulations to Colonel Savory, the successful candidate, who is very ill at his home.I 0 'Q C lrom our/orms" youl tchen'~~&~+~ 3Irs. Colin NacLean will be a soloist at the Burns'ociety meeting at Bellingham tonight. Miss NcIntyre going down with her to act as accompanist. Miss Collie of Vancouver has bought the property owned by Nrs. F. Harr is at 29th and Wat- erfront.-- your ciaily supply of rich, u:hoi~me milk is protected al! the way b ~ "the Dairy u:ith the H.ghest Score." FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal a 3 tables forrl, yourpleasure Play a game ofFRASEAVALLEY MILK Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y 9 Quarts for $ 1.OO~4~~ % -~ r ~ --~ A &A C.. ET S.&I..DS 14th $ treetRight at the Railway Crossing Phone North 122 Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL A'I'TEib TION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLNIGFIT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEEStudents may enrol at any time422 RICHARDS STREET (At 1Iastings) PHONE SEYhIOUR 9135 This Week Specials 10 lbs. B. C. Sugar.......- -"--" 60c Bread or Pastry Flour 7 lbs 3~c Crisco, 1 lb. tin.............""." 27c 3 Bars Royal Crown Soap and 3 doz. Clothes Pins for .... 25c Pure Strawberry Jnm, 4's.... 55c Peaches, heavy syrup.......... 2oc NARIME GROCERY 22nd nnd Marine J. ALLISON Prop. PHONE AVEST 90 PROhIPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans .-.I.]l ..) '. VA. Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hloving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Pood Prompt Delirery. GOOD BREAD is always enjoyable Everybody likes "STRATTON'S BREAD" There's a reason! It's pure and wholesome. You get full value when you buy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. STRATTON'S BAKERY %VEST 27 And our Delirery hlan will call. cori~+ + ~~&6 +W Ql 0 ~op( of '3HOIO G~HS THE King Studio V V VINSON& Prop 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046