001C96A2 January 25, 1929. 7 11 cent Specia s Saturday and Monday Blue biountain Pineapple .. Seeded Raisins, Del bfonte.. Pumpkin, 2's ............. F.vapor@&md bfilk .. Oxo Cubes ....... ............., Aunt Dinah Molasses... I lc 1 lc llc llc 1 lc 1 lc i & I W i I I i I" I'I II" ~ I' Phone AVest 318R3. West Bay PRO%1PT DELIVERY COUNCII.LOR WA'rr RETIRES AFTER FOUR YEARS'ERVICE After four years'ervice as a member of the West Vancouver Municipal Council, J. T. Watt has relinquished public office in ord- er to devote more time to his business. His retirement is a distinct public loss. The splen- did reception given him when he acted as chairman of Reeve Vin- son's meeting last Friday show- ed his popularity and the esteem in which the people of West Van- couver hold him. Mr. IVatt has been successful as a councillor. Like every other public official he has been criti- cised but perhaps most of that criticism was caused by his fear- less outspoken views. It was al- COUNCIL NOTES A reply was ordered sent to the B. C. Electric that the cost of replacing the pole referred to will receive the attention of the engineer in conference with the company's engineer. The engineer's report on dan- gerous trees in D. L. 554 - 4- 30 "E" was laid over. The engineer's report on crush- ed rock on contract 4GA was re- ferred to the resve, the chairman of the board of works, and G. S. Hanes. There is every promise that this ivill be a banner season for the winter sports enthusiasts on Hollyburn Ridge, which is get- ting better known every week in Greater Vancouver. Last Sun- -- . day the largest crowd of the sea- son went up there to spend the day and with the likelihood of a snowfall up on the mountains before the present cold snap ends there should be even greater crowds from now on. most impossible for anyone to misunderstand just where he stood on any particular question. )Vhen his opinion had to be given he did not "hedge" and while diplomacy will ease one over the rough spots we are not too sure but that the direct method is not best in the long run. DIr. )Vatt was first elected to AVishes to thank the resident voters for the hand- some support given him at the recent election and particularly the volunteer committee of workers. .'[. B. LEYLA&'D Thanks his supporters for their assistance and his opponents for a game fight and appeals to all fellow citizens to pull together in the building up of a clean, progressive and prosperous com- munity. EVishes to thank the people of )Vest Vancouver for electing him to his seventh tenn of office as Reeve of the 51unicipality and to assure all that the welfare progress and development of the 5Iunicipality will at all times be his first consideration. THE BLUEST VAN iNEAVS I the council in 1925 and was ap- pointed by Reeve Gisby to the chairmanship of the Board of Works and of the Health Depart- ment. That year saw the begin- ning of the garbage collection and disposal. Also the begin- ning of a comprehensive scheme of local roads made permanent- ly hard surfaced and plans v ere completed for the Marine Drive sidewalk. In 1926 he was appointed chairman of Transportation and had a general survey made of the system. Dredging was done to the extent of $2000 at Amble- side. A new system of pay as you enter was recommended and adopted as far as the busses wer concerned. This however, was not established on the boats although that was also recom- mended. The Upper Levels transporta- tion was decided upon. The bus fares ware made uniform and the present book form of tickets a- dopted. The new engines were installed iri No. 5 cutting the fu I cost tr~inendously. In 1927 i~Ic. Watt was elected again and was appointed by I(eeve Vinson to Fire, IVater and Parks Boards. Plans for a perm- anent Fire Brigade were perfect- ed together with recommenda- tion as to most suitable applianc- es. In this year plans were laid to systematically commence with a water distribution system and to this end a by-law was put for $G0.000 for the first unit in the extreme )Vest End. The Queen' Avenue main divas also arranged for during this year. In 19%~ the chairmanship of the Finance Committee was giv- en Councillor AVatt, and the fin- ancial standing of the municipal- ity was kept up to the existing high standard. For the first time in its history, the munici- pality borroNed money at 41/ fo, an event in itself which war- rants favorable comments. The bonds were disposed of and at a good price although the market was practically stagnant at that time. At the close of his last year of office the negotiations with P. Burns for the sale of the Har- vey Haddon Estate now the prop- erty of the municipality were opened up, the consideration of this parcel alone more than mak- ing up for the cost of the in- creased ferry service. During the four years briefly reviewed Councillor AVatt has al- ivays remained on the Board of Cemetery Trustees, and besides that has been t~vo terms on the Town Planning Commission. He has also brought out a new build- ing by-law which if adopted by the council will be of lasting ben- efit to the municipality. Councillor EVatt says that he has consistently remained inde- pendent of any influence and al- though a corporation employee in the day time this municipality was ceitainly his empleyer after hours. EVhen interviewed he ex- pressed deep regret at being un- able to enter the race for munici- pal honors this year on account of business requiring the whole of his time. West Vancouver Municipal Elections To all those citizens who worked and voted to continue me in the public life of our municipahty --my sincere thanks. To the whole Electorate I pledge myself to endeavor to merit the confidence so splendidly in- dicated by placing me at the head of the poll on Saturday last. W. Moore Jackman ;I. I'. WA'j.-l', E &-Councillor Board of Sc zoo, 'I'rustees I greatly appreciate the honor done me by the Electors of West Vancouver in electing me at the head of the poll for School Trustees. In thanking you I would re-affirm my pledge to give the best service I possibly can. 3. M. Eclington B..4.:I;:.A: XR):SOW'hanks the Electorate for the confidence placed in him by electing him as a member of the Board of School Trustees. Y.rs..Yi argarel: ~. Se wooc EVishes to thank the electors who voted her a seat on the IVest Vancouver Board of School Trustees. Desires to thank his supporters and to ivish the new Board of School Trustees every success dur- ing the term. %Vest Vancouver Municipal Elections Coj.one). K. W. SavoryPOULTRY HINTS Seasonable Hints for Fancier, and Hackyarder I ivish to thank the electors who supported my candidature for Police Commissioner and to assure, the people of West Vancouver that I will do my best to carry out the duties of the office to their satisfaction. Have you mated up your breed- ing pen? If not do it now t The time is E. iV. SAVORY.opportune for heavy breeds. Procrastination is the thief of time! Select your breeders for size, vigor, quality and production. Do not overload your pens; 5frs. F. X. Hodgson divas the vocalist on Sunday last with the iNew westminster Orchestral So- cety at a concert held in the Col- umbia Theatre in that city. Her numbers were (a) The Carpet; (b) Wind Song, and she mspond- ed to ae encore with "Top o'he i~Iornin' The Orchestra is quite a large organization and it was a splendid concert. E. J. CRICKMAY from six to eight for an old male; eight to ten for a cockerel in hcavy breeds; eight to ten for an old male; ten to twelve for a cockerel in light breeds are suf- ficientt. The laws of nature tend to re- production. Like begets like. Breed from the best you have, and the best will come back ~'cfishes to thank the voters and workers who supported his candida- ture for Councillor. I wish to thank those who so consistently urged me to stand for re-election in the recent Municipal Elections. I re- gret that omng to pressure of business I was unable to enter the contest. 3Iy interest in the welfare of the Municipality, however, will not cease. It is my intention to support the Reeve and Council in their efforts for the progress and de- velopment of the ~Iunicipality during 1929.