West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jan 1929, p. 4

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001C96A2 THE AVEST VAN NEEVS Grocery Specials at GRFENWOOD'S for SATURDAY and hlONDAY NEW ZEALAND BUTTER Finest Quality .... 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Soap, P. 8: G. Napthn 5 bnrs 2tc Sunkist Oranges.........l doz. 45c Apples, good cookers 6 lbs. 25c Fry's Cocoa, Q lb. tin„.......... 27c Green Cut Benns (choice) .................................. 2 tins 35c B. C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. 63c s 'I!I,',)IWI',II,II. 5 GROCERY We Deliver West 16 In business in West Van 8 Years C. J. Overington 14th and 51arine a:. xe)I'or appointment PHONE WEST 135 Wm. Sagar The AUest Van Jeweler Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing 1522 AIarine Drive All Home Made Marmalade Chutney Salad Dressing Our Milk Rolls are really De- licious. Fresh Daily. Mrs. Draper's 2435 hlARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 366 (DUNDARAVE HOME BAKERY) "LILAC TIilIE" AT THE LONSDALE THEATRE "Lilac Time" with Colleen Moore is the big offering to be given at the Theatre Lonsdale, North Vancouver, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 7, 8, arid 9, February. This play, one of the most popular of recent pro- ductions, has had a tremendous run and comes direct from the Strand Theatre, Vancouver. The Theatre Lonsdale in its luxurious appointments and the comfortable seating accomoda- tion provided for patrons com- pares favorably with the best in Vancouvu', and this particular play is well worth your patron- age. B. of T. Annual Meeting ndenCeCOITeSPO Fditor )Vest Va» News, Dear Sir:--I hope you will ex- cuse me writi»g so often, but having the interest of our muni- cipality at heart, anything for the betterment of it appeals to me. Before our new cou»cil passes on the estimates for 1929, I would like to point out to them and our ratepayers three items of importance to us. 1st. A generous financial vote for our beaches and parks. )Ve have in Memorial Park a beautiful site, at a cost of ap- proxiniate)y $500 we could build a bandstand, say $250, allow $ 150 for ten Sunday concerts, $ 100 for seats, a»d then we could enjoy listening to the musical talent we have here in IVest Van- couver; second to none, during the coming summer. 2nd. I understand, re widen- ing of Marine Drive from )Vest Bay to the Eastern Boundary they intend following the pro- cedure of the EVhytecliff exte»- sion, concrete strip two feet six inches each side of the present road. Now, I think that is a serious mistake. EVhy ndt finish the North side of the drive to the curb, and leave the South side as it is. within the net% few years we will require all that portion of roadway to put down larger wat- ermains lay sewers, the B. C. E. R. and the B.C. Telephone will perhaps lay all their present ov- erhead wires in conduits and maybe the gas mains will be ex- tended from North Vancouver, so why go to work laying this strip of concrete and then have to tear it all to pieces again? 3rd. At Bridge No. 3, Alta- mont and Marine Drive we have a bridge 250 feet long, across a creek 15 fee'. ~nde. EVithin 5 years this bridge will have to be renewed at a cost of $25,000, - approximately. AVhy not make one job of it now and fill in all this, leaving a culvert 20 feet wide and 10 feet high which is ample to take all the overflow from the creek. At the East end of preselit bridge a retaining wall 6 feet high built at the 80 foot width of the road would carry the crown of the road quite safely and thereby do away with a danger- ous aTld unsightly obstacle to our highway. The Editor, IVest Van News, Dear Sir:--)Vhile attending the meetings of the candidates for AIunicipal office, at the late elections, I was much impressed by the eulogies on )Vest Vancou- ver expressed by the different speakers. The forceful metaphors of Beaco»sfield, tlie persuasive elo- quence of Gladstone a»d the sil- vel'v tongue of Brya» were all in evidence and reminded me of the story of a man in the Old Country. "This man owned a business which he was getting rather dis- satisfied with. He had worked hard a»cl faithfully but the re- turns were so meagre, he decid- ed to sell. O»e day he went to an adver- tisi»g agent and gave him the particulars of the business, tell- ing him to write out an adver- tisement and bring it for approv- al before placing it in the news- paper. EVhen the agent came, in due course, and presented it, the old chap read it and looking up at agent, said, "Is this my place vou are writing about?" "Yes," said the agent. "Then, by gums," said the old chap, "I'm danged if I am going to sell out, I'e been looking for a place like this all my life." OVi LOOKER. IVm. illcgunker Elected Presi- dent The West Vancouver Boal cl of Trade helrl their annual meet- ing i» the Legion rooms, ferry building on Monday night at 8 p. m. In the absence of the pres- ident, Colonel Savory, due to sickness, the secretary gave a resume of the boanl's activities for the year. The election of officers result- ed in the following appointments I tonorary President--Col. K. 4V. Savory, President--EV. 51cQuaker. Vice-President --3 I. )Villiams. Secretary--S. Harrisoii. Treasurer--W. Dickinson. Committee--A. Ridley Dr. G. E. Bay&ield, A. W. Lu»n, F. Tite, G. Gourlay, G. williamson, J. T. Watt, Harry Hodgso», F. F. Love grove. Auditor--C. Appleton. A letter was received from the Chief Superintendent of Postal Services in Ottawa acknowledg- i»g receipt of the petition from West Bay residents asking that the name of the new office be cha»ged. He stated that there was already a post office called Westbay i» Nova Scotia, and two other offices where )Vest Bay formed a part of the name. If, however, a name not so simi- lar was submitted, it would re- ceive consideration. DIr. Hodgson, who, as a com- mittee of one, had been dealing with this matter, was asked to make further recommendations. The West Vancouver Swim- ming Club ~vrote the board ask- ing for their co-operation in bringing before the council a plan of alterations proposed to improve the facilities for swim- mers and spectators at Dundar- ave Pier. It is intended to make the pier a centre for safe bath- ing and for galas regattas, etc. The Club stated their desire to appear before the board, and an invitation was sent them to do so at the regular February meet- ing. A letter was ordered sent to Colonel Savory sympathising with him in the long siege of sickness from which he and his family have suffered, and con- veying the congratulations of the board on his recent election as police commissioner. Also an appreciation of his valuable work as President of the B. of T. dur- ing 1928. The following agenda was laid down for the year 1929: Improvements of beaches and parks. Increase of postal facilities. Reduction of lighting and tele- phone rates, and the extension of telephone service by B. C. Telephone Co. to EVhytecliff. Amendments to Zoning Bylaw. The l»ls at the easterly end of the P 6 E sn itch ling at Ambleside station have been re- Illoved. %TEST VAN. HORTICULT- URAL ASSOCIATION Demonstration and Lecture A pruning demonstration will be given at Mrs. Lefeaux'arden corner 24th and Nelson, at 2.30 p.m. Saturday, 2nd February, by G. E. 4V. Clarke. iAIr. Clarke will also deliver an interesting lecture in the evening at 8 o'lock in Ambleside Hall. The lectures ananged by this Association are always very in- teresting and instructive, aIId those who attend this lecture can be assured of receiving a good deal of useful information. 3Ir. Clarke is an authority on the subject, and is well known among EVest Vancouver horticulturists. BUCK AND BARRIE iVILL BE AT DANCE NEXT iVEEKJ. NYLAND, Altamont. To the Editor EVest Van News, Dear Sir:--I feel I cannot let the first month of a new year pass without writing to voice my appreciation of your paper. After reading it through we often say that many newspapers of long standing and wide cir-'ulationwould do well to take a copy from it. In the )Vest Van News there is such an absence of party feel- ing, such a» apparent desire to see questions under discussion from all angles and view points, such a» utter absence of unkind criticism, or personalities, and an utter avoidance of anything ap- proachiIig scandal or gossip, that we fortunate residents of this municipality have great reason to wish for success and long life to the EVest Van News. ONE AVHO HAS SEEN THE STRUGGLES OF FORMER )VEST VAN PAPERS. The dance to be held in the Hollyburn Pavilion on Saturday, February 2nd, promises to be something novel and entirely dif- ferent for West Vancouver. Buck Holly, one time boxer, animal trainer, and physical cul- ture expert, will be there with his dog Barrie, the famous mone dog. The Personality Kiddies, who created a furore at the Cap- itol Theatre during Christmas week will also put on several turns and five puppies sired by Barrie ~vill be given the holders of lucky tickets. It sounds like a fine large evening. Buck him- self is quite a character and if you go to the Pavilion on Satur- day of .next week don't forget to have a few words with him. An endeavor is being made to get him to remai» in )Vest Vancouver a»d start a physical culture class and gymnasium for the teen age folks, boys and girls, and to give instruction in boxing, etc., to the older young people. The 4Iisses Stevenson of the Clachan moved on AVednesady into their new home at 25th and Bellevue. The football match scheduled for Tuesday afternoon on the Hollyburn grounds between the high school bantams and Prince of EVales bantams was postponed o» account of the frost. How Would You Like to Be Hubby? Bob: "How is your husband this morning?" Wife: "Oh, very poorly. He's got such an expensive illness. The doctor says he must be kept in good spirits." will be held on FRIDAY, 1st FEBRUARY, at 8 p. m. in AAIBLESIDE HALL. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. Newt Door to Royal Bank NU-BONE CORSETS, SURGICAL BELTS, BIiNDERS LINGERIE and HOSIERY Art Needlework, AVools, Novelties Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars, Socks. BUY HERE SAVE YOUR DIONEY. See Onr Sale Windows for Very Special Bargains. The Annual General Meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Association Januaiy 25 1929 Gemmill's Hypophosphites Is one of the best tonics. IVe recommend it for that weak feeling after Flu, It will increase the appe- tite, and tone up the sys- tem generally. A 16-0z. Bottle for $1.00. SYRUI OF FIGS Try Gemmill's own make for your child. It is a gentle but effective laxative, 35c. WEST VAN PHARtifACY The Store of Service We Deliver. I'hone West 37 Suits, Coats and Dresses Dry Cleaned 51.60 up Quick Service M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOiW TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSIiNG Phone West 20 THE .7 arce S &0) Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTION SINGING Vancouver Studio: Seymour 101 West Van. Studio: West 173 Chiropractic Wi Hep Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone West 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone %Vest 9 For FUEL VERNON FEED STORE SEARLE Phone West 9 Fuel and Building Supplies HOLLYBUltN Barber Shop 15th 4 hlnrtne EXPEI(T SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor 1520 Marine Drive West Vancouver Ladies R: Children's Haircutting hi A I(CEL Steam and Finger Waving Shampooing, Plain Facials, etc. For Appointment WEST 304