West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jan 1929, p. 6

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001C9699 THE WEST VAN iVEEUS January 18, 1929. THE AMBLESIDE SERVICE STATION GAS AND 0 S Cigarette Lighter and Cleaning Fluid. Tire Repairs. Oiling and Greasing. Complete Stock of Tires and Tubes First Class Battery Work. Radio Broadcast Programs. Phone )Vest 232. Open from 7.00 a. m. to 10.00 p.m. TED EENNETT and BILL CRAIG, Props. Pitsnan Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTER TION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYDIOUR 9135 TilE BURRARD III).W 4.;)9 L4UNDRY )T S Pl.AiH To Foucb FRAN+ FAR. ANP HE.aR WE,'RE NAKIHQ LAUNDRY 41SYORV HE,RK The Burrartl Launtllry Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IUest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AUest 410L HARRON BROS. L %VILL IAilISON jfniieral Bitectnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 EVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phnne Fair. 134 P. T. A. ACTIVITIES The West Vancouver P. T. A. met last Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 15, in the Pauline Johnson School, with the President, Mr. Davison, in the chair. After the secretary's minutes had been a- dopted, a report was given of the December meeting, which took the form of a lecture on "Safety Education," delivered to the students of the senior grades. A nominating committee, for the annual election of officers, was elected, consisting of Mrs. DI. O. Jones, Mrs. Leyland, and Mr. Mitchell. Regarding the study groups, on important P. T. A. topics, it was reported that progress was being made in this connection. The Treasurer, BIrs. Moncrieff presented her report, which showed a satisfactory financial condition. This meeting of the Associa- tion was known as "Question Night," b ing the final meeting previous to the election of of- ficers for the ensuing year. Questions of interest and imp- ortance were presented by Mr. Mitchell and others, which brought forward considerable interesting discussion. Several questions proved of such inter- est that the incoming Program Committee v:as advised to con- sider them in drafting next year's program. Following adjournment, re- freshments were served. g ~re. I -"'l~ i ~. -, C romourturms' your fdien D~ -- your daily supply of rich. wholesome milk is protected ali the way by "the Dairy with the Highest Score." Fnas~n VALLEY MILK 9 Quarts for $ 1.pO eptt Phone North 122 The High School football team lost a match on Saturday after- noon to Lord Byng High School by a score of 0-1. The game was played in the city. A letter was received from H. B. Muckleston in reference to the proposed Capilano bridge re- ferring to the fact that in 1927 he had handed to Reeve Vinson a design for a bridge over the Capilano bridge and enclosing a copy thereof. His letter was filed for refer- ence. FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Netal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y '"ge,'..SAi",."l ',li" 5"i„"I '. I'RESCRIPTIOiV SPECIALISTS SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS $ 1.00 Pure Cod Liver Oil........... SGc 40c Glycerine Suppositories, 65c Liquid I'ctrolntum, heavy.. 49c adults - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ 29c $ 1.00 Hot )Vnter Bottles........... 89c 60c Gin Pills .. 32c 6c Boot's 3leloids ...................... 19c 36c Peroxide .......... „............ 22c 26c Bromo Quinine Tablets, $ 1.00 Beef, Iron E. )Vine........... 86c 2 for 3lc '6c Listerine Tooth Paste.... 21c 10c Toilet Paper ......,.. 5 for 25c 50c Klenzo Tooth Paste......... 36c 75c Gillette Blades .... 69c 25c Plain Gauze .................... 18c 60c Califig ................................ 48c LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"„'",'26 G. E. REID, ilIanager Net Building--Corner hlarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SAI A LL ~: +SO.S A..S F. Paschal is ill at his new Ilome at 14th aiid Esquimalt. Nr. and AIrs. J. H. Redden and daughter of Caulfeild, lef t on Sunday for a visit to the Old Country. V. O'rady, 21st and Esqui- malt, had the misfortune to hurt his leg last v~eek while working on the Marine Drive extension contract. He is in the North Vancouver General Hospital und- ergoing treatment for the injury. The Literary Society held a very interesting meeting on Thursday evening in the lower hall of the United Church. Jas. Duncan was in the chair. J. Porter read an article on "Mus- ical Instruments" which had been written by BIrs. W. J. Pit- man of Prince George, who is a daughter of John Lawson. Mr. and Nrs. Arthur Pearson of Vancouver, have moved into a house at )Vest Beach. Mr. Pearson lived for a number of years in West Vancouver, and is well known here. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Mitchell of Kincaid, Sask., and Misses M. and J. Johnston of Vancouver, were visitors on Sunday at the home of IiIr. and Nrs. Percy Hastings, 2111 Esqumalt Ave. Miss Kathleen Ellis who con- ducts a weekly class for danc- ing and physical culture for children announces that starting on the 26th (Saturday) the class will meet in Ambleside Hall at 11 a.m. each Saturday instead of on wednesday afternoon as at present. The following were the prize- winners at the drawing put on by Roberts Better Meats Store: first prize, Miss K. McNair, 15th and Esquimalt; 2nd prize, Miss C. N. St. John, 12th and Es- planade; 3rd prize, Mrs. J. H. Stevens, 15th and Bellevue. The tickets were drawn in the store on Monday by Walter Tearoe. Sam Grant, who resides at EVest Beach, is building a new house at 15f;h and Duchess. Mrs. M. Lochheed, 15th and waterfront, is leaving tomorrow to return to Glasgow, Scotland. Mrs. Lochheed has been living here for two or three years. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Chields, 14th and Bellevue, are moving this week end into the McBride cottage at 14th and Bellevue. Dr. Richardson of Seattle, has taken the Lewis house at 12th and Duchess. A birthday surprise party was given Mr. R. Rhodes at his home, 18th and EVateÃront, on 5Ionday evening. The evening was pass- ed very pleasantly in whist, music and games. A dainty re- past was served during the eve- ning. Those present were: Nrs. Charles DIcIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. James 5IcIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, 5Iiss DIargaret NcIntyre, 5Irs. A. Edgley, Miss Villa McLean, Miss Joan Durbin, Miss Barbara McIntyre, Mr. Al- lan 31cIntyre, Mr. Ronnie Jack- son, Mr. Cyril Bowes, Mr. Stuart McIntyre, Mr. and 3 Irs. R. Rhodes, Rex Rhodes and little Dorothy Rhodes. Walter Cliff, who with Cliff has been spending the Christmas and New Years holi- days here, left today to return to Englewootl, Vancouver Island. The Pauline Johnson and Hol- lyburn schools have each enter- ed a team in the competition for the Lange Association football cup open to North Shore foot- ballers. e Jean Tite and Floyd Benson, both of )Vrnnipeg, aie visiting Jean's father, Fred Tite, 5Iarine Drive at Ambleside. 5Ir. and 3Irs. A. S. Magee of Edmonton,were the guests of Mrs. George Pineo, 13th and Keith Road, for a few days, leav- ing on wednesday for California where they intend to spend the winter. Chet Shields, 14th and Belle vue, returned on wednesday from a short visit to his sister, Mrs. F. D. Cramond in Seattle. There divas a good turn-out at the cadets first practice in Ingle- wood school last Friday evening. The boys played basketball and did some drill. The next prac- tice will be tonight (Friday). Wesley Byrnell of Vancouver, son of G. C. Byrnell, recently won a $ 150 cedar chest in a competi- tion over the radio staged in Salt Lake City. DIrs. F. Stainsby, who now re- sides in Mayo, Yukon Territor~, is coming down shortly for a vis- it to the city and West Vancou- ver. She will go by aeroplane from Mayo to. Skagway by the regular air route. A son was boca to Mr. and Mrs. EV. McLaren, 25th and Kings, at the Bute Street Hos- pital on )Vednesday, 9th instant. 4V. J. Dent has returned to his home at 22nd and Gordon after spending some weeks on a pil- ing contract on Ganges Island. Dr. Richardson of Seattle, spent a few days last week at the Clachan hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Holland have taken the Gourlay house at 2321 Marine Drive. Mrs. Kendall of YVestholm, Vancouver Island, is a guest at the Clachan hotel for a few days. Mr. Hall is having an addition built to his house at 29th and Bellevue. The Knox Kerrisdale United footballers defeated the West Vancouver United juveniles by a score of 2 to 1 in Kerrisdale on Saturday af".ernoon. v B. R. Harrison, King's Ave., is leaving today for a business trip through the Pacific States, going as far south as San Diego and possibly Mexico. Mr. Har- rison expects to be away about six weeks. Referendum By-laiv Adopted. The West. Vancouver Referen- dum By-law No. 400 (P. G. E. agreement and waterworks Am algamation) was finally adopted at a special meeting of the coun- cil on wednesday. Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure CHET SHIELDS,"„'"„,.",;„,'.„„., „.„.,„, This Week Specials Pure Strawberry Jam, 4's.... 55c Bread or Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 35c Peaches, heavy syrup............ 20c 3 Bars Royal Crown Soap nnd 3 doz. Clothes Pins for .... 25c 10 lbs. B. C. Sugar..., 60c Crisco, 1 lb. tin.... 27c NARINE GROCERY 22nd nnd Marine J, A LLI SON ~ Prop. P H ON E AV EST 96 PitoiilPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans ..7..i.VA. Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 GOOD BREAD is always enjoyable. Everybody likes "STRATTON'S BREAD" There's a reason! It's pure and wholesome. You get full value when you buy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. STRATTON'S BAKERY iVEST 2? And our Delivery i~lan will call. a Ql 0 OH 0% 3HOIOGIpPHS ; Si| THE King Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046 Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and Wood Prompt Delivery.