001C9699 THE WEST VAN NEWS January 18, 1929. Grocery Specials at GREENQ OOD'S for SATUItDAY and hIONDAY Sunkist Oranges........ 4 doz. 45c Apples, good cookers 6 lbs. 25c Fry's Cocoa, 41 lb. tin............ 2rc Green Cut Beans (choice) ................................ 2 tins 35r Brooms, 5 string, inade by Blind)............................... 38c B. C. Granulated Sugar IO lbs. 63c xl'I!I! fllWI)I)i: S GROCERY We Deliver West 16 In business in West Van 8 Years C. J. Overiugtou 14th and blarine a: I':ier For appointment PHONE WEST 135 C DRENS'ANCING CLASSES and PHYSICAL CULTURE. conducted by hIISS EATHLEEiV ELLIS will be held at 11 a. m. each Sat- urday starting the 26th, instead of Wednesday, in the AMBLESIDE HALL For information, Phone West 430Y3. Mrs. Clara Wilson announces A RECITAL To be given by her pupils in UNITY HALL 641 Granrille Street Vancouver on Saturday, Jau. 26th at 8 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER .)oartl of ".race The Annual hieeting Will Be Held at Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building Ou MONDAY Next JANUARY 21st at 8 p.m. For Election of Officers. hlembers! Please note change of meeting place. Wm. Sagar The AVest Van Jeweler Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing 1522 Marine Drive Correspondence BURNS' U I'PER N EXT qV E EK The following is the program for the Sixth Annual Burns'up- per to be held in Ingiewood School on Saturday, January 28th. This will commemorate the 170th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, Scotland's famous barrl. Last year the Inglewootl audi- torium was filled to capacity foi the event and all present voted it one of the most successful af- fairs ever staged by the society which has a recorcl for success- ful eiitertainments. 5Iake a point of being present next week. Toast List The King ............. 51r. R. Reid The Immortal Memory ..Gapt. Ean Mackenzie, 3I.L.A. Song and Chorus--There was a Lad ........5Ir. R. I. iAIcDougall Canada .......................Mrs. Craig Company--0, Canada. Song--Spinning )Vheel......b'Irs. 4V. H. Le~gatt. Reply by Rev. A. Harding Priest Bonnie Scotland.......31r. Gordoii Robson. Company--Bonnie Banks o'och Lomond. Recitation--The Cotter's Satur- day Night.. Mr. W. R. Dunlop, F.R.G.S. Reply by Mr. 4V. McNeish The Lassies...Mr. W. S. 51itchell Company--Annie Laurie. Song--Selected .. ilIrs. S. Gardin- er. Reply by Mrs. Selwood. Our Guests ........Mr. R. Reid Pianoforte Selection..Miss Frame Reply by Reeve Auld Lang Syne Accompanist iMiss Frame. Chorus Leader, Mr. J. ilIitchell. ticalli all mi fellow ti avellei s feel the same way. As regards Capt. Edwards and his staff, under reasonable con- ditions, if any transportation ser vice of any kind can be run with more punctuality and courtesy tha» our )Vest Van. I erries, I should very much like to see it. So far as the actual ferry boats are concerned, grantetl there is plenty of i'oom for im- provement, but for this who is to blame? Probably those veiy people who sit at home writint. grumbling letters about the fei'- ry service and when the time comes to vote money for im- provements turn money by-laws down. If danger is the chief trouble, compare for a moment year round travel by water and by i'oad. The absence of any accident of a serious nature in all the years the ferries have been runnin&, in fair weather and foul, is sonie- thing for which we should be indeed thankful and place to the credit of our efficient staff. Imagine, this coming summer, our ferry service having been ruthlessly scrapped by some would-be 5Iussolini; our already inadequate and overcrowded road and rickety bridge being still further crowded with P.G.E. bus es and then more busses carry- ing perspiring West Vancouver business men and women who would otherwise bp enjoying the fresh air and sunshine on the water. It seems very much like jump ing out of the frying pan into the fire. I would say let us show our appreciation of our already gond feriy service by making it bet- ter, by putting our Captains and Mates into suitable uniforms, by getting better boats and better equipment. Let us in the coming elections vote for a Reeve and Councillors in whom West Vancouver people have confidence; men who will be fearless and clean up where it is necessary to do so and spend money where it is wise to spend money so that we may have a AVest Vancouver and a West Vancouver Ferry service that we can feel a really just pride in. I remain, Yours truly, B. H. HARRISON. HIPPOS ED TO SCRA PI'ING FERRIES Editor West Van News, Sir:-- I would appreciate a little space tu reply to i~Ir. Dick. I ivonder if lie has a»y childreii who like to go bathing. Did he ever see the children come cry- ing out of the water with their little feet and legs cut and bleed- ing from the barnacles and cmel rocks? IV|e have. I repeat, some of the finest beaches in EVest Vancouver that the whole prov- ince can boast of, if only they were developed. At the present time our Q.aches are to a large extent, not fit for a dog to go on. Will those who want to scrap our ferry service get the vision of the nsultitudes who use our ferries to come to EVest Van in the summer. Then will they try to visualise the tremendous num- bers who could be brought to our municipality if we had a council who would definitely set about making our beaches what they should be. Whether thos„who take the stand that our ferry service should be scrapped know it or not, the fact remains that there are numbers of people who thor- oughly enjoy the splendid trip on the wa5.r all the year round, except for a few short weeks in the winter. Ef we had as I sug- gested last week, a real ferry service, coupled with beaches which were put in good shape, I make bold to say that West Van- couver would become the famous holiday spot it must of necessity become when we get men on our Council ivho will do things. It may of course, be said that EVhytecliff offers comfort to the holiday crowds. To some extent this is granted, but there are hundreds of fathers and mothers who would visit th'e beaches within easy reach both from the city and surrounding districts, who cannot afford the expense of taking a family to EVhytecliff. We are not blest all the time with free transportation and free lunches to get us out to EVhyte- cliff, such as was the rule in the recent real estate boom out there. Our present and recent coun- cils have grossly neglected the greatest asset West Van. has in rot getting our beaches develop- ed and bringing the crowds to see what a fine place we have. T'hen we have an apology for a bridge which needs replacing with a real structure over the Capilano. We also need a real engineer such as George Hanes of North Vancouver to look after the construction of such things. i~Iy friend asks me what expense is meant in my previous Letter? I refer to the talk of widening of Marine Drive. Let this road be taken caie of and it will do us for a few years yet. Awake, citizens of West Vancouver. The call to exercise your franchise is in the air. The welfare of every family and home is at stake. Let us forget all personalities and ris in our strength. Let us in- ject new blood into our Reeve- ship and Council. AVe have a man running for Council who has time to devote to the municipal- ity. He comes from a part of Scotland where he learned that fair dealing and wisdom were the things that count. He is not bound by any business ties to any outside interest. He is free. It is such we reed. Yours for a bright and pro- gressive municipality. BLAIR BABCOCK. lVEST VAN. AGRICULTURAI. A HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The EVest Vancouver Agricultur- al and Horticultural Association had a very erthusiastic me.ting of directors on Tuesday, 8th ot January. It was decided owing to the enormousamount of work involv- ed, not to enter the Greater Van- couver Spring and Tulip show this year, and to devote our time and energy to our own muni"ipal shows. The tickets for season 1929 are now on sale and we earnestlv request the cooperation of all garden lovers in our municipality to assist us by becoming mem- bers. Owing to sickness in her fam- ily Mrs. Buckloy's resignation was regretfully accepted. The convenors of the different committees are- Domestic Science--Mrs. Elgar. Sewing--Mrs. EIasterman. Exhibition Vase and Display- Mrs. Barker. Flowers--Mi s. Lefeaux. Vegetables--Mrs. Raine. Show Manager--Mr. Dutton. Finance--Mr. Hadwin. Fruit--Mr. Clifford. Mrs. Ford, our energetic sec- retary, has all she can attend to in preparing catalogue and writ- ing to friends of our association for donations and advertising. The Editor, 4Vest Van News. The Hollyburn Ridge Ski lub is sending several of their A1 men to compete at Banff and Revelstoke Ski and Winter Sports. These pioneers up on the ridge are working hard to bring fame to )Vest Vancouver. Some day in the future, as Reeve Vinson predicted, the Olympic games may be played on our Ridge. We wish to take this op- portunity to thank the Reeve, honorary president, for his ever ready support. R. A. FRASER, Vice President. "Ezra, tomorrow is our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary hadn't we better kill a chicken?" "Why punish the chicken for what happened twenty-five years ago?" D. Dewar, 22nd and Marine Drive, is starting the construc- tion of a house at 22nd and Bel- levue. gsgRN GIFT gg go&~ NET MANA GEi11ENT Newt Door to Royal Bank BOOSTS FERRY STAFF. Editor tvest Vsn News, Dear Sir:--As a very regular daily traveller on our AVest Van- couver Ferries, the letters of very unjust criticism levelled at our ferry service is most irritat- ing and I am convinced that prac AIRS. AIARLING, NU-BONE CORSETIERE Surgical Belts, Binders. AIRS. WEI.I,ER--Art Needlework, AVools. Over 50 years'xperience See Our Sale Windows for Very Special Bargains. Cold %@cather Necessities KSI'I ITIN l3ltOhI0-QUI V IN E Gltll'IX, etc. LIS rERIN E I'EROX I DE G i. q COT I I Y hl 0LI N E, etc. o ward of that incipient Cold that mny delevop into something worse. I lot Water Bottles (the Non- burn kind) Attnchments, Ice Rags, Feeding Cups, etc. All Sick Room Supplies. Ovnltine, Ivampole's Cod Liver Oil, Scott's Emulsion, Kepler's, Gemmill's Own Cough Mixture Tonics to build up the system after nn attack. WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service We Deliver. I'hone West 37 Suits, Coats and Dresses Dry Cleaned $ 1.60 up Quick Service M. WILLIAMS 16th nnd hlnrine, Ambleside CUSTOibI TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone West 20 Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTION SIiVGING Vnncourer Studio: Seymour 101 West Van. Studio: West 173 ..piro ~racI:ic 'IIIti..... e. ) You Consultation I ree. Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. CHIROPRACTOR Phone West 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th 4 Marine. AVest 224 Phone West 9 For FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fuel and Building Supplies THE ,IlI arce. S.xo s- ~ ~ 1520 hIarine Drive West Vancouver Ladies k Children's Haircutting hIARCEL Steam and Finger Waving Shampooing, Plain Facials, etc. For Appointment WEST 304