West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1929, p. 5

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001C9893 / 'n h&V ""&s s&vw P ? I ,==]!".]3!'=, ,,I It) &II+:-. I s $V ~s ~i rs jg F, 'i i , I I t .ik & December 27, 1929. 'rue NEST VAN NE%'Se~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ h r i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r % ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ t7. /wishirrgyou all," - &P „E,,R S 0 g ~ L appe&f arrd'rosperous NefJJ Year IIi Air. and:airs. L. Qarthorne t'c S. L. Gilman, proprietor of the AVatch-night Service at the Imperial Gas Station at 14th and Baptist Church on &New Year' ii. (& 'I~& ~, Serf]I'Ce Sf&f2]&f'pr] ii h]arine,']aft last Tuesday by air- Eve at 11 p. m. plane for Seattle to spend Christ- 'r] + .~ . ~. L S e @ „Cpr]fgcgfpr]erg Ii mas. Todav, Friday, Mr.'Gil- Birth man is due at San Francisco for At Chatham House on Decem- 22nd and i&farina Drive 'phone West 6130 $ the reunion of the members of 'ber 26th to Mr. and'&iIrs. R. S. the Flying Squadron with which iblcCa]], 19th and Esquimalt, a e serve during the war. -== daughter. . FRAiiIAR hIONTESSORI e g', A daughter was born to )Ir.:0 t mrn'...Mltie ',-- . 'theBoardofTradeie.,thethird and Mrs. D. A. Jay of Me~a'oThe annual Xmas party of the )Iondayiin January,wi]]'be.for City, last Frida - at th No th the pulhpose Qf e]ecting nevv of Vancouver Gene the direction of Mrs. AV. D. Fras- ficers i Both mother and child are mak- NORMA SHEARER er»»sted by Mr"F F. L«e- ~ ing good progre„QIrs Ja~ n grove, which took place» the =-: The ih'Iisses Sadie and Lou a daughter of Captain and i%I s. schoolroom last saturday after- 'Bannister, 01st and Travers, ep. &I. Johnson, Igth and Fu]ton, t f am, n ' noon at the home of Mrs. Fraser spent Christmas with frien'ds and resides in It]ex]co City, where'I 18th and~&Csquima]t, was a and relatives in Seattle. == her husband is a member of the .Il charming affair. The small ~ ~ ~ * stafF of the Bank of Montreal.scholars gave a very, interesting IV;]]]am Gun„2grd a„d Hay stan Laure] and t„po gg, f Ik d n I, d a I - s&vood, leftion &&londay to spe~d, The ~esther this 'veek hasO).-- H d -- 1 t t.tl d „th „E] d th Christmas in IVictoria..llLeen remarkably wet and mi]d in j-.v~hichi'Dorothy Smith as iHans ~ A son was born on Monday to Smith, 31st and Travers hadrn ~ -- I ~" y, Mr and Mrs. S. A,-',G. Currie, tprimroses blooming in her,gar-BlgiBllSllleSS and Diana Chapman as Gretchen gist andi Ai'gy]e, at,.the NoQh den at the beginning of the week. I took the leading parts extremely, Vancouver Genera] Hospital. There are very few p]aces in I ~ reater ancouver or in ana a i&lrs. S. Knight-Hedge iis now l'iv e'e spring f owers can be seen '&tt&&,IV&sh&ng a]] i 'ter and Jimmie Jackson, and the fu'h ™Proved after a sickness '" e", ~ ~ ance of the Snow Fairies bv o two 'r hthree weeks. She isMy'It'riends and Patrons &li II I R b n Gl IN bl ~!not, however, yet fu]]y recoveled Miss Ida Porter of the staff - THE CO+Pl ]+ENT~ Isii~tl ]IIIrs. Donaho Op THE SEASONq] „, i lightful, ~~&&ca] s&i]&& Aftei. the Miss Margaret ihlclntyre and i "=- -- -- '! pirgogram Santa Claus led the Mr. Alan &&lclntyre entertained father, J. Porter, 15th and Duch- y&""ll'C 'J". OVerjagtOn4„,I',&/t~childreni to ]the dining room; "'"mber ofltheir friends xmas ii il ivhere a feast of dainties awaited ii " p '"y "e at their home i. " ~afternoon 'ea was serve.i w e those present were Mr. and Mrs. yesterday at the municiPal gar-In Net Store I .= - " ' "" H "L M L . ', age on'the Ambleside dock.anne nve a=--' " D - t14thl'l ~tmanyguests, Mrs.H:C.osbolne " ean, i~rr.'and i~rrs. Jas. Next Jefferies Meat Store I) I!and&Mrs.'E. J~Pearce presiding, " yie 'Miss Villa McLean, Riido]ph and M,,P„-]',. ',,ver, has mov F lstel, mrs II II)U lls 67 i Iarine Drive.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i'! ~,i + t!&s]I&Crawford I& and Mrs. M. I Clerk, e) fi 'l'l@ .while Mrs.-)Gordon ]Robson and" ~rs. 'A. 'Lunn, Marine Drive, CHILDREN'S PARTY lli j&«Mrs.'Colin McLean a'ssisted San= ' muc""]mPro»ed]and though 'h h= I M„= „-d Mr '&C , 'I "'ta avith the chi]dren.'The guests riot able to be out yet it'is felt e ome o i r. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Shields and'I'ointi«.,wereadmittedby Marjorie Craw, that her complete recovery is .'p, th d Duchess,.was the scene of a charming ~ 1 children's part'y yesterday after O' HEAVY MAIL AT==- = =.- -- Ml'ndt Mrs'dward aha , ~l) ~ I,a. ==- '? l I ~ HOLLYBURN~P.f,o." l.etul.nedlto,theil- home at 14th i! ' '= .== ---- Il & vyUest 'stVancouver residents '. ' lont fl'om a motor to a pal'tv. = I&5&rPPtl1198&/ il'ere apparently,,very. well lre- i h h '" 'r"'" l'Games ivere enjoyed'by theli'ile ~~ i membered by theiri relations and . I y enthas ' s young people, after which Xmas It!t 'friends.'.pat Christmas = for ]„t,-t -- t ".y . Pect favorsi and lefreshments were !hcHET&lSH]EL&DSII II „,„,throughoutithe week the mails I'" „th, St I," ga'"" " given. !,„ l"~:---- = .: -- -- ' at Hollyburn have been unusual- The. following were present: i! I" I Wth STREET I'I]y ]arge. lOn Christmas day there ~ . - * .-..- Ruth AVi]]iams, May Armstrong, it]&i right at iiaihray Cross&as gti&s .were more than gouge the num-'eshe Yates accountant of the 'Audrey Petty, Kathleen,saggei, 'hree "BilliardI TaMes ~for ~!" ber of bags of letters and parcels . oyal Bank in Chilliwack, arriv- Ariel', Hodgson, '1'Iarv;Hodg-on, andtIPostmaster Law: ed hei'e I on't'Christmas "E~ son~had] a gleatly aug ented0 spend the ho]idays with his pal-- Nora Kingsley i~raisie Kitchen, staff to handle the lush Those elits, Mr. and Mls. J S. Yates,rTcrma i~rinions Buliny grhipp]e ,who came for their mail were alii& nd'Manne Drive. ancl &llavis AVhipp]e. o sl.'lilt'll & 'bleito'.wait inside&the postlof- fice which was a great improve- @ =ipL, "y ~ ". ment over, previous years, when,& a ]ong cue cou]d a]ways be seen ' Q. '.. ' ,',Il standing in line op the pavement. 'The &Post! Office, willi be open& , for the delivery of mail oniNew !tHOilybue~,i~ Years clay 'from&'9.00'&to 10.80 ~Public Lib"aa'y ~ The newly married,'eautiful-': $ l but'-dumb young i thing dashed l! ii into the house in the greatest of anguish; HAPPY& NEW YEAR",', ~ - "Oh, Hector, she,ivailed, "I'e just been bitten'by a dog!" I REA],')]]OQE lQQOQNQii, "There,'there dailing," sooth- I; ed the bran:1-new husband, ~ ~ ~ 'don't yoiiiworry. Just you!go .,Mgs. t ROSS', Qggggy,i, up and put some peroxide on it." I"Bu-but I-I can't she sobbed. yl' During t]~ze , 'Hol.idays We do not lose sight pf pur regular gob--~hlch ls I the dls 'ensing of Prescriptions tnd i Sick Room Supplies. OUR,DISPENSARY is kept up-to-date. We have the confid- ence of your Physician -- your Prescriptions CALLED FOR- 'ISPEiht SED and DELIVERED. Our Phone is INST 3f -- A call -vri11 bring a I messenger At Once. WEST VAN ]'HARNACY The Store of Service. i Prolnpt Delivery. Phone W. 37 ~ a e a r ~r~ melam~ ~ ~r5&gg2 The Season' Greetings i! %'ishing vou a MERRY XIVI AS lpga I il. ED. BLACK j 25th and Marine Dundarave Ii ll'(~ Fuel, Express, Cartage, etc. lr r r I,)~ r ~r ~r ihj \~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 li eJj II1 'I. 'I I). Il, ~ /) i(i ii ,i I'q 't GORDON HOBSON Ua rr ister E Solici tor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office iso. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. ~ VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 31S; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour, 4199. PHONE NEST 1)Q FOR ~ , Coal and Wood " Prompt Delivery. 'Jimmy" Thomson s I'TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moving 'aggage a Specialty. .tt The Old, Old YVish !!, ']tlHppU ÃPlU IPUr «&i&'. to all of you. It's not new, but it's the il! sincere wish of- I(, i". "-=--- . STNATTON'S !,'; Ii BAKERY i AMBLKSIDE II Phone AVest 27 i,iI I sic h~ ~ ~ ~r ~r ~r ~r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ ~ ~S 'li I .I ew '(ear gi 'lay, 'erry Service'r ~ ~r ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ &e ~ War~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wr~ ~ r ~ ~ j~h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ h~ ~ e~ h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ h l~ l ~ h g The first boat will"leave Ambleside Dock at 6 a.'m. and an hourly service wi]]&be maintained thereafter. The!last boat il from Ambleside at 11 p. m; will be held unti111.30 p. m. "'The first'boat wi]]]]eave the City Dock at'6.30 a. m. and tl thereafter an hourly service will be maiiitained,'but the regular 11.30 p. m.'oat wi]] be he]d until 12 midnight. The first bus wi]]!meet, the boat leaving Ambleside «t 7 II a. m.ili-- SIFT Sg& Q+ NK)CT TO ROYAL SANK M + & A. J. iMAQ.] I N G ~ P. o. So)C 227. PHoNKl WEST 22@. BEAUTIFUL HOLLYBUHN RIDGE IUest Vancouver's ilIountain Playground STOCK MUST BE CLEARED BEFORE END OF JANUARY ;ll Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Seymour 8894 579 Dunsmuir St. Vancouver L.'M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial Agents Stocks, Bonclsr Investments